Recruit black physique to start practice in the wasteland

Chapter 84 Chapter 92 Black Wind-94 Destruction

Chapter 93 Black Wind

The one on the back seat of the snowmobile has an individual machine gun by his leg, which is relatively handy.

But at this time, he wanted to fight back, but it was too late! It is impossible to escape.

He tilted his body, jumped out of the car, fell sideways to the ground, rolled, and touched the laser pistol on his waist.

"Boy, do you dare to attack us? You are dead..."

Before he finished speaking, Qu Jianlei stood up and shot again, directly hitting the opponent's shoulder.

Then there was the shot, the person in the back seat took two shots, the driver took one shot, and the snow mastiff struggled to escape and took three shots.

With the first shot in it, it is impossible to survive for a long time even if he escapes with his life, but... what if?

Qu Jianlei didn't like the uncontrolled situation, so he decisively killed the snow mastiff to save more accidents.

He dug a hole on the ground, threw the two corpses in, peeled off the skin of the snow mastiff, threw it in and buried them.

In this encounter, they not only snatched a snowmobile, but also harvested more than 200 kilograms of dog meat.

In fact, his harvest was far more than that, there were some guns, ammunition, fuel, and some food.

This motorcycle was supposed to carry supplies, but unfortunately the two of them were malicious on the way and were killed by him.

Qu Jianlei didn't stay here for long, fearing that someone nearby would come to check, he buried the body and ate something before leaving.

It was not difficult to drive the snowmobile. He got it after a few tries. After starting it, he disappeared into the snow in a blink of an eye.

There were a lot of supplies in the car. After driving seventy or eighty kilometers, he found a hidden place and dug another hole.

This is the sixth secret camp he built, but this time it was temporarily set up to deal with the Black Wind team.

In the process of digging the hole, snowflakes fell from the sky again. With this cover, he dug slowly.

At night, he stopped work when he dug the cave well enough to hide even a snowmobile.

After sleeping in the cave all night, he took cover again the next day, and then disappeared into the vast snow field.

The temporary old nest of the Black Wind team is located in a camp called "Half Mountain", and the place is indeed halfway up the mountain.

On this day, a man walked in the wind and snow, wearing ordinary clothes, carrying two spears and a large package on his back.

Solo travelers are generally downcast, but this one is a relative exception. He wears bloated clothes and wears a helmet on his head.

There are many discerning people in the camp. Looking at the footprint analysis left by the other party, they know that they should be traders of a small team.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to go too far with such heavy supplies.

The visitor was very polite. After inquiring about the cost of setting up a stall, he went directly to set up a stall in a special hall.

The hall is about 150 square meters. It is not warm enough due to the wind and air leakage, but it is better than the outside.

There are seven or eight small stalls inside, and the visitor paid the management fee and set up a stall.

On the stall was a Gauss gun, a mutated duck-bill tree sheep, some animal meat, and miscellaneous bits and pieces.

It can be seen at a glance that the team is here to clear the inventory-considering the sale of guns, there may be gangster behavior.

Mutant beasts are in high demand, and people immediately gathered around to ask the price.

The price offered by the stall owner was a bit inflated, but the duck-billed tree sheep is a common mutant animal with limited value, and no one forced the price down.

Seeing that the stall owner killed the price, someone asked the price of other things.

The stall owner didn't rest, and went to other stalls to see what he could buy.

When it was dark, the mutated beast was finally dealt with cheaply, and this person closed the stall and left.

On the third day, the man came again, and there were six more beasts, but they were more common grass foxes.

He left again that night, and this time he was missed by two hooligans from the mid-level camp.

Seeing this person walking out with one foot deep and one foot shallow, the two looked at each other and stared at each other from a distance.

About a kilometer away, a hooligan yelled, "The guy in front... stop!"

The lone traveler turned his head and looked back, he had already taken off the laser rifle on his shoulder, and his posture of guard was obvious.

