Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 817: soaring rage

In the dark space inside the circus, a magic circle of considerable size is taking shape.

With the paladin the panda as the central core, the evil **** Alfin with almost infinite magic power acts as the energy source, the magic circle master Eric acts as the regulating valve, and together with dozens of runestones floating in the air, a complete set of large scales is formed. Magic Array.

This magic circle continuously draws magic power from Alfin, and then the structure composed of four transformation runes is converted into pure magic power, which is passed to the panda, who is responsible for converting it into divine power, and then through six sets of enlarged structures, transforming into pure magic power. into a huge formation floating in the air.

In a gloomy and deep darkness, a circle of sacred and vast light slowly revolves, and each time it rotates, it becomes brighter and wider. After turning twenty or thirty laps, a huge area with a diameter of more than 20 meters has been spread out, forcing the heart-pounding darkness to retreat, gradually showing a posture of anti-customer-oriented.

In the magic circle, Eric was sweating profusely.

He is the most tired person here because he is responsible for fine-tuning all the structures in time to make sure they are stable.

Being in charge of seven sets of magic structures at one time is an extremely heavy burden even for a magic circle master. But he can only do it alone, because Loma doesn't understand magic circles at all - this golden dwarf has a lot of magic power, but although the dwarf spell is also called "rune", it is completely different from the magician's "rune". .

All Loma can do is walk around with a battle axe, always on the lookout for any enemy that might come. But seeing his golden armor and golden beard and hair, his whole body is like pouring gold, and he is really majestic and murderous.

However, there was no enemy attacking at all, which made his mighty and murderous aura useless. Although he had been walking around, he became more and more embarrassed as he walked, and he felt as if he was superfluous.

He wanted to chat with everyone, but seeing that everyone was busy, he was really embarrassed to speak. I want to use private chat to harass the friends over there in the West Land World, count the time, it should be late at night there, and I'm embarrassed to disturb other people's sleep.

It is estimated that there are not many people who are not sleeping at this time. Locke Dracula must be counted as one. However, they are definitely busy with work, not calculating the distribution of materials and manpower in various villages and towns, or preparing for the night school. Even if he is not busy with official business, he is mostly trying to repair and strengthen the "city of sinners" - since this thing came in handy during the last Irantz War of Independence, he is consciously changing the direction of this treasure. . It is said that he planned to turn this castle, which was originally used as a support, into a position where he could trap the enemy, with the goal of trapping a strong man like the Juggernaut for a day or so.

Except for "Luo does not sleep", several night owls of the necromancy and demons should not have slept. But most of these night owls have gone out to level up. If they want to chat, he can only find Alice, the devil who is sensitive and can't go out.

So, he looked for Alice.

But embarrassingly, Alice ignored him.

[The No. 1 Broken Mouth King on the Earth: Are you there? 】

[Devil squatting at home: I'm busy here, I'll talk to you tomorrow, hang up, 88. 】

This is so embarrassing!

Loma sighed deeply, and was thinking about who else to look for, when the corner of his eye suddenly saw a faint flash of someone.

He suddenly regained his senses, and rushed over viciously like a shark that smelled fishy, ​​without talking nonsense, he swung the axe and chopped at the head.

The golden battle axe, with the whistling sound of the wind, fell towards the figure who was swept out of the darkness by the light of the magic circle, but when it was about to fall on the opponent's head, it slanted suddenly and smashed into the air.

Loma coughed twice, shook his wrist that was almost dislocated because he temporarily changed the direction of the attack, and said softly to the little girl who appeared in the dark: "Little sister, why did you come here alone? It's very dangerous. !"

The little girl was about eleven or twelve years old, with a thin body and carrying a small package. She was thin and gaunt, and at a glance she knew that she was usually malnourished. Her clothes were in tatters, barely covering her body. There were marks of frostbite on her face and hands, and her cheeks had an abnormal light red. However, she has very beautiful blond hair, and Loma thinks that if she takes good care of her, she can go all over the world to shoot shampoo advertisements with this blond hair.

Although Loma is fierce, he still can't deal with such a poor child. So the axe reached the top of the opponent's head and hurriedly changed direction. The little girl was all right, but he almost got hurt.

Facing his question, the little girl hesitated for a while, then reached into the package and took out a box of matches.

"Sir, would you like to buy a match?" she asked timidly.

Loma was startled, and immediately understood, looked down at her feet, and sure enough, one of the two feet was wearing significantly larger slippers, and the other was naked.

He subconsciously raised the axe and chopped it, but looking at the little girl in front of him, who was naked and scrawny, looking at the timid but hopeful light in her eyes, he held the handle of the axe with his right hand. He couldn't lift it up, as if the axe he was used to was weighing thousands of pounds. The sudden heaviness was like a big hand, tightly pinching his heart and lungs, making him feel that he could not help breathing.

His silence and staring were regarded as dissatisfaction by the little girl. She couldn't help but tremble a little, probably because she was afraid, but she finally gathered up her courage and whispered, "It's cheap, only one copper coin per box."

