Recruit black physique to start practice in the wasteland

Chapter 85 Chapter 95 - 96 Immediate Results

Chapter 95 Master (Part 3)

Qu Jianlei's words can often choke people to death, and this sentence is no exception.

However, although Geng Shougong is a technical leader, since he is in a management position, he does not lack experience in dealing with people.

So he replied very simply, "It's cold this winter, since you are in Zhou Liu, sir, I hope you will think about it for everyone."

"Everyone has nothing to do with me. When I was about to die, I didn't see everyone thinking about me," Qu Jianlei replied gruffly.

"Get six hundred first, and I'll go and have a look... As I said in advance, I may not be able to help you, but the money must be collected first."

"No problem!" Geng Shougong agreed without hesitation, "Come out now, and I'll count the cash for you on the spot."

He is really not afraid to give the banknote directly, unless the other party leaves directly after receiving the money, it will always be in his calculations.

Qu Jianlei pushed open the door and walked out, then smiled slightly, "Even if it doesn't work this time, I will pay you's a good idea."

Understand people! Geng Shougong also smiled slightly, "If you don't pay it back, I can't say anything, right?"

Qu Jianlei rolled his eyelids and muttered softly, "Can I afford to lose that person?"

As expected of someone I value! The corner of Geng Shougong's mouth twitched, "Then go?"

"A bank note," Qu Jianlei stretched out his hand and ticked it twice.

"Is it really missing you?" Geng Shougong counted out six bank notes and handed them to Hua Xiezi, "Count them."

Qu Jianlei would not suspect that there was something wrong with the other party's bank notes, and he would not worry about such trivial matters, "Wait until I pack some tools."

Seeing him packing some tools into a big bag, Geng Shougong subconsciously asked, "So many self-made ones?"

"Homemade tools are more suitable for your hand," Qu Jianlei couldn't say of course, since he hadn't had much contact with regular tools from the beginning.

Relying on the huge garbage dump, just do it yourself, there is no need to be restricted by rules and regulations.

Where did Geng Shougong expect this to be the case? He nodded when he heard the words, "Using self-made's really not bad!"

In his impression, it is not uncommon for repairmen to use homemade tools—many homemade tools fit better than standard tools.

But the one who prepared so many self-made tools like this one must at least be a senior B-level maintenance engineer.

Hua Xiezi pursed her lips when she heard the words, and said to herself that he wanted to use standard tools, but there was no such condition.

"The amount of the bank note is correct. Do you want me to go into the city with you?"

"Then let's go together," Qu Jianlei nodded, "By the way, let's see what we want to buy."

With Geng Shougong leading the way, they drove into the settlement and arrived at the heating center.

The guards here are heavily guarded, just like a "core place".

Even if Geng Shougong led the way, the guards carefully registered the nicknames of Qu Jianlei and the two, and even wanted him to take off his face scarf.

Qu Jianlei said very simply: If you insist, then I won't enter!

Finally, Boss Geng had a bit of face, and patiently explained a few words, and the guards only let him go.

——The key is that the recent heating is really not working, and the guards themselves can't stand it.

After arriving at the heating station, Hua Xiezi was politely and firmly blocked out, and only Qu Jianlei was eligible to enter.

The heating station is very large, with a lot of equipment inside.

Qu Jianlei regretted it the first time he saw it: six hundred silver dollars was still too little for such a big place.

Several maintenance engineers were checking there, and when they saw him coming in, they didn't need to think about it and knew it was the master whose ears could be used as a flaw detector.

Instead of coming to say hello, they stopped what they were doing and just stood there watching.

People who are truly capable will not easily recognize their peers, especially Geng Shougong who has been bragging about him before.

Instead, a staff member came over, a man in his early thirties, holding a stack of documents 40 centimeters thick in his hand.

He said enthusiastically, "Master Panda, here is a schematic diagram of equipment operation...some of them are unique to Zhou Liu, please take a look first."

Fortunately, Qu Jianlei has been trying to catch up on mechanical knowledge recently, otherwise he would have been caught blind on the spot.

He took the documents and put them on the table, then spread them out to quickly identify the types of documents.

"Here are the solutions summarized," the man took out another stack of paper, which was about one centimeter thick.

It turns out that these maintenance engineers have not done nothing, and a lot of plans have been given, and it is almost time to make a final decision.

