Qu Jianlei did not refuse Gao Fang's following. Anyway, if something happened, he could put this guy in the ghost bag.

After the two arrived at Keqi Star, they found that several teleportation arrays here were still intact.

The aura of the people on the planet was very decadent, and there was no high-spirited feeling like the military star.

It was not uncommon to see scenes of revelry and drunkenness every night, and there were also many homeless people sleeping drunk on the streets.

This kind of scene was impossible to appear on the military star before.

The inspections that were seen everywhere before almost disappeared.

Only some important places set up checkpoints, but the soldiers guarding them also looked weak.

Jing Yuexin was a little emotional, "It really feels like sunset, even the teleportation array is not checked."

Qu Jianlei let Xiaohu feel for a while, and shook his head regretfully, "It's a pity that no new spare starships were sent."

His idea was really a bit whimsical. Keqi Star had such a big mistake, how could it be possible to make war preparations again?

Not to mention that when they were forcibly leaving, they severely hit a wave of defense forces.

Perhaps because of this, the residents of this planet are so low in spirit.

However, Jing Yuexin knew what he meant, "Then change to another place, it is always a good thing to stockpile more starships."

Although no one said it, looking at the posture of the imperial government, it is estimated that there will be no shortage of things targeting their side in the future.

Now that the alliance's peace talks have not been completed, and the Federation is still fighting, it is estimated that there will not be too many problems. It is just a disgusting thing.

But if the two Guojia are really settled, there is a high probability that the rabbit is dead and the dog is cooked.

This matter does not matter whether it is right or wrong, Qu Jianlei also looks lightly, but it is still necessary to prepare for a rainy day.

Now accumulating starships is a link to deal with future changes, and the main goal is to be prepared.

The two wandered around Kochi Star for two days and were very relaxed, but in the end, they still did not find any targets worth shooting.

There are some ordinary targets, but it is a bit uneconomical to expose their own coming for them.

It's just that the Alliance has strengthened its control over public opinion, and a lot of information can't be found online.

Jing Yuexin sighed that the other party has learned a lesson and knows about information control.

But Qu Jianlei said disapprovingly, "A lot of negative information can't be sent out... This kind of control is the final madness."

However, despite the complaints, Qu Jianlei couldn't find the code he agreed with Lawrence because of the information control.

They had no choice but to teleport to Taigu Star, where the inspection was much stricter than that of Keqi Star.

Fortunately, Xiaohu found Lawrence's message. This guy's family went to Tianyu Star in the Blue Light Star Field.

Blue Light is one of the five major star fields of the Alliance, and Tianyu is the central star, the place that is least likely to be attacked in the Alliance.

According to Lawrence and his wife, his family has five children, which is not a lot in the Empire that encourages childbirth, but it is not a small number in the Alliance.

The couple's income is decent, but supporting such a large family can only be considered middle class.

For such a family to settle in Tianyu, the pressure will not be too small. Obviously, they followed Qu Jianlei's advice and chose safety.

Whether it is the Empire or the alien race, if they want to fight here, they must at least give priority to solving the habitable planets on the periphery.

Qu Jianlei and his team had been to Tianyu Star before, and they also left a teleportation array.

The two chose a formation plate located on the seabed. After teleporting there, they were shocked to find that land reclamation was taking place not far away.

After a little inquiry, they found out that Tianyu was preparing for war recently and accepting a large number of refugees at the same time.

War preparations are fine, but when it comes to resettling refugees, it is still the fault of Digital Phantom.

The cause of the incident was that they helped Wu Zhen rescue more than 40,000 refugees from Baozhi Star.

The refugees and Wu Zhen were taken care of by the government, but the news could not be stopped.

The news was well controlled in the early stage, but when the great looting incident on Keqi Star broke out, the news could no longer be suppressed.

Too many people who fought against Digital Phantom at that time heard the news.

All the participants in the war were soldiers. The military discipline was supposed to be very strict, but there was a distinction between the national army and the local army in the alliance.

In short, the incident of the abandonment of the people of Baozhi Star could no longer be covered up, and a huge refugee wave followed.

At this moment, it would be too difficult for the alliance to stop the people from fleeing the remote planet.

Some people even resorted to force to escape, and the local army often turned a blind eye.

So now, even Tianyu Star has to reclaim land to prepare for the future refugee wave.

Qu Jianlei was not moved by this scene. It is better to be a dog in peace than a person in chaos. This is how things are in the world.

He really wanted to find out where Lawrence's family moved to.

But then, he found that the vigilance of Tianyu Star was much stronger than that of Keqi Star, and Taigu Star was far inferior.

During the quiet search, Xiaohu was actually noticed by the other party several times.

Fortunately, once it found something wrong, it quietly evacuated.

