Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 818: regret and doubt

In the castle guild hall, Loma's figure emerged.

Leaning on the guild crystal tiredly, he sat on the ground without saying a word, staring blankly at the bag of ashes in the item column.

[The ashes of a young girl: The story of "the little girl who sells matches" has ended. After all, the kind hero is too late, and everything is irreversible. The ill-fated girl has turned into a pile of ashes. In the dead of night, she could vaguely hear her tender voice hawking matches and her tearful thanks. 】

[Type: Amulet. Equipment location: Item bar. Bound character: Horus (Loma Bronzebeard). Do not break, do not abandon, do not use, do not steal]

[Special effects: 1. Maiden's Blessing, the bearer's evil fire attribute damage is reduced by 50%, and evil or fire damage is reduced by 10%; 2. The girl's poverty, the holder's ability to obtain money is reduced; 3. The girl's fairy tale , the holder is easy to get the goodwill of children. 】

Equipment is good equipment. Although there is a negative effect, it can be roughly equal to nothing - the "Poverty Oath" is issued in the passer-by, and there are people who don't have a copper on their bodies, so they still can't live the same life. It's nothing more than usually playing the wild by himself, and the greedy worms come up to find friends to eat and drink. And its two positive effects are very good, especially the first effect, which is quite powerful.

The most rare thing is that this piece of equipment does not occupy the equipment position on the body, and it can take effect when placed in the item bar. Perhaps this is its biggest advantage.

But Loma didn't have the slightest joy in getting good equipment in his heart, he was just sad.

At this moment, the president Sanyu hurriedly ran into the guild hall.

Panda chatted with him privately just now, telling him that Loma was in a bit of trouble and might be in a bad mood, and asked him to take care of him. He got up immediately and ran to the resurrection point to check on Loma's condition.

Seeing Loma, who usually has a broken mouth and a vicious tongue, sitting there with a sullen face, he was startled, but he slowed down his pace, seemed to walk over casually, and asked lightly, "Why did you hang up?"

"Meet a powerful boss." Loma replied vaguely.

"There are still such powerful bosses in that world?" Sanyu was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Is it the geek in the Clock Tower?"

"No, it's probably a 'dancing puppet'."

Sanyu thought for a while, then frowned: "This guy has completed his evolution?"

Loma was stunned for a while, and after thinking for a while, he hurriedly opened the private chat channel and sent a message to Panda.

"Oops! That 'dancing puppet' is probably already evolved! My axe may not be able to kill it. Be careful, don't let it trick you!"

The panda, who was searching for clues in the dilapidated circus, was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly told his companions the news aloud. Eric and Alfion immediately came to his side, and the three reunited to ensure that they would not be plotted against.

It is said that with the strength of Loma, using the legendary skill and the "self-destruction axe" with full firepower to hit it, even the legendary powerhouse will be shit. Even if the "dancing puppet" evolves, it will still be fatal if it hits him with this axe. Even if the direction of its evolution belongs to the type of "God Turtle Good Continuation", which can be called a professional-level Gouba, at most, it is to turn a complete death into a half-dead, and it is already very remarkable to be able to survive in one breath.

Therefore, Panda and others are not really worried, but they are more cautious based on the idea of ​​"carefully sailing the ship for ten thousand years".

They searched carefully in the huge ruins, trying to find the trace of the BOSS. But after searching for a long time, I only found some worthless junk. As for the clues - several dry corpses, count?

There were no obvious scars on the bodies, just some inconspicuous bruises. The strangest thing is that their clothes are not damaged at all, and they don't know what means they used to kill people in this weird way.

The three looked at each other, and after a while, Eric said, "It seems that I can't find any valuable information, what should I do?"

"Anyway, this boss is disabled even if he doesn't die, so our mission is complete." Alfion said, "Tomorrow morning, just take these corpses to the king. If he thinks it doesn't matter, we will play him again tonight. A good show."

Panda frowned and looked around worriedly.

He always felt that there was something wrong with the atmosphere tonight, but he couldn't tell exactly what was wrong.

At this moment, they saw a magic light shoot from the palace to the sky.

"Is there a magician in this world?" Alfion asked in confusion.

Eric and Panda shook their heads together - although there are legends of magicians in this world, there are actually very, very few characters in the spellcasting department. Even some scholars and exorcists who know spells are absolutely impossible to cast such powerful spells.

They could see it at a glance, the light just now was definitely the aftermath of a high-level spell.

"Let's go! Go to the palace to see!" Panda quickly made up his mind, "No matter what's going on, let's find out."

...Let's go back a little bit and see what happened in the palace some time ago.

When the strange evil spirits showed their ability to penetrate the wall, the guards of the palace finally could no longer hold the battle line, their morale collapsed, and they ran away screaming.

In the chaos, the king hurried to the vicinity of the clock tower with his family and cronies.

The bell tower of the capital of Cloda is a very special building. It is said that the bell tower already existed when the kingdom was not established. Later, when the palace was built, the bell tower was deliberately wrapped in the palace wall, which shows the importance attached to it.

However, the bell tower is usually closed. Whoever it is, not only is not allowed to enter the bell tower, but even the surrounding walls are not allowed to approach.

It is said that since no one is near, the clock tower should be in disrepair for a long time. But in fact, not only is it not in any disrepair, but there are even people ringing the bell at noon and midnight every day.

Who is ringing the bell in the clock tower?

This question has always plagued the people in the palace. Over the years, people have sneaked into the clock tower more than once to investigate, but everyone has never returned.

If it weren't for the terrifying evil spirit that attacked tonight, no one would dare to approach it.

Even with the threat of evil spirits, when the king ordered to go to the clock tower, many people ran away quietly. When they finally arrived at the clock tower, there were only about thirty people left in the team.

The king looked at the sparse team, sighed, and didn't blame anyone. He only told everyone not to approach the gate of the clock tower, and sat down with their backs to the gate.

In the past, he would never do such a demeaning thing, but today, he really can't care about it.

Cries and various chaotic sounds continued to sound, some went away, some fell silent. After a while, the surroundings of the clock tower had returned to silence.

All of them waited anxiously, waiting for hope or despair to come.

Then, just like those they were waiting for, one by one evil spirits penetrated the wall and came to them.

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