The situation in the settlement was similar to Qu Jianlei's imagination.

Most of them are low bungalows, there are a small number of two-story buildings, and three or four three-story buildings.

The avenue is not too narrow, it is about ten meters wide and can accommodate five cars in parallel, but the small alleys on the side of the road are much narrower.

Xiao Jing has never been to this settlement, but he is relatively clear about the general layout of the settlement.

The two of them didn't ask anyone for directions, so they rode their motorcycles around the streets and alleys.

After wandering around for half a day, I found that the lively markets in the settlements are mainly in the East Market and West Market.

To the south is the rich man's district, to the north is the adventurer's district... the general layout is like this.

Xiao Jing made a suggestion, "According to this layout, the treasure chest should be stored in the south."

Qu Jianlei also thought so, and he asked curiously, "Xiao Jing, where was your house... before?"

"Of course it's the rich man's district," Xiao Jing said with a face scarf on his face. He couldn't see his expression, but he could hear that he was a little depressed.

Qu Jianlei didn't provoke him any more, "Let's take a look at the prices of various goods first, and cash them out immediately after we get them."

The two came to the market.

Although both of them were wearing face scarves, and there were quite a few people dressed like this, some people could tell that these two were strangers.

So someone took the initiative to come forward, wanting to help lead the way, and the lowest offer was just a nutritional supplement.

But Xiao Jing said bluntly, "You guys are in the same group as the seller, do you really think I don't know?"

Looking at this scene, Qu Jianlei felt a little interesting. In fact, this kind of thing is not unusual, and so is Blue Star.

He was just a little curious, how could this seven or eight-year-old child know so much?

Think about the children of Blue Star, if they can tie their shoelaces by themselves when they are seven or eight years old, they are considered independent.

It is said that the children of the poor are headed home early, but Xiaojing's family conditions are top-notch.

Maybe... this is the wasteland.

After roughly inquiring about the market, it was night. The two of them had no documents and could not stay in a hotel, so they could only spend the night on the street.

Qu Jianlei noticed that there were quite a few people living on the streets, and some of them were carrying guns.

Some people stared at them with very unfriendly eyes.

Finally, he was carrying two knives, one long and one short, and Xiao Jing also had a short dagger, both of which were exposed on purpose.

Those evil-minded guys lingered for a while, and finally left angrily.

It is estimated that I calculated the cost and felt that it was a bit uneconomical.

What Qu Jianlei wondered was: Why can't I see the night watchman?

Xiao Jing explained to him: There are too many homeless people, and it is impossible to find them out.

Therefore, only the wealthy district has inspectors, and other districts are ignored.

Of course, if there is a gunshot, it will definitely attract guards.

However, this kind of situation is rare. After all, those who can enter the settlement have been verified.

After Qu Jianlei finished listening, he couldn't help but sigh, "You can enter the settlement, but you have to live on the street...Some people still have guns."

The hairless monster replied indifferently, "There are many opportunities in the settlement, and some people have once been brilliant."

Nothing to say the next night.

When it was dawn, the two of them came to a breakfast stand. This was Qu Jianlei's first time eating out since he came to Wasteland.

The breakfast stall mainly sells processed nutritional supplements, which are mixed with some other ingredients, which taste better than dry nutritional supplements.

There are also grains for breakfast, but not all grains, there are vegetables mixed in it-maybe wild vegetables?

There are even meat sellers, small portions, expensive,

Qu Jianlei ordered a portion of food to make breakfast, and felt that the taste was not so good, so he lost the desire to continue trying.

After breakfast, they continued to inquire about various quotations.

After inquiring about it, Qu Jianlei bought two big pieces of meat, and then asked a question intentionally or unintentionally.

"I have something I want to deposit in the treasure chest, but Hong Wu seldom comes here, how should I go?"

The owner of the shop didn't doubt that there was him. Anyone who could afford such a large amount of meat would definitely have the same net worth, so he just pointed it out.

Qu Jianlei's question is quite crucial. There are checkpoints and guards on the way to the rich area.

The guard looked at the silver medal and actually asked, "Do you know how to go?"

Xiao Jing replied old-fashionedly, "You won't be able to earn the toll."

He was choking, but watching the two of them leave, the other guard rolled his eyes, "I'll make it easier."

The guard knew it in his heart, and couldn't help snorting, "Keep your eyes bright, some people can't be provoked casually."

That one replied with a half-hearted smile, "It's nothing to worry about, I know who can be messed with and who can't be messed with."

There must be a theory for wanting to take the treasure chest without revealing your identity... It may be the silver medal you picked up, who knows?

Qu Jianlei drove Xiao Jing on a motorcycle, and arrived at the place where the treasure chest was kept within a few minutes.

It was a shop that sold power cubes.

Within the range of settlements, there is no energy block output at all, and those who can afford to open such stores are all with big backgrounds.

Before entering the store, someone stopped them and said in a blunt tone, "Dirty clothes, no entry."

Not only were they poorly dressed, but they were both wearing face scarves.

