"What is this?" Master Chang helped me onto the bed. I laid on the bed, exposing the back of my waist. On my waist, there were many densely packed red pimples.

I reached out to touch the back of my waist, and when my fingers felt a sharp pain, I hurriedly pulled my hand back. Those who didn't know what happened would think that my fingers were pierced by needles, but they would feel that there were several densely packed at the waist, entwined at the back, like a belt. There was something moving inside these red pimples, very much like those bugs.

"You have a strange illness." The Master Chang said, "It's possible. In fact, it was even more serious yesterday." Master Chang held me down and said, "I'll help you dig these out." After saying that, he stretched out his fingernail and aimed at the closest part of the egg and slid down. In fact, Master Chang's hands were very gentle, he only wanted to cut off the egg, but the moment his fingernail touched the egg, the other eggs started trembling.

"Don't, these worms are very smart. The moment I feel that they are going to be at a disadvantage, they will immediately drill into my body." I said, the Master Chang frowned, "I am also troubled by bugs, and sometimes they would crawl into my head, that kind of pain is really indescribable, what do you do now?" I said, "My master has already told me the solution. The last time we met at Chen Village, Madman Duan, he was able to help me. Tomorrow, Senior Sister and I will go find him."

Master Chang said: "I don't remember the Chen Village you mentioned, but if it's not far from here, I will bring you there now." My waist was in unbearable pain. I hastily waved my hands and said, "Let's wait for the pain on my waist for a little longer before we head there." Master Chang said: "This is nothing, let's go." After saying that, he threw himself onto the ground and revealed his real body. It was a large, iron-gray snake with a dark green long strip below its head. Its eyes glowed with red light and its body coiled up, occupying most of the space in the room.

When Hui Laosan saw this, he immediately jumped out of the window. His Master Chang tail rolled around me, broke through the window and rushed out, then landed on the ground, with a swing of his tail, he threw me behind its head. I sat on its body, there were scales on both sides of its head, I gently grabbed onto it and stabilized its body.

Hearing the 'whoosh' sound of Master Chang's body hitting the ground, and feeling the night breeze caress his face, the pain on his waist seemed to lessen a little. "Master Chang, this way." As I commanded the Master Chang, I thought about how to get the Madman Duan to help me.

The Master Chang was very fast, in less than an hour, they arrived at the boundary of the Chen Village and released me. The Master Chang turned into a human form, and for some reason, the dark of night shrouded the entire Chen Village like a hidden gigantic beast.

"Let's go in." Master Chang said, but he also felt that something was amiss, but judging from his appearance, he did not seem to have any intention of retreating, "Un." I nodded.

The village is not small, and it is impossible to search from house to house. According to my previous experience, people like the Madman Duan would usually live in shacks, hmm, it would be much easier to find those kind of people.

We walked in the village. The night in the village was extremely quiet, and I couldn't even see my fingers in front of me. The Fox Blood seemed to have awoken at this moment.

Master Chang and I walked very carefully, without making any sound. As we walked, Master Chang suddenly stopped and raised his head to take a whiff: "What a strong stench." I lifted my nose and sniffed, but I didn't smell anything.

After walking around the village, he found a short, run-down house, its four walls were almost completely destroyed. There was an old withered tree in the yard, with a few branches scattered around, just like a sick old man, it had lost its vigor, there was a deceptive Feng Shui sir who often talked about trees like this, thinking that this kind of tree in the yard was unlucky, in fact, the taller and more lush the tree is, the easier it is for the tree to gather shade, the more dead the tree is, it will become useless, the dead tree basically won't provoke Spiritual Being to gather. If a tree dies, but the tree's branches won't fall.

However, the old tree wasn't completely useless. Even if it was a dead tree, it still took up a bit of space. This meant that this wasn't a masterless land, so having a tree in the yard was still good for feng shui.

There were four kinds of trees that were born to gather Yin, and among them, the locust tree had the title of the ghost among the trees. Ghost s and yin loving animals all gathered under the locust tree, and the locust tree that was over a hundred years old would definitely have Ghost s living under it, because the locust tree had a long period of accumulation of negative auras which were not conducive to the growth of living things, so rarely would the locust tree live past a hundred years. As long as the locust tree lived over a hundred years, it would borrow the power of Ghost, even taking the initiative to attract Ghost and Ghost to support each other.

"Is it here?" The Master Chang asked, "There's no place worse than this here, it's this place." I carefully opened the door and entered. The interior of the house was dark, there weren't even any light bulbs on the shed, and I really doubted if there was anyone here. If there was anyone inside, it would have to be someone like the Madman Duan.

