In the end, Qu Jianlei still did not agree to Xizhao's request.

It is good to have confidence, but you must also be awed. Anyway, there is no rush, so it is better to be safe.

Almost at the same time, in the distant empire, the military is urgently contacting the Dawn Base.

"Urgent report, the Alliance is launching a new round of attacks on the Empire."

Now it is Yuanyuan who is guarding the base. She said indifferently, "We are not qualified to ask about the military's affairs."

However, the military did not care about her attitude, because according to the investigation, the warships launched by the Alliance were unmanned.

The Alliance War Zone has issued a warning to the other party: Your attitude is not the way to negotiate.

But the Alliance military said that these warships are out of control... We don't want to attack you either.

At present, several warships of the Empire Military have been infected and isolated on a larger meteorite.

Fortunately, the Empire made preparations to deal with artificial intelligence in advance and lost most of the energy block reserves. It is currently under overall control.

But the military cannot let the situation develop, so it is entrusted by the Empire to urgently seek help from Digital Phantom.

The military described the situation as serious, but Yuanyuan's reaction was mediocre, saying that most members had already gone out.

The people left behind could not handle the local artificial intelligence, so... they could only say sorry.

The military also knew that Digital Phantom was going out, and even knew that they were fighting well in the Federation.

The military could only ask if there was any way to contact them in an emergency.

But Yuanyuan said she could not help and could only wait for the main force to contact the base.

Because she did not cover up her voice, the military had already judged from her voice that she was the one who caused the killing on Tianbing Star.

In the portrait of the Empire, this person's loyalty was average, and she belonged to the group that should not be provoked.

Then they could only leave a message, hoping that when the main force contacted the base, she could convey the military's needs as soon as possible...

After Qu Jianlei and others arrived in Hesmus, they found that the scene here was completely different from Tres.

After all, it was a place of debauchery and everything here seemed quite prosperous.

They adapted for a day, and then divided their troops into three groups to find the whereabouts of the magic weapon.

Unfortunately, all three groups of people returned empty-handed. Those people either ran away or sent away the magic tools in a high-profile manner.

And all these things happened within the past two months.

Qu Jianlei was a little unconvinced and wanted to do some divination, but Jiao Daoren stopped him and thought it was unnecessary.

——These people and forces should be all-powerful. When they learned that the digital phantom appeared, they would definitely take action.

In other words, for the group of federal people with the most sensitive sense of smell, their appearance is no longer a secret.

So the most urgent thing is to find out about Asura's situation and think that going to Link Nebula is a serious matter.

So everyone went out again to find out the relevant information.

I have to admit that Hermus is really worthy of being the city of depravity. As long as you have money, there is no news that you can't buy.

However, there are also many people who sell false news, and some people want to test their roots, so there is no need to elaborate on these.

For this reason, they also killed a group of people and robbed and injured two groups.

Everyone gathered again to share their intelligence. It was certain that the news of their coming to the Federation had spread.

However, the news showed that the Federation was not an ordinary iron head. They tended to resist the digital phantom.

Because they had fought with warships carrying artificial intelligence, they felt that although it was difficult to fight, it was not as evil as the legend said.

They believed that the Alliance was defeated, mainly in the digital defense, and the basic ability was too poor.

However, some people said that the Federation was a little bit overwhelmed, at least the economy did not allow it.

So the current toughness of the Federation was just a retreat in order to get a decent treatment.

This sounded credible, but Qu Jianlei was not interested in it. "Is there a way to go to the Link Nebula?"

In the face of the invasion of Asura, the Federation released too many sensors, not only to prevent aliens, but also to prevent the Empire from doing bad things.

If Qu Jianlei and his team went directly, it would not be very difficult, but there was a possibility of running into the Federation army.

In addition, Asura had arranged large and small gathering points in the space that had been occupied.

Although Qu Jianlei and his men are not afraid of fighting Ashura, they have to consider the cost of the battle. They can't waste the ammunition they carry.

So it would be best if they can find the relevant star map.

Several groups of people have heard about this.

The Federation does have this kind of star map, but there are many versions and the reliability is not very high.

Among them, the fourth boss and Mrs. Jia have found out the way to go to Link Nebula - joining the hunting group.

The Federation has offered a bounty for Ashura to the whole society. Not only is the bounty generous, but there are also a series of social benefits.

Although Hermus is a place of luxury, there are also many adventurers and many gray organizations.

