Record of Chaos

Chapter 889: Deep in the 3,000 mortal world, it is difficult to solve a natural punishment

   (889 is sinking into three thousand mundane worlds, it is difficult to solve a heavenly punishment)

  Kun Yuan Emperor felt it for a while, and didn't care much, but ordered someone to send it to Xuan Tiewei.

   As an emperor, some people want to be against him, while others vent to him. This is normal. The same is true within the Hao clan.

   This is the soul of a stranger with the surname Hao. There are thousands of people surnamed Hao in Dongsheng Shenzhou, it is impossible for him to know them all.

   Xuan Tiewei will investigate within the scope of Hao's surname nationwide. Once the owner of this ray of soul breath is discovered, he will investigate the matter upright. So he doesn't need to care about it this way.

   What he is really worrying about now is how to "invite" the rebellious concubine to Kun Li Palace to hold her birthday banquet to attract King Yun. He has always been fond of concubine De, and it is troublesome to do this without hurting her.

Even if she gave birth to the "waste vein" of King Yun, this is regarded as a great shame in the Hao clan. He did not depose this concubine under the huge pressure of the family, and secretly instructed Hao Jin to bring King Yun to the north to raise him and keep it. The life of Feimai's son.

   Even if she couldn't get along with the queen, and repeatedly made troubles, he just asked her to go to the Beixiang Mountain outside the palace to avoid the limelight.

   But saving King Yun’s life is the last thing he regretted. Because the biggest instability of his throne now comes from this wasteful son.

   He deceived King Yun to come to Houtu City to punish him. Concubine Dee must be making trouble. It is possible that he will never speak to him again. But there is no way, this is the necessary price.

   Without the throne, he would become a prisoner of heaven. At that time, there was no such thing as the prosperous wealth and ease of Defei. As the wife and daughter of a prisoner, she would be sold into a slave.

   This is often the case for women, who always feel that everything they have is taken for granted, but they don’t know how much the price is borne by some of them.

   He decided to order someone to pass on the decree, and asked Xuan Tiewei to "invite" De Fei to Kun Li Palace. Of course, if Concubine De Fei loses a hair because of this, he will link those people who work with the nine races.

   But at this moment, there was a throbbing in his heart.

   He has a wisp of distraction left in the niche of the Ninth Revolution. This is the reaction that the souls of the Yuhao family will be recondensed after being gathered in the Ninth Rank Resurrection Niche. This made him feel tight.

   The Hao Clan in Houtu City has a long life, and it is a peaceful and prosperous age. Death is rare.

   In addition to the death of the Hao people in the resurrection niche, there is another situation, that is, the heavenly envoy descends, and it is the Hao people who descended, and there will be such a reaction.

  The arrival of the angel is exactly what he worries about the most. Because the radiance of Chaotic Origin Beginning Jade was diminishing in his hands, Heavenly Court might send someone to the lower realm to hold him accountable at any time. If the person in the lower realm is of the surname Hao, it will be particularly unfavorable to him.

  A Hao Clan person can replace him.

   He suppressed the fear in his heart, biting his scalp and walked to the secret room of the shrine under the Kunli Palace. No matter what his fate, he can only face it.

   Things did not surprise him. A vague figure was already sitting on the shrine.

   That person just sat on the countless dense cards of the gods in their veins. If it were not for the heavenly messenger, it would be impossible to be arrogant to this point.

   It is not surprising that the appearance is fuzzy. Angels under the realm are doing official business, and there is no need to expose their personal image.

   But what really shocked Haohan's heart was that he touched the opponent's soul breath, which was exactly the same as the soul orb he had just received from an unknown source!

  Why hasn't the envoy of the lower realm come yet, someone has captured this person's soul? Could this soul bead also come from above?

   But this is unlikely, because he is not completely ignorant of the upper bound. Celestial world would not use such inferior materials to make soul orbs.

   "The criminal minister of the lower realm, the emperor Haohan of the thick soil of the East Shengzhou, knocked on the envoy of the upper realm." While he was suspicious in his heart, the chief inspector bowed to meet the envoy.

