Recruit black physique to start practice in the wasteland

Chapter 79 Chapter 83 Finding Faults-84 Thirsting for Talents (two chapters in one)

Chapter 83 Finding Faults (Part 3)

The size of the sonic flaw detector is not very large, but it is really not available in the general-scale repair shop.

In the final analysis, human life in the wasteland is worthless, and if the parts are broken, just replace them. How big is a hidden danger?

The cold wave has not come recently, and the pressure on the maintenance engineers is much less.

And among the adventurers from other places, there are also maintenance engineers who have undertaken some maintenance work.

This woman has always suspected that Qu Jianlei opened his mouth like a lion, but he still couldn't find a suitable person.

Yesterday she finally found a repairman in the city, the one wearing the oily sleeves.

This person heard that someone had detected a hidden danger in the main shaft of the Cleaner III, so he asked what sonic flaw detector he used.

Flaw detectors are not cheap in the first place, and the higher the grade, the more expensive they are.

The strong man and the woman recalled it for a long time, and also described the various tools at that time-it didn't feel particularly professional.

The repairman was angry. The colleague was an enemy, and a half-assed guy opened his mouth like a lion at the door of his house. Who can bear this?

So early this morning, he came to ask questions.

When Qu Jianlei heard what he said, he looked at him suspiciously. This kind of foreign negotiation is usually carried out by Hua Xiezi.

However, she doesn't understand mechanical maintenance.

So Qu Jianlei refused very straightforwardly, "None of your business!"

The face of the person wearing the sleeves turned black, "Then you are suspected of fraud, do you know what crime it is?"

Suspected of fraud... Qu Jianlei glanced sideways at Spencer, and said simply, "Get lost!"

This old liar who touches porcelain, I don’t know how many people have been deceived, and I don’t care about you, now tell me about fraud?

The maintenance engineer's face darkened, "Believe it or not, I reported it to the city...Have you considered the consequences?"

"Pull it down," Cindy couldn't help it, she was familiar with this kind of thing, "I want to report without evidence, your house opened the settlement?"

The maintenance engineer glanced at her, with an indescribable strangeness in his eyes.

"Don't," Spencer was anxious, and couldn't help shouting, he was really too familiar with these things.

"Old driver, as long as he randomly picks up a good spindle, it can be counted as evidence!"

"What the hell..." Cindy felt like cursing when he heard it, "Zhou Liu settlement is full of such a bunch of things?"

Qu Jianlei looked at the repairman, his eyes flashed, and he asked slowly, "As a repairman, how can you do such a dirty thing?"

There is a kind of morality called industry ethics. For example, financial personnel cannot mess with money, otherwise their careers will be ruined.

The same is true for maintenance engineers. Corruption or robbery is not a felony, and they can continue to work after they are released from prison.

But if you do something professionally and your reputation is bad, you can't do it anymore.

The one with the oily sleeves blushed when he heard this—those who eat technology generally have more shame.

Because of his work, he knew some social people, and he was hesitant to frame the other party, which is not difficult to operate.

But if he really wanted to do that, he would be discrediting his profession.

So he hesitated and replied, "If you can't prove that you are not a liar, then don't blame me for being rude!"

There was a dangerous light in Hua Xiezi's eyes, "If you want us to prove our innocence, is this a threat?"

Spencer took a long time to make up for it, "It's just a taboo... It's not easy to do a regular job."

He is a sidewalker, and there is competition among his peers, but everyone is shady, and most of the time he emphasizes cooperation instead.

Another middle-aged man couldn't bear it anymore and coughed lightly, "I don't intend to frame him, I just want to find out the truth."

Cindy said coldly, "What capacity do you use to verify the truth?"

The man replied in a deep voice, "My name is Geng Shougong, and I am responsible for the management and certification of maintenance personnel in the entire residential area."

The maintenance shop has its own system, which is not so easy to open.

Dragons and snakes are mixed in the field camps, not to mention that kind of small shop, the repair shop at the supply station must have certified repairers.

This is not simply for the sake of customers, mainly because of this system, the settlement must be in hand.

Like Qu Jianlei who doesn't open a shop and takes orders sporadically at home, no one else can control them.

Geng Shougong's words also showed that the other party came here not because he was determined to make trouble, but because he really thought he had encountered a liar.

But when it comes to this link, it is Cindy's strong point, "How many A-level maintenance engineers does Zhou Liu have?"

"Ma'am, you are joking," Geng Shougong replied seriously, "All A-level ones are in the general settlement."

He said proudly, "Zhou Liu has five B-levels in total, and two of them are certified by me!"

B-level maintenance engineers are really good, and there are no more than three settlements in general.

Cindy remembered very clearly that when her late husband was around, there were only two B-level maintenance engineers in the Zhousan settlement.

