Recruit black physique to start practice in the wasteland

Chapter 83 Chapter 91 Found-92 First strike (two in one)

Chapter 91 Found (3rd update)

In fact, Qu Jianlei has been hesitating, how to talk to Cindy about the crystallization of the little leopard.

After all, as long as the other party paid fifty silver dollars, they gave up all other possible benefits.

Qu Jianlei doesn't mind cheating people, but for those who believe in him, he really can't do this.

It was this time, when he met those two strong men, he finally made up his mind to hide it for the time being.

After returning to the place of residence, he sold the fur, claws and bones of the five hidden snow leopards, earning more than 800 silver dollars.

The main reason is that the meat of the five hidden snow leopards was left, otherwise it would not be a problem to exceed 2,000.

Half of the eight hundred silver dollars was replenished with ammunition and fuel, and for the remaining half, Qu Jianlei had to spend two hundred to rent books to read.

For the remaining two hundred, he gave Cindy one hundred and fifty, Hua Scorpion forty, and Spencer ten silver dollars.

It was a waste of a hunt. You must know that these are five snow leopards, so they are considered lucky.

Among them, Qu Jianlei got the big head, and Hua Xiezi was the worst.

But he has already made a promise to her that he will teach her Tai Chi Thirteen Knives.

Hua Xiezi doesn't care about this, she has some savings, and she will not be short of money for a while.

Although Hei Tian gained a lot, he took care of everyone's food and lodging, as well as fuel, ammunition and energy blocks.

Therefore, there is no need to calculate some accounts so clearly. It is very sincere that he can teach the sword technique.

Then Qu Jianlei practiced with peace of mind and didn't plan to go out in the short term.

The injury to his left arm required recuperation, but that wasn't the point—he really didn't want to meet those two strong men again.

However, while practicing, thinking about the harvest this time, he still inevitably felt depressed.

Although some meat problems have been solved, it seems difficult to make a fortune through this.

What makes it even more difficult is: Geng Shougong offered to consider renting more books since you read so quickly.

In the past, this news would definitely make Qu Jianlei happier, but now... it's a bit tangled.

After all, there is still no money.

He had to consider that continuing to maintain machinery was not a job that would make him rich, but at least it could make up for the shortfall in the short term.

After Claire heard the news, she happily took on the job again.

The winter in the wasteland is very unfriendly to children, but if they can eat, drink, and dress warmly, children can really resist the cold.

Claire's efficiency is very high, and she found two jobs in two days. In her words, they were selected by her.

Maintenance is more difficult, but Qu Jianlei knows that there is no choice now, as long as the other party can accept the offer, he will do it.

In the end, a job was negotiated, and the fee was 170 silver dollars, but it took him a full four days.

It's really not easy to find a job like last time's maintenance cost as high as 400. The money earned this time is purely hard work.

Qu Jianlei gave Claire ten silver dollars as a commission, and rented one hundred more books, leaving only sixty silver dollars in hand.

In fact, his ability to earn money is definitely ranked among the top outside the city. Others will survive the winter, and he still has the conditions to cultivate.

This also shows that whoever wants to make progress must indeed work harder than others.

After Qu Jianlei finished repairing this part, Claire introduced another business to him in a hurry.

This order of business is not small, but unfortunately it is delicate work and it takes too much time.

Qu Jianlei was hesitating, but good news came from Spencer. He found out who was in ambush last time.

It was a force called "Storm Bear", which was essentially a loose alliance, with a team called "Hongxue" as the backbone.

Hongxue has nearly a hundred core members, owns two armored vehicles, and there are about five or six hundred people in the periphery.

There are more than 20 teams gathered under the violent bear force, and the entire force has nearly 3,000 people.

Spencer got ten silver dollars this time, and he was in such a good mood that he took the initiative to go out to inquire about the news, and hang out in the bar by the way.

Then he got news that the Black Wind team under Storm Bear wanted to blackmail people and rob mutant beasts, but they were counterattacked.

