It is understandable that the people of the Wild Wolf Chamber of Commerce ignored Qu Jianlei and others.

The hunters... were afraid. Once they came into contact, they would be seen by others and it might cause trouble.

In fact, from time to time, someone would secretly contact the female A-level.

The nickname of this woman was Hualei. She was a loner, but not long after she boarded the starship, she met two people.

The two asked every once in a while when the starship of that team would arrive.

After asking several times, other people actually learned her contact information, and more and more people asked.

But on the surface, everyone was still in a state of not contacting each other.

But Hualei was also very clear that most of these people who asked might not have good intentions.

So she answered vaguely - I don't know, I haven't heard them mention it.

Until this moment, when the other party's starship finally arrived, she quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

The armed merchant ship that came was quite ordinary, and even the structure was a bit outdated. At least the artillery system was of the old style.

Now the Federation has relaxed some artillery controls and encouraged civilian forces to improve their military power.

This is mainly to develop paramilitary forces and realize that everyone is a soldier. At the same time, selling weapons and equipment at high prices can also help the Federation recover.

Therefore, the armed merchant ships now have gradually improved their armed combat power, which is incomparable with the past.

However, there are too many starships in the Federation, and not many can make timely adjustments shortly after the policy comes out.

However, for the hunter group, the strength of combat power is directly related to the amount of harvest, so the proportion of transformation is quite high.

And now the starships that the other party has rushed over still have the previous structure of firepower system, which makes people look down on them.

But then again, an armed merchant ship costs four or five hundred million, and a second-hand one costs about three hundred million. The price is really not low.

An A-class may not be able to save so much money even if he works hard all his life.

Although Hualei was a little surprised and felt that such an old starship was not in line with the momentum of this team, she was soon relieved.

It's better to have it than not. Regardless of the many hunters on the ship, why do you want to use other people's starships?

And some powerful guys just like to keep a low profile.

Some people may think that it is a bad taste, but there is no doubt that low-key people tend to live longer.

Seeing the two starships docking, a group of people walked to the opposite side, and a hunter suddenly said, "Hua Lei, can you take me with you?"

This person is one of the two people Hua Lei met.

But she answered without hesitation, "Sorry, I don't have the final say."

The man looked at the fourth boss again, "Sir, I am good at micro-manipulation of starships, and I don't need a salary."

"Get lost!" The fourth boss only spit out a word lightly, and then ignored it.

He didn't need any evidence. He just knew what kind of person he was because he had not contacted him before and spoke only when he saw the starship.

He didn't see the rabbit and didn't release the eagle. At least he was a sophisticated egoist, not to mention that he might be someone's spy.

If Claire hadn't been making trouble, he wouldn't have agreed to Hua Lei entering the starship, so how could he tolerate others entering?

This starship was obtained by Qu Jianlei and his team last time they came to the Federation. The appearance was slightly adjusted so that people couldn't recognize it at a glance.

Anyway, the starship didn't land, and there was no military inspection, so it was unlikely to reveal its origin.

As soon as the two starships broke away, the communication request from the Wild Wolf came in, asking for the dispatch of a supervision team.

The fourth boss just said lightly, "If you want to come, then come."

Not long after, the supervision team came, and there were actually two people, which was equivalent to the treatment of the Skyline main battleship.

Obviously, the Wild Wolf Merchant Group also realized that this group of people was not a good thing, and thought it was necessary to pay attention.

However, it is not ruled out that there is a possibility that they think these guys don't obey orders very much and want to kill the chicken to scare the monkey.

There are still one A-level and one B-level coming. There is no way. There are too many starships involved, and there are not enough high-level awakeners.

As soon as the A-level boarded the starship, it said coldly, "Take out your member information, we need to check..."

"Shut up!" Dogan looked at him coldly, "Stand against the wall obediently, or you will die!"

"You!" This person was so angry that his eyes were about to burst, and the flower scorpion raised his hand and shot out two winds.

It was really just a finger wind, and the other party's knees softened and he actually knelt down directly.

"What a bullshit wild wolf," Hua Xiezi muttered softly, shaking his head indifferently.

At this moment, the hand-held radio on A-level rang, and it was the Wild Wolf Chamber of Commerce asking him what the situation was.

"The situation... is very bad," A-level took a deep breath and spoke slowly, while observing the people in front of him.

Who would have thought that this group of people simply ignored him, and they were busy checking the starship and drinking beverages.

There was even a woman who said that she hadn't slept for a day and a night and wanted to go to sleep.

In the final analysis, these people didn't have him in their eyes at all, just like treating an ant, without even a little attention.

