When Qu Jianlei heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted.

This family can sell energy blocks. With this strength, it's normal to collect gold in private.

So he asked, "The high price... How do you charge it, what is the conversion? Don't tell me about Hong Wu Yinyuan."

"Hong Wu Yinyuan?" The supervisor smiled disdainfully. Obviously, he also looked down on Hong Wu Yinyuan.

He said without hesitation, "It must be exchanged for energy blocks, and I will sell you 30% off the market price."

The general goods of the wasteland, when bartering, the discount is very powerful.

But the energy block is a real hard currency, stronger than the silver coins privately minted in various settlements.

So this 30% discount... Don't think it's too little, it's really sincere.

Qu Jianlei looked at him and asked with great interest, "What if I only want to buy a bag?"

"Leave that to us too," the supervisor replied without hesitation, a bit of Blue Star's white-collar elite demeanor.

However, after all, it is different. In Blue Star, at least there must be a sentence of "don't buy it, I will give you one"?

However, the personnel in Wasteland are complex and highly mobile, and the VIP system is relatively imperfect.

"We must change some of the energy blocks," Qu Jianlei said without hesitation.

He is not good at dealing with people, but after all, it is not the first day he has come out to mix with society. In such a backward place, a win-win situation is the right way.

Then he asked again, "I also plan to buy some mutant beast crystals, do you have a channel?"

"This..." The supervisor finally hesitated, the rareness of mutant beast crystals is far better than energy blocks.

In the end, he still said, "I need to ask for instructions on this matter, and the price may far exceed your imagination."

Qu Jianlei doesn't consider the price factor at all. His greatest need now is to quickly improve his strength.

In his bones, he doesn't really care about property, let alone that it's all picked up.

As for what to do if he has no money in the future... As long as his strength improves, how important is making money to him?

So he asked simply, "How long?"

Time... The supervisor pondered for a moment, took a deep breath, "In two days, what do you think?"

"It's not good, it's been too long," Qu Jianlei replied without hesitation, "Can you help me buy a batch of food, meat and water?"

"I can't help you," the supervisor replied very simply. The other party's words hurt his nerves, "We don't do low-end business."

The shop that sells energy blocks is too arrogant, and directly defines other materials as low-end transactions.

In fact, for some fixed large customers, they can also make some changes, helping to arrange low-end materials, business, not shabby.

But Qu Jianlei's words really hurt him - you can buy it yourself.

Qu Jianlei didn't know what was wrong, and he didn't want to think about it, so he just spoke directly.

"I bought a thousand energy blocks...for delivery?"

The supervisor was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "Delivery within the settlement, and within the settlement, there must be a certain delivery security fee."

"That's fine," Qu Jianlei nodded, "I want to purchase in the settlement, you send someone to follow, can you deliver the goods together at the end?"

"No problem," the supervisor replied without hesitation, and then emphasized, "It's just free delivery within the settlement."

"I know," Qu Jianlei replied bluntly, "Let's arrange it, bring a thousand energy cubes, and let's go shopping."

"Wait a minute," the supervisor was anxious, how much gold can be exchanged for a thousand energy blocks?

"We have some news about the crystallization of mutant beasts, so we can match up your deal."

Qu Jianlei shook his head and muttered in a low voice, "No need, two days... I don't know how many adventurers I can attract."

Worried about being coveted, this is the performance of the weak.

But being able to show it frankly is not the reaction that the weak should have.

Then there is only one explanation, he is not really afraid of the swarming adventurers, he just finds it troublesome.

However, Qu Jianlei was really worried that he would not be able to fight. After all, he only had one person, and Xiao Jing's fighting power was almost zero.

The supervisor immediately said, "It's not a vertical business, it's a horizontal business."

In other words, this is not his business, but there are related channels in Hong Wu's settlement.

Qu Jianlei understands, isn't this the way of the big Bluestar company?

The branch manager's segregation is awesome, but important matters still have to be listened to by the head office.

But at the same time, he also has connections in the local area, and he can hand over some private work to the local area.

This kind of business is not necessarily illegal, on the contrary, it can often enhance the company's influence.

So Qu Jianlei was not surprised, and asked bluntly, "How long?"

"One day," the supervisor corrected after thinking about it, "if you can pay a higher price, it may only take half a day."

"Hehe," Qu Jianlei smiled, "That's one day."

Then he picked up the stack of documents, and he had nothing to do left and right, "Please check these things for me."

The supervisor took it over and looked it over a few times, then handed it back directly, and there was even a trace of... pity on his face?

"The pattern of settlements has changed, and these places have been expropriated or converted."

