Reclaiming the Demon's Curse

Chapter 100 - Acquired

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Magenta, or Amaris the Corruptor, observed her current Master's Aunt making some kind of fragrant potion.

Her actions were so graceful and her control with her Aura is also surprisingly impressive considering her low rank.

'Ahh~ I like to make her my worshipper… She'll definitely become a good asset…'

Amaris did her best to contain her desire.

'Ugh! I really want to corrupt this lady!'

Apparently, not only was she told to transform into a cat but was also told to guard Bonnie and to not let her get harmed at all costs!

'Hmph… She's just staying in the house… There's no way she'll be in danger… There are also numerous decent Awakened guarding this subdivision… Even if someone targeted her, they would have to face those guards and arrays placed here as well. I guess Master is just too paranoid…'

Amaris sighed as even though she already managed to materialize herself, she's still unable to enjoy it and she has to wait for another 20 years to be free again.

Nevertheless, she didn't dare to complain in front of Cyril since she had decided to give her soul wisp to him…

As for the reason, she dared not think about it…

The existence of the being that she had seen must never be mentioned casually or He will definitely sense it…

'Well, I guess it's better than not knowing when I could leave that treacherous lamp…'

Amaris then looked around the laboratory.

After a minute or so, she just meowed as she confirmed that there's nothing that could harm Bonnie inside the room.

She then phased out of the door like a ghost without the lady noticing…

At this time, Amaris noticed that there seem to be a powerful fluctuation of energy coming from a house not too far from them…

'Hmm… Someone is opening an Entrance Crystal?' Amaris looked in the direction where the commotion is happening.

During the first activation of the Entrance Crystal, there will indeed be a magical phenomenon that would occur, so setting up an Array to suppress it is a must.

However, whoever opened this entrance crystal was definitely being too reckless…


A part of the house about three blocks away from them suddenly exploded alerting almost everyone in the Subdivision... Then, several guards immediately rushed over to the location to secure the perimeter and to not let any more damages spread.

Bonnie was also alarmed but because of the array that was arranged within her laboratory, she didn't sense the powerful and disturbing energy fluctuations… She only heard the loud explosion from the house…

She decided to go out and see the situation.

"Madam, we're sorry for disturbing you. The owner of the house where the explosion happened failed to properly handle the High-Class Arcane World they acquired. Instead of having the professionals handle it, the man decided to activate it recklessly…"

One of the guards immediately reported to Bonnie who was observing the situation from her garden.

The guard knows that everyone who's living here is all wealthy and influential people that they could never offend.

Luckily, Bonnie wasn't hurt and was a kind person so she just let it go. The guards heaved a sigh of relief before moving to other houses to express their apology and confirm that no one was hurt by the debris from that explosion.

'Eh? Where's Magenta?' Bonnie was sure that Magenta was sleeping near the patio just a while ago. However, she just disappeared…

She recalled that the cat ate the berries so she thought that Magenta should be sleeping soundly right now.

'Ugh, did she get scared from the explosion? I guess those berries aren't even that effective on pets, huh…'

Bonnie commented as she decided to return to the laboratory. She knows that Magenta would just come back once she's either hungry or when Cyril returned home.

However, she didn't know that Magenta had actually decided to visit the house where the explosion occurred!



Assimilation Chamber #36 finally opened after six days!

The employees of the Awakened Association are actually getting worried already.

After all, Cyril is not just any Awakened but a high-ranked Awakened and is extremely a valuable asset to their organization.

If he really died in this experiment, it would surely be a loss for them.

"This… How long has it been?"

Valerie asked one of the employees who just reported the situation. She's now walking fast to see Cyril's condition.

She wasn't originally from this branch but because she's worried about Cyril, she decided to visit here and observe his condition.

"He was there for six days… Ahh! The capsule just opened a minute ago, if that's what you mean…"

"Yeah… Did you send the doctors already?"

"Of course… Sir Morev is currently assigned at the site."

"That's good…"

As soon as she arrived at the site, she saw that Cyril was wobbly walking to meet Morev. He was even supported by two medical experts.

After seeing his condition himself, Cyril stopped fighting with the medical experts and accepted the stretcher…

"Haha… Did you think that you were only here for a few hours? You were out for six days, boy!"

Morev heartily laughed after seeing that Cyril had realized his situation.

"It's really six days? Ugh… No wonder." Cyril bitterly smiled as he could only accept that he's truly in a bad situation.

His head was dizzy and he couldn't properly walk even with the help of others.

Nevertheless, he wasn't unhappy at all!

After all, he did it!

He acquired the benefits of the Bead Artifact!

"Right, we'll be getting your report once you already feel better… No, someone will come to your room a bit later. It's better to ask you for information while everything is still fresh in your mind." Morev said as he watched Cyril lie down on the stretcher.

"I'll take his statement later." A female voice was then heard behind Morev…

"Miss Valerie…" Cyril weakly said after recognizing the woman who just showed up.

Valerie nodded at Cyril after confirming that he's still alive and had only weakened because of his long stay within the capsule.

Cyril returned a smile but deep inside, he's already thinking about whether he should reveal his acquisition of dimensional storage space!

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