An ambushing machine gunner was shot, half his arm was gone, and his leg was also amputated.

It's still a matter of his fate. He was injured in the wild in winter, so it would be good to survive.

But that's not the point, the point is - the group of people who were ambushed fought back very violently!

"Grizzly Bear" has always been in the mutant beast market. Their team has a lot of people, but they can't monopolize the entire market.

So what they have been pursuing is to try to expand some market share, and they really don't want to do too much private robbery.

Hunters usually don't have a good temper, but when encountering uncertain situations, there are not many who resolutely resist.

Generally speaking, after a proper counterattack, and then throwing down some mutated beast meat, you can turn around and leave.

This not only shows that he is not easy to mess with, but also gives the other party face... In Blue Star, this is called Jianghu.

There are about twenty people in the Black Wind group, and they have provoked a lot of people, but they have joined the banner of Violent Bear, and few dare to care about it.

This time they were unlucky, and someone spread the news, probably because they wanted to vent their anger.

Of course, being hit by a shooter is nothing, and the life of a wasteland is worthless, and there may be casualties in a counterattack.

What everyone is talking about is that it is not surprising that the hunters fought back, but the strange thing is that the opponent has been suppressing firepower.

Either it was accurate shooting, or the shooter was injured by the opponent during the process of suppressing.

How much is it worth to leave a mutant beast corpse behind? It is said that the ammunition consumed to suppress the firepower is no less than five hundred silver dollars.

Spencer is not sure that Black Wind must be the force that attacked the panda boss.

But it's unreasonable for the ambushed people to fight back regardless of the cost - at least it's very rare.

It just so happened that he heard from Claire that when pandas and yellow scorpions met their opponents, they suppressed them from the beginning to the end.

So he came back to report right away—Heifeng is probably the one who ambushed you, and the time and place are not too different.

Hua Xiezi felt that this guess was more reliable, but she was not sure, so she came to discuss with Hei Tian.

After Qu Jianlei heard this, a trace of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes, "There are only twenty or so people, can they investigate Heifeng's travel route?"

"They're also outside the city, so it's not difficult to find out," Hua Xiezi said simply.

But the next moment, she asked suspiciously, "Inquire about the travel route...don't you need to finalize it?"

If you inquire about the travel route, then you have to do it directly. What if it wasn't Heifeng who was ambushing at the beginning?

Qu Jianlei looked at her suspiciously, "Does such a thing need evidence?"

"Of course no evidence is needed," Hua Xiezi was an old man, and he didn't hesitate to use free evidence.

She was thinking about another point, "If we take revenge on the wrong person... we will lose face."

"Who said they were going to take revenge?" Qu Jianlei gave her a strange look, "I just want to know their itinerary."

Hua Xiezi reacted instantly, "You also want to attack their ambush?"

Qu Jianlei asked strangely, "They have such a bad reputation, isn't it normal for them to be ambushed?"

His way of thinking is really... different from ordinary people.

Others were ambushed and wanted to take revenge, but what he thought was... This kind of power should be attacked.

It doesn't matter if you make a wrong call, you should call anyway, and for the rest of your life, what you want is a clear idea.

Well, these are just superficial reasons, and the deep reason is just one word - poor!

He felt that he should go out and rob a wave. Others can kill people and seize treasures, why can't I?

Hunting is too tiring, machinery maintenance is even more tiring, and robbery is easier, but it is just a little more dangerous.

Qu Jianlei never considered himself a good person, but he would not rob irrelevant people - this was his bottom line.

In the wasteland, sticking to the bottom line is actually a nonsense thing, but he feels that he must stick to it.

This is the last stubbornness from the Blue Star Traveler.

Hua Xiezi couldn't quite understand his thinking, but finally asked, "Have you decided?"

"Give it a try," Qu Jianlei replied casually, "The main reason is that the economic conditions are not optimistic."

Hua Xiezi really knows the financial situation of his small team.

Generally speaking, the economy is good, but the consumption of the boss is too much.

