Facing the provocation from the bald man, Hua Xiezi pulled the trigger.

A ray of light hit half a meter away from Pian Sanlun, and dust flew everywhere.

She said coldly, "You think it's easy to be bullied when there are few people? How many people are you going to die?"

According to common sense analysis, the two of them must not be able to beat the opposing team, but... are you willing to accept the battle damage?

She was also really fierce. She was pointed at by the vehicle-mounted machine gun from a distance, and she dared to shoot directly.

The bald head was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, and gave a thumbs up, "Good hand...you have a machine gun on your back?"

Just two guns and a knife, the weight is not light, since there are machine guns, the ammunition will not be too little, right?

The most rare thing is that the other party is a woman... What kind of physical quality does this have to be?

Moreover, the distance between the two sides is about a hundred meters, and it is obviously not a miss that someone hits such a position with a single shot.

"You don't need to talk to me," Hua Scorpion knew very well how to deal with strange adventurers.

"I don't want to kill people, and you don't make mistakes, everyone does not make mistakes."

The bald head was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and pointed in one direction, "Go there, about twenty kilometers."

Hua Xiezi still looked at him coldly, "Send the two of us there, and I'll give you two kilograms of C-grade mutated meat."

Don't talk about silver dollars or anything, anyway, we can beat C-level mutant beasts.

The bald man laughed again, and turned his arms almost ninety degrees, "Well, I remembered wrongly, it was that direction."

"Landscapes meet each other," Hua Xiezi replied straightforwardly, "I won't give you money if you ask for directions."

The other party wanted to trick them into taking the wrong path, so now it's even.

As for whether the direction behind is true or not, it doesn't matter, just walk and see.

"Am I short of that little money?" The bald head replied indifferently.

"C-level mutated beast meat...we bought it, and I will take you to the supply station for free, how about it?"

Hua Xiezi replied, "It's only two kilograms, so I'll give it to you."

While it was a bit of a saber-rattling start, it turned out pretty well.

A truck was willing to carry the two of them, Qu Jianlei took a manger and easily jumped onto the truck.

The machine gunner in the trunk gave him a surprised look.

He felt that the whole body of the truck sank slightly, "How heavy is your bag?"

Qu Jianlei drooped his eyelids and said nothing, Hua Xiezi said lightly, "It's not good to be too curious."

The machine gun shooter shut up, but he looked at the two of them with a bit of malice besides guard.

After driving for about an hour, I came to a supply station, which was about 30 kilometers away.

But if there is no motorcade, Qu Jianlei and the two may not meet anyone for several days.

In the unfamiliar wilderness, the visibility is not high, and it is possible to get lost and starve to death.

After arriving at the supply station, Hua Xiezi took out a cloth bag from the bag and handed it to the bald man.

The bald head opened the cloth bag, and let out a little surprise, "What kind of mutant animal meat is this?"

"I told you it was C-level," Hua Scorpion didn't say much, "Believe it or not."

Her blunt attitude was not just because she was almost cheated, but because the other party's attitude from the beginning was strongly tentative.

If she hadn't acted tough, would the other party have turned into a robber... Is there any need to guess?

At this moment, a middle-aged man, who was also a member of the convoy, came by and was sitting in the driver's cab just now.

He poked his head curiously, and gave a light snort, "Is this... shot in the Endless Mountains?"

Hua Xiezi ignored him at all, turned around and followed Qu Jianlei to the repair shop.

However, there are really capable people in this team, and a fat middle-aged man can see what kind of meat it is.

"Black-backed golden ape? Did you make a mistake... This is a good thing."

Then he quickly walked towards Hua Xiezi, "Please stop here, how much black-backed golden ape meat do you have? I'll take it at a high price!"

"No more," Hua Xiezi directly refused without looking at him.

"Then can you tell me where you met the golden ape?" This man squeezed out a smile, "I'll buy this news at a high price."

Hua Xiezi still ignored him and bought news at a high price...then he bought more than just news.

Qu Jianlei was asking the owner of the maintenance shop, "Do you have a three-wheeler...I want one, and I need to modify it."

"Pian Sanlun...do you still need to modify it?" The shopkeeper glanced at him, "That's not cheap, do you have enough money?"

Qu Jianlei thought about it, and then asked, "Are you here for cashier receipts?"

"Of course the banknotes are accepted," the shopkeeper looked him up and down. "Is it the banknotes from the settlements, or the energy block banknotes?"

Can settlements print silver tickets? Qu Jianlei's heart skipped a beat, it's different from what I thought.

Huaxie took the initiative to speak out, "How do you exchange the banknotes in the energy block store?"

"The silver ticket for the energy block is good," the shopkeeper immediately became enthusiastic, "Which settlement do you two live in?"

"You don't need to ask so many questions," Hua Xiezi said bluntly, and then took out a bank note to light it up, "Is there any problem?"

It was a bill of ten silver dollars, Qu Jianlei looked at her in surprise, and said to herself, do you still have this property?

It's really not what he gave her.

"No problem, this is it!" The shopkeeper affirmed straightforwardly, "I promise to exchange ten silver dollars!"

