Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 832: doomsday panic

The earth vibrated with the roar, and the once thick and stable ground and indestructible rock disks were split open, revealing huge cracks like wounds. In the many cracks, gray black smoke is constantly overflowing, as if it is a demon from hell, which is frightening.

The crowd was crying and scrambling to run. Almost everyone threw away their restraint and ran desperately, running along a luminous road on the ground, running without stopping.

All refugees can only walk, no exceptions. There was a knight who tried to run on horseback before, but just as his horse rushed up the luminous road, he saw a cold light falling from the sky, and the man and the horse were split into four pieces and kicked out.

Leaning on his sword, the panda stood on the floating magic carpet, staring at the fleeing team with terrifyingly cold eyes, and his voice echoed in the air like thunder.

"Those who take advantage of the opportunity to commit crimes, kill! Those who disrupt the order, kill! Those who don't obey orders, kill!"

The cold word "kill" echoed in the crowd with terrifying persuasive power. But unexpectedly achieved good results, prompting the crowd to gradually restore order.

In the process, more than a hundred people died under his sword. Among them are nobles who have always been arrogant and arrogant, combat experts with arrogance and courage, and innocent people who are just dazed.

No matter who, as long as they do not obey the command, as long as there are signs of disrupting the escape order, the panda will mercilessly strike.

He was not such a ruthless person originally, but after more than a year of tempering, he has understood the truth of "kindness does not lead the army". Even if he couldn't fully accept it in his heart, he had to be able to be ruthless when needed.

The world of "doomsday panic" is a dangerous world with frequent disasters. When playing the game, this event allowed players to flee in a series of disasters, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, mudslides, avalanches, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions... It's almost like the end of the world.

When the traversers discovered and came to this world, they finally felt "powerless" for the first time.

In the face of Hehe Tianwei, even if they did their best, they could not eliminate the huge disaster, and could only save some people as much as possible. Every time a disaster strikes, all they can do is stabilize the situation, evacuate people, flee with large groups of refugees, and then help them rebuild their homes.

Beginning in the year 785 of the mainland calendar, for more than a year, including pandas, most of the traversers spent their time and energy saving the world that suffered frequent disasters. They tried their best to detect disasters in advance, tried their best to prevent or at least mitigate them, and at the same time, once they saw the signs, they immediately started to prepare for emergency evacuation, so as not to wait for the disaster to be in a hurry...

After more than a year of training, in addition to a lot of growth in experience, everyone's self-perceived political ability has improved significantly. If you replace their attributes with some strategy games, probably everyone already has 70+ "political" attributes, even if they can't be "famous officials", at least they have reached the level of "capable officials".

But the more it is like this, the more heavy everyone's heart is.

Natural disasters are really terrible!

The force of the passers-by is almost useless in the face of powerful natural disasters. For example, in the case of floods caused by heavy rains, even if Liu Daoqing and a dozen other people with weather-related abilities acted together, they would not be able to ease the heavy rain that seemed like a hole in the sky—and this is already the best way for traversers. A natural disaster that can be eliminated to the greatest extent possible.

When it comes to earthquakes and volcanoes, they can't do anything at all.

In the past year or so, the people who have grown the most are the pandas and other people who presided over the evacuation and refuge work.

This work is difficult, not only is it difficult in itself, but more importantly, it is full of frustration and powerlessness. Most traversers avoid it after doing it once or twice. They feel that since there is no way to save the disaster well, since there is no way to avoid the tragedy, they can at least ignore it - anyway, this world is worth it There are still many people to help, and there are still many things worth doing. There is no need to spend time and energy on things that will make you uncomfortable.

That is to say, stubborn people like pandas, who can't get over the barriers in their hearts, will go to preside over the evacuation work time and time again. In their work, they constantly have to make choices, find and take the means that can get the greatest effect, and give up some people in order to save more people.

In addition to their busy schedules, they often have discussions and reflect on what they have done during this time.

"When I first watched the anime, I always thought that 'killing people for the sake of saving people' was a stupid act. When I actually did it, I realized that this is the most effective method in the case of insufficient ability."

"Unconsciously, have we become people who regard human life as a number and measure it at both ends of the scale?"

"You are all the weak thoughts of young literary and artistic youths! We have saved a lot of people, is that not enough? As for not being perfect... We are not gods, and reality is not a game. It is better to do well than not to do well. Even if you can only save one, it is better to save one life than to build a seventh-level pagoda!"

"Maybe we can actually save more people..."

"Perhaps shit! All I know is that without our help, many more people would have died than now!"

It has to be said that it is indeed a good thing to have a group of partners fighting side by side.

If Panda was the only one, maybe he would be stubborn, or maybe he had already reached a point. But with partners discussing together and constantly exchanging ideas, we can avoid thinking in misunderstandings and getting into dead ends.

Although he is still distressed because he always sacrifices some people and can't save everyone, and is depressed because of his lack of strength. But he was finally able to accept such a result, instead of regretting and sighing for those sacrifices, and cheered up to face the next challenge.

In the past year or so, he feels that he has grown a lot.

And after more than a year of busyness, the travelers have finally finalized the arrangement for the "doomsday panic" world.

Great Migration!

The world with frequent natural disasters is really not suitable for people to live and work in peace and contentment. So they decided to migrate the people of that world as much as possible, and migrated to the Western World to settle down.

In the Western Land World, the traversers control several territories, which add up to more than half of China. Although it is limited to the level of productivity and the population that can be supported by the land is limited, if you want to migrate the residents of the doomsday panic world, you should Not much of a problem.

After all, most of the places they control are vast and sparsely populated and are in need of population replenishment.

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