So she volunteered, "Then count me in, I don't care how much you share with me."

"How could you be involved in this matter?" Qu Jianlei bluntly refused, "You are a drag!"

Hua Scorpion looked at him speechlessly: Do I want to lose face?

Qu Jianlei was stared at by her all the time, and couldn't help saying, "I can retreat, it's inappropriate for us to disappear at the same time!"

Hua Xiezi understood in seconds, but she still sighed resentfully, "After all, she thinks I'm bad."

Qu Jianlei stopped talking, "Get ready, go out with me later, and build some secret camps."

Hua Xiezi was a little speechless immediately, although the Three Caverns of the Cunning Rabbit is indeed necessary, but your sense of security is too low.

She asked aloud, "How many secret camps will be built, and how much supplies will be distributed?"

"Half the supplies, four or five secret camps," Qu Jianlei replied calmly, "You must learn to be prepared for danger in times of peace."

Hua Xiezi nodded and left, then turned her head abruptly, "Are you worried about those two people?"

Given enough time, I can be stronger than those two! Qu Jianlei pouted disapprovingly.

But if you can't do it now, there's no need to say it. He replied seriously, "Actually, I also want to have direct contact with them."

"I understand," Hua Xiezi nodded slightly, thinking, who wouldn't want to have direct contact with them?

In the next few days, the two drove out with supplies in a car and built five secret camps.

In fact, it is to bury some materials and the space where you can hide just now, so comfort is out of the question.

Qu Jianlei believes that when the time comes to use these materials, there is no need to consider comfort.

After the construction of the five camps, it was necessary to go back in a circle, but unexpectedly encountered a single big-horned snow deer on the road.

The two of them simply got rid of it. This deer can pick out at least three or four hundred kilograms of meat.

Hua Xiezi finally muttered, "Finally, I didn't come out in vain. I've spilled so much, and I've gained something."

Qu Jianlei looked in the direction of the settlement, and said leisurely, "Is it a harvest... soon we will not be short."


Chapter 92 First strike (fourth)

After Qu Jianlei returned to the yard, he said that he would close the door to study the art of mechanical maintenance, and no one should disturb him.

Cindy, Claire, and Spencer didn't care - with Panda Boss' maintenance skills, it's normal to close the door and ponder things.

Their minds were all on that big-horned snow deer, such a delicious meat, they hadn't seen it for a long time.

Cindy even suggested selling most of the venison for something more economical...

And Qu Jianlei quietly left the yard with a huge backpack on his back late at night on the day of retreat.

Hua Xiezi was the only one who knew. Seeing the disappearing figure, she secretly clenched her fists.

"Don't worry, I will never let anyone enter your room!"

However, that was the case. On the afternoon of the third day, Geng Shougong came to find Qu Jianlei.

This time it was a big business. There was something wrong with the heating in the settlement recently, and it might be that some equipment was damaged.

Encountering this situation in previous years, they had to stop the heating for inspection and maintenance.

This would cause great inconvenience to the residents of the settlement, and the cost would be very high.

This year, there is such a maintenance expert whose ears are comparable to the sonic flaw detector, of course he must be hired.

Hua Xiezi simply said, sorry, the boss is studying mechanical problems in retreat.

Geng Shougong couldn't take it anymore, "You can't watch the heating stop in the settlement, can you?"

Hua Xiezi didn't give in, "You have so many maintenance engineers, how could life have been better without my boss?"

Isn't this trying to save money? Geng Shougong was also a little speechless, "The testing fee starts from 1,000 silver dollars, you can tell the panda."

He knows that pandas can make money, but they spend more money, and they take money very seriously.

Hua Xiezi smiled coldly, "Is it Zhou Liu's banknote?"

Geng Shougong was at a loss for words, the last time he got very unhappy with this woman because of the bank note.

But how could the large-scale equipment used by the settlement itself not use its own banknotes?

If it's twenty or thirty silver dollars, it doesn't matter if he gives the silver dollars directly, but if it's thousands of silver dollars, why not give the silver bill?

