Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 871: If Qiu Chuji hadn't passed by Niujia Village back then...

In the following period of time, the atmosphere in the ancient country of Terrera was a little tense. From time to time, it was reported that the king's spies had discovered some evidence and "invited" a certain noble to inquire about it.

Among these nobles, most of them passed the test smoothly - if there is a complaint against the king, it is not a problem, as long as there is no actual action. And those who actually took action generally died in the first round of blows.

Although they were all frightened, and many were warned or ordered not to leave for the next five years, the temporary resident king was not allowed to leave for the next five years, but in any case, it was a relief that they were not killed or punished by the fief.

It is a little strange that His Majesty the King seems to have no interest in the traditional "fine" method. According to tradition, such nobles who are suspected of having problems, and many of them really have big or small problems, are all exempt from capital crimes - living crimes, mainly fines. However, King Zion Trera not only had no interest in this at all, but even gave an order for it.

[With regard to the punishment for the crime of "treason", there is no option of "fine"! 】

How should this be understood? From a good point of view, His Majesty the King is not greedy for money. This is really good news. A king who is not greedy for money is good for everyone - especially for those independent lords with small and medium titles. it is good. After all, if kings want to make money, they are often the first victims.

But from a bad point of view, His Majesty the King is ruthless. Once he wants to clean up you, no matter how much money he offers, he will never try to reduce the punishment. This news is a bit terrifying. The world of the nobles is not clean. Many nobles have committed crimes of all sizes, and there are only a handful of truly innocent nobles. This means that if His Majesty wants to clean up someone, he doesn't even need to make up charges, just collect them casually.

In the past, the nobles did not worry about this kind of thing, because for them, there is no problem in the world that cannot be solved by fines, if there is, it is more money to be fined.

But now, they have to worry about these things...

In this way, the authority of the king has naturally been greatly strengthened. Although the effect may only be temporary, at least until the aftermath of this incident is over, no one dares to disobey His Majesty Zion's orders, or play those passive resistance tricks.

The traversers who received the news were happy to see this. They didn’t mind the strengthening of Zion’s authority. On the contrary, they were very happy to see that the kingship of the Kingdom of Terrera was strengthened-this means that a piece of history will happen in the future. In major events, disasters and wars, the country's resistance can be greatly enhanced.

Democratic progress is a good thing, but it is a little extravagant for people who even have problems with survival. Travelers can rely on their own efforts to make people in the northern region live a better life, but they do not have the great desire to "benefit the world" - Locke has this idea, but according to the list he gave himself "List of life goals", even if everything goes well, it will take about two hundred years before he will start to promote the realization of this goal.

Someone laughed and said, "Two hundred years... From the time we travelled back two hundred years, the Jiaqing Emperor is still not dead. Your goal is far too far!"

And Locke replied: "If the process of history can really go so smoothly, of course I am very happy that I can do it without my own efforts."

Compared with the traversers, they hoped that someone would do it for them—for example, a smart, capable and rational king.

However, the current King of Zion is not yet qualified to receive such praise. Although in the eyes of the commoners, this king is really young and talented, but not to mention the transmigrators, even the nobles still have Many people doubt his ability.

More than one noble felt that Prince Zion's actions were because the old king was helping him with his ideas.

That old-fashioned looking guy is not a good thing! When he just took the throne, he used a crime of corruption as an opportunity to make a big case of smuggling weapons to the lizard people in the Great Swamp. As a result, more than a dozen noble families almost went bankrupt, and some people have not even been able to recover. vitality.

For ordinary people, that was decades ago. But for the powerhouses who step into the high-level field and can live to be a hundred years old or even longer, that is not far away.

Now, what King Zion does is as if his father's style was in the past. It's just that compared to his father, this guy is more fierce and powerful.

... No matter who they are, with a group of old antiques from the Second Era or even earlier, they will be full of power.

Many great nobles often complained about the good luck of Prince Zion, and the good luck of the Terrera family-how did those immortal powerhouses like them? It just doesn't make sense!

Of course they couldn't know that the traversers supported the Terrera Kingdom, on the one hand, out of the inertia brought by playing the game at the beginning, and on the other hand, it was purely "teammates" to set off well.

Originally, they were likely to be scattered all over the place, each relying on different countries. But because Richard, a powerful enemy, jumped out, and because they wanted to fight against the Thracian kingdom, they united and stood on the side of the Terrera kingdom. After several large-scale battles, they finally won the victory.

By this time, most of them have turned the inertia brought from the game into reality and positioned themselves as Terrera people.

In fact, if there was no incident of the Thracian king conspiring for the Edward family's windfall, and even if the panda could successfully become a Thracian nobleman and obtain the territory of Wolf's Nest Lake, the traversers would probably develop together on both sides. The situation is absolutely Not so bad.

There is a famous saying on the Internet - it's all because Qiu Chuji passed by Niujia Village! Every bad thing starts there.

Applied to this world, in fact, this statement can also be true - it's all because of Richard's greed!

...Actually, until now, the traversers don't know that they have somehow wronged the dead ghost Richard.

Richard did have malicious intentions against the Edward family at the beginning, but at least he didn't intend to put it into practice immediately. The order he gave to the "Iron Prime Minister" was not to kill people and steal money, but to seek money - he even "generously" left one-tenth of the huge wealth to the Edward family.

However, the iron-blooded prime minister Leopold knew the character of his lord very well and had full confidence in the Edward family, so he screwed up and lost his life.

If the traversers knew the truth, they would probably say—Damn! Blame Leopold!

But who is to blame, it doesn't really matter anymore, everything has passed.

Except for Richard, Leopold and others who were "eliminated by the times", everyone must continue to move forward, and people must always look forward...

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