One of them was already old and dying, but even so, he was offered by everyone.

She looked at the man in the sleeve thoughtfully, "This also certified by you?"

"He is only C-level," Geng Shougong replied calmly, "But it has been many years, and B-level is only a matter of time."

These words are very reasonable, but Cindy shook her head, "A mere C-level, I'm not qualified to question my boss."

"I'm a B-level," Geng Shougong pointed to himself, and said seriously, "I was certified at the general I need to see the certificate?"

He can feel that the other party is not only not easy to mess with, but also shouldn't be a wild way, so of course he must pay attention to the rules.

The books that Qu Jianlei read were not aimless, and the Zhouliu residential area could really be called "orderable".

But the premise is that you have to have similar strength to be qualified to reason with Zhou Liu.

Those guys who can even kill Spencer are not qualified to talk about order at all.

Cindy raised her chin and said unceremoniously, "Then trouble you to show it."

Geng Shougong took out a card and shook it, "No problem?"

"Wait," Cindy shouted, "The chain below the B-level... how did it become a dark pattern?"

"Expert!" Geng Shougong gave a thumbs up, "I just changed my ID the year before last, and I happened to go back to the headquarters of Zhouzi."

Cindy nodded at Qu Jianlei, "Boss, your identity should be fine."

"It's really annoying," Qu Jianlei couldn't help muttering, "I don't rely on this business for a living."

"Wait," Geng Shougong said, "Friend, if you can prove your strength, I can introduce you to a big job!"

Hearing this, Qu Jianlei was really moved. He doesn't lack small money or anything, but the mutation crystallization... is too expensive.

And there is a saying on Blue Star - make more friends and make fewer enemies.

But after thinking about it, he asked again, "Is there any benefit that can be obtained immediately?"

Geng Shougong was also taken aback for a moment, before he asked, "Have you read any publications about repairmen?"

publication? Qu Jianlei's heart skipped a beat, the wasteland now... has publications?

Fortunately, he wears a face scarf all year round, so he doesn't worry about others seeing through.

So he asked, "Which type of publication are you talking about... materials, power, electronic control, sensing, or integrated inspection and defense?"

"Expert!" Geng Shougong gave a thumbs up calmly, but his heart was full of turmoil.

Anyone engaged in maintenance knows that equipment is composed of various systems and components, and it is not surprising to know these.

But if you think that these details have publications, then if you are not a lunatic, you have come into contact with an extremely high level!

Such news, even an A-level maintenance engineer, may not be able to get in touch.

Geng Shougong himself has never come into contact with similar detailed publications, but he knows very well that there is such a thing!

So what the other party said shows that they really have a background.

"I'm not an expert," Qu Jianlei shook his head, I just experienced the era of information explosion.

On Blue Star, he really came into contact with many related publications, and there are too many subdivided fields. It is not bragging for him to say that.

Then he asked bluntly, "What can you show me?"

It's a bit of a philistine question, but he's really not afraid to ask it - trying to tell me what to do? Come up with something real, please.

"I only have the comprehensive category." Geng Shougong felt a little hot, "The subdivision items... are not very convenient for now."

The maintenance engineer wearing the oil stained sleeve was shocked, "My lord, is there really a subdivision item?"

"Shut up!" Geng Shougong glared at him impatiently, if it weren't for you, would I be so embarrassed?

The strong man and the woman have been stupefied for a long time... We are complaining about someone.

Geng Shougong smiled at Qu Jianlei, "I happen to have a magazine with me, can you take a look at it?"

Qu Jianlei didn't move at all, just looked at the other party like that - just talk, is it interesting?

Geng Shougong took out a book from his pocket and handed it to Spencer next to him.

Qu Jianlei took it from the old liar, flipped through it twice, and there was really... something.

He has come into contact with a lot of scientific journals in Blue Star, and this is the first time he has come into contact with wasteland scientific journals.

Moreover, the text here is the fourth type of text, and there are many professional terms, which he has never touched before, so he really doesn't understand.

However, it is undeniable that the civilization of the wasteland before the doomsday is really awesome.

Even though it has declined now, some concepts are still far superior to Blue Star, so I can't accept it.

He glanced roughly, and he had a clearer understanding that this journal is really a good thing, and it cannot be bought in the market.

He was just thinking about what to say when he felt a sudden pain in his head.

In the dark, he could feel that Xiaohu, an artificial intelligence, seemed to want to include this journal.

However, it is normal, who can refuse the temptation of "the first time"?

So he nodded slightly, "Well, although this journal...forget it, I can give you a reasonable explanation."

"Sure enough, there is no sonic flaw detector?" Geng Shougong was ecstatic, this time it really happened!

"I will record the whole process of your explanation, and finally...can you sign it?"

