Qu Jianlei came this time, carrying... an electromagnetic gun in his hand.

The weight of the electromagnetic gun is very heavy, not counting the gun mount, it is nearly two hundred kilograms.

In order to maintain his physical strength, he first used a motorcycle to carry it five kilometers away, and then carried it over by manpower.

But compared to the recoil of the electromagnetic gun, this weight is nothing.

This is not an individual weapon at all, that is to say, the mecha can withstand it, but the human body can't.

However, Qu Jianlei came prepared and chose an open space with a better view.

He dug a hole in the ground, and then put the carrying baffle into it, stabilizing the bottom and walls.

Then he put the gun mounts in again, filling the soil and compacting it hard.

Finally, he put the gun barrel on the gun mount and buckled the buckle.

He brought a total of three shells, too many were useless, and the weight of this thing was not light.

Qu Jianlei waited until almost midnight before he lightly filled the shells into the shell feeder and pulled the breech breech.

In the first shot, he aimed at the armored vehicle—the one Mr. Sai was in, and he didn't plan to deal with the other one.

After a muffled sound, the armored vehicle burst into flames in an instant, and then triggered a violent firestorm.

This is a standard Gauss shell, but Qu Jianlei aimed at the fuel tank.

The high-temperature warhead detonated the fuel tank in an instant, and then some ammunition died.

Immediately afterwards, there was a second muffled sound. This time, Qu Jianlei loaded a high-explosive bomb, aiming at the central tent.

Camps in the wild are often not just tents, especially for these people with status.

This tent is like this, with some partitions added to make the room temperature not so hot, and it also has some protective effects.

But for the electromagnetic gun, this point of protection is almost nonexistent, and the central tent exploded in an instant.

Qu Jianlei didn't bother to watch the results at all, he unfastened the hasp of the gun mount, picked up the gun body, turned around and ran away.

There is no need for a gun mount, as long as there are tools and materials, this thing is easy to make.

While running, he put the cannon body on his back, hoping it would help resist the bullets.

Fortunately, only two shells were fired, otherwise the heat from the barrel would have burned his back.

"Enemy attack!" Someone yelled, but because they were too far away, they couldn't hear clearly.

It took about five or six seconds before the first searchlight swept over.

When all five searchlights are turned on, it will be half a minute later.

It was already late at night, and not every adventurer would be prepared to guard against sneak attacks.

Moreover, when encountering a sneak attack suddenly, no one can determine the number of people and the weapons and equipment that came, so defense is the first response.

It was already a minute later when they realized that there was only one attacker and started chasing after them.

Qu Jianlei didn't count this accident, if he had known it was like this, he would have used the mecha directly.

However... such an operation may be exposed after all, and it is safer now.

Relying on his legs, he ran desperately, but the existence of the electromagnetic gun inevitably slowed down his speed.

However, as long as there is something to do, this cannon is really reluctant to lose.

Even so, he ran desperately at a speed of almost 60 kilometers per hour, but he could only last for about ten minutes.

After running for less than two minutes, there was already a gunshot behind him, followed by the sound of a vehicle-mounted machine gun.

But Qu Jianlei finally ran to the location of the motorcycle, grabbed the Gauss machine gun beside the car, and continued to run desperately.

After running for about ten meters, he turned around and shot, and the fuel tank of the motorcycle was instantly detonated.

Then he continued to run wildly, and just like that, the shooters behind him were blinded immediately.

Today's visibility is not high, less than three kilometers in total. The convoy behind can bite him, mainly because of the night vision goggles.

The fuel tank burst into flames, and the night vision goggles temporarily failed.

Qu Jianlei ran wildly for another three minutes, and there were more and more cars chasing after him, and some of them were obviously faster.

Seeing that the other party was about to reach the burning motorcycle, Qu Jianlei took out another Molotov cocktail.

He pressed the time-delay fuze, then carried the inner information on his arm, and threw it out directly.

With this throw, I'm afraid it will be 300 meters away.

Two minutes later, the delayed fuze detonated. Although the vehicle could not be bombed, it interfered with the night vision device again.

After running for another three minutes, Qu Jianlei felt that his physical strength had dropped a bit, so he squeezed three tubes of nutrient solution without hesitation.

Gritting his teeth and running for another three minutes, there was a loud noise behind him, but it was the gunpowder he had planted in advance that exploded.

The Huochapowder was tripped, and the rope was very long. The chasing vehicle was more than 30 meters away from the Huochapowder, and only suffered a little impact.

But the people in the car were not only staggered by the shock, but also startled, and the speed of the car was obviously reduced.

While chasing and fleeing, Qu Jianlei made a detour, took about 20 minutes, and arrived at the abandoned warehouse.

At this time, the pursuers had already approached three kilometers, and the searchlights were very bright.

The good thing is that the pursuers are behind him, and there is no obstacle for him to escape to the mountains.

Under the illumination of the searchlights, the vehicles behind could already vaguely see the human figure of the other party.