Fortunately, the other side only improved its early warning capability, and reverse tracking and verification were still quite lame.

However, even so, it is enough to prove that the alliance has made some progress in digital warfare.

It can be seen that war is really the driving force of technological development.

Xiaohu's search ability was affected, and Qu Jianlei and Jing Yuexin took the opportunity to take a walk on Tianyu Star.

As the two's cultivation level improved, it became increasingly difficult to detect their whereabouts with scientific and technological means.

And the two's state of mind also adjusted. Although they could not be said to be arrogant to the point of being indifferent to others, they basically did not care about various equipment.

While strolling around, the two explored by the way and found several targets of decent value.

However, they came here mainly to get intelligence, and they had not yet decided where to move.

On the third day, Xiao Hu found the residence of Lawrence's family.

I have to admit that this guy is worthy of being a peak B-level awakener, with sufficient manpower and financial resources.

At a time when housing was tight on Tianyu Star, he actually got a small courtyard with a single door and a single household.

The small courtyard is located next to a manor, where there are people of status, and there are several small courtyards around it, mainly to protect the manor.

According to Xiao Hu's investigation, the courtyard is not under Lawrence's name, it should be just rented, but it is good to be able to rent it.

It rained around that night, and Qu Jianlei and the others approached the courtyard. The vigilance around... can only be said to be acceptable.

However, they unexpectedly found that only Mrs. Lawrence and five children were in the yard, but Lawrence was nowhere to be seen.

After listening for a while, the two knew the whole story... Lawrence was imprisoned.

The overthrow of the Tianwen project team had a huge impact on the alliance, and the consequences were too serious.

For the alliance, Jiao Daoren's disappearance was more serious than the loss of ten supremes.

And Maryland and Frederick, two supremes, were also missing.

The alliance made the greatest effort to investigate, and all suspects were interrogated one by one. Those who could not prove their innocence would be locked up for investigation.

The objects of the initial screening by the government were as many as millions!

This was not surprising. The number of people in the branch of the research institute alone reached 200,000. How many people were involved?

And Lawrence had inquired about Tianwen, and this suspicion was really hard to wash away.

In history, there were not a few people who inquired about Tianwen. After all, curiosity was hard to control, and many people loved to brag.

During the screening process, there were thousands of suspected spies found.

Most of them may be related to the Federation, and a small part of them are related to the Empire.

This is still normal. The Federation is currently a friendly country, but it does not mean it will always be.

There are still tens of thousands of suspects in custody, and Lawrence's ranking may not be able to squeeze into the top 10,000.

Otherwise, let alone him, even his wife will not be able to escape the fate of being detained.

However, he is still a suspect, and he cannot prove his innocence, so he has been in this stage for more than two years.

Fortunately, Mrs. Lawrence is also an awakener, so she has no worries about finding a job, and her family has a small savings, so she is just holding on.

After the two understood, they waited until midnight, and Jing Yuexin flashed and entered the courtyard.

Mrs. Lawrence had already fallen asleep, but she was not sleeping well. Suddenly, she vaguely heard someone calling her and woke up immediately.

In fact, Jing Yuexin did not make a sound at all, but simply used her mental power to wake the other party.

After Mrs. Lawrence figured out who the other party was, her body softened immediately - no one knew how she had survived all these years.

Jing Yuexin's attitude was very clear, do you still want to keep in touch with Digital Phantom?

If you keep in touch, then talk about future cooperation, including saving Lawrence.

If you refuse, then she will turn around and leave, and will never bother the other party again.

Mrs. Lawrence said without hesitation, I don't want to say more, I hope my husband can go home!

This request is very reasonable, but what makes Jing Yuexin embarrassed is that the other party hopes that her husband can be released!

Mrs. Lawrence does not want her family to become fugitives and flee with five children.

Jing Yuexin has a headache. How can she have such influence in the government of the alliance?

But she can't refuse yet. As a party involved, she knows very well that she has benefited from the other party.

The boss didn't pay any price at all, and got the information about Tianwen.

At that time, Lawrence was a little emotional for a while, thinking that he was white-collared, and then he accepted the fact.

Lawrence's ultimate goal is to join Digital Phantom and cling to this thigh in the chaos.

Even for the sake of the team's signboard, she can't rashly refuse the other party.

So she said lightly, we will try to rescue him through normal channels, do you have any other requests?

Mrs. Lawrence really suffered a lot, and she talked to her for two hours.

In the end, she even talked about how difficult it was to move to Tianyu Star.

Not only did she spend a lot of black money, but the children also had to go to school, practice, and find jobs, which made the current financial situation very tight.

(Updated to call for monthly tickets, follow-up subscriptions and recommendation tickets.)

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