Loma couldn't bear it any longer, and punched him hard in the face. This punch made him dizzy, and even his teeth loosened, but it made him feel much better.

Knowing exactly what was in front of him, he still put away the battle axe and took out a large amount of gold coins: "How many matches do you have? Sell them to me!"

"This... what is this?" The little girl looked at the golden coins in his hand in surprise, "I've never seen money like this..."

She has never even seen gold coins!

Loma gritted his teeth again, forced himself to calm down, and said as calmly as possible: "This is money, gold coins. One such gold coin can be exchanged for a hundred copper coins."

The little girl was taken aback: "Too many! I don't have that many matches..."

Loma grabbed the package without saying a word, poured out all the matches inside, and then stuffed all the gold coins into it. He shoved a handful, but he didn't think it was enough, so he shoved another, and finally just stuffed the small package full of gold coins.

As a result, he was about to hand the small package to the other party, but only heard a "thorn" sound. The old cloth package could not bear the weight of so many gold coins and was torn in half. The golden coins fell one after another, and the tinkling tinkled all over the floor.

The little girl was at a loss, not knowing what to do, and tears welled up in her eyes.

Loma was even more heartbroken. He found a piece of leather from the item bar. With brute force, he twisted and softened the hard leather that was supposed to be used to make armor, made a piece of furoshiki, and then rolled it toward the ground. Full of golden light.

He **** the temporary "leather bag" and handed it to the other party: "Go home, use the money to buy something delicious and drink, the family can live a good life, and don't come out to sell matches!"

The little girl stretched out her hand hesitantly and took the package full of gold coins, but her tiny body didn't have the strength to lift it, and she stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

Loma hurriedly supported her and asked worriedly, "What's wrong with you? Are you injured?"

"'s fine." The little girl didn't raise her head, her shoulders trembled slightly, " are a good person!"

Loma gave a wry smile, wondering if he had received a good person card.

(It shouldn't be counted, underage girls, haven't issued the right to issue cards yet! I'm not a perverted lo*ic*n!)

Just when he was thinking about this serious question, he heard the sob of the little girl: "But... it's too late..."

Loma was startled, but found that the weight on his arms quickly decreased, and the little girl's body became transparent, and it seemed to gradually dissipate.

He hurriedly picked up the little girl, didn't bother to pay attention to the gold coins and matches on the ground, and hurriedly ran towards the pandas.

"Panda! Hurry up and save people!" he yelled, "Human life is at stake!"

Panda and the others were stunned for a moment, and they had to stop the magic circle when they saw him rushing towards him. Eric couldn't help but ask, "Loma, what are you doing here with a rag and a pile of ashes?"

"Yeah, I don't know the resurrection technique. Even with the resurrection technique, there is no way to turn a pile of ashes back into a living person..."

If Loma was struck by lightning, he looked down and saw that the little girl who was originally in his arms had disappeared, only the tattered clothes, which contained a pile of gray ashes, and several severed bones could be clearly seen. , you can also see some teeth mixed in.

The little girl who was timidly selling matches to him just now had only this pile of ashes left.

Loma's body trembled, he carefully collected the pile of ashes, and then took out his battle axe.

Using his mind to open the skill panel, he called out a set of skills that had been preset but never used.

(First, Rage!)

A terrifying murderous aura rose from his body. This murderous aura was brilliant, but it burned like a flame. Looking closely, the flame-like murderous aura was emanating from his eyes, and his eyes turned into two golden balls. Flames, jumping violently, burning.

(And then, the enemy of the oath!)

"I swear!" he whispered grimly, "to fight against the evil spirit 'Dancing Little Doll', never to die!"

A golden light spread from his chest, covering his battle axe. The original simple style of the battle axe was severely deformed.

(And then, a full blow!)

"I swear!" he exclaimed through gritted teeth. "In the next attack, do your best without reservation!"

(Next, King of the Hill!)

The golden light retracted his body, he put away the armor, the originally short and sturdy body suddenly became larger, and finally even became taller than the panda.

(Next, the gods descend to earth!)

Golden flames ignited on his hair and beard, and countless golden spots of light kept falling like embers of a flame. Endless power emanated from his body, gusting winds, and the vast golden light around him, making the gloomy darkness keep retreating, and even the panda and others were forced to retreat several steps by this momentum.

(Finally, the death blow!)

"I swear!" He raised his eyebrows and let out a hoarse roar, "Bastard! Either you die today, or I die!"

As he said that, he raised his battle axe high, jumped up, and slashed down towards the darkness that seemed to be empty.

Tearing, explosions, screams, whines...

The circus tent in the corner of the square exploded, and a golden beam of light shot into the sky.

In the beam of light, Loma, whose body gradually faded away, gasped heavily and looked back at Panda and the others.

He opened his mouth and made a "sorry" appearance, but he was unable to speak, and his whole body turned into a golden light spot and disappeared in a flash.

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