Reclaiming the Demon's Curse

Chapter 42 - Bats And Golems

The Mystic Bats wasn't something new to Cyril… He had killed a lot of them before.

The only noteworthy about them was their Sound Blast attack that could be fatal to some Awakened who weren't prepared for them, or perhaps those who have an unstable control of their Aura to protect themselves.


Cyril covered himself with his aura as he charged at the group of flying beasts… His dagger doesn't have any magic so the most that he can do is approach them and cut them up one by one.

It may be ineffective in long term but this will at least allow him to get used to his current body when fighting these creatures.

'If I have a good Magic Sword or perhaps the Druid Staff, this might be easier…'

Cyril thought as he continued slashing on the bats. Those two Artifacts were commonly seen as Rank D but there are others with a higher rank depending on their previous owners.

Since he was unregistered Awakened, he can either buy them from a black market, find them in an Arcane World himself, or perhaps, use Xagans's help to acquire them without letting anyone know.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

The large bats continued dropping to the ground and as soon as more than half of them were killed, they have finally realized their current situation. They can't kill him.

One of them quickly decided to retreat and flew outside through a small hole connected to the outside. Seeing one of them flee from the human, the other Mystic Bats followed and escaped from him…

Cyril looked at the corpses left behind.

None of them has any value since their bodies are toxic. Perhaps the goblins have use for their skins and fangs so he decided to let Gaarm handle them.

"You can eat them?" Cyril asked after seeing the goblin chief took a bite… He brought a couple of Mystic Bats with him when he returned...

He was planning to ask Gaarm what he could do to them but it seems that they have a very tough stomach.

"Yes, Lord Cyril. They don't taste good compared to the wolves and rabbits outside. However, they can still fill our stomachs so we won't complain."

"I see… It's good that you guys aren't picky eaters. How about the golems, do you also eat them?"

"Eh? No, Lord Cyril. However, they can be used as a sharpening tool or even weapons sometimes. Aside from that, their eyes can be used as a source of light inside this dark cave. They are precious living materials."

"I see… Let's head on to their base then." Cyril said as Gaarm lead the way.

He wanted to take control of this dungeon as quickly as possible. To do that, he needs to let the goblins dominate in this place and allow them to live peacefully.

'If I'm not mistaken… There's a binding Artifact that is being sold before. It is used to control the vampires and elves… I might be able to use it this Goblin Chief to ensure his loyalty…'

Cyril thought as he followed the huge red goblin in front of him.

It's not that he doesn't want to trust the Goblin but he can remember how he was betrayed by Karen. If she could do that, he felt that the Goblin could do so as well.

Surprisingly, the golems are actually living in a nearby underground river.

'Hmm… There are not too many of them. However, they don't seem to be some pushover either.'

"Can your red goblins really kill and dismantle them?"

Cyril asked curiously. Perhaps due to the sound of the river, the golems weren't able to hear them.. They were also beings that weren't known for their good sense of smell.

The golems appear to be sleeping beside the river. They are human-like figures made of stones and precious gems as it seems.

He can recall that the golems he had seen in his past life only has two or three gems in their bodies, but these ones appear to be rich as they all have more than ten gems stuck on their bodies!

"Yes, Lord Cyril. Though they have strong bodies, they are slow and we have pickaxe to deal with them."

"Ah, you're right."

"They can only be troublesome if they decided to hug the goblins to death… No goblins can get out of their embrace, my Lord."

"Even you?"

"I haven't tried yet. I can't let them have one of my limbs. It's not worth it. So you have to be careful, Lord Cyril."

"Heh~ If I can't beat them, I'll be a laughingstock."

Cyril chuckled as he recalled his first Arcane World Exploration in his past life. It was an Arcane World with an entrance crystal that could accommodate 20 people at the same time.

They entered a graveyard filled with weak and slow zombies. They managed to easily deal with them since they were all equipped with Artifacts they borrowed from their organization. After dealing with those zombies, they arrived at a gorge filled with humanoid golems.

He can recall that a single Awakened has to fight thirty golems at the same time.

It was a very dangerous battle since they failed to recognize the toughness of the creature's bodies.

Of course, unlike the goblins, they know that they can kill the golems if they destroyed the jewel and core of the golems.

It can either be the one on the outside or hidden inside. At that time, they learned that these golems weren't such easy-to-kill creatures.

Out of the 20 Awakened, two of them had to return to the real world to avoid death, and 10 of them were injured quite heavily, he was one of them.

There was no way he would repeat the same thing now that he's an S-Rank.

'Only Rank D Artifacts can easily crush their bodies… However, even if I have my boomerang… I can't just use it as a hammer… It has to be my fist then.'

Cyril smirked at this thought. If he used his dagger, they would just shatter and waste their potential value in the market online.

In the end, he has to brawl with them alone…

'There's about fifty of them, destroying half of them should be enough…'

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