Hua Xiezi understood his expression, "So you don't have much sincerity."

"This is a matter of settlements. Why don't you give the local banknotes?" Geng Shougong was annoyed.

"Even if you think there is a discount, how much does it make a difference? Didn't he also accept the job a while ago?"

"They gave you silver dollars," Hua Xiezi shook her head, "Don't talk about it, I don't dare to disturb him when he's thinking about things."

"This is a major event for the entire settlement," Geng Shougong said solemnly, "I've been showing him the book."

Hua Xiezi looked at him silently for a while, and then asked leisurely, "You're forcing him like this, aren't you worried about any problems in the test?"

Geng Shougong was at a loss for words immediately, the maintenance master is respected, not only because of his skills,'s really not difficult to do it.

Just like no one dares to offend a famous doctor casually, although the maintenance master is not as good as a famous doctor, the situation is very similar.

Dare to say it, he sighed, "Then when will he finish his research?"

"How do I know that?" Hua Scorpion replied casually, "I hope it won't end in winter."

Hearing the words, Geng Shougong had no choice but to settle for the next best thing, "He always comes out to relax, right? Remember to tell him."

"I know that," Hua Xiezi nodded, and replied vaguely, "Boss may not be able to help."

Then she emphasized one more point, "However, if you ask him to make a move, it is best to use an energy bank note. This is a good suggestion from me."

"How is it possible?" Geng Shougong was very persistent on this point, "This is something inside Zhou Liu's settlement."

"Cut," Hua Xiezi smiled disdainfully, "Geothermal resources are not only used by Zhou Liu."

When Geng Shougong heard the words, his face was filled with astonishment, "Ground you know about geothermal heat?"

"Great news?" Hua Xiezi asked disapprovingly, but secretly grateful for the knowledge Hei Tian imparted.

"No wonder," Geng Shougong's eyes were a little lost, he muttered in a low voice, "I knew you were not ordinary people."

The settlements mainly use geothermal resources, which is impossible for ordinary residents to know.

Hua Scorpion looked at him indifferently, "You don't really think that we are wild survivors, do you?"

"It's impossible," Geng Shougong was sure of this point. Just looking at the panda's mechanical maintenance skills, he knew that there must be a source.

In addition, even the geothermal news is clear, the other party's background is probably beyond his imagination.

As for why people live outside the city, he doesn't intend to ask - who can have no secrets?

Hua Xiezi nodded slightly, "So, I can help you pass on the words, but the payment should think about it carefully."

When Geng Shougong left, he looked confused.

Claire's expression was full of interest, "Second Sister, how long does Boss plan to study? There are still a few good jobs recently."

Hua Xiezi gave her a white look, "Go eat your venison, no matter how many questions you ask, the venison is gone."

Although Claire is rebellious, she is a genuine snack food—the children of the wasteland are actually pretty good at eating.

She ran away as soon as she turned around, muttering, "I also wonder if the boss wants to eat something warm."

It is actually not easy to retreat in the wasteland. Many people cannot understand the concept of retreat, and daily eating, drinking and drinking are also problems.

When Qu Jianlei pretended to retreat, he had fully considered this point, so he brought a lot of floss and water into the room.

hot? Hua Xiezi smiled indifferently, and muttered softly, "I don't know how he is now..."

Qu Jianlei's current condition is really not bad, he got a snowmobile.

It was a coincidence to say this, he knew that the current lair of the Black Wind gang was in a wild camp three hundred kilometers away.

He was carrying a huge backpack, originally he wanted to touch the door directly and hit the other party by surprise.

But 300 kilometers... It's quite a test. It's not something you can get there in a day, especially in this icy and snowy place.

If Qu Jianlei's potential is fully exploited, he can basically reach the past in a day, but if he really wants to do that, he will be useless when he reaches the human level.

Considering that there are still many uncertain factors on the road, he decided to walk for four to five days-preferably not to meet people.