"Sign... Please wait a moment for this," Qu Jianlei said with a strange look in his eyes, "What process are you going to record?"


Chapter 84

When Geng Shougong heard Qu Jianlei's question, he immediately fainted, "I plan to record the process of explaining... Isn't it agreed?"

"I didn't say I would explain it to you," Qu Jianlei replied seriously, "I just said, I can give you an explanation!"

To explain and... to give an explanation, Geng Shougong thought for a while and asked, "Is there any difference between the two?"

The two are not the same thing at all, okay? Qu Jianlei felt a little helpless.

"Do you think I should explain to you, without a flaw detector... how can I find hidden dangers in the spindle?"

"Isn't it this?" Geng Shougong became more and more confused, "Without an explanation, how do you prove it?"

"By the way, just ask for a confirmation," Qu Jianlei waved his hand, "Just bring over ten or eight spindles."

"I'll help you detect hidden dangers and non-hidden that enough?"

The maintenance engineer wearing the oil-stained sleeve couldn't help it, "What about the inspection process?"

"Don't ask about the process, I'll just give you the result." Qu Jianlei didn't even look at him, "There are many people who want to be my are worthy?"

"Hurry up and get the main shaft, we are in a hurry to go hunting."

A group of people exchanged puzzled looks for a while, and finally turned and left.

About half an hour or so, several people came over with three spindles.

After putting down the spindle, everyone left, leaving only Geng Shougong alone.

This reaction was a bit interesting, so Qu Jianlei didn't shy away from him anymore.

He looked and looked around the three main axes, touched them one by one, and raised his hand to knock them.

Geng Shougong has been staring at it, frowning tightly: Just like this?

After turning around, Qu Jianlei raised his head and said, "The three spindles... all should be scrapped."

"Huh?" Geng Shougong pointed to one of them, "Is there something wrong with this one too?"

"There are hidden dangers," Qu Jianlei replied simply, "There are trachoma inside, and there are quite a few of them. It should be a substandard product."

"Trachoma..." Geng Shougong was stunned. He originally thought that this spindle was good.

In fact, in the eyes of wastelanders, parts with trachoma are not a big problem.

This is the case in a society where materials are scarce. If you can barely use it, trachoma will only reduce the strength and durability of the parts.

Of course, if it is found that it is "shoddy", it will naturally not be able to continue to sell.

But the next moment, his astonishment was replaced by stronger curiosity.

He couldn't bear it anymore, so he asked aloud, "It's convenient to tell me, how did you detect it?"

Qu Jianlei looked at him sideways, and found that other than curiosity, the other's eyes were clear.

He watched for four or five seconds, finally sighed, and asked helplessly, "What is the principle of the sonic flaw detector?"

"Of course it's based on the reflection of the echo..." Geng Shougong replied subconsciously, and then he was stunned.

"That's right, it's the echo," Qu Jianlei asked naturally, "Didn't you notice that I knocked on the spindles one by one?"

Geng Shougong had indeed considered this point, but this possibility...he really couldn't accept it.

Even with the confirmation from the other party, he still couldn't help saying, "Isn't this a bit too fake?"

Qu Jianlei didn't mind the other party's offense, because he knew very well that his answer was a bit unbelievable.

He just said calmly, "What you can't do doesn't mean others can't do it."

You obviously haven't heard the story of the eighth-level fitter...there is even the legend of the eighth-level plus.

Geng Shougong was stunned for a while, then nodded slightly in disbelief, "Then, where are the problems with the other two spindles?"

"It's scrapped anyway, why ask so many questions?" Qu Jianlei didn't intend to satisfy his curiosity.

It is enough to show a little hand, but to survive in the wasteland, it is very necessary to hide one's clumsiness moderately.

But his attitude wasn't too bad, "You can go back and test this spindle for trachoma, and you can confirm it."

"I will definitely check this," Geng Shougong nodded without hesitation.

"It's not that I don't believe you, but this kind of thing is too unimaginable. The craftsmanship of the spindle... how could there be trachoma?"

"Yeah," Qu Jianlei nodded sympathetically, "I'm also very curious, and I tapped a lot during the test."

Once technology geeks talk about technology, it is easy to fall into it.

However, Geng Shougong still has some official status, so he asked casually, "Have you ever been certified as a maintenance engineer?"

He wanted to make sure if this person had only one skill like this, or if he was also very strong in other aspects.

Qu Jianlei did not answer directly, but instead asked, "Why do you need certification?"

"Why not certified?" Geng Shougong was successfully distracted, "Isn't it good to have a job that guarantees income in drought and flood?"

Qu Jianlei replied flatly, "I don't like the kind of life where the end can be seen at a glance."

This point of view is a bit similar to the rebellious girl Claire, but he really doesn't like an ordinary life without waves.