The two hooligans didn't take it seriously, one of them was holding a laser pistol, and the other was holding a Gauss rifle.

In Zhou Liu's territory, most people are relatively "rule-oriented", with the exception of the first two nights.

The two hooligans stepped forward aggressively, but did not raise their guns.

One of them took out a silver coin and snorted coldly, "Friend, is it appropriate to use fake money to deceive people...?"

With a sway, Qu Jianlei came directly in front of this person and knocked him away with one punch.

Immediately afterwards, he kicked the other guy to the ground with another kick, bent down and snatched the laser pistol.

He opened the safety, and shot casually, hitting the guy with the Gauss gun, causing ice and snow to fly everywhere.

"Don't move, I'll kill you two if you move!"

While speaking, he kicked the Gauss gun away, "Who gave you the courage?"

Someone in the camp watched from a distance, and when they saw this scene, they said happily, "Ha, these two guys hit the big board."

The two hooligans didn't expect that this one would do it as soon as he said it, and he was very skilled.

A ruffian hurriedly said, "Boy, be sensible, we are from Heifeng!"

Qu Jianlei originally wanted to hook up two blind guys to inquire about news, but when he heard the word "Black Wind", he thought it was a coincidence.

He raised his hand and shot, and a laser beam pierced the hat on the opponent's head, "Does Heifeng know that you are so blackmailing?"

In today's transaction, he didn't use silver coins at all, and there was no need to think about what the other party was planning.

"My lord, please forgive me," the ruffian knelt down, he really is a model of bullying and fearing hard.

They just want to extort a little money... Zhou Liu's real ruthless person will only do it when he stays away from the camp.

The other party fired directly, the ferocity beyond their imagination, "We are not blackmailing people, we just want to investigate your origin."

"Who are you lying to?" Qu Jianlei snorted disdainfully.

He put the laser gun on his shoulder, raised his toes, and grabbed the Gauss gun in his hand, "You two...follow me!"

The two ruffians didn't dare not listen, so they could only obediently follow him away.

It wasn't until midnight that the two of them came back to town, and one of the guys had a broken arm and was wailing in pain.

They found two Heifeng members who were drinking, "Be careful, that guy might be after you!"

Isn't this nonsense? The members of Heifeng didn't believe this, "Speak clearly, dare to talk nonsense...don't leave the camp."

The two hooligans hurriedly emphasized that the other party really asked about Heifeng's news for a long time, including the latest activity route.

The two Black Wind members were somewhat serious, but one of them was careful, "Tell me about the whole process of your contact."

After listening, the man raised his hand and slapped the other party twice, "Ma De, it's obvious that you are playing our banner indiscriminately!"

The Black Wind team has a lot of eyeliners in the camp, but they still take their own banner very seriously.

This incident just passed away, and that person never appeared again. Everyone probably had concerns about Heifeng.

The people in Heifeng didn't care about this matter, not to mention that it might be a misunderstanding, even if someone really cared about it, they were not afraid.

After all, there are too many enemies to guard against.

However, three days later, a small team of Heifeng encountered an accident not far from the camp.

They came across a solo snowmobile, didn't take it seriously, saw that the truck was empty, and had no interest in robbing it.

Some people even laughed and said, "I'm afraid you're crazy to ride a snowmobile in this weather?"

Never thought that when the snowmobile passed by them, the driver jumped out of the car and opened fire on the team.

This team has two cars and eight people. When meeting people in the wild, they usually keep a warning distance of about one kilometer.

They really didn't expect that someone would take the initiative to attack alone.

There is no need to go into details about the battle process. In just seven minutes, Qu Jianlei, who maintained a steady output, killed everyone on the other side.

Someone called for help with a mobile phone, but it was useless. It would take at least half an hour for the reinforcements to rush over from the camp.

Ten minutes later, the reinforcements on the road realized that the entire team was wiped out.

