Qu Jianlei roughly explained the formation of geothermal heat, but Hua Xiezi paid attention to other things.

"I understand...but where did you get your knowledge?"

Qu Jianlei was also a little strange when he heard the words. He knew that there was an information monopoly in the wasteland, but... this kind of information also needs to be blocked?

"It's not that difficult to know these things, is it?"

"It's hard!" Hua Scorpion said without hesitation, "I've never heard of it before."

Then she nodded thoughtfully, "I finally understand why the interior of the settlement has sufficient heating in winter."

Qu Jianlei was a little curious again, "The heating in the Hongwu settlement uses geothermal heat?"

"It's not just Hong Wu," Hua Xiezi replied without hesitation, "Most of the settlements are... no wonder the location was chosen carefully."

Qu Jianlei also came to his senses, "Since this is the case, it makes sense not to leak the news."

Hua Xiezi glanced at him, "Then how would you know?"

Hearing this, Qu Jianlei couldn't help but think of a middle-aged waste picker—the one who knew about genetic modification medicine because of a family tradition.

Probably died at the hands of the Sai family, right? He sighed softly, "Who can have no family background?"

Hua Xiezi didn't speak any more, but she thought in her heart: How can the knowledge of geothermal heat be mastered by ordinary families?

In any case, it was precisely because of this mystery that this cave was occupied by a group of black-backed golden apes.

For Qu Jianlei and Hua Xiezi, this adventure is really worth it.

Geothermal heat can save a lot of energy, not to mention... there are more than a dozen golden apes to eat.

However, the problem of drinking water needs to be taken seriously.

Qu Jianlei braved the severe cold and went out to search around, and found another hibernating striped hedgehog.

The striped hedgehog is not a mutant animal, and is very picky about drinking water. After drinking the water from the melted ice cubes, he did not experience any discomfort.

But Qu Jianlei said that the meat of the striped hedgehog... tastes really bad. Not only does it have a strong earthy smell, but it is also very sour.

The duo then began modifying the cave to make it more livable.

Qu Jianlei has experience in renovations in the past year. Although there is no garbage dump and the materials are not readily available, the design is still decent.

But most of the time, he was only in charge of moving his mouth, and it was Hua Scorpion who did it.

Hua Xiezi was a little reluctant at the beginning, thinking that she did things by herself and didn't need others to guide her.

But after some transformation, she was completely convinced... Is there anything else this guy doesn't know?

Of course, what she is most interested in is Hei Tian's cultivation,

Baduanjin and Wuqinxi are easy to talk about, and she learned them after watching them a few times, and asked the other party if she could imitate them.

Qu Jianlei had an extra helper, the one who brought his own dry food. He didn't mind her learning, and even taught him some essentials.

Hua Xiezi got started very quickly, much faster than Xiao Jing. It can be seen that talent does exist objectively, and he can't accept it.

And after practicing for a few days, she really felt the benefits of it, and she was sweating all over after doing it several times in a row.

However, Taijiquan and Taiji Thirteen Knives made her a little bit blind. It really can't be understood with the eyes.

She hoped that Hei Tian would teach the main points, but the other party directly said that it would be a while... Xiao Jing hasn't learned it yet.

Hua Xiezi was also a little speechless when he heard that, he is a little kid who can't even drive a car, you really value him.

But she would not compare with a dead person, and then she asked the last question, "What do you say when you sit cross-legged?"

"Don't think about it for now," Qu Jianlei replied in a deep voice without any explanation.

But even if he didn't say it, Hua Xiezi could tell that this set of things was the one that consumed the most energy.

As for the other party not to say, she really understands - my value has not yet been reflected, and it is normal for people to have scruples.

The days passed without any alarm.

The black-backed golden apes are all relatively large, at least one size larger than humans, and mature golden apes can weigh up to 400 kilograms.

Of course, this is the gross weight. After skinning, removing the bones and viscera, it is less than 200 kilograms.

But even so, the total of seventeen golden apes, large and small, yielded about two and a half tons of meat.

During Qu Jianlei's cultivation, his appetite was quite adequate, but 12 to 3 kilograms of meat a day was enough.

Coupled with "a little" staple food, he basically does not need to take nutritional supplements.

There is also the winter food stored by the black-backed golden ape in the cave, which are roughly some berries and dried fruits, as well as some dried animal meat.

Qu Jianlei was indifferent to the food reserves of the Golden Ape, aside from hygiene, the Golden Ape was a mutant beast.

The food they can tolerate, ordinary humans may not be able to afford it.

Anyway, Qu Jianlei wasn't under any pressure. He had prepared a lot of food, and there was still a lot of meat floss.

Hua Xiezi was taken aback by his appetite at first, but after watching it for a long time, she got used to it.

Even because of her practice of Ba Duan Jin and Wu Qin Xi, her appetite has increased a lot.

The weather was cold day by day, and the two lived in the cave without feeling the hardship of winter at all.