   It is possible that this messenger was not from the upper realm at all, but someone from the Hao Clan on the ground pretended to be trying to deal with him. If so, the other party may be wrong.

   In this Kunli Palace, in the Liuhe Supreme Void Formation, even the real God Envoy of the Upper Realm can't help him, let alone fake? He can stay quiet and watch the changes.

   The fuzzy figure seemed to lift Erlang's legs, and then asked sharply: "Haohan, are you convicted?"

  Emperor Kun Yuan worshiped again, saying: "The sinful minister is guilty of his origin."

   Of course, he knew that the messenger of the upper realm would not punish him for his original sin, but he was mostly held accountable for his weak willingness to gather Hunyuan Shiyu. But no matter what responsibility he has, he cannot admit it himself at this time.

   The fuzzy figure sneered:

   "Don't avoid the seriousness, just take the light! You have three sins:

  "One of them, my Hao clan has not married female cultivators since ancient times, only mortal girls. You want to marry the soul sect Su Long;

  "Secondly, you and Su Long gave birth to a dead vein. If you don't immediately clear it, you still let him stay in the same life until the tail is too big.

   "The third is the useless vein you kept, which invaded my Hao Family's aspirations, making the piece of Chaotic Yuan Beginning Jade that you are responsible for guarding also at risk.

   "Aren't these three major sins of yours?"

   Emperor Kun Yuan bowed his head and said nothing. At this time, of course he could not refute, but he could not confess guilt easily. This kind of big or small thing, as long as he doesn't recognize it, there is still room for maneuver, and if he recognizes it, everything is over.

   It is true that the Hao clan normally does not marry a sister. This is to ensure the purity of one's own blood.

   After the cultivation base of the monk increases, the bloodline power will also increase. If they only combine with mortals, they can ensure that the blood of the offspring will not be interfered by the blood of foreign races.

   Cloud King’s broken vein is probably the result of Haohan’s insistence on marrying Su Long, a female cultivator.

   But this is just an unwritten rule, there has never been a rule. How to decide on the matter requires a collegiate and it is not the divine envoy who said it.

   Seeing that Haohan kept silent, this figure sneered again, and then said loudly: "Haohan, would you like to take this heavenly punishment order?"

   Haohan's heart sank.

  Since the penalty order was issued, then this person must be an envoy of the upper realm. Because the Heaven's Punishment Order often contains the power of Hao Family's unique laws, if it is not for the Divine Envoy of the Upper Realm Hao Family, it will not work at all.

Once the   tian penalty order is accepted, he will be controlled by the power of the law, and any punishment in it will be irresistible.

   He can actually refuse. In this secret room, he is under the protection of Liuhe Supreme Void Formation, he is the true Supreme. No matter how powerful this divine envoy is, there is absolutely nothing he can do about it.

   is just the "Heaven's Punishment Order" of the Hao Family, as long as he refuses, he will no longer belong to the Hao Family.

   Refusal of "Heaven's Punishment" itself means infidelity. This is equivalent to his betrayal of the Hao family.

   From then on, he either relied on the Dongsheng Shenzhou thick soil dynasty to raise the flag against the heaven, or escaped alone, escaped to a place no one knew, and lived a life of desperation.

  The best choice is of course to decide whether to refuse according to the punishment content of the "day penalty order".

   For example, if the penalty is only three drinks, I naturally don't have to refuse. But if you want my life, regardless of whether you are the Supreme One of the Three Realms, Haotian God, I can't even have my life, why not just turn you back?

   But after the Heavenly Court’s order of punishment is issued, the divine envoy is not obliged to disclose the content of the punishment before you answer whether to accept it. Regardless of the content of the punishment, your loyalty is the most important.

   In a short moment, he went through a fierce battle in his heart. Accept the order, everything will be resigned. Rejecting the Heaven's Punishment Order, he will no longer be a member of the Hao Clan!

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