Less than half an hour after the starship set sail, a medium-sized armed merchant ship appeared in front of it and initiated a communication request.

"Is it the skyline? We are the Wild Wolf Chamber of Commerce, and now we invite you to hunt aliens together."

The control room here was silent for three or four seconds before someone answered, "We are also going to hunt aliens."

"We know this," the other side said lightly, "There is strength in numbers, what, do you have any objections?"

After two seconds of silence, the other side asked, "Can we refuse?"

"Are you serious?" The other side asked lazily, "I have already said it, Wild Wolf Chamber of Commerce!"

Qu Jianlei and others exchanged glances after hearing this, and Jia Shuiqing snorted lightly.

This Wild Wolf Chamber of Commerce is the hunting group she contacted before.

From the name, it can be heard that this chamber of commerce was originally a mercenary group.

It's just that the Wild Wolf has grown and expanded, swallowed up many small and medium-sized forces, and now it is called a chamber of commerce.

So far, the Wild Wolf Chamber of Commerce has not engaged in much legitimate business, and its reputation is not very good.

However, they have people behind them and they are strong, so generally speaking, few people are willing to provoke them.

Jia Shuiqing found it ironic that she had given up contacting the other party, but she didn't expect to bump into them again.

The Skyline Mercenary Group obviously didn't want to offend the other party, so they bargained silently.

In the end, all they got was that their fleet would not be split up and they had a certain degree of autonomy.

Obviously, this kind of forced team formation is too risky. They will definitely have a share of hard bones, but they may not be able to drink and eat meat.

If the fleet is split up again, then there will really be no future.

The Wild Wolf Merchant Group was quite dissatisfied with this, but Skyline said that this was the bottom line.

"... The military will not requisition the hunting group. If you must split us up, then we can only return!"

They really didn't dare to turn their faces, but it would not be difficult to withdraw.

For this attitude, the Wild Wolf Chamber of Commerce had no choice but to agree in a sullen manner.

However, they announced that they would send a supervisory team, "There is no malice in this, my own brothers have to take risks!"

This request... how to say it? It is also a double-edged sword.

The Wild Wolf can indeed control the Skyline Fleet more effectively, but once an emergency occurs, the supervisors will be in danger.

Those who dare to hunt are basically desperate. In a life-and-death situation, how big a deal is it to kill the supervisors?

The Skyline Fleet has a total of nine starships.

Three large and medium-sized merchant ships, each with two supervisors, and the remaining six, each with only one supervisor.

There is no doubt that the Wild Wolf Merchant Group has long been eyeing this fleet, and it is not a temporary idea.

The medium-sized merchant ship where Qu Jianlei and his group are, there is an A-level and a B-level.

As soon as the two boarded the starship, they asked to verify the personnel list, as well as the corresponding information such as specialties.

Seeing Qu Jianlei and his group, the two can also feel that the other party is not easy to mess with, but still want to verify the identity.

——Not just the nicknames, they want to verify the real identity.

The fourth boss frowned upon hearing this and released the Supreme Pressure, "The military didn't check it, so what? Did they give you face?"

"I'm so stupid..." A-level muttered in a low voice - he was not willing to go against the Supreme easily.

The people of Skyline were originally watching the excitement with a cold eye, and when they found that they couldn't fight, they introduced that these people were waiting for the starship to join.

After hearing this, the two could only turn around and leave - there was the Supreme and the starship, so there was no need to provoke.

For the people of the Wild Wolf Chamber of Commerce, Skyline, a well-established force, they were not worried about it.

Even if they were facing the Supreme of the other side, they didn't need to give in too much.

But against those desperate people who wandered around the world, it was really not appropriate to do too much.

If you make them angry, they really dare to kill people. At worst, you can just leave and you can't find anyone to take revenge.

To be honest, the job of the Supervisory Team is not a good job. It seems to have power, but it is also very dangerous.

And in different situations, you have to distinguish the priorities.

So after they checked, the B-level guy directly grabbed a female awakener and wanted to play with her.

"Taking such a big risk, there is no tomorrow, why do you have to wrong yourself? I'll pay you at most!"

The woman was also B-level. When she heard the words, her face changed and she cursed loudly, and she was actually ready to go.

She was indeed a bit stubborn, and the A-level supervisor just watched coldly.

However, when she cursed the Wild Wolf Chamber of Commerce, the A-level's face changed, raised his hand and shot the other's left arm.

Then he snorted coldly, "Dare to speak rudely to the Wild Wolf... If you do it again, you will die!"

This operation... How to say it? It can't be said that it's wrong. The supervisor team must maintain the reputation and dignity of the Chamber of Commerce.

The Skyline followed the ship's supreme and expressed dissatisfaction, "It's almost the same, this is not within the scope of your supervision!"

"If you deliberately affect our morale, don't blame me for being rude!"

