Qu Jianlei had an intention to inquire about Shaqu's news.

Hua Xiezi is also an old man, and she guessed what he was thinking, so she expressed it very simply.

"Most people have come into the mountain to look for you, and some people are waiting at the foot of the mountain. Only a few people are looking for clues about Shaqu."

Qu Jianlei heaved a sigh of relief, that is to say... maybe the mecha hasn't been discovered yet?

Hua Xiezi has been observing him carefully. Although Hei Tian's eyelids are habitually drooping, she still feels his relaxation.

So she asked carefully, "Are you... planning to go out of the mountain?"

Qu Jianlei raised his eyelids and glanced at her, "The question you are asking now is a bit inappropriate."

"I mainly want to help you," Hua Xiezi didn't want to be misunderstood by him at all.

"For example, they have collected at least a dozen night-vision binoculars. It is difficult for you to go out at night."

There are not many night vision binoculars in the wasteland, and Qu Jianlei also got one by chance.

In a general adventurer team, one or two is enough.

As long as it is not a large-scale fight among adventurers, this thing is only responsible for night guards-very few people hunt in the middle of the night.

More than a dozen night vision binoculars... Obviously, the tracking convoy also looted a lot from Hong Yi's settlement.

Qu Jianlei couldn't help muttering, "Who am I provoking?"

Then he glanced at Hua Scorpion again, and said sincerely, "Thank you very much."

Although he was used to being cautious, he could still get into trouble without the other party's warning.

"I just hope to help you," Hua Xiezi replied seriously, "I can help you find a passage."

Qu Jianlei didn't speak, just looked at her indifferently - do you think I will believe your empty words?

Hua Xiezi also felt that the other party could not be so hasty, and subconsciously justified, "Helping you is helping me."

However, this is still not convincing. From her standpoint, harming the other party can also help herself.

So she added, "Your supplies shouldn't be enough to support the crossing of the Endless Mountains. You need to go back and prepare some more."

There was still no emotion in Qu Jianlei's eyes—sorry, I really don't lack supplies.

Hua Scorpion thought about it again, "I can also prepare some supplies. We can support each other when we cross the mountains."

Qu Jianlei finally spoke, "Maybe you leave your companion behind and come with me?"

This is impossible! Hua Xiezi understands this very well, and the two companions are her combat partners who have cooperated with her for many years.

Then she looked at Qu Jianlei belatedly, "It turns out that you are worried that we will turn to customers?"

"Where is there any host and guest?" Qu Jianlei replied calmly, what the other party said was indeed something he was afraid of.

But this matter is easy to solve, "If you really want to cross the mountains, you can choose your own path, there is no need to go with me."

Hua Xiezi looked at him in astonishment, without you as an expert, how dare we think about crossing the mountains?

"Okay, anyway, thank you for notifying," Qu Jianlei took out a two centimeter energy block and put it on the ground.

Then he took two steps back slowly, "Go, I will protect myself."

Hua Xiezi stared at him blankly for about five seconds, stepped forward to pick up the energy block, turned around and left.

After walking about a kilometer, she turned her head to take a look. Where could she still see the figure just now?

Qu Jianlei's mood is really depressed, but the more it is like this, the more important it is to keep calm.

More than a dozen night-vision binoculars guarded the exit of the mountain, and he would not bet that there might be no binoculars in any opening.

So his choice is... just hang on.

But he would not believe in Hua Scorpion unreservedly, so after nightfall, he continued to go deep into the mountains.

The Endless Mountain Range at night is definitely not peaceful, not to mention that he has already entered the danger zone, and he has to go further.

However, there is no way, no matter how fierce the beast is, it cannot be crueler than the hearts of the people, Qu Jianlei has no choice.

Fortunately, since he practiced, he has become sharper, and he also wears night vision binoculars.

After all, every time he came, he had to stay in the mountains for several days. Even if he didn't hunt at night, self-defense was still necessary.

Some animals are cold-blooded and cannot be seen by night vision binoculars. At this time, it is time to test his eyesight and hearing.

In addition to his hearing and eyesight, he also has good sword skills. With this reliance, he dared to go deeper.

The in-depth process also had some thrills. The first half of the night was relatively smooth, but in the second half of the night, we encountered a group of snakes and fought hard to escape.

When dawn broke, he unexpectedly encountered two mutated mountain monitor lizards.

After another hard fight, he beheaded a monitor lizard.

Seeing that the situation was bad, the other monitor lizard wanted to escape, but he shot it to death seven or eight times with a laser rifle.

He really couldn't let this guy go, otherwise he would be surrounded by the monitor lizard who was found injured by others.

What's heartwarming is that not only is the meat of this thing inedible, but none of its parts are worth anything.

