Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 799: Invite the exorcist

With the silver coin, Helen returned home a little uneasy.

After explaining to his family, he went to the bedroom, changed into pajamas, and put the silver coin in his hand with a slightly warm feeling in his arms. I stuffed the silver coins in, and then hung the sachet that should have been hanging around my waist directly around my neck as a pendant, and then I was a little relieved and lay on the bed.

Because he was awakened by a nightmare again last night, he is actually quite tired now. Not long after lying in bed, he fell asleep.

This time, after only a short sleep, he dreamed again.

It was still sunny at noon, and the whole family was still eating together, but when he looked at the mirror uneasily, he found that the mirror was blurry and could not reflect any scene.

Helen felt relieved, and then the dream changed. After lunch, everyone was busy. He hesitated and walked towards the mirror, wanting to take a closer look at the situation inside the mirror. Unexpectedly, before walking in front of the mirror, the dream changed again, but he came to a small farm in the countryside and was urging the tenant farmers to cultivate in the fields.

"Ah? Why is this happening?" Helen wondered for a while, riding a horse that came from nowhere, and ran towards Mutter Town.

The things in the dream have no rigorous logic, and there is no clear time. After a while, he returned to the town home. As soon as I entered the door, I looked up and found that the mirror that was supposed to be hanging in the living room was gone.

"Run?" Helen thought subconsciously, then couldn't help but laugh.

This smile wakes up.

After waking up, he only felt refreshed, and the whole person was much more energetic.

After thinking about it for a while, he didn't even change his clothes, and ran towards the living room, and soon came to the hanging mirror.

Helen looked at the mirror, and there was no difference in the mirror from usual, and there was no difference at all.

He still didn't give up, reached out and grabbed the mirror, looked back and forth several times, checked it carefully, and even spared every decorative pattern, but he couldn't see any problems.

Finally, he finally let go of the mirror helplessly, shook his head and left.

"What's going on with you these past few days?" At lunch, seeing that he was in better spirits, his wife finally said the question she had been wanting to ask for the past few days.

Helen smiled and gave a detailed introduction to the cause and effect of the encounter these days, especially emphasizing the unique appearance of the Master Xiong and his unexpected solution to the problem.

However, the family's attention is another problem.

"Wait! Does Master Xiong mean that the problem you are encountering is not just a nightmare?" The mother interrupted him and asked worriedly, "He has hinted to you more than once?"

Helen paused for a few seconds, smiled reluctantly, and said, "But I think as long as the nightmare is resolved, everything else will be discussed..."

"No! It must be solved completely!" The always serious old Mr. Li'an frowned and said, "Wait, I will visit this Master Xiong with you, and invite him to come to our house. No matter whether there are any problems, in short Ask him to come, we can really rest assured!"

"Father, if you invite him to come, I'm afraid you will have to pay a lot of money!"

"People were confident before that they wouldn't take your money, but they were sure that you would definitely go to him in the future." Father sneered and said, "Exorcists are not fools. They can even fight all kinds of monsters and monsters. The little guy is still playing tricks with them?"

He sighed and said, "Little Helen, you are still young and inexperienced. Dad told you that when you meet someone who is capable in the future, don't play tricks with them. Just tell me what to do and do what you want. You know, people who have the ability often have a temper, and provoking them is actually similar to provoking demons and ghosts. This time you are lucky, you will encounter a disgusting and kind-hearted person. If you are not lucky... Now the trouble will be big. !"

These words made Helen's face turn red and white for a while, and finally bowed her head in shame.

About an hour later, Li'an and his son in formal suits came to the tavern and saw Panda and others sitting in the corner.

The negotiation went smoothly, nothing special to mention. Li'an's father and son corrected their attitude and lowered their figure. Panda and others did not care about their previous small calculations. There is goodwill on both sides, and naturally there is no conflict.

Then, Panda and the others went to Li'an's house with Li'an and his son.

As a knight, the Li'an family is considered a noble after all. It is still somewhat decent. Although the house is old, it is kept quite neat and tidy. Five male and female servants are diligently cleaning it every day, and regular repairs replace those wood that have problems. As long as there is no problem with the family, a house like this can last for more than 500 years for a long time.

Of course, it is not easy for a family to maintain prosperity for five hundred years. The world of power and wealth is far more complex and dangerous than the world of wood and architecture.

Panda and the others just walked to the door when Alfion stopped.

"There are evil spirits in this room," she said in an ethereal voice.

This wonderful voice was a new skill she acquired after changing jobs, and it was called "Voice of God". Any creature who hears this sound must pass a Will check. If it fails, it will feel that the sound is very ethereal, with a sense of detachment that does not exist in this world. Even if it passes the Will check, it will not make people disgusted like ordinary charm skills.

Oh, strictly speaking, with the profession of "Evil God", she can barely be regarded as a "God". Although the level is a little lower, as the saying goes, don't treat the bean bag as dry food, even if it is only a first-level Cthulhu, That's God too...

Hearing the words of "Scholar Fei", Li'an and his son were shocked, but they were not surprised. Mr. Li'an was quite calm, but Helen couldn't help but ask, " there any way to drive away the evil spirits?"

" will only be known after meeting." Panda said with a smile, "but don't worry too much, this evil spirit doesn't look like that kind of particularly ferocious, maybe we can discuss it and make things peaceful. Resolve - In my personal experience, being able to resolve issues peacefully can generally avoid future troubles to the greatest extent possible."

Li'an and his son nodded again and again, and they didn't want exorcists and evil spirits to fight in their own homes. Judging by the figure of this Master Xiong, he knew that if he fought an evil spirit, there would be a lot of movement. It's fine if it only damages some furniture, but if there is damage to the building, the cost is too high.

The three pandas entered the door under the leadership of Li'an and his son, and saw the mirror hanging at the door at a glance.

So the panda laughed.

On the mirror, a black gas is slowly rising and falling, like breathing.

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