Reclaiming the Demon's Curse

Chapter 101 - Storage Space

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Cyril was now alone in a room after he was completely treated by the medical experts. He was told that he just needed more nutrients and a bit of exercise.

'It's time to check…'

Cyril took a deep breath as he wanted to try activating his storage space.

He used a bit of his Aura to connect to his heart and feel the presence of void or the storage space…

As soon as he did this, he realized that his dimensional storage space was quite huge, about 50 cubic meters.

'Let me see…'

Cyril took out his wallet and found a coin… He then proceeded to wrap it with his Aura and connected it to his storage space.


The coin instantly vanished and reappeared in his storage space…

"Good!" Cyril was excited.

He couldn't help but praise himself after successfully doing it…

"This is definitely a game-changer."

Cyril knows that only in the low-rank Arcane World can he easily come in and out…

Once he entered a higher-ranked Arcane World, getting out of it is not going to be easy. There will be certain requirements like killing a boss, finding a key, opening a gate, and some others just to be allowed to leave the foreign world.

It means that he would need tons of supplies when entering these types of Arcane World.

If not, even if he's strong in combat, he would probably die from starvation or perhaps, die in some kind of sickness that he couldn't heal unless he has potions.

"Anyway… I'm still not giving up finding some teammates to explore top-class worlds… It would make a lot easier for me after all."

Cyril stretched out for a but to make a feel of his whole body…

He didn't want to stay here for long.

'Right, six days had passed. I wonder if they informed my aunt, she must be worried.'

Cyril thought after recalling how much time had passed.


The door of his room opened and someone brought in some soft food for him. Now that he saw the food on the table, he realized that he was indeed hungry.

He gobbled up his food and was quickly finished in a few minutes.

Soon, Valerie entered his room to ask about his experience.

"Cyril… It's good that you look fine now… Some colors finally returned to your body. You look like you're about to die just a few hours ago."

"Am I? I just felt dizzy when I came out. Probably because the chamber lacks fresh air…"

"Well, I'll tell our engineers about that…"

"That's better. So, you'd like to know what I gained inside?"

"Yes! Tell me…"

Cyril then took a deep breath before he answered…

"I ranked up… I'm now an A-Rank Awakened."

Cyril said as he reveal his Aura enough to be considered as an A-Rank!

"What?! You really ranked up! That's such a low percentage!" Valerie was shocked as she couldn't help but get closer to Cyril.

She wanted to make sure and that she didn't make a mistake just now.

"It's really an A-Rank Aura! How powerful!"

Cyril smiled after seeing her reaction.

He decided to increase his rank in the records of the Association instead since he wanted to gain access to some decent Rank-A Artifacts.

This way, the Artifacts wouldn't easily lose durability with his aura…

In truth, a couple more usage of his current Artifacts, and they will definitely shatter already. Especially, the Ulf Short Sword who had to bear his S-Rank Aura in close combat.

The goblin musket was still a bit better since most of his aura is being sent to the musket balls instead.

Though it still affects the musket itself, it wasn't as severe as the short sword.

"Ahh! Congratulations! You did really well! Your six days of sacrifice are definitely worth it!"

Valerie recalled that this should be a joyous occasion so she quickly congratulated Cyril.

"Right, I would like to hear the details as well on how it happened…"

"Of course, I'm willing to cooperate…"

Valerie stayed in his room for almost an hour before she left with a satisfied face. On the other hand, Cyril only recited the experience of those people who managed to receive the second awakening in his previous life.

He read them in several blogs online before so he can easily fabricate his experience.

As for him not revealing his dimensional storage space, he did this to protect himself and have a trump card with him.

The Awakened society is a cruel place. If you have a powerful Artifact, you will be targeted… If you owned an Entrance Crystal, it will be taken… If you possess incredible knowledge, some people would want you to fail in your endeavors…

This is why he had to be strong and be capable of protecting himself. He needed a secret that could change the tide of battle. His dimensional storage space is one of that.

A couple more days had passed and Cyril was finally allowed to leave the place.

Luckily, he already made arrangements before he went to the Association. At this moment, Britta should've spoken with his Auntie Bonnie and discussed the sales of Lesser Healing Potion…

"Master Cyril… Welcome back."

Before he even entered the gate, he was already greeted by a cat behind the gate.

"Magenta? I told you that you can just call me Sir Cyril… I'm not used to being called Master…"

"I understand, Sir Cyril."

"Good… So, how was everything here?" Cyril asked as he opened the gate using his keys.

He noticed that there were a lot of flowers and shrubs now making their front yard a mini forest.

Nevertheless, he easily noticed that most of the plans were quite brand new.

"There are no issues, Sir Cyril. Your Aunt is just enjoying her potion-making every day… She spends quite a lot of money buying tons of herbs by the way." Magenta added.

"Money shouldn't be a big problem, as long as she managed to increase her success rate, everything would be worth it."

Cyril said as he found his Aunt still busy in her laboratory just like what Magenta said.

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