The people on the opposite side of the Wild Wolf Merchant Group were a little serious, "How bad is it?"

"Well, they don't take us seriously," this one also gave it up.

He was a supervisor, but in fact he was half abandoned, a little self-destructive.

But in the end, he still said, "I am very confident, but fortunately, we are still alive."

If it were someone who didn't know better, he would be furious.

But the person on the other side was also sensible and understood it as soon as he heard it.

"Are you strong? That's great. When we do things, we are not afraid of teammates with strength, but we are afraid of lack of ability."

The two of them understood it as soon as they heard it. Their teammates received the hint, but what they can do now is to focus on it.

After all, there are too many people involved this time. Although the Wild Wolf Chamber of Commerce is acting in a high-profile manner, it also has to consider the risk of explosion.

Also, although the Chamber of Commerce is powerful, it is not invincible in the Federation. There are always people who can't be provoked.

Of course, such a huge force rarely appears among hunters, which is why they dare to act recklessly.

But what if they really encounter it?

So now this matter can only be handled in a low-key manner. As for the future... we can only wait and see.

The Wild Wolf Chamber of Commerce can develop to the point where it is today, and it is definitely not just about fighting and killing, otherwise it would have died halfway.

A day and a half later, they began to gradually jump.

After the jump, there is still a three-month journey to the Link Nebula.

But this location is already the closest and safest jump point currently controlled by the Federation.

Asura has been expanding rapidly in recent years, and they can be found in places three or four years away from the Link Nebula.

Like the Federation's starships, Asura's nests also have the ability to jump.

However, their jumps are subject to greater restrictions.

According to the Federation's observations, at least, other nests can jump over with the guidance of Asura's nests.

Of course, it is difficult to judge whether there are other theories.

But there is no doubt that Asura can quickly guide his companions to come wherever he hits.

So it is quite rare to find a relatively safe jump point near the Link Nebula.

The hunting group arrived at this location not to explore the secrets of the Link Nebula, which is something that everyone dare not think of.

It's just that this is the core area of ​​the Asura occupied area, and it may hunt more valuable targets.

After the jump, the fleet continued to move forward. At this time, the number of fleet starships has exceeded 60.

No one noticed that half a day later, a huge division-level ship also jumped over, and there was a thick tree under the ship.

After the fleet jumped, it moved forward at a normal speed. Almost half a day later, it encountered a patrol ship of the federal army.

Yes, the federation is so stubborn.

Even in the hinterland of the Asura occupied area, once a suitable jump point is found, order will be established within it soon.

To be fair, this kind of persistence may not last long.

But it is precisely because of this attitude of fighting for every inch of land that the pace of Asura's invasion has been greatly delayed.

However, at this time, the Wild Wolf Merchant Group finally picked out the troublemaker and quietly informed the patrol ship on the opposite side.

The patrol ship was too low-level and had too few people. It was originally calling for support. When it heard that there was a troublemaker, it increased the intensity of the call.

Not long after, a battalion-level ship arrived with two company-level ships, and then released several small ships to board the ship for inspection.

In the eyes of the Wild Wolf Chamber of Commerce, Qu Jianlei and his starship were undoubtedly troublemakers.

So a small ship approached, and three soldiers actually entered the starship.

Although only a B-level soldier led the way, the momentum was still quite strong, which was the confidence of the violent machine.

In fact, in the army with a battalion-level structure, the B-level is already considered a high-end combat force.

This man walked into the merchant ship with a fierce momentum, and just as he was about to speak, he saw two people standing against the wall, and was stunned, "Huh?"

The A-level supervisory team was immediately excited when they saw the soldiers, "Sir, they..."

"Did you speak?" Hua Xiezi raised his hand and sent two more finger winds, knocking the man to his knees again.

Then she looked at the B-class warriors, then at the two supervisors, and said coldly, "If you dare to say another word, you will die!"

The B-class warrior frowned and said in a dignified manner, "Friend, you don't take us seriously, do you?"

"So what?" Flower Scorpion looked at the other party calmly, "Do you deserve my attention?"

The B-class warrior was choked. He was assigned to inspect the starship because he knew that there might be troublemakers on the starship.

However, he didn't think of making things difficult for the other party. The Wild Wolf Merchant Group is indeed famous, but what does it have to do with him?

The Wild Wolf's base is on several habitable stars such as Musters, and its hands cannot reach such a distant border.

They have contact with the top military officials, but what does it have to do with him, a grassroots B-class warrior?

So he just wanted to put on a symbolic stand and control the other party a little.

Who would have thought that the other party didn't buy it at all, and knocked an A-class to his knees in front of him.

He even issued death threats to his face.

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