Geng Shougong was defeated by this answer. It must be admitted that some people are indeed unwilling to be mediocre.

Then, there is no need to continue this topic, "There will be difficult maintenance work in the future, would you like to take it?"

"It depends," Qu Jianlei replied casually, "Actually, I'm not short of this little money."

Small money...Geng Shougong continued to be speechless, and earned four hundred silver dollars in less than two days. Do you call this small money?

He could feel that the other party was indeed not short of money, and the equipment and layout in the yard had already proved this point.

However, do you want to be so loud? "Can you polish an acceptable engine by hand?"

Qu Jianlei thought about it, then nodded slightly, "The engine that is not too difficult should be fine."

"But I don't have much interest in this. It's too time-consuming. There's no need to live on it."

Not interested... Geng Shougong was speechless again, but through this answer, he basically judged the other party's maintenance level.

It is no problem to obtain a C-level maintenance engineer certification only for this purpose.

If there are no obvious shortcomings in other aspects, it should not be difficult to obtain B-level certification.

Such a master of mechanical maintenance, why is he so uninterested in his specialty?

Geng Shougong wished he could forcefully bring this guy into the settlement so that he wouldn't be so careless.

But after thinking about it, if this person really takes this path, he will be certified as A-level sooner or later, and Zhou Liu... will not be able to keep anyone.

For him, discovering A-level maintenance engineers is a performance, but it is also a credit to improve the local maintenance level and prosper the market.

So he doesn't dwell on that anymore, but there's one more problem.

He had to think of a way to increase the other party's interest in maintenance, so as not to waste their skills.

Geng Shougong thought for a while and said, "You seem to be interested in mechanical journals?"

"Well," Qu Jianlei nodded, he didn't hide it, "You don't overwhelm yourself with a lot of art."

"I can provide you with journals," Geng Shougong stared into his eyes and spoke slowly.

"In exchange, you will repair Zhou Liu's equipment three times a year when the time is a reasonable price."

Emphasizing "convenient timing" and "reasonable price", how can you say it is very sincere, right?

"Forget it," Qu Jianlei shook his head bluntly, "I don't like any constraints... I can buy periodicals with money."

"Can money buy this?" Geng Shougong was angry and funny, "My conditions are already very loose."

Qu Jianlei continued to shake his head, "I don't even know if I will stay in Zhou Liu after the spring begins."

"Once I agree to your request, I will definitely do it. This will affect my future planning."

Geng Shougong was silent, but I forgot that this is still a stranger.

However, a person who can value promises so much can't be bad, right?

In fact, Qu Jianlei was lying. Cindy's mother and daughter had already applied for the identity of the settlement. If there were no accidents, he would live in Zhouliu.

However, agreeing to the other party's repairs will be somewhat restrained, and more importantly, his existence will become very high-profile.

Geng Shougong thought about it, and tentatively asked, "Help you get Zhou Liu's identity?"

"What do I want that thing for?" Qu Jianlei asked disapprovingly, "I said, I don't want an ordinary life."

it is as expected! Geng Shougong tried to make the last effort, "There is actually a lot to do in mechanical maintenance!"

Qu Jianlei continued to shake his head, "That's just your great potential, not mine!"

Geng Shougong rolled his eyes and asked tentatively, "Then I will rent it to you, one silver dollar per book?"

"Then thank you very much," Qu Jianlei replied without hesitation, "When it is convenient, I will help repair it for a fee."

He doesn't think this price is outrageous, strictly speaking, this thing is priceless at all.

Geng Shougong grinned, "How many books will I get you first?"

He is in charge of mechanical maintenance and has relevant resources. There are over a thousand books and periodicals in this area in the settlement.

"The more the better," Qu Jianlei replied without hesitation. In this regard, he was really willing to spend money.

Leaving aside the nature of a technical nerd, he still has to survive and cultivate after taking revenge, and it is very important to master the craft of making money.

Geng Shougong asked calmly, "Then... two thousand copies?"

Qu Jianlei was obviously taken aback, he really didn't expect that there are so many related books on Zhou Liu.

The next moment, he simply nodded, "Yes."

When he left Zhou San, his bank notes were less than 2,000. Fortunately, he didn't spend much money on the way and made a small profit.

It was the same after he came to Zhou Liu. Although the expenses were not small, the order of four hundred silver dollars still helped him regain blood.

Now, he can collect almost two thousand silver dollars.

If it is really not enough, you can take the energy block as the top account - and even earn a wave of price difference.

Seriously, this kind of opportunity is too rare, and it is worth emptying your pockets for it.

When Geng Shougong saw the other party in a daze, he originally smiled secretly.

After hearing this answer, he was also stunned: No way, is this guy so rich?

(Fourth update, ask for subscription and monthly pass.)

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