Faced with Mrs. Lawrence's nagging, Jing Yuexin said very straightforwardly, "Money is not a problem."

Although the team did not have many alliance coins, it was more than enough to help a few ordinary families with a small amount of money.

However, Mrs. Lawrence refused. She seemed to be worried that once she took the money, the other party would not be too attentive to help her husband.

She said that in addition to working during the day, she also kept watch over the manor at night.

If it weren't for the fact that both Lawrence and his wife were awakened, they might not be able to rent such a yard even if they spent more money.

Qu Jianlei waited outside for two and a half hours before Jing Yuexin came out.

He also sensed the general situation through his mental power.

However, he didn't want to be accused of being hypocritical and insisting on saving a useless person, so he asked, "What are your plans?"

"My plan is not important," Jing Yuexin answered distressedly, "The question is... how can I rescue him legitimately?"

Qu Jianlei looked at her in surprise, "Your cultivation has improved, but you don't like to use your brain anymore?"

"Don't I have a boss?" Jing Yuexin answered confidently, "I'm not very interested in these aspects of human relations and worldly affairs."

"I would rather practice," Qu Jianlei muttered softly, and then said in a deep voice, "Then let's go meet Lawrence first."

Lawrence was taken away from Tianyu Star and is currently detained in Tianyu.

Although this case is important, there are too many suspects involved, and it is impossible to detain them all.

The whereabouts of those who are too suspicious are a mystery, but there is no need for others.

According to the principle of territorial avoidance, Lawrence could not have been detained locally.

However, his family had just moved here, and the investigators knew that they were here to avoid disaster, so they were too lazy to spend money to send them to another planet.

The place where Lawrence was imprisoned was near the Tianyu Military Region, which was a large prison for serious criminals.

He was not sent to the serious criminal cell, but to a room similar to a detention center.

The conditions of the room were very ordinary, but at least it was a four-person room, which was much more comfortable than a cell with more than ten people.

The three suspects in the same room with him were also awakened, and none of them were arrested because of the "Heavenly Questions".

Lawrence had been in society for many years and knew that these people might not be the real suspects.

But it didn't matter. He was determined to keep his mouth shut - once the truth was told, none of his family could escape.

The alliance rarely had the phenomenon of implicated by association, but there was no doubt that with the nature of this case, implicated the whole family was a light punishment.

At this moment, Lawrence was lying on the bed, tossing and turning and unable to sleep. He was worried on the one hand, and he was also hungry.

It seems that all prisons in human society have a unified agreement that not being full is a basic operation - being full is prone to trouble.

Lawrence has been imprisoned for more than two years and has lost a full third of his weight!

He was tossing and turning when suddenly a message came to his mind, "Lawrence, long time no see, I am Yinshan."

Fortunately, Lawrence did not turn over at this moment, so his scalp was only slightly tight.

He waited for seven or eight seconds before he silently said in his heart, "Isn't this an illusion?"

"It's not an illusion," another thought came over, "We apologize for causing you such trouble."

"It doesn't matter, this is my own life," Lawrence continued to silently say, "I don't regret it either."

Qu Jianlei couldn't help but smile slightly when he heard this, "Are you worried that I came here to silence you?"

"I haven't thought about it so much," Lawrence answered very smoothly, "But I can be sure that I'm not worth silencing."

"I was entrusted by your wife to save you," Qu Jianlei was too lazy to beat around the bush, "Do you have any ideas?"

"Sorry," Lawrence said calmly, "My wife and I don't have such a good relationship, you can find another reason!"

It has to be said that his vigilance is really high, fearing that others are trying to trick him, and he has been talking nonsense for a long time.

In the end, he took the initiative to say the codeword agreed with his wife, and the other party answered correctly, and then confirmed Qu Jianlei's identity.

——This codeword can only be spoken by him first, if the other party says it first, it must be false.

Anyway, the verification was finally passed.

At this time, Lawrence sighed, "It's strange that you were not caught."

He really didn't expect that the alliance's review this time would be so strong.

People from the alliance pretending to be Yinshan had contacted him several times, so he was happy to talk nonsense.

Until this moment, when he was sure that Yinshan was fine and came to save him, he couldn't help but sigh.

However, Lawrence still had some ideas about how to rescue himself openly.

He had been imprisoned for more than two years. Although he had not been free, as the person involved, he knew best where the problem was.

On this point, his wife didn't understand as well as he did.

On the surface, he was detained for so long because he inquired about the Tianwen project team without authorization, which was his own fault.

