Reclaiming the Demon's Curse

Chapter 43 - First Exploration Completion

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Bam! Bam! Bam!

Cyril punched the golems as they charge towards him.

Because of their slow movement speed, he's able to dodge and counter-attack without any issues… The only problem is that they seem to be capable of coordination as they know when to time their attack together.

'This… It's actually quite exhausting than I thought…'

His fighting method right now fully relies on his Martial Arts ability and his S-Rank Aura. It means that he spends a lot more energy and aura in his battle.

Perhaps, if he has some Artifacts that will allow him to enhance his physical qualities even more or at least use a special type of magic, he could easily finish them off without getting exhausted like this…


The 20th golem was finally destroyed… He needs a few more to destroy before he can consider this mission to be a success.


Cyril kicked the group of golems lynching at him… He then grabbed a few gems on the ground and put them in his bag. He continued doing this until he felt that he had taken enough precious gems…

Bam! Bam!

After destroying a few larger golems, he finally decided to leave the place.

'This place doesn't suit an F-Rank at all…'

The young man thought as he quickly left the place with Gaarm…

Though it looks like he had an easy time dealing with the Mystic Bats and Golems, he can be sure that if an F-Rank or D-Rank enters this place, they would be killed by these golems if they stubbornly fight against them.

"Lord Cyril… You're truly strong… Even I can't destroy them with my punch… My fist would shatter if I did that."

"Hmm… You just need more practice." Cyril nonchalantly replied as he returned to the goblin's nest.

Of course, it's not about the practice. The goblin's physical bodies weren't that great in the first place. They would normally have to wield their weapons to take their prey and move in a group.

'Right… I hope I can find something to fix the musket here…'

Cyril recalled the item that he bought in the Black Market.

The Goblin's Musket wasn't stable and it wouldn't be surprising if it was broken after a single shot.

However, it wouldn't be like this forever… As long as he acquired Fairy Crusher, a magical hammer made by dwarves, he would have a tool to fix all the Goblin Techs…

The said item isn't that rare to find. Anyone can even make it if they have the right materials. It's just that the Dwarves were said to have discovered how to create this magical hammer.

"Hmm… Guide me to the path you guys are using to go outside…"

"Of course, Lord Cyril…" Gaarm replied as he led the man outside.

Cyril actually has plans to leave this Arcane World already. He just wants to learn the pathway in this cave so he would no longer need assistance once he returned here.

It only took about 5 minutes of walking from the Goblin's Nest…

Cyril was welcome by a bright light coming from the sun.

Apparently, they seem to be somewhere in the middle of a huge mountain and there are barely any trees covering the cave where they came from.

He looked around but didn't see any human settlement or traces of other intelligent species… It completely looks like a jungle below this mountain…

He's unsure about the size of this Arcane World but he can guess based on the Aura that came from the Entrance Crystal.

It should be around the size of the Palais Kingdom, one of the smallest countries in the real world.

"Alright… Let's return for now. I want to see what items I could take out."

The returning process isn't that simple if he would carry a lot of things… After all, he has to use his Aura to cover his things and his body.

Cyril is now looking at the bags of redprite ores with him.

These ores are used by the goblins as a source of energy for their enchanted pickaxe, dagger, swords, or any other weapons. It can also be used to revitalize the goblin's body. Cyril also learned that these redprite ores are used for making magical arrays but the goblins were just unable to do it.

They only know that it's possible but none of them are capable enough to make it.

Anyway, this mystical energy can be considered as the Awakened Aura of the people on Earth.

Then, there's also a bag full of star garnet stones…

This is a genuine stone that can help every Awakened to replenish their Aura! This can be sold for a good price!

Finally, he had a bag of cores or the jewels of the golems with him. He knows that they can be taken outside and be used for various purposes like making artificial Artifacts.

As for the daggers, orbs, and other weapons, he would have to leave it here for now since he can't carry so many. He just brought two Goblin Daggers with him and two Magic Crystals to test outside

"I will leave now. Don't think of escaping… I will hunt you if you dare." Cyril said coldly to Gaarm.

Since there is no binding contract yet, the Red Goblin Tribe can indeed consider running away from him.

"Ha! Do not worry, Lord Cyril! My loyalty is yours. We will wait for your return." The Tribe Chief slightly bowed as he said this. He doesn't have such plans of leaving this place since this is the only land where they could find such precious stones.

He then saw the young man get covered by a blue light together with the bags he's carrying…

It took about 10 seconds before the light vanished together with the man.

The latter has finally returned to wherever world he came from.

Gaarm sighed as he ordered everyone to continue mining and making weapons… As for those who can reproduce, he ordered them to quickly make more babies since a lot of them have died today.

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