But Heifeng is also used to madness, the leader of the reinforcements is Heifeng's second in charge, he gritted his teeth and spoke.

"The ammunition is all ready, hurry up and rush to the scene, they must not have time to go far!"

The reinforcements consist of three vehicles and twelve people. This is the main force left behind, and they are all experienced adventurers.

Heifeng only has about 20 people in total, and a small team is away on business, and now only a group of peripheral members are guarding the lair.

However, just five or six kilometers away from the site of the attack, a flash of white light flashed, and the driver of the second car was shot.

"Laser sniper rifle!" Someone shouted angrily.

The only thing that can penetrate thick bulletproof glass and kill the driver with one shot is a laser sniper rifle.

The first car suddenly decelerated, and the body also went sideways, unexpectedly crushing a steel cable.

There was a loud "boom", but a mine was detonated. It was the kind of large mine that could blow up armored vehicles!

"Bastard!" The third car looked at it with eyes wide open, "This is our landmine!"

It's true, when the Black Wind team robs other hunter teams, they often set traps.

Unexpectedly, this time the opponent used the seized landmines instead to give him a surprise.

"Are you going to run away?" The driver of the third car yelled, "It's not a good person."

"There is no word 'escape' in Heifeng's dictionary!" Someone answered loudly, "Machine gunner, fight back!"

The next moment, there was another flash of white light, and the driver of the third car was also shot.

"It's broken, run away!" Someone regretted, "The other party wants to keep us all."

The reason why Heifeng is notorious is not only because of his own strength, but also because he joined the Red Snow Alliance.

Under the banner of the alliance, they ambushes other teams in the wild without any scruples, doing mental calculations and unintentional tricks, and tricks emerge in endlessly.

But if it's really going to be a tough fight, Heifeng can only say that it's not too bad.

Now that they were obviously ambushed by others, they couldn't help but want to escape.


Chapter 94 Destroyed

Unfortunately, they had to ask Qu Jianlei if they wanted to escape.

Although the first car was bombed, because it was an ambush in the wild, the trap was too large.

The trip wires of the mines were too long to cause much damage, but the machine gunner was half-stunned by the shock.

So it took Qu Jianlei about fifteen minutes to deal with the remaining ten people.

His situation was inevitably leaked - there was only one person, driving a snowmobile, and his fighting power was amazing!

The last two Black Wind members kept begging for mercy before they died, and even begged to know why the other side set up an ambush.

But Qu Jianlei was not interested in answering at all, and ended the battle with two bursts.

Immediately afterwards, he roughly cleaned the battlefield, then withdrew and left.

Heifeng's second aid arrived 20 minutes later, this time with more than 30 people in eight vehicles.

Although there are enough people, they are all patchwork peripherals. At most, they have hired a few strong players at a temporary high price.

Unfortunately, however, the assailant has disappeared, leaving only two ruts - the guy drove away a truck!

The other two vehicles were blown up.

Chase or not? Of course I want to chase! The crux of the problem is... How many people should be sent to chase?

Three strong players refused on the spot, and even preferred to refund the commission received.

"Are you kidding, there is definitely more than one person... Who can move the snowmobile to the truck by himself?"

A strange look loomed in the eyes of one of them—he knew who could do this.

And that kind of person is also used to using snowmobiles, but... how dare he express his guess?

Seeing that the strong players didn't want to pursue, the Heifeng people could only grit their teeth, "Others chase after!"

Those peripheral members of Heifeng didn't have the guts to refuse, so they could only dawdly prepare.

After a while, the third group of reinforcements arrived, with more than fifty people.

This is even more like collecting chicken feathers to make a duster. There are all kinds of vehicles and uneven equipment, but he brought five snow mastiffs.

But seeing that there were nearly ninety people, everyone finally plucked up their courage, and more than seventy people chased them out.

But half a day later, the bad news came. The pursuers had been following the ruts, but encountered an avalanche caused by an explosion at the foot of a mountain.