But in fact, many people who had inquired about Tianwen had been released long ago.

Are those people innocent? It's really not the case. It's just that there are people behind them.

The so-called self-proving innocence is actually a joke.

It is not difficult to prove that you are a member of Digital Phantom; but how can you prove that you are not...?

Lawrence would not envy those who have backers - this emotion is wrong, people must put themselves in the right position.

And he is not without backers, but the relationship is not well managed and is far away.

Just like he once said to Qu Jianlei: his boss's boss is also a supreme!

However, the most pitfall is here.

He has been locked up for so long, looking for so many people, and spending a lot of money, but it is precisely because of his own backers that he has been locked up until now!

Someone wants to deal with the supreme behind him - that is, his boss's boss, so he will not let him go!

This is not his imagination, but more than one person has brought a message: as long as you can identify that person, you will be able to go home soon.

The people who came to talk about it are all kinds of people, even the one in the same room, who doesn't know who entrusted him. They all conveyed this meaning to him.

However, how could Lawrence agree?

First of all, it is wrong to eat inside and outside, once it gets out, his reputation will be ruined.

Secondly, even if he wanted to turn against us and did it, but in that case... can he really get out?

We are not children anymore, and we cannot have unrealistic fantasies about reality!

There is no need to say more about these words. In short, the reason why he has not been released for a long time is that someone is obstructing him!

Those who are more suspected than him have been released, why can't he get out?

In fact, it is not a mistake to release him. At most, he will be placed under residential surveillance. What else can happen?

However, even if he knows that someone is deliberately making things difficult for him, he still has no way to deal with it.

Lawrence's boss's boss is the Supreme. There is no doubt that only the Supreme can make things difficult for the Supreme!

He is a mere B-level, and he doesn't even have the courage to ask for help in the face of the Supreme's embarrassment.

Lawrence can't even tell others about this grievance.

Now facing Yinshan, he swears that my words are absolutely true and he is willing to bear all the consequences for this.

"I will implement this," Qu Jianlei said calmly, "Let's say goodbye, I'll make the arrangements."

"Please wait a moment," Lawrence said silently, "May I ask... how do you plan to arrange it?"

"This is what we are considering," Qu Jianlei couldn't reveal all his plans.

The other party could doubt his identity, so he naturally couldn't trust the other party without reservation.

Once the news leaked out, it might bring about a complete passivity.

Lawrence could also feel the other party's caution and approved of it very much.

But he still suggested, "Can you let me know before taking action?"

"Please don't get me wrong, I'm not asking for information, but I have a guess that the prison may have a trap."

There is no need to say more, since there may be a trap, it must be left for the digital phantom.

"Thanks for the reminder," Qu Jianlei replied calmly, "but we don't plan to rescue you, it doesn't matter whether there is a trap or not."

"We don't plan to rescue me..." Lawrence was stunned, "But you said you wanted to rescue me, sorry, I don't quite understand what you said."

"Rescue you through legitimate channels," Qu Jianlei replied casually, "It's your wife's request, she doesn't want the whole family to be displaced."

"Legal channels, okay," Lawrence did not reject official help, who doesn't like a stable and comfortable life?

But the next moment, he was slightly stunned, "It seems... something is wrong?"

After Qu Jianlei found out the news, he discussed with Jing Yuexin how to rescue.

There is no need to think about the operation of official pressure, because his family has no connections in the alliance.

But this is not the only way. As long as they can eliminate some necessary factors and no one makes things difficult, things will go smoothly.

The most important thing is the supreme being named by Lawrence-Benjamin!

Benjamin's opponent is the boss of Lawrence's boss, and he can't even see him out of the corner of his eye.

But he did it as he pleased, since he was a member of a hostile force.

Even Lawrence's boss was implicated and is currently under residential surveillance.

The boss was not influenced by Lawrence, but he did have some relationship with Tianwen - they were originally working in related fields.

The focus of Benjamin's activities was not on Tianyu Star. He was currently on Taihe Star.

Taihe, like Taiqing Star where Tianwen was, was a habitable star in the Zhongliang Star Region.

Benjamin's force was not small, and there was more than one supreme being.

He was far away in Taihe, and through hints and remote control, he could keep Lawrence alive in prison for more than two years. His power was evident.

Fortunately, there was a lot of information about this person on the Internet, and you could find it with a casual search.

Qu Jianlei looked through the information collected by Xiaohu and suddenly snorted, "Huh?"

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