So some forces have set up offices here to publish bounties and team formation information.

After everyone's analysis, I think the one chosen by the fourth boss is relatively reliable.

The main reason is that the other party's strength is average, the cooperation conditions are relatively broad, and the key is that the star map in hand comes from the military.

This team is called "Skyline Mercenaries". There are a total of five supremes. This time, three armed merchant ships and three supremes will be dispatched.

At the appointed time, everyone went to the meeting place and got on the floating bus.

There were more than 20 people in the bus, and Qu Jianlei's group of ten people was relatively eye-catching.

After getting on the bus, they did not greet others. They all had cold faces and looked like strangers.

But this is not surprising. There are few good people who can get on this bus - they want to fight with aliens.

A big man with a scar on his face came over and said simply, "Wages will be paid after the starship is launched!"

The main body of the hunters is the Skyline Mercenaries. They pay salaries to the hired people, and they are paid on a daily basis.

The fourth boss said in a deep voice, "No need, we also got an armed merchant ship, and we should be able to meet in space."

"Found it?" The scarred man looked at him, nodded slightly, and said nothing more.

Participating in the battle on someone else's starship and bringing your own starship are different concepts. The latter is a way of cooperation.

Of course, such a team also means stronger.

Hearing this, several people looked over in surprise, but didn't say much.

The bus passed three checkpoints and entered the star port. No one checked the identities of the passengers along the way.

This was agreed in advance. The Skyline team knew very well that many of these people who dared to risk their lives had criminal records.

Only by providing such services can they attract more good players.

Anyway, they are fighting against aliens, and criminal records are not important. Once they succeed, they may be able to whitewash some of them.

The three armed merchant ships of the Skyline team are all heavily armored, one of which is large, and the other two are medium.

Qu Jianlei and his team were assigned to a medium-sized merchant ship.

However, when boarding the ship, the scarred man said, "If you can't wait for your merchant ship, you have to board the large ship."

There are many attack ships installed on the large ship. They recruit mercenaries mainly for driving these small ships.

In space battles, these small ships are the easiest to damage and the risk is extremely high, but... it really doesn't work without its cooperation.

The meaning of this was a bit impolite: You are welcome to bring your own dry food, but if you want to play any tricks, forget it!

Qu Jianlei and his group did not respond, as if they did not hear it, only the fourth boss nodded slightly.

Although it is a medium-sized armed merchant ship, its size is more than twice that of an ordinary armed merchant ship.

After entering the cabin, there were already more than 40 people waiting in the hall.

Qu Jianlei and his group formed a small circle and stood in a corner of the hall.

After a while, someone came to ask, "Is there anyone who specializes in damage control? Come and register."

Such manpower is really in short supply. After all, the damage control task when fighting against aliens is much more dangerous than fighting against humans.

Seeing that Qu Jianlei and others' team is not small, this person came over to ask a question.

According to common sense, such a large team should have its own damage control personnel.

When he learned that the other party had its own starship in space, he snorted and left.

After the number of people in the hall exceeded 100, people finally stopped entering, and three armed merchant ships gradually took off.

After entering the space, Qu Jianlei and others found that there were six ordinary armed merchant ships waiting in the space.

But this is normal, otherwise they really can't understand why three starships dare to think about hunting and rewarding?

As the starships set sail, the solemn atmosphere in the hall loosened a little, and some people began to talk in a low voice.

Later, more and more people whispered to each other, and some people raised their voices to show off their knowledge.

But this is not surprising, because in the next battle, everyone will face the brutal alien race.

So it is necessary to seize the time to improve personal reputation, at least in an emergency, the weight of words will be heavier.

So Qu Jianlei and others learned that only two of the six ordinary armed merchant ships belonged to the Skyline Mercenaries.

The other four were also from the mercenary group's partners.

No wonder the scarred man easily accepted the fact that they had armed merchant ships. It turned out that there were quite a few people who did this.

Seeing that Qu Jianlei and his team were quite large, some people came over to say hello.

Unfortunately, their attitude was a bit cold, and the visitors could only leave embarrassedly.

Not long after, the mercenaries came and arranged a room for everyone to rest.

After they were arranged into the room, they began to distribute the day's salary. There should be different treatments inside.

Qu Jianlei and his group were arranged into a small meeting room, which was barely enough to sit, but there were no beds.

They didn't care, but left the door ajar and listened to the noise outside.

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