The pursuers fled desperately, and finally destroyed three vehicles and killed more than ten people.

To make matters worse, the rut is gone, and there is no way to chase.

If you expand the search area, the possibility of re-finding the rut is long as it doesn't snow in the near future.

But the pursuers said that they would not pursue anything—what if the other party still had an ambush?

Seeing the enthusiasm of the crowd, the members of Heifeng who led the team did not dare to persist, let alone forcibly arrest them.

The point is that after these two battles, more than 70% of Heifeng's core members have died, and they will have to behave with their tails between their legs in the future.

They could only turn around resentfully, and after meeting, they thought hard: Who is the other party...

Qu Jianlei gained a lot in this battle, and seized a lot of guns and ammunition, water and fuel.

Especially the former team, they planned to ambush people, and they carried the mines with them.

The same is true for laser sniper rifles. After all, in addition to robbery, they also need to have the ability to hunt and kill mutant beasts.

The most interesting thing is that they also brought a lot of silver dollars, more than 1,200 yuan.

It's not intentional to be the captain of the transportation team. In fact, if they encounter a strong team, they can also buy mutant beasts.

Coupled with the truck and the seized snowmobile, Qu Jianlei really made a lot of money this time.

He can sell some of the guns, and he can find a place to sell the trucks at a low price.

Coupled with the silver dollars he got from the robbery, he earned at least two thousand yuan from this order.

In addition, there are fuel, ammunition, water and energy blocks. These are not for sale, but they can supplement their own consumption.

Counting all of these, the harvest was definitely more than five thousand yuan—the ammunition alone was worth two thousand.

For this business, he spent almost 20 days before and after, but the income is really worth it.

"Sure enough, it's a gold belt for murder and arson," Qu Jianlei couldn't help sighing.

He really had the urge to continue killing and seizing treasures, the money came so easily.

However, his obsessive-compulsive disorder prevents him from doing so: there is always a limit to being a human being.

It's okay to stay in the wind, but it's too much to stay in the bottom... The analogy is not appropriate, but it is the truth.

He has always been very good at restraint and hopelessness: once some things become natural, it is difficult to turn back.

However, he still did not sell the snowmobile. This thing is not big, and it can be stuffed into any secret camp if it is expanded.

In the future, if he can know which forces are doing evil, he can continue to rob the rich and help the poor... Punish the evil and promote the good, right?

Careful to cover the ruts, he drove the truck all the way back to the vicinity of the settlement.

After waiting patiently for two days, he drove to the No. 3 secret camp until a strong wind blew up.

The snow particles blown by the strong wind can effectively cover the ruts of the truck. Of course, it would be even better if there is a snowfall.

One day later, heavy snow fell from the sky, and the next night, he appeared at the gate of the small courtyard with a huge package on his back.

"You're back," Hua Xiezi opened the courtyard door and whispered, "Geng Shougong has been going crazy lately!"

"What's wrong with him?" Qu Jianlei was stunned when he heard the words, "What does it matter to him if I delve into knowledge behind closed doors?"

"This..." Hua Xiezi wanted to explain, but he didn't think he was in a hurry, "Are you injured?"

This is the real comrade-in-arms, don't ask what you have gained, first ask if you have lost anything.

"Just those scumbags?" Qu Jianlei smiled disdainfully, then stretched out a slap, "The harvest is at least this amount!"

"No way," Hua Xiezi was really taken aback, "Five thousand... just that little bastard group with so much money?"

"That's how it is in war," Qu Jianlei replied nonchalantly, "The payout is huge, but the rewards are astonishing."

"Let's not talk about power, a country may go bankrupt because of a protracted war... This is not uncommon."

"Country..." Hua Xiezi was in a daze when he heard it, "It's been a word for a long time, and there will be no country before the end of the day."

Obviously, she began to guess Qu Jianlei's identity again.