"Master Duan, are you there?" The room was in chaos, and I couldn't see anything clearly at night. Even though I thought that I was bold to have someone as fierce as the Master Chang by my side, I was still a little afraid. Who knows what would suddenly appear there?

After saying that, I didn't reply for a long time. I really regretted coming out at night to get a flashlight. I had no choice but to brace myself and head inside.

They entered one by one. This place was made up of two large rooms and a kitchen. There were also three small rooms in each of the houses. However, they had already searched every single room. There wasn't even a cat.

Helpless, I said to Master Chang: "Looks like Madman Duan isn't living here. Let's go." Master Chang laughed and said: "There is someone living here, but I do not want others to know." Then he stuck his tongue out and said, "It tastes good."

I didn't know what Master Chang meant by the smell of humans. I also sniffed around, but other than the smell of dust and dirt, there was nothing else. "Master Chang, let's go?"

Master Chang nodded his head and we walked outside. Master Chang was walking in front and I was at the back, and the moment I stepped out, I suddenly felt someone looking at me. Frowning, I turned around and saw nothing in the darkness. Before I left, I looked at the dead tree in the courtyard. I felt like I was acquainted with the dead tree, and thought that it might be similar to the old coat that Madman Duan wore.

In the next few days, the bug eggs on my waist didn't move at all, and I was also busy helping the nearby five families leave their homes, so I was in no hurry to find Madman Duan. Furthermore, Master Chang seemed to be intentionally hiding from me, if that's really the case, then I shouldn't trouble him so easily.

Children, especially infants, don't have to be put in coffins when they die, depending on the situation. For example, there is a family whose babies are unstable after death, and only want to come back and be with their families. Senior Sister and I stayed there for three days and three nights, waiting for Infant Spirit.

"Junior brother, how is the insect egg on your waist?" On the night of the third day, when Senior Sister and I were squatting behind that family's house, she asked, "The insect egg isn't really that bad. Is there something more serious than that?" The Senior Sister nervously asked, "What else is there?" I bitterly smiled and said, "The form teacher called me yesterday to ask if I should take a break from school. Judging from her tone, my future days in school won't be good." The Senior Sister heaved a sigh of relief and said, "You scared me." I said, "Senior sister, you don't know, but I'm very worried right now. If the next exam doesn't go well and Master comes back, he will take my life. He said that I must raise my rank by 10 compared to the previous exam." "Hahaha, then you're in trouble."

As we were chatting, we suddenly heard a crying sound. It was barely discernible, almost distant, and fleeting, and if it weren't for the fact that the Fox Blood had warmed up recently, her senses were sharp, so she might not have been able to hear it.

"Senior Sister, did you hear that?" I asked in a low voice. Senior sister nodded. "I think I heard something." I picked up the talisman and quietly climbed onto the roof. Senior sister quickly followed.

This time, both of us did not bring any weapons. Ghost Torture Stick s and Copper Coin Sword s had an excessive killing power, and Infant Spirit normally did not have any intention of harming anyone, but only wanted to return to his parents and family. After all, the location of the Yin Body was too cold and lonely for them.

We saw a child walking in from the roof. It seemed that he had just learned how to walk, and his steps were clumsy, so Senior Sister and I did not dare to open the Yin Yang Eyes completely. The Infant Spirit Yin Qi was weak, but its spirit energy was heavy.

"This little guy can actually find his way home, it's really not easy." I sighed. Indeed, it was not easy, Infant Spirit's intelligence was not high, and had just risen in spiritual energy. Under normal circumstances, people would lose themselves in it, not to mention finding their home before death.

"Give it to me." Senior sister reached out her hand for the soul attracting talisman. I said, "I think it's better if I do it." Holding his breath, he retrieved all of the Yang Qi s that had leaked out of his body, so as to not be detected by the Infant Spirit with his middle yin body, and jumped down from the house and placed the Soul Drawing Rune on Infant Spirit's head without hesitation. At the same time, he landed steadily on the ground.

'Pa! 'A crisp sound echoed through the air. Infant Spirit was stunned still for a moment as he activated his Soul Luring Talisman. I signaled to my senior sister that we had succeeded and she gave me a thumbs up.

Who knew that just as I was about to relax, the Infant Spirit would suddenly scream out, frantically waving his little fists, jumping and jumping, and very quickly his face would turn red, he couldn't hear the cries of the middle yin body, and didn't have to worry about him waking up his neighbor, but I was so close that I almost fell down from fright.

"F * ck, what are you trying to do?" Infant Spirit was still continuously raising his fist in front of his face, crying and shouting, his small face full of tears. The Soul Drawing Rune was able to transform the Yin Body that was in his heart, using this to fulfill their wish and resolve their resentment. However, I didn't expect that the resentment in Infant Spirit's heart would be so great.

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