However, Hua Scorpion still goes out every one or two days to check the surrounding situation, so as not to be caught off guard by abnormal situations.

This is also showing her own value. For adventurers, it is a good habit to be vigilant at all times.

It's just that every time she goes out, she will run back jumping and jumping in the cold, no matter how much she wears, it's useless.

Qu Jianlei reckoned that the lowest temperature here might not be minus sixty degrees.

On this day, after Huaxie came back, he stomped his feet to warm up and made an important discovery.

On the snow two kilometers away, she found huge footprints!

Qu Jianlei was startled when he heard that, he went out to take a look, and was shocked to find: This guy weighs at least two tons, right?

He is not particularly sure what kind of animal it is, but the footprints in the snow show that it should not be a carnivore.

While carnivores usually have sharp claws, this animal's footprint was flat.

It's just that the hoof is really big, it can catch up with the washbasin.

Hua Xiezi was a little frightened, "This kind of animal is at least a B-level mutant beast, right?"

It's really not pleasant to think that such a powerful creature should live nearby.

"Maybe... want to drink water?" Qu Jianlei felt that creatures that can move in winter may not be restricted by their range.

Seeing that the sky was gloomy, as if it was going to snow, the two of them hurried back to the cave without saying much.

Early in the morning of the third day, it really started snowing, and the heavy snow fell for three days in one fell swoop.

However, it was precisely because of this snow that the mysterious animal finally appeared.

Qu Jianlei came to the entrance of the cave and looked at the huge monster in front of him, which was more than three meters high and weighed seven or eight tons.

He couldn't help saying in amazement, "Mammoth?"

"What's it called?" Hua Xiezi immediately took out a small notebook, and must memorize a lot of remote knowledge.

"It came to mind naturally," Qu Jianlei replied perfunctorily.

He murmured in his heart, what the mammoth said could explain why this guy is not afraid of the cold anymore.

But in the next moment, he shuddered, "What are you doing in our cave?"

The entrance of the cave is actually not big, less than three meters high and less than four meters wide.

Like those black-backed golden apes, they have to bend slightly to get in and out of the cave.

It is said that this mammoth cannot enter the entrance of the cave, but this guy has his own way.

As soon as its two front legs bent, it was about to kneel and move into the hole. It was obviously not the first day to do this kind of thing, depending on its proficiency.

However, what is very sad is that after Qu Jianlei and the two came, they made changes to the entrance of the cave.

Not to mention raising the ground, even stone walls were built on both sides.

The raised ground and stone walls are not resistant to impact, and the mountain wind here is harsh, and even a little bit of wind will blow it over.

But this is really difficult for the two of them. The worst thing in winter is low temperature, and they have found a source of water.

The reinforced ground and ice wall are more than three meters thick, thanks to the extremely cold weather.

Such a thick ice gun, let alone a mammoth that weighs seven or eight tons, cannot be broken by seventeen or eight tons.

Even if it has the driving force of the Blue Star tank, the flesh must be able to withstand it.

The mammoth knelt and walked a few times, but found that it couldn't get into the hole. It was furious for a while, and its long nose was thrown out, and it hit the ice wall heavily.

Qu Jianlei has already reacted, "This guy seems to know that there is a black-backed golden ape in the cave!"

If you think about it, you will know that although the black-backed golden ape has rough skin, thick flesh and incomparable strength, compared with the mammoth, it is the younger brother.

To put it bluntly, the black-backed golden ape weighing four to five hundred kilograms is less than one-tenth of the opponent's weight.

So it is really not surprising that the black-backed golden ape is on the menu of the mammoth.

But what is certain is that on its menu, the black-backed golden ape is definitely difficult to deal with.

If it had anything to do with it, it probably didn't want to choose this dish. The combat power of the Golden Apes was definitely one plus one greater than two.

There are seventeen black-backed golden apes in the cave.

With such a huge group, regardless of combat effectiveness, it is definitely not someone's slaughterhouse, and you can just pick one out to eat.

This mammoth is very big, but it is very thin, probably because it is too cold, so it comes to the cave to have a bite.

Of course, these are all guesses by Qu Jianlei, whether this is the case is still doubtful.

Anyway, he can be sure that although mammoths don't have claws, they are really omnivores.

Hua Xiezi hesitated for a moment, and asked aloud, "Heitian... Panda, what level is this mammoth?"

"I don't know," Qu Jianlei spread his hands, feeling very innocent, "I don't even know if this is a mutant beast."

Ordinarily, if they dare to deal with mutant beasts that live in groups, mammoths should also be mutant beasts, and they are of a higher level.

But he really didn't know, there really wasn't such a number among the beast materials he had collected.

Even the word "mammoth" comes from his Blue Star's memory.

Hua Xiezi was also a little disappointed when he heard this, "I don't know if the meat is edible, should we beat it?"

Qu Jianlei looked at her speechlessly, "Can we not fight?"

(Updated to, please help me in the new book stage.)

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