Expropriated? Qu Jianlei wasn't particularly surprised, but he was still a little puzzled after all.

"I don't have these title deeds and real estate certificates. Who is expropriating and how is the compensation calculated?"

"Compensation?" The supervisor gave him a very strange look, why are you thinking so strangely?

"Yes," Qu Jianlei nodded bluntly, looking at the other party calmly.

He didn't know if there was any compensation for the expropriation and demolition of the wasteland, but there must be something in it.

Hearing his words, there was a trace of panic in Xiao Jing's eyes.

But the supervisor didn't notice that he was already shocked by the other party's wording and attitude.

After hesitating for a moment, he coughed lightly.

"I can ask you about this matter. It just so happens that I'm going out to make arrangements now to inquire about the crystallization of mutant beasts."

"Okay," Qu Jianlei nodded, raised his hand to close the safe, and took back the silver medal, "We'll wait at the door."

He still pays attention to propriety in doing things, it is not suitable for the two of us to stay here, Guadain Lixia should avoid suspicion.

The supervisor gave him another look in surprise, then nodded slightly, and the three of them left the warehouse together.

After closing the door, he left quickly.

The two sat on the steps of the door, Xiao Jing looked around and found no one, so he spoke in a low voice.

"Brother Heitian, requisitioning and renovating a house is often a forced requisition, especially when the owner is away."

He felt that Brother Heitian's behavior just now was a bit unreasonable, and he might have shown his feet.

Qu Jianlei glanced at him indifferently, right, this is what a child looks like.

"Don't use your common sense... If there is no compensation, why are these things put in the safe... treasure chest?"

Xiao Jing blinked her eyes and was stunned, "Yes, but before..."

The two of them were muttering in low voices, and the supervisor entered a large room.

The decoration of the room is quite elegant, and the items are exquisite. A scene like this should never appear in the wasteland.

A middle-aged man leaned on a high-backed chair with his legs crossed, smoking a cigarette.

Seeing someone coming in, he asked lazily, "What's going on?"

The supervisor honestly reported what happened and expressed his judgment.

"...The key is that in the face of requisition, compensation is actually mentioned. This kind of thinking is rare."

The middle-aged man stopped puffing, thought for three or four seconds and said, "It's none of our business, is it?"

The supervisor asked cautiously, "Then the other party wants to acquire mutant beast crystals... Shall we make a match?"

"We are businessmen," the middle-aged man replied without hesitation, "by the way, try to keep all the gold."

"It's very difficult," the supervisor replied cautiously, "the gold weighs about one hundred kilograms."

The middle-aged man was taken aback for a moment, then nodded slightly, "Then try your best, the price of gold is going to increase again."

Qu Jianlei and Xiao Jing waited until evening.

Xiao Jing's stomach was already rumbling with hunger, and there were nutrients in his arms, but he forcibly suppressed his desire to eat.

Qu Jianlei is not much better than him, but now taking nutritional supplements does not fit the background settings of the two of them at all.

The supervisor finally came and brought two food boxes, "Are you hungry, have something to eat?"

Xiao Jing was a little moved, but Qu Jianlei said, "Let's get down to business."

He really doesn't need to know too much about plots of murder and murder, and the order here is really too bad.

The supervisor said calmly, "We are contacting the holder of the mutation crystal, and there are five to eight mutation crystals."

"If there are no accidents, there will be results tomorrow morning."

"However, there is one thing that needs to be discussed... If you use gold to purchase directly, it is easy to leak information."

Gold trading itself is prohibited.

Qu Jianlei asked thoughtfully, "Your shop is so big, you don't even have the ability?"

The supervisor thought for a while and replied, "I don't even want the two of you to meet, if possible."

Qu Jianlei asked calmly, "Do you want to isolate the news and make more profits?"

Without hesitation, the supervisor replied, "It's not that bad...we're just trying to keep as much gold as possible."

Qu Jianlei pondered for a while, then snorted, "Well, it's up to you, our gold will eventually be exchanged for materials."

He wants to say no, is it possible? Once the news leaked out, he and Xiao Jing could not get out of the settlement alive.

The seriousness is to let the other party earn a little more, maybe the other party will not tear off the skin considering his "background".

Then he asked again, "Is there any news about those expropriation compensation?"

From Qu Jianlei's answer, the supervisor has already judged that the other party is jealous, which is a good thing for him.

But when he heard the word "compensation" again, he felt a little lost.

He tried his best to smile, and replied seriously, "I understand, there is compensation..."

"But it has already been taken away by some people. We really can't do anything about it."

As he spoke, he stared carefully at Qu Jianlei's eyes.

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