The B-level supervisor team originally wanted to continue to entangle with the injured woman, but after hearing the words, they had to give up.

In short, it's like hitting a wolf with a stick, and both sides are afraid.

However, these adventurers who participated in the hunting and rewarding were not of the same mind.

When the B-level pulled another C-level woman, the woman looked around.

Finding that no one supported her, she made up her mind, "Give me the money first!"

For these desperate criminals, few people care about innocence. They live today and never tomorrow. Enjoying life in the moment is the right way.

Since they can't resist, they'll just take the money.

After the B-level supervisors gave them the money, the two found a corner, covered themselves with a few tables, and started exercising.

At this moment, a female A-level figure flashed and came to the door of the small conference room.

She said hello to the fourth boss, "Brother, I'm good at precision shooting and weapon system maintenance. Can I join you?"

She understood that Skyline couldn't protect itself well, so she decisively defected.

She didn't know the origins of this group of people, but these people were extraordinary, and more importantly... most of them were women!

The fourth boss glanced at her indifferently. The woman was quite pretty, but he was indifferent, "Are we... familiar with each other?"

"I can pay," the woman said very straightforwardly, "I come to hunt aliens to earn federal points."

"Then stay," it was Claire who spoke up, one of the only two A-levels in the team.

She has been in the bottom of society since she was a child. She has a typical little girl character and a clear distinction between love and hate.

The fourth boss looked at her speechlessly, thinking, how can you not be on guard at all?

However, this girl is a member of the team started by the boss, and she is the youngest. She is spoiled and a little lawless, so he doesn't want to care.

So he just shook his head with a smile, "Silly girl, ah..."

"Huh?" Seeing this, the A-level supervisor frowned slightly, "Is she jumping ship directly? Skyline can even tolerate this?"

You know, this is a person hired by Skyline, and jumping to a cooperative team is really a bit embarrassing.

However, it would be better if he didn't say this. Skyline is at least considering asking the other party to return the daily salary.

If you can't protect the adventurers you hired, you can't blame them for switching to others.

But when they heard what the Wild Wolf said, they didn't say anything - you want to instigate us to oppose, are you qualified?

It's just a day's salary anyway, if you don't want it, then don't want it!

The A-level supervisory team waited for a while, and couldn't help but snorted again, "Skyline is really easy to talk to!"

The fourth boss heard this and glanced at him calmly, but didn't say anything.

A-level saw that Skyline didn't react, so he walked towards a woman, "How much?"

He felt a little regretful in his heart, that A-level woman was actually what he liked.

But unfortunately, the woman seemed to have sensed his intentions and turned against him.

He didn't want to delay the Chamber of Commerce's major events because of his own selfish desires, so he had to change his target.

Anyway, this kind of operation made Qu Jianlei and his group speechless...Is your circle so chaotic?

It's a pity that now there is an outsider in the team, and it is not convenient for everyone to discuss it openly.

The woman walked up to Claire and bowed deeply, "Thank you for taking me in."

Claire waved her hand, "It may not be a good thing for you. Are you sure you want to join us?"

"I'm sure," the woman answered without hesitation, "I'm here to risk my life, not to sell my body!"

"You said that..." Claire shook her head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, "It's a bit offensive."

"If you don't want to wrong yourself, you can only offend others," the woman was single, "I can do without salary."

"But I hope to get 50% of the merits of the aliens I killed!"

This request is actually... a bit humble.

Even if she doesn't have her own starship, she is here to risk her life. If she joins a team rashly, she is most likely to be sacrificed.

In this case, she doesn't want a salary and is willing to hand over half of her honor. It is really rare.

"If you can kill, of course there is no problem," Claire answered casually.

This starship is tossing, and other starships are not much better. The supervision team has messed up the fleet.

However, many desperadoes are also good at observing people's words and expressions. When they find that they are no match for their opponent, they choose to remain silent.

——Qualified desperadoes must know how to endure and make choices. Those who only know how to risk their lives usually die quickly.

Then the people of Skyline discovered that there were nearly 40 starships around them that were coerced by the Wild Wolf Chamber of Commerce!

And there were only four starships with the Wild Wolf Chamber of Commerce logo.

Of course, this is only what can be observed, and it may not be true.

However, this can also prove that the name of the Wild Wolf Chamber of Commerce is indeed not exaggerated, and its deterrent power is amazing enough.

A day later, an ordinary armed merchant ship arrived and issued a specific signal.

Qu Jianlei and his group were still in the small conference room, and they didn't look tired at all.

Since they had a head-on collision with the Supervisory Team, they have become a very unique existence on the starship.

Neither the people of Skyline nor the Wild Wolf took the initiative to contact them, and those who were hired also kept their distance from them.

(Updated to call for monthly tickets, follow-up subscriptions and recommendation tickets.)

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