Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 913: Booty? This is really a trade in people!

When receiving more than three private chats for help, Panda was supervising Norman Speak's work in the "Devil's Cabin" in the basement of the castle.

In this battle, the profit of the traversers is mainly in the experience value, and the physical spoils are lackluster.

In the warehouse of Norman Speke's lair, a large amount of supplies are stored. But as Alice sighed before, these materials are not rare, and for the traversers, they all belong to the kind that can be converted into money.

And money... It is hypocritical to say that it is useless; but when you have a certain amount of money and you really need to solve the problem, it is basically impossible to rely on money alone.

Fortunately, the experience point reward this time is very rich. Except for a few too high levels such as Panda, the others have at least been upgraded by one level, and Alice has even been directly upgraded by three levels—how much is she now? Confidential...

Among the spoils, the most interesting is of course Norman Speak himself. As one of the most outstanding magicians in the world, this "Sage of Secret Spell" is very good in both combat power and knowledge. If it wasn't for him being fooled by Alice and being branded so that he couldn't resist, with the strength of the traversers, it might be okay to kill him, but it would be absolutely impossible to capture him alive.

However, Speke is not the kind of "trophy" that can be eaten by a mermaid. Except for Alice herself, he does not buy any traveler's account. The passers-by did not dare to let him leave the castle - without the suppression of the castle, if this guy turned his face after going out, God knows how much damage it would cause!

Therefore, the final advice to him was to let him live underground in the castle and build a "devil's hut" by himself. In addition to reassuring this guy who misses **** all day, it is to cooperate with the traversers to do some magical research work.

Although he can't be used as a thug, but at least let him be a scientific researcher, there is no problem.

This result was achieved by Eric, the leader of the Magic Research Organization. Over the years, Eric has been busy with scientific research and internal affairs at the same time. Because of his single-mindedness, he made mistakes from time to time, which made him even more uncomfortable.

Now it's finally good, the scientific research work can be thrown to Speke, focus on internal affairs, the person is relaxed, and the experience value is more!

Of course, Speke has no objection to this. Since it is an order from Lord Beelzebub, he has no objection to what to do! In fact, one can concentrate on scientific research without leaving home, and not even a magician would refuse such a life.

It's like having an otaku as a game tester and a glutton as a food critic. It's their ideal job.

After getting the life he wanted, Speke didn't care about the results of his previous research. He didn't even wait for the celebration feast to end, and hurriedly built his own "devil's hut". As for Brave, who was still soaked in the blood pool, and Emmy, who was sealed in the crystal, he didn't bother to look at them.

"I don't need it anymore, I'll give it to you." When Arya Crowmouth, who was managing the warehouse, asked about it, he replied casually.

At that time, Aaliyah was not the only one present, many people heard his words, so someone secretly found Sanyu and asked about the "trophy".

Sanyu said urgently, Panda didn't have time to ask, and rushed to the kitchen in a hurry. Sure enough, he saw a group of people blocking the kitchen door.

"What's the matter?" he asked knowingly, "Could it be that Sanyu was drunk and put salt as sugar?"

Everyone shook their heads one after another, but they faltered and said nonsense such as "the weather is fine today".

"Okay, let it go, I have something to do with Sanyu." Panda sighed and said, "I can't get in if you block the door like this."

The expressions of those people changed suddenly, and there was a sinister look in their eyes. After a while, You Dian, a half-elf ranger who had a good relationship with pandas, couldn't help but ask: "Panda... You are also here to fight for the spoils?"

Panda shook his head: "I still don't understand what exactly you are fighting for? The spoils? Where do we have any decent spoils this time? It's actually worth your nervousness..."

Everyone's expressions immediately turned cloudy, and they laughed and laughed, and let him go.

So Panda saw more than three, the president who had always been relatively stable, sitting in the corner of the kitchen with a frowning face, as if he was making puffer fish and eating customers into the morgue.

Panda asked: "What on earth did you do? I see that those people's eyes are almost green."

Sanyu sighed deeply and introduced the matter in detail.

Panda listened to him without saying a word, and his brows were already furrowed.

After listening to it, he sneered a few times and said, "I don't know yet... So it turns out that our business is prosperous now, and we even do business in human trafficking?"

Sanyu lowered his head.

"Or do you think life is not exciting enough and want to change careers to become slave traders?"

Sanyu sighed.

Panda complained a few words, thought for a while, and said, "We can't stop this matter alone... I need to find some helpers!"


"Locke, Xingzhao, Semiramis, Anka..." He said while thinking, and said more than a dozen names one after another, "Find them all first, we must gather a group of people, Only then can we fight against them with momentum!"

Sanyu was stunned for a moment and asked, "Is it necessary to be so serious?"

"It's necessary!" Panda said in a deep voice, "Perhaps in your opinion, it's just a question of Emmy Wei, but in fact, this is related to our moral position - this matter must not be agreed, people are not goods, absolutely We cannot agree to the practice of buying and selling people!"

Sanyu was silent for a while, then nodded.

About half an hour later, in the library of the castle, the "Anti-Trafficking Conference" hosted by Panda was officially held.

"This is so outrageous!" Xingzhao said angrily at first, "It's morally corrupt! It's utter conscience!"

"It's not that serious... But, I support denying this matter." Semiramis said solemnly, "This is related to our status as women. If even legendary powerhouses can be sold as goods, the rest of the women Not to mention the status!"

"To sell prisoners? Absurd! Absurd!" Locke trembled with anger, "I'm going to hack all those **** to death!"

The panda sitting next to him immediately grabbed him and persuaded him for a while before making him calm down a little.

During this time, the rest of the crowd also criticized this absurd idea. Everyone's opinion was unanimous - this kind of behavior of buying and selling people as goods is absolutely not allowed to happen in the guild!

However... the question of what to do with "Sky Bow" Emi Wei is still before them, making them embarrassed.

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