On the first and second day, his operation was fine, and he encountered several groups of people on the way, but he avoided them early.

On the third day, something went wrong because of a nest of blue-eyed snow rabbits.

The Snow Rabbit is actually a very ordinary weak beast with not much meat, so there is basically no need to fight it.

But the blue-eyed snow rabbit is mutated. Although it is not yet C-level, it is still a mutated beast. The key is that it can still be eaten.

Of course Qu Jianlei took the litter of snow rabbits, killed two with a knife and three with a laser pistol.

It's not that he can't outrun the snow rabbit, it's's too difficult to chase the snow rabbit while running. Many times, the snow rabbit being chased is exhausted.

So it's better to use the laser gun to kill the snow rabbit, and the energy consumption is not too big.

After destroying the snow rabbit, there is always something to eat, right? He found a safe depression and set up a barbecue.

The fire was dark. He brought charcoal, and it took an hour to bake. When it was almost done, a snowmobile drove over.

There were two people on the motorcycle, and beside the snowmobile, there was a snow mastiff running behind, half a meter longer than Xueer.

When Qu Jianlei found out about the snowmobile, he was taken aback - he already had some shadows about it.

When he found out that it wasn't those two people, his vigilance didn't relax much.

Since you are using a snowmobile, it means that you are someone nearby, I hope the other party will not turn your eyes off...

However, how could it be possible to expect the other party not to have evil thoughts?

In the wilderness of winter, it is not normal for a person to barbecue, eat and drink alone, with the pissing nature of wastelanders, without any ideas.

The driver stared straight at him, "What the hell... Where did the fierce man come from?"

The person in the back seat took out the night vision goggles to confirm, "I'm really alone, do you want to do it?"

"Those who dare to show off like this are usually violent people," the driver hesitated, "Are you sure we can take it down?"

The person in the back seat didn't take it lightly, "Maybe it's a homeless man, we can add a snow mastiff, can't we take him?"

The speed of the drivers began to slow down, but still a little cautious.

The person behind was unhappy, "Just such a person, I can't go back to the camp to move troops... I can't afford to lose that person."

In the end, he was determined to win the other party: this kind of lone traveler is a gift from God!

The driver was finally moved, so he slowed down again, "Let's test it first, it shouldn't be a big problem to stutter."

It's really not easy to mess with, they can also go back to the camp to move troops - it's icy and snowy, the other party has no means of transportation, and they can't go far.

The person in the back seat snorted softly, "That's fine, it's up to you...Look at how timid you are."

The driver finally started to brake. The snowmobile is driving on the ice and snow. It takes a process to start and brake.

However, the moment the motorcycle came to a complete stop, a white glow flashed across, directly piercing the snow mastiff's neck.

Qu Jianlei had already thought about it, it was fine if the opponent didn't stop, if he dared to stop, he would shoot directly.

As for the negotiations between you and me, it's unnecessary - parking in the wilderness on a snowy night is the greatest malice.

Because he had been prepared for a long time, as soon as the opponent's car stopped, he picked up the laser gun and shot directly at the snow mastiff.

He thought that the snow mastiff was the most likely to escape, so he killed this guy first.

The person in the back seat was shocked when he saw this, "He... how dare he shoot first?"

He didn't say a word, just raised his hand and shot, isn't that too domineering?

However, the driver has always been vigilant, so he noticed, "I'll go... this is such a fast gun!"

It is not difficult to aim at a distance of less than half a kilometer, but it takes a certain amount of time.

It's really not something ordinary people can do to fire a gun so fast and be so accurate.

The driver knew that it was too late to restart at this time, so he shook his body and wanted to get out of the car to hide first.

However, Qu Jianlei's murderous intentions were already on the rise, and another white light flashed, hitting the driver's chest.

In winter, everyone wears a lot, but the penetration power of the laser gun is too great, and the driver is directly shot away.

(Fourth update, the fourth day of the 4D update, with a correct attitude to pursue subscription and monthly pass.)

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