While Qu Jianlei was concentrating on driving, Xiao Jing's face was also pale, and the bumps along the way were really rough.

But he didn't complain, instead he stared at Brother Heitian's movements.

Qu Jianlei's observation ability is very strong, but when he is not paying attention, he has no willingness to actively observe.

However, after a while, he still found something unusual, "What are you looking at?"

Xiao Jing replied seriously, "Can you teach me to drive? If this continues, I won't be able to hold on."

"The problem is that you can't reach it at all," Qu Jianlei replied helplessly.

Why didn't he know that the prospects would be bad if he kept going, but the hairless monster couldn't drive at all.

If driving on a flat road, Xiao Jing can try to drive while standing, or tie something to the sole of the shoe.

But now that he was running in the wilderness, even he himself was terribly bumpy. If it was Xiao Jing who drove the car, it would be no wonder that nothing happened!

Xiao Jing insisted, "The accelerator, clutch and brake are actually useless for the time being. I just need to control the direction."

"That's impossible," Qu Jianlei smiled and shook his head, thinking that this guy is quite funny.

"In case of an emergency, I can fly you directly... This is a wasteland."

Not only can the driver fly, but the driver can't stand it.

Xiao Jing continued to insist, "Then find a relatively flat place first, and I will temporarily control it."

"Anyway, you can catch up with the car, can't you? You must go down and give them a blow in the head."

Qu Jianlei pondered for a moment, then smiled wryly, "Just find trouble for me... Actually, I have a plan to get out."

Xiao Jing's eyes lit up when he heard the words, "What plan?"

Qu Jianlei, however, was too lazy to answer him, and told him roughly what he should pay attention to when driving.

In fact, in this wasteland, driving skills are not important, as long as you don't try to die and drive into the big pit.

The next step is to fix the throttle, which is not too difficult, just don't hold it.

Then Xiao Jing moved to the driver's seat little by little, and sat in Qu Jianlei's arms.

"If you have suitable terrain, you can just jump off the car."

The flat land soon arrived, a piece of broken sand, even if there were pits, the smoke and dust were much smaller.

Yanchen is a double-edged sword, it can protect both Qu Jianlei and the chasing convoy.

Qu Jianlei unfastened his seat belt, grabbed the laser gun and machine gun and jumped out of the car.

Still choosing the laser gun first, he aimed at a closed off-road vehicle at the side and rear.

The car was going a little faster, and seemed intent on keeping pace with him, to limit his random changes of direction.

Then, he was compressed into the net bit by bit, and then he was unable to fly.

This kind of early guy must be destroyed!

Originally, Qu Jianlei wanted to aim at the driver, so he fired a few more shots if one shot was not enough.

However, the next moment, his eyes lit up. The fuel tank is not protected?

The pursuers were also a little puzzled, "This is... what fell from the car?"

"No, it's a person," someone yelled, "is this guy crazy?"

The next moment, with a flash of light, an off-road vehicle burst into flames.

"Bastard, how dare he!" The lunatic roared, the fiery SUV belonged to his team.

He was so angry that he couldn't care less, and shouted, "Machine gun fire!"

"Boss, you need to slow down first," the machine gun shooter in the truck smiled wryly.

Although it is relatively flat here, the truck is driving too fast, and the error of the machine gun fire is too large.

Maniacs are crazy when fighting, and they demand the same from their team.

However, after the battle is over, he will carefully count the amount of ammunition consumed, and he will never be polite to those who waste ammunition.

After hearing this, the lunatic made a decisive decision, "Slow down!"

At the same time, other vehicles were also surprised when they saw this, and a motorcycle that was about to encircle from the other side turned instantly.

Qu Jianlei smiled coldly, raised his hand and shot the rider away.

"Hold the fuck," a light truck that was closer was shocked, "Sharpshooter!"

Just when many vehicles were avoiding, Qu Jianlei chose the third attack target.

It was an open truck without a windshield, but some armor was hung on the front of the car.

The Wasteland team is in all kinds of situations. It is not surprising that there is no front windshield.

When there is a chance, I will repair it. If I don’t have time or the conditions are not met, I will use it for the time being.

They came here in a hurry when they received the news today. How could they have imagined that the front windshield is so important?

Qu Jianlei's third shot hit the driver.

The driver's reaction was actually not slow. Seeing that the other party seemed to be aiming at him, he subconsciously turned his head.

However, it was still too late, half of his head was blown away in an instant.

Qu Jianlei saw that several cars were obviously slowing down, picked up the machine gun and fired, turned around and ran away.

It's so hard to die, the target of his strafing this time is the small truck that the lunatic is riding in.

The lunatic invested a lot in this car, which is considered rough and thick, and the machine gun bullets hit the glass, which is just a white mark.

But this white mark can be regarded as a hidden injury, and the glass will still shatter if it suffers too much.

