Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 872: Hidden Anthony

"Our caravan was rejected for trading!" Eric said in a deep voice, holding a stack of documents, "Judging from the current news, there should be many lords who have formed an alliance and want to target us. commercial means."

"Who gave them this courage? Liang Jingru?" Anthony put down the information at hand, rubbed his eyebrows, and said angrily, "What are they thinking?"

"God knows, it's hard for us normal people to lower our intelligence to the level of mental retardation." Eric smiled sarcastically, "What do you think we should do?"

"From my personal point of view, of course I want to kill them - I've been tired of dealing with documents every day these years, and they still jump out to make trouble! I don't feel comfortable if I don't kill them!" Anthony said first He gritted his teeth fiercely, and then sighed, "But... since you are doing business, you must talk about the rules of doing business, you can't do it like this!"

"What can't you do? Just ask Zion a favor," Eric said nonchalantly.

Anthony shook his head again and again: "That's not good. He has just swung a knife during this period of time. At least in two or three years, it is not suitable for a big fight."

"What are you helping him think about? He gets support from us, so he should help us do things!"

Anthony sighed: "Brother, be kind! He's really not suitable for making big moves right now. It's better for us to settle this matter ourselves."

Eric looked at him suspiciously: "Are you sure we have a way to settle it? Could it be that you plan to let everyone split up and go to the door to persuade them physically?"

Anthony shook his head: "Don't want our goods, it's their own loss. We can sell the share that should have been sold to them elsewhere."

He tapped the edge of the table with his fingers, and while thinking, he said slowly: "Our main products are three kinds, and the first big transaction is maltose (grass sugar), which can be sold to Molai, Molai here. In the past few years, the economy has recovered well, and we can eat as much sugar as we can. At most, our caravan has worked a little harder and walked through the golden desert in person - the profit will probably increase a lot in turn."

"In the Golden Desert, the streaking male Gerald is very powerful. He has now raised the 'Wolf Pack Leader' to almost level 70. He has seventy or eighty werewolves under him, and he has double the infection derivatives." The reputation of the naked bandits' group can be heard even from here. When the time comes, he will share some profits and let him lead the team through the desert, it should be no problem."

"The sugar problem is solved, but what about the grain and wine?" Eric asked.

"The problem of wine is more difficult to deal with. Our wine is relatively low-end. If it is shipped to Laika or Elanz, the transportation cost will be too high and the profit will be very small. Businessmen may not be willing to do this business. Not to mention food. , this thing is basically the limit of two hundred miles to transport, if the nearby lords don't buy them, we can only consider processing them into wine, or storing them."

"It is absolutely impossible to process it into wine!" Eric shook his head. "Our winery is already at full capacity. In order to avoid wasting manpower, it is not appropriate for us to open a new winery in a short period of time."

"Then there is only storage - if it really doesn't work, transport it to the castle for storage. Anyway, with the storage capacity of the castle warehouse, even if we store the surplus food for the next few decades, it will not be a problem at all."

Eric sighed: "That's all it can do... Then what about the wine?"

"There is no good way for now." Anthony thought for a while and said, "The only way I can think of is to cooperate with Locke to brew spirits and sell them to Prairie and Layton - but the demand there is not enough after all. Limited, unless we cut prices, it is unlikely to open up further sales..."

"Why don't you store the wine in the castle?" Eric asked.

"How is that possible! When you get the goods, you have to pay the owner of the goods! The food is not worth much anyway, and we can pay for it with our wealth. Wine is not cheap!" Anthony immediately seemed to be stepped on. He jumped up like his feet and shook his head again and again.

Eric was a little puzzled: "It's not much money... When I took inventory last month, we currently have more than 100,000 gold coins in working capital, which can support at least five or six years."

Anthony's eyes widened: "Hey! As a lord, not only can I make no money, but I have to pay for the winery by myself? I'm not a **!"

"What do you want money for?" Eric asked in confusion, "I need to do magic research, which is a little bit expensive, but you don't have any expenses at all. You eat from the lord's mansion, and you use public funds for food, clothing, housing, and transportation. No money!"

Anthony almost glared at him, and after a few seconds, he stammered: "I...I have to buy some gifts for my son..."

"Your son?" Eric was even more puzzled. "When did you have a son? You're not talking about Joseph Talahan's hard-working son, are you? What's his son's business with you? Do you really think you are? His father? Could it be that this is the otherworld version of 'Happy Daddy'?"

"Of course I have a son, my own!" Anthony couldn't help roaring. Fortunately, there was a soundproof barrier in the study, otherwise half of the earl's palace could hear his roar.

Eric touched his chin that he was over thirty but still couldn't open his beard, tilted his head, looked left and right, and smiled maliciously.

"Hehe, hehe, hehehe... You actually have a son? You've done a good job of keeping secrets! I don't even know if I don't! Did it happen during the 'Haitian Feast' before, or was it the result of hiding in a golden house outside? Haha! How about taking me to see him in a few days? Don't worry! I'll definitely have a gift ready, so you'll be satisfied!"

Anthony sighed deeply, deeply regretting his gaffe.

Eric is still chattering: "You guys are really hidden! You even got the kids... Judging from your posture, it's probably not the product of a chance to win the lottery, it's probably because your wife and children are complete... After all When did it happen? I know! It must have been the time when I was sealed up! During that time, Dante was pretending to be me, he didn't do so much like me, and he was your best friend, you think He sharpens his knives for killing people. He wants to set fire to the kind you buy gasoline... He must have been hiding news for you... Maybe he often swaps identities with you to let you go out to play with your wife and children when you have time, right?"

Anthony smiled helplessly: "You already guessed it, why are you asking me? Let's not talk about those personal things, let's talk about business. Two of the three major products of Tarakhan are on the street, but it's not a trivial matter!"

"Fuck! That's a trivial matter!" Eric completely ignored his efforts to change the subject, and used a foul language to completely deny the "serious business", "Compared with a wife and children, what is a career or something? If you don't believe me, I'm here now. Say something in the chat channel, let everyone vote and see for yourself, what do you think is more important!"

Anthony bowed his head slumped, of course he knew what the outcome would be.

For the traversers, business? money? commodity? Those things, where may there be "Anthony has a wife and children without a sound" is important...

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