The supervisor wants to analyze the other party's psychology through observation.

However, he failed to achieve his goal after all, Qu Jianlei was used to drooping eyelids.

This is a little trick he involuntarily developed when he was in Blue Star because of getting sick from time to time.

In fact, he was not surprised by what the other party said, it was nothing more than an impostor.

In Blue Star, this method of operation has long been played out by people.

So he asked calmly, "Isn't it convenient for us to provide the information of these people?"

The supervisor replied without hesitation, "We didn't inquire at all, because...we are in high-end business."

Very clear disclaimer, while not forgetting to flaunt yourself.

"I see," Qu Jianlei didn't express any opinion, "We'll come back tomorrow morning."

The supervisor looked at the food box in his hand and asked again, "Do you really want to eat something?"

"No need," Qu Jianlei waved his hand and walked out, followed by Xiao Jing.

This night, the two of them spent at the entrance of the energy block store, and the food was bought in restaurants on the street.

There are night watchmen in the wealthy area, but the energy block store has its own guards.

The patrol passed by and wanted to check the identities of the two, but Qu Jianlei answered directly and coldly.

"We're sitting here and no one is kicking us out. Do you have anything else to ask?"

It must be admitted that privileges exist everywhere, and inspectors are used to seeing rich people, so naturally they don't want to provoke these two mysterious visitors.

There was nothing to say all night, the next morning, the supervisor came again, this time it was really done.

Regarding the crystallization, his quotation is 10 kilograms of B-grade gold and 50 kilograms of A-grade gold.

He finalized a total of six crystals, including five B-level and one A-level.

According to this quotation, just crystallization basically consumes all the gold.

Of course, Qu Jianlei couldn't possibly agree. He simply said, "50% off, trade if it suits you, and ignore it if it doesn't suit you."

Naturally, the supervisor would not let him bargain like this. After talking and talking, it was finally decided that it would be 40% off.

Qu Jianlei never liked to bargain, but this time the amount was too big, so he couldn't be serious.

The supervisor also talked very anxiously. I have never seen such a difficult negotiating master.

But the next step is much easier to talk about, one kilogram of gold is exchanged for one thousand silver dollars.

That is to say, one gram of gold is exchanged for one silver dollar, and one silver dollar buys one energy block.

One kilogram of gold can buy one thousand energy blocks, and if you get a 30% discount, it is 0.7 kilograms of gold.

However, the energy block store sells large energy blocks, which can be cut into one hundred small pieces.

They call this small piece a centimeter, and ten centimeters count as a piece.

Qu Jianlei simply exchanged two kilograms of gold for thirty large energy blocks.

He exchanged another eight kilograms of gold for eight thousand silver dollars, leaving thirty kilograms of gold in his hand.

However, 8,000 silver dollars is a bit too much. What he exchanged was the silver card of the energy block store.

A silver card is similar to a silver ticket. It is a small plastic card that can prevent counterfeiting. There are 100 denominations and 1,000 denominations.

What's rare is that this silver ticket is not only recognized in Hong Wu's settlement, but also other energy block stores.

Although it is in the nature of an internal token, its circulation is better than the silver coins privately minted in various settlements.

In fact, eight thousand silver dollars is enough to buy a nice armored car.

After Qu Jianlei took the silver card, he went directly to various markets to spend money.

There are only tens of thousands of people in the settlement, and the sudden appearance of such a big customer really attracts a lot of attention.

Fortunately, there are guards around him to help escort the energy block, even if others miss it, they have to weigh it.

And he bought things very fast, and he had already calculated them in advance.

In less than an hour, he completed the big purchase and spent more than 6,000 silver dollars.

In addition to water, fuel, and ammunition, he also purchased items such as generators, winches, and water purification systems.

There are even some books, and a railgun.

After purchasing, he hired someone to transport the goods to off-road light trucks and tie them firmly.

The guard who was thinking about the silver medal before was dumbfounded when he saw this, "How much money do these two have?"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Qu Jianlei left Hong Wu's settlement in a light truck full of loads.

As soon as he left, he stepped on the accelerator and ran all the way.

There are at least four forces that have been eyeing him for a long time, and when they saw Qingka walking away, they immediately pursued him.

There are even blocked vehicles ahead.

Qu Jianlei transported his inner breath to his eyes, and the visibility of today's weather is about three kilometers.

In this way, his eyesight is better than that of ordinary people using a telescope. After all, eyeball rotation is more flexible than focusing.

Relying on this advantage, he turned left and right, and after running for more than 30 kilometers, he forcibly rushed out of the encirclement.

Bullets kept falling around the truck, obviously trying to force him to stop, but Qu Jianlei ignored it at all.

He has a lot of ammunition in his car, as well as fuel and energy blocks. If the opponent really wants to aim and shoot, it is very likely that he will die.

Of course, he also needs to be careful, in case some lunatic appears, he doesn't even think about capturing it, he just wants to attack it.

As soon as he rushed out of the encirclement, he said in a deep voice, "Xiao Jing, go raise the guard!"