The machine gun shooter in the truck body was still aiming. Seeing this, he hid directly behind the fender, cursing inwardly, is it necessary to shoot so accurately?

The next moment, Qu Jianlei had already picked up two guns and ran away in a hurry.

At this time, the chasing vehicle had already slowed down, and a large number of bullets shot at Qu Jianlei.

However, after all, it was on the move, and the accuracy was a little bit off.

Qu Jianlei caught up with the car within a few minutes, grabbed the door and jumped into the cab.

This scene was seen by many people, several of them were holding binoculars, so they could see the details clearly.

"Fuck," someone couldn't help but yelled, "What the hell did we provoke!"

The physical fitness of wastelanders is indeed good, but no matter how good it is, there is a limit after all.

Temporary sprint speed, able to catch up with a truck traveling at full speed, this is outrageous!

Of course, in the wilderness of the wasteland, it is impossible for any car to reach full speed-the field is too bad.

But the current hard-bottomed sandy ground, the road conditions can already be considered good, and the speed can reach 50 kilometers per hour.

The speed is about 800 meters per minute.

The opponent was able to catch up with the truck abruptly while being behind by a certain distance...

If he hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes, who would dare to believe it?

However, fear is fear, and there are still people who dare to take risks.

Someone shouted, "Labor and capital are not afraid of death, but of being poor. Keep chasing after me!"

The lunatic's car accelerated without hesitation, "Shoot, don't be reluctant to give up the ammunition!"

He exploded completely, and he didn't even care about saving ammunition.

He knew very well in his heart that he could win a piece of the world in Hong Wu, the battle is to be crazy and desperate.

If it is still a small account at this time, it will completely lose the foundation of one's own life.

Some people are more cautious and suggest that the armored roof should be the main force in the front, and vehicles with weak protection will wander and harass.

This is an old and prudent opinion, and many motorcycles can only go far.

But in this pursuit, the motorcycle is destined to be useless, it cannot keep up with the speed of the truck.

Some motorcycle horsepower is indeed not small, but the problem is that there are only two wheels, it is too difficult to balance.

After chasing for more than ten kilometers, Qu Jianlei got out of the car and hit him again.

This time, he only shot and killed one driver, and it took three consecutive shots to break the bulletproof glass before he shot him.

Although he only killed one person, the pressure he put on his pursuers was too great.

In this case, no car dares to get too close.

The key is that everyone is still in motion, no one has Qu Jianlei's ability to jump out of the car to fight,

It's not that no bullets fell on the convertible light truck, but the grid alloy plate at the back is really easy to use.

Just chasing and fleeing like this, it fell into the night before I knew it.

But the pursuers have already chased for nearly 300 kilometers, and as the cost of sinking is getting higher and higher, it becomes more and more impossible for them to let go.

Currently, there are twelve off-road vehicles chasing Qu Jianlei, and almost everyone wants to get one.

It's night? It doesn't matter, turn on the headlights and continue chasing.

It wasn't that the chasing soldiers deliberately exposed the target, but they were driving at full speed in the wild, and they had to turn on the lights at night.

Qu Jianlei's headlights were also on, it really wouldn't work if they weren't turned on.

However, there are also searchlights for the chasers behind, which is an elite configuration for wild hunting.

How could someone who dared to get involved in such a thing not be an elite?

Seven or eight headlights all shone on Qu Jianlei's car, not to mention the sour feeling.

Qu Jianlei even felt that the night was much more difficult than the day.

But he finally seized an opportunity and jumped out of the car under cover.

He raised his hand and knocked out two searchlights, possibly wounding a hunter.

Then he slipped away decisively, and sure enough, the bullets chased after him.

After jumping into the car, he tore open a nutrient supplement and swallowed it, and said viciously, "Are there really so many night vision goggles?"

The good thing is that with his attack this time, the chasing vehicles deliberately opened up some distance.

There are not many searchlights in total, if they are all knocked out by this guy, how dare the pursuers continue to chase?

So what follows is a competition of endurance.

Unfortunately, the first to lose the chain was a truck with relatively thick armor in the pursuit.

This car broke down. As for the reason... it came in a hurry, and I didn't have time to take good care of it!

This kind of thing is very common in the wasteland. It is not easy for hunters to survive, and it is impossible to maintain their vehicles so well all the time.

A qualified adventurer can be considered as a qualified adventurer if he can maintain the vehicle carefully before important actions.

And when they pursued Qu Jianlei, they got a short-term notice, and they were able to mobilize manpower to chase and intercept them, so the reaction was not too slow.

It is said that wasteland vehicles may not be that advanced, but they are quite strong and durable.

However, considering they've been driving at full speed for so long, non-stop, it's not surprising that something went wrong.

The breakdown of this car made many pursuers dumbfounded.

"Wow, I just want to consume the other party, but our vehicles may not consume other people's vehicles!"

They still don't know that Qu Jianlei's vehicle has just been refitted, and he is the least afraid of consumption.

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