This kind of attire is not uncommon in other urban areas, but in wealthy areas, there are very few people dressed like this.

As a rich man, brushing his face is the right way, and hiding his head is too easy to attract the attention of others.

Xiao Jing didn't say much, and raised his hand, showing the secret silver medal.

Someone in the distance also saw this scene, their eyes lit up, and they muttered in a low voice, "Hey, did you come here to make money?"

The person blocking the way also recognized the silver medal, but he insisted, "You are disheveled, you are not allowed in, and wait."

At this point, Xiao Jing will not be able to, because he only knows the general situation and does not know the relevant details.

Seeing this, Qu Jianlei snorted, "We want to put some more things in, so do we need to change clothes?"

The other side was not angry, but he did not back down either, he expressed neither humble nor overbearing.

"I'm just an errand, why do you two make things difficult for me? I'll just report to the supervisor."

This style of speaking doesn't match the wasteland, and Qu Jianlei even felt a hint of blue star.

Not long after, a well-dressed man came out.

He didn't mind the attire of the two people opposite him either. He had seen a lot of rich people, so he naturally knew that some people really had eccentricities.

After checking the silver medal, he was a little stunned, "Fifty years it about to expire? Why didn't you come earlier?"

Before Xiao Jing could speak, Qu Jianlei said flatly, "Whether we come or not is our own business."

The man was taken aback when he heard the words, and then coughed lightly, "Wait a minute, I'll check to see if it's expired."

Qu Jianlei and Xiao Jingdu didn't speak, and they seemed a little bit confident to others.

Not long after, the man came out again, and said calmly, "There are still more than two years until the due date, and you guys are really timely."

Qu Jianlei didn't bother to say much, and raised his chin slightly, "Lead the way."

The place where the treasure chest is located is not facing the street.

The man led them into a courtyard, passed three guards, and came to a warehouse.

The interior of the warehouse is very tidy, the lights are bright, and rows of cabinets are neatly arranged.

The man brought the two of them to a cabinet and said seriously, "This was stored more than forty years ago..."

"We can guarantee that it has not been touched, but we are not responsible for changes in the contents due to time."

"We will judge for ourselves," this is what Qu Jianlei said.

Xiao Jing's words were more direct, "Please avoid now."

The supervisor turned and left. Qu Jianlei put the silver medal in the recess of the cabinet, and the cabinet shook very slightly.

The shaking lasted for about half a minute. After it stopped, he raised his hand and pulled the cabinet door open.

The cabinet is not small, but the doors and walls are quite thick, and the space inside is less than half a cubic meter.

Seeing the bright yellow light radiating from inside, Qu Jianlei and Xiao Jingdu let out a sigh.

It turned out to be a thick two-layer gold bar.

There was a shelf above the bars, a stack of papers, and a small box next to it.

Take out the documents and take a look. They are all real estate title deeds or something.

The small box was opened, and inside was a black ring with deep patterns on it.

Qu Jianlei didn't think too much, he put the ring back into the box and put it in his pocket.

Looking at the two layers of gold, he was a little worried. It looked small, but it must have exceeded 100 kilograms.

How should I get this?

Gold is very heavy, and it is the kind of heavy with abnormal specific gravity, which is very difficult to carry.

One hundred kilograms of grain is much easier to move than one hundred kilograms of gold.

After thinking about it, he still walked to the door of the warehouse and waved to the supervisor, "Please come here."

The supervisor wanted to avoid suspicion just now, but if the customer called, he could of course follow.

In fact, he was also very curious, "What are your orders, sir?"

"I need a strong bag," Qu Jianlei said, frowning, "It can bear a weight of 200 kilograms, so buy it at a high price."

The supervisor was stunned for a moment, and then replied, "The bag is easy to say... what will it contain, is it corrosive, and can it be bumped?"

Qu Jianlei thought for a while, then led him to the cabinet, "Put it in gold."

Seeing Huang Chengcheng with eyes full of eyes, the supervisor couldn't help but twitch his mouth, his face was cloudy and uncertain.

"This is really... a treasure chest from more than forty years ago. Now gold has long been banned from trading."

Qu Jianlei and Xiao Jing were also a little speechless. In the current wasteland, gold is indeed a controlled material, and buying and selling is illegal.

But Qu Jianlei didn't care too much. Gold was controlled, but not so strictly.

He was in the garbage dump before, and he knows this best. Gold can be resolved from many discarded components.

In the end, the gold did not go through the formal circulation channels, but was digested by private individuals.

In the final analysis, the prohibition is prohibited, but the investigation is not strong-fat sisters dare to accept gold.

Thinking of Fat Sister, Qu Jianlei's heart twitched again: Hundreds of lives... died because of me.

Then he couldn't help becoming anxious, "Gold can be traded... just don't tell me."

"Gold...Of course it can be traded," the supervisor was taken aback for a moment before answering seriously, "It's also possible now."

He didn't expect the other party to know nothing about it, so he suggested solemnly, "We accept gold at a fair price."

(Updated to, during the period of the new book, ask for all kinds of help.)

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