"Let's not talk," Qu Jianlei waved his hand, "Anyway, we can rest for a while, so let's bring some things back later."

I have gained too much, so I can only temporarily store it in the secret camp, and then drive back to it later.

"It can be regarded as seeing someone who turned around," Hua Xiezi was overjoyed, "I was just saying that there are not many supplies."

Five people and one dog, the expenses in winter are really not small, the key is that the standard of living is above the average standard.

"Bring back some meat, and help me cook it," Qu Jianlei took a piece of meat and handed it over, saying weakly, "I'm so tired."

Xue'er had already been awakened, and came out quietly. Hearing this, she let out a low sob.

"It's none of your business." Qu Jianlei gave it a dissatisfied look, "It bites me, what if I don't hit it...Are you used to it?"

When Xueer heard this, she tucked her tail between her legs, and went back to the basement in despair.

Only then did Hua Xiezi look at him in astonishment, "Is it Snow Mastiff meat?"

"Maybe this one is, I don't remember that much," Qu Jianlei replied casually, "By the way, what does Geng Shougong want from me?"

"There's the big-horned snow deer stew, I'll warm it up for you," Hua Xiezi turned and walked quickly to the kitchen.

"Big horned snow deer..." Qu Jianlei blinked suspiciously, "It's been so long, and you haven't finished eating yet?"

"It's freezing," Hua Xiezi's voice came, "The fourth brother said, I want to keep it for you."

"Is the boss out of customs?" Claire's voice sounded in the room, "Boss, wait for me to get dressed."

"Sleep honestly," Qu Jianlei said impatiently, "It's the middle of the night, why bother?"

"Boss, I haven't seen you for a long time," Claire said happily, "I think...Mom, don't pull me."

"Sleep well," Qu Jianlei showed a rare smile at the corner of his mouth.

Isn't it just to protect these beauties by working hard?

Then he looked at Hua Xiezi, "Geng Shougong is looking for me...what's the matter?"

"There's something wrong with the heating system in the city," Hua Scorpion replied helplessly.

These days, Geng Shougong clung to her very tightly. Originally, he reminded her every two days, but later it became once a day.

In the past two days, the cold wave came, and it was windy and snowy. Geng Shougong came by himself in the morning, and sent someone to ask him again in the afternoon.

It has been more than 20 days since the heating system failed. Due to various reasons, it has not stopped for inspection and maintenance.

But it is also true that heating is not as good as day by day.

When Hua Xiezi said this, he was angry and funny, "At first, it started at one thousand silver dollars, but now it has risen to fifteen thousand..."

"Originally, it was the Zhou Liu bank note, but now the energy block bank note can also be paid, how good it is to say so earlier?"

"Come back, I'm not being called around by him," Qu Jianlei waved his hand, "Let's just say my skills are limited."

Before the income of five thousand silver dollars, he would definitely take this order, even if he was not sure, he would give it a try.

But it's different now, wine is a hero's wealth and courage, since you have money, why bother with others?

After eating, he fell into a deep sleep. It was rare for him to return to his own territory, and someone was on guard.

Who can imagine how he spent more than 20 days wandering alone in the wilderness?

So he slept until the next afternoon when he was woken up by the noise in the yard.

He recognized it through the door, it was Geng Shougong's voice, "...If it's going to work, I'll ask Mr. Panda to check it out."

"Don't look, I can't," Qu Jianlei replied sullenly, "Can I bother you not to disturb me?"

"No, there are five hundred," Geng Shougong said very simply, "The energy bill!"

"You really interrupted my rest!" Qu Jianlei was furious, got up and opened the door, "At least six hundred!"

It doesn't matter if there is more than one hundred or less, the key is that the other party should not have the feeling of "I have the final say".

"Then six hundred!" Geng Shougong replied without hesitation, and then smiled wryly, "It's so hard to see you."

Qu Jianlei didn't know how to answer this, so he answered after thinking about it, "You're not the first person to say that."

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