A while ago, he modified the off-road light truck. It was really not a casual talk. He installed a grid alloy guard plate for the light truck.

The defense of the shield cannot keep up with the armored vehicle-mainly the armored vehicle is integrated, and the shield is just an additional part.

But the ability to cover the vital points is not much better than that of an armored vehicle. If one piece is not enough, it can be added.

However, after all, it is a shoddy modified product, without even a transmission device, and can only be raised manually.

During the more than 30-kilometer desperate journey, Xiao Jing was beaten to the ground, and her little face was pale.

But as expected of a child from the wasteland, he didn't spit it out.

Hearing Brother Heitian's words, he began to unfasten his seat belt, "Brother, remember to find a flat place to drive."

Under emotional tension, Qu Jianlei said impatiently, "Do you still need to say it?"

With a belt tied around Xiao Jing's waist and a buckle attached, Xiao Jing climbed up to the truck bed bit by bit.

It was a very laborious process, even though he was young and light, five minutes later, the guard plate was raised at the rear of the truck.

When Qu Jianlei modified the car, he only added a guard plate at the rear.

One is that it is convenient to escape, and the other is that if there are too many protective plates installed, the load will increase, even though the alloy plate he chose is already very light.

After all, it's still poor, and there are lighter and stronger guards, but he can't afford it, can't he?

After the guard board was raised, Xiao Jing began to climb forward again, this time against the wind, which was more difficult.

After about ten minutes, he finally climbed back into the cab, "I want to take a nutritional supplement and drink some water."

While staring ahead, Qu Jianlei stuffed the nutrient into his mouth, and nodded upon hearing this, "Thank you!"

The next moment, a series of dull sounds came from behind the car, but the chasing vehicle got annoyed and directly fired with machine guns.

In another car, someone yelled through the car pager, "Which grandson is crazy?"

"Crazy's team," another pager blared, "that guy's out of his mind."

"Plug in his frequency band!" The scolding person switched the frequency band.

"Crazy, are you sick? Everyone has worked hard, not to watch the fire!"

A ostentatious voice came out, "You know what a fart, that guy may have mutant beast crystals on him!"

It's not a surprise that the news spread, Qu Jianlei collected six mutated beast crystals at once.

How many people are there in the entire Hongwu settlement? Zhu'er who can keep crystals in his hands is not an ordinary person.

These people all know each other. It is normal for outsiders to ask each other if they want to buy crystals.

In fact, there are also those who have been quoted but have not sold their crystals, and they are also concerned about the movements of the acquirer.

As for who the acquirer is, there is no need to ask.

Even if Qu Jianlei didn't sweep the goods on a large scale, just seeing that he has been guarded by the people from the energy block store, he can understand.

The lunatic's attitude is very clear, if he can't keep the other party's supplies, he would rather blow the other party up.

Although the mutant beast crystal is rich in energy, it is relatively stable and is likely to remain.

"Of course I know," the people here also cursed, as if the news was closed.

"You're looking at mutant beast crystals, I'm looking at what that guy is going to do to buy so many crystals!"

Mutant beast crystals have a lot of uses, but someone who bought them in such a big way may have discovered a new usage.

However, when the lunatic heard the words, he sneered, "Are you sure you can ask?"

The man replied leisurely, "If you don't try it, how do you know it won't work?"

"I don't care that much," the lunatic refused resolutely, "It's better to blow him up than to let him go."

"It's a pity that I came out in a hurry and didn't bring a cannon!"

"What are you pretending to be in your mind?" This side was a little annoyed, "He is alone, just bite him hard!"

There were two people on the opposite side, one big and one small, the little one couldn't even reach the gas pedal, so the big one had to keep driving it.

There was more than one person on the chasing vehicle, so as long as it lasted, it would depend on how far the other party could run.

"Aren't you tired!" the lunatic muttered, but he didn't continue to refute.

He acted impulsively, and his sensibility was greater than his rationality. The wasteland never lacked such people, but he would also take reasonable suggestions.

Qu Jianlei didn't know that the mentality of the pursuer had changed, and he was still driving a light truck.

What surprised him was that although he shot from behind from time to time, he actually... deliberately saved ammunition?

He couldn't figure this out. In his impression, the survivors of the wasteland were almost all ruthless.

Even if you destroy something that you can't get, it won't be cheaper for others.

Moreover, he still has 30 kilograms of gold in his hand, which cannot be blown up no matter what.

What Qu Jianlei didn't expect was that the supervisor really blocked the news about Jin.

It doesn't matter if other things get out, the 70 kilograms of gold in the bag can't be known.

Qu Jianlei didn't think about it when he couldn't figure it out, anyway, he just ran for his life.

He got a lot of supplies this time, and the load of the car was not light, but it was still within the range that a light truck could bear.

The fuel consumption will definitely be a little higher, but the speed is not much slower than others.

However, it is an indisputable fact that the distance is getting closer little by little.

(Updated to, ask for help during the new book period.)

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