It's just that it's dark, and the human figure appears and disappears from time to time, which is just a little better than not being seen.

But even so, many people know where to go ahead.

Someone shouted loudly, "This guy has a good idea, and he actually wants to fight through the abandoned warehouse."

"Isn't this a joke?" Someone familiar with the terrain shouted, "Three doors have collapsed and only one is left, just block the exit."

Someone added, "It seems that Ximen can be dug through, so be careful there."

Someone even suggested, "He has an electromagnetic gun in his hand, just avoid the front and block the firepower!"

Someone added a suggestion, "Deploy a few cannons, knock down the exit, and suffocate that guy to death!"

They said everything, but no one rushed into the abandoned warehouse-many wastelanders are not afraid of death, but they will not seek death.

One after another, seven or eight vehicles drove around the warehouse, blocking the south and west gates.

Farther away, there are still lights flashing, and there are obviously follow-up vehicles coming.

Although Qu Jianlei was lucky enough to do his work, the high-intensity 20-minute run made him almost vomit blood.

After entering the warehouse, he quickly equipped the mecha with an electromagnetic gun and connected it to the bomb feeder.

Then he got into the cockpit of the mecha, and he was completely relieved.

Then he raised his spirits and put the Gauss machine gun into the storage compartment - another machine gun was already equipped on the left arm of the mecha.

After tidying up the mecha, he moved a few times adaptively, planning to make a move.

It's not important to make noise at this time.

But to my surprise, those vehicle-mounted machine guns frantically fired at the door, but the trajectory began to deviate.

Qu Jianlei was taken aback for a moment, and then realized, "These guys... are too afraid of death, right?"

He was already sure that the other party was planning to block him from the outside.

That's just right, he was dizzy from running this meal, so he could take this opportunity to breathe calmly, eat and drink a little.

The energy of meat floss is very high, but he was panting so badly that he could only use nutritional supplements.

After taking five nutrient supplements, he drank a few sips of water, and when his breathing became a little more stable, five minutes passed.

Can't wait any longer! Qu Jianlei was not sure if the other party brought a cannon.

Large-caliber guns are unlikely, but rapid-fire machine guns are hard to say.

The electromagnetic gun that Qu Jianlei bought is not a machine gun, but it is not a large-caliber gun either. It can penetrate armored vehicles.

The small-caliber rapid-fire machine gun can also cause certain damage to the mecha.

After all, this is just a transport mech, not a combat mech. If the weak link is hit continuously, it may be damaged.

Anyway, it was impossible for Qu Jianlei to wait for the other party to bring the large-caliber gun over.

The other party blocked the door... It doesn't matter, he hasn't been in the warehouse for a day or two.

For a guy who lacks a sense of security, observing the terrain while living in the wild is a must-do homework.

He knew where the weak point was in this warehouse that had collapsed twice.

At this moment, there were already more than ten vehicles outside, and someone yelled loudly, "There must be that guy Heitian inside!"

This person should be from the general settlement, "He bought electromagnetic guns in Hongwu, and there are more than 80 rounds of various shells!"

More than eighty shells... This is a very scary number.

Someone muttered softly, "This guy can really run... he really is a gangster!"

Someone even suggested, "You need to use suffocating bombs. If you want to attack by force, you have to ask the settlement to bring the tanks over."

Choking bombs are a bit similar to Blue Star's thermobaric guns. They are poison gas or flash bombs, and there are almost no such things in the wasteland.

It is not within the scope of consideration to affect the environment. It is already like this, how can it be affected?

The key is that there are many mutants, and the effect of many special ammunition is not so good.

"Not at all!" The person who seemed to be in the general settlement objected.

He couldn't say that the other party might have mutant crystals, nor could he say that this person had a new way to use the crystals.

He said with a sullen face, "Does Hong Yi have a heavy mecha? Try to capture this guy alive and execute him publicly in the general settlement!"

"That's true," someone echoed, "It's too cheap to kill him like this."

At this moment, the ground trembled, and something pushed open the roof of the warehouse and got out.

Someone had sharp eyes and couldn't help exclaiming, "Mecha, mecha?"

The tall mecha turned its head and raised the electromagnetic cannon in its hand.

After a muffled sound, a protective truck instantly turned into a ball of flames.

"Damn!" Someone scolded angrily, "How could this guy have armor!"

"This is not playable at all!" Someone cursed loudly and started to start the vehicle, trying to escape.

Qu Jianlei's movements are not slow, but the movements of this transport mecha are not as flexible as he imagined.

After blasting three cars in a row, the other cars started up, speeded up desperately, and rushed towards the distance.

Although it is only for transporting mechs, it is also a weapon of war. How can a modified truck be able to deal with it?

Armored vehicles can fight mechas, but in terms of maneuverability, mechas still have the advantage.

The only remaining armored vehicle has not followed, because the electromagnetic gun has threatened the survival of the armored vehicle.

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