Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 831: Crossover 10th Anniversary Celebration

"Today is an important day, a day with historical significance, and a day to remember... Today, ten years ago, we came to this world. During these ten years, we have traveled south and north, fought east and west, fought evil, Helping kindness and maintaining world peace, he has made countless achievements and made a lot of prestige. In a blink of an eye, ten years have passed, and our cause has seen results, but our journey has only just begun. The future is still far away. It's still a long way to go, and we're going to keep going until the end of the world!"

"Sanyu Wumengsheng", the president of the "Reckless Crossing the Earth" trade union, raised his glass: "Our journey is the sea of ​​stars!"

The crowd cheered and toasted together.

"Cheers to the sea of ​​stars!"

"Cheers to the president's speech!"

"Cheers to our achievements!"

"To... in short, toast!"

Amidst the laughter, the tenth anniversary celebration of Time Travel kicked off.

In fact, the scale of this celebration is not large, only the traversers are participating in the celebration, and among the traversers, there are still a large number of people whose whereabouts are still unknown. The rest of the people gathered in the castle restaurant, and even the entire restaurant was dissatisfied, just sitting in the first few rows.

Panda watched the cross talk between Wang Tuhao and Gugu Saburo on the stage, and poured himself a glass of wine with a smile. Before he could drink it, he heard Alice's voice not far away.

"By the way, do we count as the first three rows of the collective?"

The sip of wine he had just brought to his mouth spurted out, and when he turned to look, he saw that several people were just like him, and many people were choking and coughing.

"Big sister, is it a joke to say 'the first three rows'!" Someone couldn't help shouting, "Be careful, be careful!"

"What's there to 'speak carefully'?" Alice said nonchalantly, "Not to mention our status, we deserve this title."

Looking at each other, Yuneruo suddenly said: "You are wrong, in terms of our current status, we are not the 'first three rows', but the 'first row' - among the people here, only There are two kings, and there are several others equivalent to this level, which are all standard 'first row' configurations. As for the others... everyone's status is equal, since we are the first row, we all It's all first row, no difference."

Alice gave him a thumbs up: "As expected of a big guy who built a kingdom from scratch, this is a really confident statement!"

"That's it for confidence or something." Yunero smiled, "Actually, doesn't our confidence come from ourselves? If we were alone in this world, with no companions and no friends, then we would still be able to Have today's achievements? Can I still have my current career? I don't know about other people's situations, but at least I can't do it for sure."

(Probably some...)

Panda thought so, and looked at Aiwei Yin, the man who was drinking by himself in the seat next to him.

Unlike Yuneruo, Liu Daoqing, Anthony, Locke, Jian Shisan, Yiluo, etc., she really relied on her own ability to single-handedly united the tribe of people and horses on the prairie and became the leader of one party.

It is said that she also intends to integrate various tribes to compete for the status of the supreme "Great Khan" among the orcs, and achieve an achievement comparable to the emperor on earth.

Perhaps, she is the most capable person among the transmigrants.

But she usually doesn't show the mountains and waters. When she occasionally participates in activities, she rarely speaks, and most of the time she just does things silently. She seldom even mentioned anything about the orcs, as if nothing was worth mentioning.

(Perhaps, she is holding back and wants to make a big move?)

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile.

The cross talk on the stage was quickly finished. Wang Tuhao and Gugu Saburo are indeed powerful characters. One is handsome and the other is cheap. The two completely different styles complement each other, which greatly increases the sense of joy.

Then singing and dancing, then recitation, and then magic.

Magic, not magic.

Among the traversers, many people know magic, but magic and magic are two completely different things. Alice, who performed magic, first set up an anti-magic stand, then walked into it, and performed several tricks similar to spells one after another, which made people dazzled.

"It's really amazing!" Sanyu couldn't help but praise, "How long have you been practicing?"

"Almost ten years." Alice said lightly, "I practiced this when I had nothing to do, and before I knew it, I practiced it."

Everyone applauded, and some couldn't help but frown.

"Maybe we should arrange for her to go to the Mad God World to relax?" Alfion said to Sanyu in a private chat, "I'm afraid her current mental state is not very good."

"Crazy God World? Are you sure it won't be discovered by heaven or hell?"

"I'm sure not, I've tried there more than once." Alphin said with certainty, "Besides, even if it is discovered, it doesn't matter, the world has a total population of about a thousand people, and it's a big deal to move out. "

Sanyu nodded and accepted the suggestion: "You're right! If that's the case, then it's better to arrange for the necromancer, the demon, and all those who are usually inconvenient to go out there to relax..."

"That's really going to be a dance of demons." Alfion couldn't help laughing, "But, it sounds very interesting..."

"Actually, you can also consider going to the world of 'doomsday panic'." Sanyu thought for a while, and then said, "Anyway, the world is full of natural and man-made disasters, and I don't care about adding a little bit. Even if heaven and **** pay attention to that world, they will also There is no way to find clues in the chaos."

"I'm afraid it won't work... Panda is presiding over the escape of the inhabitants of that world. If there is another fight between heaven and **** over there, he's afraid that he will get angry..."

Sanyu thought about it, and asked Panda in a private chat.

Sure enough, just like what Alphin said, the panda immediately refused, and there was no negotiation at all.

"Are you crazy! The people in that world are already unlucky enough, you still want to attract demons and angels to fight over there?" He couldn't help but get a little angry, "Don't take human life as a joke, okay! This joke It's not funny at all!"

Sanyu was silent for a while and said, "Panda, do you need to rest for a while?"

"how do I say this?"

"I think you've been under a lot of pressure in the last couple of months... Is your job over there putting too much burden on you?"

Panda completely sneered at this: "I'm not under a lot of pressure at all. Although there are people over there who die every day before they can be saved, I have no responsibility for them. Will you put pressure on yourself?"

"If your hand holding the wine glass doesn't tremble when you say this, then it's barely persuasive."

Panda was stunned for a moment, put down the wine glass, ignored Sanyu's words, and patted Liu Daoqing next to him on the shoulder: "Let's go, it's time for us to perform on stage."

"Oh? Don't we have to wait a few more shows before it's our turn?"

"I seem to be drinking a little too much. I'm still on stage before I get drunk, so I don't forget the words later."

After a while, Panda and Liu Daoqing changed their clothes and hurried onto the stage.

"Captain, don't shoot, it's me!" Panda looked upright, but he was dressed like a shriveled man, and shouted in a disgusting head. Not far from him, Liu Daoqing had a wretched face, but he was dressed in a decent attire and shook his hair with his hands, making him look handsome and cool.

The audience laughed.

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