Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 852: The blue thread on the road leads to the opening of the mountains and forests

Aaron Igor Kunzlin is one of the traversers who have not been recovered until now.

Several years have passed since the original Big Bang. Most of the traversers living in different worlds have escaped the seal. Some of them chose to commit suicide and return to the city, while others chose to live in a different world after having private chats with everyone. With their own abilities, they lived well.

At present, there are only less than twenty traversers who are still in a "disconnected" state, and Aaron is one of them.

Although he is gone, the legacy he left (it seems inappropriate to say so?) still plays a role. For example, a warehouse supervisor of the logistics department of the Sea Dragon Kingdom is Yuneruo who brought it back from his laboratory. of.

It was a strange creature that was clearly a slime, but looked similar to a human girl. Her intelligence is about the same as that of a ten-year-old child, not low, but not high. Incompetent for overly complex work, but with amazing patience and meticulousness, it's a good fit for a warehouse manager. And she has an excellent memory, which can be said to be unforgettable. She manages the warehouse without even having to do account books.

After this little slime girl named "Wendy" by Aaron became the chief treasurer of the Sea Dragon Kingdom, she asked everyone for help to find a lot of slimes. For these "similars", she did not have the slightest pity, she directly swallowed them, and then a large light green "carpet" like grass was derived from her feet, covering the entire treasury with a large area of ​​surrounding land.

"Well, although I can't stop others, no matter who comes over, I can find out." She said so.

The transmigrators were stunned, but they didn't expect her to have this ability.

Although the combat power is not enough, this ability is really suitable for viewing warehouses!

Wendy is not only the warehouse manager of the Sea Dragon Kingdom, but also the heir to Aaron's legacy (ahem). She knew all about the inexplicable or creepy things in Aaron's lab. She could not only tell their functions and research directions, but also roughly reconstruct their research process.

Among these achievements, the most important is "Resource Slime Version 1.5".

Aaron originally invented two special slimes, one can decompose and recombine various organic substances to create nutritious gummy sticky blocks, which can be used as food; the other can purify various sewage and make clean fresh water. These two kinds of slimes were widely cultivated by him in the world of Mad God, and they constantly transformed the natural environment with their amazing adaptability. Although the speed is not very fast, but over time, sooner or later, the world of the mad **** can be turned into a normal green mountains and green waters.

After returning from the Mad God World, Aaron has been working on a "universal" slime that has both abilities, which is what he named the "resource-based slime".

He originally planned to create wonderful creatures that could convert any organic matter into inorganic matter, and then combine inorganic matter into organic matter. According to his plan, as long as this slime research is successful, people all over the world can say goodbye to hunger and cold forever. And thirst—as long as they can accept the fact that the slime's food, clothing, and shelter come from the weird situation, none of this is a problem.

But it is not easy to make such a slime, until he was sealed for participating in the battle against the Thracian palace, and he also completed the trial product of version 1.5.

Resource slimes in version 1.0 must be based on dirt, while in version 1.5 they can grow on seawater and sunlight. Its dark green body can photosynthesize like a plant, growing edible colloids, and its semi-permeable body can filter seawater into concentrated salt water and fresh water.

At first glance, it seems to have met the most basic needs, but in fact it has a huge flaw - inefficiency in production.

This slime can indeed produce fresh water and salt on barren islands - drying the concentrated salt water it produces can get coarse sea salt, and then wash the coarse sea salt in the concentrated salt water, and the concentration reaches Extreme brine can't dissolve any more salt, but impurities will dissolve in, so that after a simple filtration, you can get good table salt.

Pandas have already experimented, and this method is indeed feasible. If the construction of Longweijiandao is successful in the future, edible salt may become a good product. Although there is no shortage of salt in places near the sea, high-quality edible salt is definitely better than drying. Coarse salt obtained from dry seawater is popular. This business may not make a lot of money, but it is much more reassuring than simply relying on port transit.

Of course, the main industry of Longweijiandao in the future will definitely be the transit port, and a lot of money can be made just by supplying the ships passing by here. With this island, ships from the Sea Dragon Islands to the Seagull Islands can save a lot of voyages, so they only need to carry about ten days of supplies—if they don’t use this island for supplies, they need to prepare for about twenty days of drinking water.

Ten days or so of sustenance for the entire ship is not a small amount. For the merchants who make a profit for every load, this is obviously worth fighting for. Moreover, the weather in the South China Sea is hot, and ten days is good. If you sail on the sea for twenty consecutive days without getting supplies, the taste of those foods will definitely drive people crazy.

Panda once tasted food and drinking water for about ten days of continuous sailing, and that was on his way from Molai Port to the northern part of the South China Sea Islands by boat. The smell left a deep impression on him at the time, so much so that later he was very determined to bring out his own food to entertain the sailors... That kind of food, in his opinion, could almost force the sailors to rebel.

The group of routes from Mo to the South China Sea Islands is still slightly north, and the climate is not as hot as the route from the Hailong Islands to the Seagull Islands (assuming it is successful), but the food has only been stored for ten days. Farther south, food is kept in the cabin for twenty days...

The one who can complete this kind of voyage is definitely a big man at the level of Magellan and Columbus!

No, once or twice is enough, if there are too many times, Magellan and Columbus will be killed by sailors, okay?

Even if they don't get killed by the sailors, they might kill themselves because they can't stand this **** food...

So if this route is really successful, the status of the supply port of Longwei Jiandao must be very important, there is no doubt.

The only problem Panda faces is how to build Longweijian Island into a supply port?

Looking at the empty and barren islands with nothing, and looking at the resource slimes lying on the beach and working slowly, Panda couldn't help shaking his head and smiled.

"This kind of feeling of starting from nothing is not bad." He said to himself, "It's also very pleasant to start from scratch!"

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