"If you have energy blocks, one for eleven silver dollars!"

"Exchange one centimeter of energy block for eleven silver dollars?" Hua Xiezi's statement was more standard, "Sorry, I still want to buy energy blocks."

"Okay." The shopkeeper didn't force it, he stood up, "There are two tricycles in the backyard...you two can choose."

Seeing the three of them enter the backyard, the chubby middle-aged man was stunned, "Where did this fierce man come from?"

Qu Jianlei and the others didn't know that the energy blocks were used much more frequently in the settlement of Zhouzi than in the settlement of Hongzi.

So this is the real hard currency, and the value of the banknotes in the energy block store is quite strong.

Seriously, the general settlement of Zhou Zi also issued bank notes, but something went wrong.

Now ten yuan of silver bills in settlements can only be exchanged for six or seven silver dollars. Naturally, everyone is more willing to accept energy bills.

The chubby middle-aged man only thought that the other two were powerful adventurers, but he didn't expect that they were actually residents of the settlement.

He raised his hand to beckon the bald head, "What did you just say?"

The bald head also noticed this scene.

Facing the big customer, he swallowed and replied awkwardly, "I just thought it was two wanderers."

"Can you save me some snacks?" The chubby middle-aged man grinned angrily, "He's a resident of a settlement!"

Who would have thought of this, the bald head sighed depressingly, "Actually... I also came here with good intentions."

"Put away your kindness," Wei Pang said angrily, "Don't you know that you can't underestimate any adventurer?"

I'm already cautious, okay? The bald head is also a bit helpless. As for adventurers in the wilderness... aren't they everywhere?

When the convoy came to the supply point, in addition to replenishing fuel and water, they also had to rest for a while, after all, they had driven for six hours.

They were resting when they saw a... light truck driving out of the courtyard?

It was that woman who drove the car, and everyone couldn't help being dumbfounded. Didn't they agree to buy a three-wheeled one?

Qu Jianlei was very satisfied with this light truck, and he took a fancy to it as soon as he entered the backyard.

After a little look, you can see that the engine has been modified, the horsepower has increased a lot, and protection has been installed.

The shop owner had already said that I kept it for my own use, but...the other party has too many bank notes.

Hua Xiezi also prefers this light truck. After all, there is a cab that protects from the wind and rain. Who would like to sleep in the open?

After driving around in a light truck, Qu Jianlei jumped out of the car, dragged the owner aside and muttered.

Then the two started working together and got busy, but each was busy with his own work.

The bald man was stared at by the slightly fat eyes, but he finally walked over and spoke with a sneer.

"Beauty, I made a joke just now, don't take it seriously, I'll make amends here."

"There's no need to apologize," Hua Xiezi waved his hand and said indifferently, "Bring us here and we'll be settled."

The bald man took a deep breath, "Beauty, can you give me some pointers on the place where the black-backed golden ape is?"

"I bought it at a high price!"

Hua Xiezi rolled his eyes at him, "Do you think I'm short of that? Or...are you sure I'm pointing to the right place?"

The second half of the sentence is the key. It should be noted that the bald head had deliberately pointed the wrong way just now.

So buying an address at a high price is really not buying an address... Those who sell it have to follow, and there will be a series of troubles in the future.

The bald head didn't expect that the other party came out of a settlement and knew so many ways to survive in the wild.

He was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed, "I believe everything you say... Can you make a price?"

As long as a deal is agreed upon, he can force the other party to follow him, at worst spending a little more money.

He didn't use tough methods before, just because he didn't think it was worth it. He really didn't believe that a team couldn't take care of two people.

Hua Xiezi gave him a strange look, "I dare say, do you dare to go?"

She stayed in the Endless Mountains for more than half a year, and now that she was asked to go back and walk again, she didn't want to go again.

Even most of the time, Heitian is controlling the mech to walk.

"Who do you look down on?" The bald head became annoyed when he heard it, "As long as you dare to say it, I will definitely dare to go."

Hua Xiezi glanced at him lightly again, and didn't bother to speak anymore.

The bald head wanted to say something, but he saw Wei Pang winking at him in the distance, he immediately understood and walked over.

The chubby middle-aged man glanced at Qu Jianlei, who was busy, and muttered in a low voice, "Look, what is he doing?"

The bald head followed his gaze and frowned for ten seconds.

After all, he was living in the wilderness, but he still recognized what it was, and then he was surprised, "Cannon carriage?"

"Don't pester me anymore," the fat middle-aged man's mouth moved slightly, "These two people... are really not to be taken lightly."

"I was a little rash at the beginning," the bald head was still a little unconvinced, "I didn't do anything wrong afterwards."

"Stop talking," the chubby middle-aged man sighed, "Ask them if they want to be a resident of Zhou'er Settlement."

If the other party refuses to disclose the identity of the resident, then it is better to do another one. Anyway, the identity of the settlement... can be repeated.

The identity of Zhou Er's settlement is already well established.

(Updated, now it is recommended, it is very important to follow up the data, everyone should stop raising it, it will not be fun to raise it to death.)

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