Record of Chaos

Chapter 890: Heavenly punishment seizes the throne, flying boat to Chencang

   (Taking the emperor's throne in 890 days, flying boat to Chencang)

   Although it was just a vague primordial spirit, Hao Ming was also sweating.

   If Emperor Kun Yuan rejects his Heaven’s Punishment Order and directly rebels, his divine envoy will be the first to be destroyed.

   He can't even beat the four monks of the Xiaoyao League, and it is absolutely impossible to escape in this heavily guarded palace!

   is that Emperor Kun Yuan himself also possesses the best Jin Dan Sanhua and Yuan Ying Chu Yun's peak combat power in the human world.

   So he didn't plan to do this in the first place, instead he planned to destroy King Yun by himself. After obtaining the credit, let Heavenly Court send another person to deliver the decree, and he would safely replace Emperor Kun Yuan.

   Now he can say nothing. In this way, it is impossible to explain to the heavenly court, let alone make any demands. There is no choice but to pass the punishment order by himself.

   It seemed as long as several years, but after only a half-breath of silence, he heard Emperor Kun Yuan respond with a heavy voice: "The criminal minister takes the order."

   Haoming finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that.

  Kun Yuandi thought that everything about him comes from his identity. He is from the Hao family, so he can have the power, wealth and concubine he has now. He cannot afford to lose all of this.

   10,000 steps back and said, even if he can lose all of this, someone can't. If he rebelled against the heavenly court, he would be punishable by the nine races. Anyone connected with him can't avoid it, including Su Long.

   None of his three great sins listed by the envoy is clearly mortal. If he accepts, he will be deprived of authority at best.

   He is still a member of the Hao clan without authority. Even if Su Long is no longer a Concubine De, he is still a woman of the Hao family.

   Just as he spit out the word "receive order", he felt stiff all over, and was immediately controlled by an odd force that inexplicably seemed to strip him away.

   This is the law of the Hao family, called "Duo"!

   There is a major limitation in the application of the law of seizure, that is, it only works for people who are loyal to the Hao family.

  Once the opponent refuses, it means that he no longer ends up in the Hao Family, and this law is useless. So before that, Haohan must first receive the order of punishment from the heavens.

   But as long as he takes over, this power is beyond his control. Even if he is under the protection of Liuhe Supreme Void Formation, he has no power to resist the law.

   "Snatching" is similar to Qin Zunyang's "Stealing", except that it appears more open. It can justly deprive you of everything.

  Relatively speaking, Hao Ming sees that the "Chewing Gods and Memories" and "Dust Fate Transformation" used to invade Liu Yan's body and memory are nothing more than small magical powers that are used to use the side effects of "Deprivation".

   The things that can be deprived of are almost infinitely extended, even including the authority to control the Liuhe Supreme Void Array, and the identity of the owner of the first jade of the chaotic origin.

   In an instant, everything Haohan was deprived of. Including his identity, status, his name, his body, his memory, everything is still there, it just belongs to others.

   This was beyond his expectation. He originally thought that even if Heavenly Court robbed him of his throne, he would just abdicate and find a reason to establish a new monarch.

   He never expected that Heavenly Court would simply take away everything that originally belonged to him. This is not only a real loss of everything, but also seeing others use what they originally belonged to.

   This divine envoy will replace him, use his physical body, possess his memory, and control his mana and authority.

   Even if this person has this idea, he can go directly to put Defei to sleep. De Fei will never discover the truth.

   Knowing this a long time ago, he would rather die, he would also refuse the order of Heaven's Punishment, then raise the anti-flag, and fight this heaven to the end!

   But he regrets it too late. He only had a strand of soul left, and was collected into a soul orb.

   There is no way for a soul to do anything, even if he wants to die, he is forced to watch everything in the soul bead.

   Even this soul orb was originally his own. There was only one primordial spirit in the lower realm of Sage Sage Ming, and nothing else was carried.

  In this world, Emperor Kun Yuan’s eyes only changed, and he had already seen Hao Ming. In other words, Hao Ming had become Emperor Kun Yuan Hao Han at this time. There is an extra soul orb in his hand.

   He felt the deep malice from this soul bead.

   He snorted and put away the soul beads. He has no interest in the things of this sinful emperor, let alone touch his woman. These creatures of the human world are extremely filthy in his eyes.

   Whether it was Emperor Kun Yuan’s body or identity, he just borrowed it for a period of time.

  Although Haohan is only a child of Sin Vein, Sin Vein also has its own power and background in the heaven. Haohan was guilty of dereliction of duty, but he was not guilty of death.

   After he finishes the matter and becomes the master of Hunyuan Shiyu, he still has to go back to heaven. Except for the beginning of the chaotic yuan, these things on the ground will eventually be returned to Haohan.

   Now there are all the memories of Emperor Kun Yuan in his mind, and his cultivation level has also become the realm of the earth.

   His mana has skyrocketed, and he has many more magical powers to transport mana in the human world.

   He hurried to his throne. He is going to order immediately to intercept De Fei who may have fled across the country!

   On November 21st in the 40th year of Kunyuan, the emperor suddenly ordered all teleportation formations across the country to stop functioning.

   After the teleportation array was reopened, everyone who tried to teleport required extremely strict identification. Many businessmen and helpers have never had such a thing.

   brought huge chaos to the originally busy grain and cargo transportation in late, but fortunately, the grain transported by the conveyor array only accounts for a small part of the winter grain. Most cargo ships going north and south still pass through the Grand Canal that connects Houtucheng and Yuntian.

   On the surface of the water that is twenty to thirty feet wide, there are densely packed water boats that are as light as a group of water striders. They hurried to run a few more transports before the northern waters were frozen.

   Every year, countless Jiangnan silks and rice grains are transported from the Qingxiao Mountains and Yuntian City to the south of the Gutong River, and then they carry the gold and silver, porcelain and flour from the north to the south.

   The Chamber of Commerce in Yuntian City has long been surnamed Song now, and the Caobang, which controls the transportation of water, is naturally closely related to the Song family. So you don't have to worry about the shackles, all this is arranged properly by Song Ruhai.

When Emperor Kun Yuan was rigorously investigating all the teleportation formations and various levels, and it was almost impossible to move forward, Su Long, wearing a lavender silk skirt that was already simple for her, was already sitting in a cabin that made her frown. Up.

   This is already the most high-end "upper class" in Caochuan, and the price is extremely high.

   Although it’s a bit small, it’s clean and tidy. The beds are all smooth and oily teak. The windows and doors are also hung with translucent blue silk curtains, which are specially used for rich ladies to travel north and south.

Although the    Cao boat is small, it does not travel alone, but there are dozens of boats connected together to form a "boat dragon". The first ship was called the "Dragon Head" and was propelled by the artifact purchased from the monks.

   Dozens of boats are really winding along the canal like a long dragon. She wore a short Geyi like a helper on a boat, and sat inconspicuously at the stern, watching the scenery on both sides of the strait quickly receding under the fading sky.

   If all goes well, you can reach Yuntian City within five or six days at most.

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