The same is true for the eight snakes killed in the middle of the night.

Not only did Qu Jianlei want to eliminate these guys, but he also had to find a place to throw the corpses to avoid being discovered.

On weekdays, he always avoids these guys, but traveling in the middle of the night is really hard to guard against.

After the two battles, he was really heartbroken... It was a pure loss-making business.

This night, he advanced almost 70 kilometers. If the distance is straight line, it may be less than 30 kilometers.

After dawn, he found a place to rest, just in time to meditate.

After it got dark, he covered the fire and stewed a pot of meat. Whether it was delicious or not, at least it had to be cooked.

This night's progress was a little smoother, but on the third night, I encountered a little confusion.

But at this time, the straight-line distance he has penetrated has exceeded 70 kilometers, and he has encountered countless thrills.

He believed that a small team of three or four adventurers would hardly be able to get here.

The people who tracked and searched for him should be elites, but even an elite team cannot go deep here quietly.

When encountering wild beasts or mutant beasts, there will inevitably be a battle, so he will definitely be alarmed.

It rained again in the mountains that day, so Qu Jianlei chose to stop and rest.

The next day, he didn't leave again, but dug out a temporary shelter.

He stayed here for more than 20 days, during which time he actually hunted and killed two golden bears.

He has meat and firewood, so he just needs to concentrate on cultivation, and he puts aside all distracting thoughts.

He didn't return cautiously until the weather seemed to be getting colder.

In the past, he went to the mountain for up to thirteen or four days, but this time it lasted for one and a half months.

No matter how patient the other party is, it is impossible to continue the large-scale search for so long, right?

The way back was not smooth, especially since he didn't take the old road, and it diverged a bit.

When he came to the safe zone, it was another eight days, and there was more than one hundred kilograms of mutated animal meat on his shoulders.

There is no way, there is no condition to make meat floss in the mountains, so I can only sprinkle some salt to pickle it.

When he reached the safe area, he wrapped the meat in felt cloth and chose a place to bury it.

By this time, it has been almost two months since I entered the mountain this time.

However, during the daytime, Qu Jianlei still found suspicious people looking around.

They shouldn't give up so easily... Qu Jianlei wasn't very surprised by this.

However, as long as there aren't that many people searching, that's good news for him.

There are not many exits from the nearby mountains, no matter whether it is easy to go or not, the total number of exits will not exceed five.

But Qu Jianlei didn't choose those places, he directly chose a place that was impossible to get in and out of.

It was a continuous steep slope, and it was more than three kilometers away from the nearest mountain pass.

During the day, he observed it and found that there was indeed no one around.

Look again at night, still no one - that's right!

When searching the mountains, there must be people guarding here, but the number of manpower is reduced, and places with low probability may be abandoned.

Taking advantage of the darkness, relying on his vigorous skills, he quietly sneaked down the mountain.

In the process, he accidentally discovered that alarm bells and traps were set up in some places.

Fortunately, he was careful enough and didn't move too fast. After all, he avoided it without any danger.

However, it can also be seen from this that the other party really wants to win him.

By the time he left the foot of the mountain, it was already daylight.

Qu Jianlei didn't try to be brave either, he found a hollow and dug a hole, and lay down directly in it, covering his body with a protective felt cloth.

The day passed quickly, and in the evening, he lifted the felt cloth and sat up.

The next step is to drive at night. In the wasteland, there are not many people who dare to drive at night, unless it is a large team.

However, if a large team is driving at night, they will definitely turn on the lights and be able to see it from a distance.

Qu Jianlei hurried all the way, and finally arrived at the abandoned warehouse just after midnight.

Using the night vision goggles to observe, he found no one around, so he touched in carefully—what if there is an alarm bell?

It turned out that he was thinking a little too much, and there was really nothing in it.

When turning over the piled broken bricks and broken tiles, he also paid attention to the sign of his own burial - no one has touched it.

After turning over the pile of rubble, he finally saw the mecha that he had been thinking about day and night, without any changes.

This sounds a bit unbelievable. Such a large mecha was not well hidden, and it escaped a large-scale search.

But the fact is true, Qu Jianlei doesn't know how to explain this scene,

In his mind, this should be the other party's main attention on "Hei Tian".

Hei Tian's whereabouts can be tested, not many people would care about things outside the mountains, even if it was Shaqu's news, they would only inquire about it in the settlement.

Someone may have searched the abandoned warehouse, but since I have night vision binoculars in hand, a quick glance is enough.

At this time, Qu Jianlei was especially grateful to the group of people he traded with.

If it wasn't for the overly sensitive mecha transaction, the news might have been revealed, right?

In fact, even now, he is not sure whether the other party confessed or not.

Anyway, the mecha was not discovered, which is a good thing.

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