"This is great! Junior brother, since so many have come out, you won't have much more in your body." The Senior Martial Sister said in a gratified tone as she looked at the corpses of the bugs floating above the water.

"Eh …" "You're such a nice person." Fool Girl said. Senior sister, help me take the bodies of the bugs and threw them into the barrel. On top of the lid, the dead bugs were piled up densely, it was as disgusting as it could get.

"Alright, junior brother, let me help you out." After soaking in the bucket for over ten hours, the skin on my hands and feet started to wrinkle. My skin became very sensitive due to the drugs, and the pain was so intense that I didn't even dare to turn around while lying on the bed. However, this was already much better than the feeling of the bugs drilling out of my body.

The soft sheets were as rough as sandpaper to me, and the wounds from the bugs were pus and stinging, but at last I was able to relax, and the damned worm was out of my body.

The discomfort of my body made me unable to sleep, even though I was already very tired. Lying on the bed and looking at the ceiling, for some reason, I could always see the shadows moving around on the white ceiling, the shadows moving slowly and looking so similar to the bugs that the more I looked, the angrier I got. I secretly breathed, 'pui!' and spat on the ceiling.

"Get up and eat." It's unknown when I fell asleep, but Fool Girl's shouts woke me up. Even from upstairs, I could hear her voice very clearly. Fool Girl probably knew his own loud voice, so he didn't need to come upstairs to call me.

Struggling to sit up, the wounds on my body and the sheets stuck together, I grimaced and sweated from the pain as I pulled away the adhesions.

The food was quite sumptuous, Fool Girl sat down and continued eating, he did not want to take care of this patient and after a while, he still did not see his senior sister. I asked: "Fool Girl, where did senior sister go?" "Oh, she went out. She said that she didn't want to wait for her, so I don't know what she went to do." Fool Girl said in a muffled voice.

I've been lying in bed for too long, and I'm still in a daze. I just sat downstairs and waited for my senior sister to come back. For some reason, I have a feeling that those bugs won't let me go so easily.

In the evening, Senior Sister finally returned, and with a happy expression, she entered the room. "Senior Sister, where did you go?" I asked. Senior sister chuckled as she drank her saliva and said, "I'll contact Master."

Senior Sister went to the hospital, called Master, and explained my situation. On the way, she looked at Senior Brother, and after hearing about my situation, Master fell silent for a while, from his words, Senior Sister could tell that Master was very worried about me, but he really couldn't pull away, because they really needed him. Even if the Yuan Family and Department joined hands to attack Longevity Hall, they still wouldn't be able to completely destroy the power of Longevity Hall.

However, her master told her that there was someone who could help. This was also the reason why her senior sister was so happy when she came back. "Who is it?" I asked. Senior sister mysteriously smiled and said, "This person's ability isn't small. Moreover, you've seen him before."

Listening to Senior Sister's words, I carefully scanned through my mind. I had seen a person who was quite capable. After thinking for a long time, I still couldn't figure out who he was. I could only shake my head and say, "I can't think of anyone."

"Madman Duan." After hearing what senior said, I then realised that Senior Sister was indeed a capable person, I was once chased by Lv Tianhe to Chen Village, it was Madman Duan who forced Lv Tianhe to retreat and save me, the mirror in his hands is truly a treasure, speaking of it, he is still considered my benefactor.

However, there are no bugs in my body now, so I told Senior Sister that I don't need to find Madman Duan. Senior Sister happily agreed, but immediately after, her face darkened again.

"What's wrong, Senior Sister?" I asked. Senior Sister sighed and said, "Ai, I saw senior brother just now." Speaking of Senior Brother, I also feel a little sad. Since Senior Brother was injured, it has already been a few days, and Senior Brother still has no intention of waking up once he has fainted. Although my heartbeat is still beating, and my life still exists, there is no difference between this and being dead, and the snake's poison is slowly corroding Senior Brother's internal organs. Although Senior Brother can temporarily control the snake's poison by relying on medicine, at this rate, Senior Brother's death is only a matter of time.

"Junior brother, don't worry about him. He will be fine. With senior sister and master here, all of you will be fine." Brother Liang told me before that there are no villains in this world, only those who do evil things, everyone's nature is to yearn for kindness. I have never heard of such a thing before.

In the eyes of others, Senior Sister may be a cold person, and she can even ignore her own parents, not just because her parents abandoned her when she was young, it was a mistake. Senior Sister herself also said that she did not care, because her feelings were more on her Master's side, and even subconsciously, she considered her Master to be her father. She even felt that smiling to others was unnecessary, but towards her Master, me, and Senior Brother, she did not hold back at all.

