Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 853: botanical man

It is entirely a whim to come to Longwei Jiandao for development.

Recently, Panda has been a little bored. He is engaged in civil affairs in the Sea Dragon Kingdom, mainly responsible for dealing with the lizard people, and these core citizens of the Sea Dragon Kingdom... alas!

The first impression these guys give is that they are stupid!

Panda has seen a lot of idiots, and one of his senior brothers is a recognized idiot who can only practice stupid kung fu. Although the foundation is solid, the actual application is completely messed up, and people are always crushed by IQ in the ring. As a result, I later switched to bodybuilding, but instead came up with some tricks - bodybuilding only needs to train the muscles well and set the posture well. This requires persistent hard work and excellent innate conditions, but it has nothing to do with intelligence. Significant requirements.

Because of that senior brother, Panda is very opposed to taking people by intelligence. He feels that even a fool can achieve something as long as he can find the right direction. This is even more true after he watched the movie "Forrest Gump". Sure.

However, the group of lizardmen in the Sea Dragon Kingdom really made him have to doubt his usual thoughts.

These guys are not only stupid, but also reluctant to use their brains. In addition to the daily necessities of life, the rest of their thinking is as simple as the weeds in the field. The wind blows, slams, slams... and only slams are left.

So, here comes the second question.

The second question is - if these lizardmen are regarded as weeds in the field, then what is their "crashing"? It is "Long Live Your Majesty Yunero".

Well, this is it.

To what extent exactly? I can try to explain it with Yunero's own complaints.

"They don't care if what I say makes sense, they don't even think about it, they just know what I say, and they scream like crazy, and then they do it - really, they don't think about me at all Is it right? They don't consider the feasibility of my order. They only care about 'Ah, what did your majesty say?'... The rest? There's nothing left! That's all they have in their minds!"

If someone like Han Feizi encountered such a situation, they would probably dance with excitement and shout, "This is my ideal commoner!"

However, Yuneruo is not Han Feizi.

If someone like Adolf the Beard were in this situation, they would probably sing and dance happily, shouting: "The brilliance of my Great Germany is destined to cover the whole world!"

However, Yuneruo didn't intend to give herself a moustache, nor did she want to be the protagonist of an online spoof video, performing programs such as "I'm Coming to Hebei Province", "Hey Stalin", "It's Great, Great".

So he just felt distressed.

The people are reluctant to think, but choose to blindly believe in him, blindly implement all his instructions, and let him think. This is both the glory of the ruler and the responsibility of the ruler.

This responsibility was too heavy, and Yunero felt that her shoulders were not strong enough to carry it.

Communicating with such people, Panda also feels "a lot of pressure".

So after he worked reluctantly for a period of time, he couldn't take it any longer. Taking advantage of his position, he found a leisurely job for himself.

Develop Dragon's Tail Point Island in preparation for the shipping route between the Sea Dragon Islands and the Seagull Islands.

This job can only be done by traversers, because if they want to survive on Dragon Tail Tip Island, which is completely devoid of supplies, only traversers who can carry a large amount of materials with the item bar and do not have to worry about the food spoilage can do it.

Moreover... the natural environment of Longweijian Island is very harsh. At noon during the day, if the sky is clear, it can be so hot that any stone on the ground can fry a steak - just put a steak on a washed flat stone, Drizzle a little oil and wait quietly for a while, and it will be fried until it is about three ripe and ready to eat.

As for fried eggs, that's no problem at all.

In fact, the day after he came to Longtou Island, Panda tried frying eggs and steaks on a stone, and when he was successful, he even showed it off in the chat channel.

[Panda Man: I successfully completed the legendary "Sun Fried Eggs" and "Sun Fried Steaks" on an island in the south. Interested friends are welcome to come to Longwei Jiandao to taste. 】

At that time, everyone was very curious, and many people really came here to taste it—mostly, they experimented with the feeling of frying eggs and frying steak on a stone that was scorched by the sun.

But after a gust of wind, everyone also left one after another, and only the panda remained here.

"That's not bad." Looking at the waves on the sea in the distance, the panda smiled and said, "Practicing martial arts, catching fish, and looking at the sea, this kind of life is also quite suitable for me."

His patience is admirable. More than one person asked him privately, "Don't you feel bored living alone on Longweijian Island?".

And the panda's answer is "it's not boring, it's good to have a quiet life once in a while".

So soon after, the panda got the title of a "plant man".

What does "botanical" mean? Generally speaking, it belongs to the enhanced version of "Buddha". The "Buddhist system" emphasizes that everything follows the fate, not obsessed or pursued. The "Plant Department" goes a step further, paying attention to not caring about anything, living alone in isolation, like a plant growing in the wild.

But pandas are not plants after all, and it is impossible for him to really become "plants".

After resting for about a month, he finally regained his energy and felt that he could take on some responsibilities again, and then threw away those real "plant-based" resource slimes - anyway, the caves that store water are all gone. Done, don't worry about wasting resources - go to Longtou Island and continue to be his civil administrator.

As a result, when he arrived at Longtou Island, he was caught by Yuneruo before he could devote himself to the vigorous construction business.

"What's the matter? When I went to Longwei Jiandao before, I asked you for leave." Panda asked suspiciously, "And I was also on official business. I was alone to develop a deserted island. You should give me a special allowance!"

"Don't mention that little thing!" Yuneruo dragged the panda and ran mysteriously to an unoccupied room, looked left and right for a while, and then took out some prying charms and stuck them on the wall, and then it was released. He said cautiously, "Panda, I think... You are a very reliable and thoughtful person, right?"

"Very reliable, I consider myself qualified; but very smart... not necessarily."

"It's enough to be reliable." Yunero nodded again and again, "Then, I have something I want to discuss with you and ask for your opinion."

"What's up?"

Yuneruo hesitated for a while before saying, "That...I'm thinking...I'll go to the Terrera Kingdom to ask for a kiss, and ask the king to marry the Princess Fesna to me, how about that?"

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