Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 914: some tough questions

"If you want me to tell you, kill her!" Feng Huang, a scholar of the archives, frowned and said, "Since ancient times, there have been many troubles, but it's still a hundred times, and it's good for everyone!"

"Excellent talents will be competed for wherever they go, why should women be beaten to death!" Xing Zhao was furious and his eyes widened.

She seems to have awakened to the idea of ​​feminism since the last battle for the throne of Terrera. The specific performance is a little bit of a middle-class style - for example, she is promoting the concept of "women are the support within the family" among the barbarians in the northern forest, and the results are really good.

For the forest barbarians, which are relatively scarce in production resources, there is no reason to deliberately devalue half of the tribe. The reason why the status of men is higher than that of women is mainly caused by the difference in the average fighting power of each other. But in terms of the ability to produce food, men whose main occupation is hunting are really not as good as women whose main occupation is gathering and planting.

So the barbarians of the Northwoods quickly embraced this idea—they felt that the "little sage" made a lot of sense.

For the "little sages" who often rely on the "white-bearded sages" to use force to help maintain their authority, this situation is rare.

In fact, under normal circumstances, barbarism and backwardness mean the lack of means of production, while the abundance of means of production will bring about the progress of civilization. In both cases, the social status of women will not be low. On the contrary, the situation between the two will cause a series of concepts such as patriarchal preference to prevail. Of course, some barbaric, backward and anti-civilized religions also play an indelible negative role in it. On the earth where the traversers live, it is already the 21st century, and there are even guys who define the legal status of women as between "objects" and "livestock", and they have not yet been treated by bad relations. It was a miracle that the neighbor was flattened by a nuclear bomb...

Facing Xingzhao's anger, Fenghuang immediately closed his mouth, and took out a wooden clip to put his lips together, posing a posture of "you speak first if you are loud".

Seeing him like this, Xingzhao stopped making noise. She smiled contentedly, coughed twice, then organized her words and said, "My idea is to try to cure her."

"Cure her? That's not easy. Norman Speak himself said there was no way." Sanyu shook his head.

"He said 'no way', but that doesn't mean it's really impossible to think about." Xing Zhao said plausibly, "In this world, there is no real 'no way', only 'unwilling or unable to pay the price'. Emily Sislin's situation isn't so bad, it's not at all 'incurable'."

"That's right, but is there anything you can do?" Panda asked.

"not yet."

Everyone shook their heads.

"Wait! Don't rush to shake your head!" Xingzhao hurriedly explained, "We can first set the goal of 'treatment' and work hard with this goal as the direction, then of course she will not become the so-called 'trophy' now..."

"What if it's cured?" Sanyu asked.

"Cure, she is of course a normal person."

"Can that change her identity?" Sanyu continued to ask.

Xingzhao was stunned for a while, thought for a long time, and finally shook his head in frustration.

Sanyu's statement hits the spot - even if Emi Wei Sislin is completely cured, it will not change her status as a prisoner. Let's say... if she is allowed to recover from a "weapon" that only has combat skills and basic intelligence to possessing If there is a "human" with complete rationality and emotion, there will only be more people who want to attack her!

Xingzhao is still very clear about the characters of his old friends. Most of them are not degenerate enough to prey on women who lack enough intelligence - the mantra "It's against the law to be mentally retarded" is not just talk - but if it is replaced by sane, beautiful, strong , the woman who used to be his opponent, then maybe even his brother might not be able to hold back and run to participate in the competition...

"Thinking about it like this, it seems to add fuel to the fire..." Panda said slowly, with some worry on his face, "The dementia version of 'Tiangong' is just that, the full version of 'Tiangong'...attractive at least More than double it!"

"It was!" Sanyu sighed, "In short, the proposal of 'curing her' will be rejected!"

Everyone nodded, but Xingzhao looked disappointed.

Then, Locke put forward his opinion: "How about weaving a virtual personality for her and recruiting her as a civil servant?"

"Civil servants?"

"Legendary shooter becomes a civil servant, how much does it cost?"

"No, no, you all overlooked the most important issue!" Eric, the leader of the "civil servants" among the transmigrators, said loudly, "Where does Emily Sislin have any internal affairs capabilities? She is a martial arts idiot!"

Everyone's eyes turned to Locke.

Because of several fights, the transmigrators investigated and sorted out the biographical information of Emi Wei Sislin. Judging from the data, this woman has a beautiful face and is essentially a muscular martial arts idiot. She has almost no other ideas except for exercise. The only remaining wisdom is almost all used in war skills. On the one hand, it turned into the ability to guide the archers under his command to shoot.

Such a character, even if she fabricated a false personality, could not become a qualified civil servant.

Locke didn't care at all, and said easily: "The civil servants are not necessarily all civilians. Even the Self-Defense Forces in Japan are civil servants. We can recruit her as an instructor of the shooter unit."

This suggestion made everyone seriously consider it.

Legendary shooters become instructors, even at level 100. For this world in front of me, it is a high-end configuration that is so luxurious that it makes people cry!

"Then I have a question." Alice, an expert in soul magic and theoretically the "owner" of Spike and others, said, "How are you going to make up a virtual personality for her?"

Locke froze for a moment and said, "I can use the soul of a sinner to create an external virtual personality tool and install it on her body."

"Then the virtual personality you need to create must be strong enough." Alice said, "At least, it must be many times stronger than the soul of a legendary powerhouse and can completely suppress her."

"Hasn't her soul been washed into a blank slate?"

"It's her memory, not her soul, that is whitewashed." Alice said, "The soul and body of a legendary strong man are one, and if the soul collapses, the body will also collapse, and if the soul is whitewashed, the body will of course be lost. Power. Using some special means, it may be possible to temporarily extract their souls from their bodies, but it is absolutely impossible to last."

"So, how do you plan to create a virtual personality much stronger than the legendary powerhouse soul to suppress her own soul?"

Locke was stunned and frowned.

The fusion of souls is not as simple as 1+1=2. If you want to combine some weak souls to make them strong, of course you can, but there is an upper limit.

The upper limit of technology.

He quickly judged that with his current abilities, he couldn't make things of the required level.

As a result, Count Dracula, the Demon King of the North, fell into deep distress.

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