I don't know if it's because of the recovery of my body, or because I was lying in bed all day long, but at night I didn't feel sleepy at all, my Master was slowly growing old, especially after my eldest senior brother fell down. His hair grew white during that period of time, and my senior brother lived together with my master.

At this moment, my body is weak, so I can't focus my mind. If I wanted to summon him, he could only use the power of the runes, and after chanting the incantation, I would ignite the Divine Rune. The Talisman paper was slowly burning, and the energy contained within it could be felt through the void, summoning the Wild Immortal.

"Hehehe, little guy, what are you calling me for?" A burst of ear-piercing laughter resounded in his mind, was it Hui Laosan? But I didn't invite him over, I just slapped my own forehead and thought to myself, why am I so stupid? I thought back to the incantation for a god, and logically speaking, the Talisman paper and the incantation shouldn't go together, the two of them can't work together, and the resulting energy is chaotic and weak, there's only one possibility, that Hui Laosan's true body is in the vicinity, and that's why it affected him.

I had no choice but to invite Master Chang. After finishing the incantation and burning the Talisman paper, Master Hui arrived and a big mouse suddenly jumped out of the window, turning into an old man. With his small nose and eyes, he revealed two front teeth with a smile.

"Master Hui, what a coincidence." Hui Laosan looked around, and with a flick of his legs, he jumped onto the table. He was dishonest even when he sat on top of the table, and he spun around, "Master Hui, what are you looking for?"

"Aren't I hungry? I was just about to find something to eat, so you came to look for me. If you have anything to eat, bring it over for a taste." This Hui Laosan is different from me, it can be said that he and I are completely using each other as business partners. Since Master Chang is the same, it can be said that he knows everything, and this old mouse is just like a stranger, adding on the matter of the Third Great Grandma Hu, my trust in the Wild Immortal can be said to be reduced to the lowest. Master is right, wild animals are just wild animals, and can't be measured using human morals.

"Master Hui, wait a moment, I'll find you something to eat." I forced myself to stand up, not wanting him to see how abnormal I was. Who knew that this Hui Laosan had such sharp eyes, to be able to see through my sickness with a single glance. "What's wrong with you?

If you don't give me time to speak, then he'll just go downstairs with a thump. I hastily tried to prop myself up. Just as I stood up, my back felt a chill. A tall figure appeared behind me, carrying with it a wild aura. "You …" "What's going on?" It was a cold voice as usual, but when I heard it, I was incomparably relieved. "Master Chang, you're here."

I leaned against the headboard. Master Chang frowned as he looked at me and asked, "Are you not feeling well?" Just as he finished speaking, Hui Laosan's voice came from outside: "Hehehe, I've found them."

Master Chang heard the sound and hid himself behind the door. Just as he stood guard, he opened the door. Hui Laosan carried a large bag of millets in, and threw Xiao Mi onto the table. He chuckled at me, "Brother, I'm really really hungry, don't mind me." He opened the bag and took out a handful of millet. Just as he was about to put it in his mouth, he suddenly stopped. His nose twitched as he said, "No, that's not right. This taste is …"

He suddenly turned his head, and saw that Master Chang was already standing behind him, enveloping him in a ball. Without saying anything further, Hui Laosan jumped towards the window, which Master Chang grabbed onto by the neck and pulled him back, and threw him onto the ground. Hui Laosan curled up into a ball, with his eyes closed and his mouth trembling.

"What kind of person is this? Why does it have the smell of a field?" Master Chang looked at Hui Laosan who had shrunk into a ball and asked. I said, "Master Chang, he is also my stepping stone." "No wonder …"

Hui Laosan secretly opened his eyes a little bit, looked at me and then looked at Master Chang, after confirming that there was no danger, he carefully stood up and hid all the way to the corner of the wall.

The Master Hui forced a smile and said: "Hui Laosan, Hui Laosan... "Hehehe." The Master Chang ignored him and looked at me. "What did you call me here for? Also, the Essence in your body is vibrating. I briefly explained the situation with Buggy and said, "Master Chang, the reason I called you here this time was mainly because of my senior brother."

Master Chang thought for a while, then remembered that my senior brother was injured by him. He shook his head and said: "I was powerless against him, but that woman sealed seven inches of me, so I was completely out of control. When she hurt your senior brother, she used my Life Snake Poison, which had already become a part of my power, so I could not help you senior brother."

Actually, I had already expected this result. If it was a normal injury, my master would have cured it long ago. I bitterly smiled and said, "I guess so too. I'll have to trouble you to go over so late. Master Chang …" Before I could finish my sentence, a sharp pain came from the back of my waist. Something was rapidly moving around my waist, causing me to scream out loud as I fell from the bed.

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