Curious expressions appeared on the faces of several maintenance engineers, wanting to see how this man expressed his opinion.

Qu Jianlei originally wanted to read the materials before making a decision. Although the materials are thick, there is no need to read them all.

But in that case, he would have to look through it quickly, and the calorie consumption would be secondary, but the key would be to reveal some details.

Now his first target is Zang Zhuo, especially the arrest warrant of Sai family has been issued to the area inhabited by Zhou characters.

He took the summarized information and flipped through it quickly. Although he controlled the reading speed, he still read ten lines at a glance.

Seeing the speed at which he turned the pages, several maintenance engineers couldn't help muttering, "Can this guy understand?"

"Is it pretending?" A middle-aged maintenance engineer couldn't help but sneer, "Who can see so fast?"

He is the only B-level maintenance technician on site, and he has only been certified for less than two years.

He was not convinced that Geng Shougong had to wait for this person named "Panda".

However, Mr. Geng held him in high regard, and helped him pass the certification. He was regarded as his noble person, and he couldn't say no to being convinced.

Another middle-aged maintenance engineer heard what he said, but he clearly opposed his words.

"I've seen really smart maintenance technicians who can read a page at a glance. If you can't do it, it doesn't mean others can't do it."

The so-called colleague is an enemy. This person also applied for certification as a B-level maintenance engineer, but he didn't pass it, but he didn't think he was bad.

The B-level maintenance engineer smiled nonchalantly, "Really, who are you talking about?"

This one answered very frankly, "Master Rowling is the only female A-level repairman."

"Isn't it?" The B-level maintenance engineer looked at the other party in surprise, "You actually know Master Rowling?"

In Geng Shougong's heart, he also murmured a little: Is this guy reading the materials?

After hearing the conversation between the two, he was relieved: Sure enough, I don't understand the world of geniuses.

Qu Jianlei looked through the summarized information, and it took less than twenty minutes from beginning to end.

He didn't express any opinion, but frowned and thought for two minutes, then picked up the information and looked through it again.

Looking through it this time, the target he chose was much clearer, so it took a total of... an hour and a half.

After putting down the materials, he thought about it for about five minutes, and then said out loud, "Okay, I have a plan."

"What plan?" The B-level maintenance engineer couldn't help but say, "Can we discuss it?"

Qu Jianlei glanced at him and shook his head, "It's just a test plan, there's no need to discuss it."

He is neither deaf nor blind, and his hearing is exceptionally good. How could he not perceive that this person is not very friendly to him?

He didn't care about it. It's really normal for this kind of situation to happen among colleagues, so just ignore it.

Then he took out seven or eight books and put them in the hands of the staff, "Hold them for me."

Next, he walked around the heating station with an alloy stick more than one meter long in his hand.

He tapped here and there with a stick, stopping from time to time to look through the materials.

It took almost an hour and a half, and seeing that it was getting dark, he handed in the answer sheet.

There are a total of six failure points and thirteen hidden dangers. If three hidden dangers are not dealt with as soon as possible, failures will also occur.

Four of these six failure points have been analyzed by the maintenance engineers, and another one has also been included in the inspection suggestion.

But there is one point that is really overlooked by everyone, and the reason is very simple, here is the output part.

The output part of the equipment is very convenient to detect and easy to maintain, so no one thinks about it.

Of the thirteen hidden dangers, nine of them have already been calculated and are waiting to be tested and verified.

Of the remaining four, three were non-main components, but the last one caught everyone by surprise.

"How is this possible?" The B-level maintenance engineer refused to believe, "The parts were replaced only last summer."

The person who had just yelled at him said, "There are no hidden dangers with new parts? Is it like this... Isn't it over after dismantling and testing?"

"Yeah," someone chimed in, "It's really easy to check just a few points."

Qu Jianlei found a total of nineteen problems, but in fact, this number is really not many.

The maintenance engineers gave all kinds of suggestions, and there are hundreds of items that need to be tested!

The inspection itself takes a certain amount of time. Although some inspections can be carried out at the same time, there are only so many maintenance personnel.

No matter how fast you go, you can't go anywhere.

What's more, dismantling all these hundreds of items for inspection is a huge project in itself, and it costs a lot of money.

The heating of residents in settlements will also be seriously affected.

The B-level maintenance engineer also had to admit this, but he still insisted, "Can you guarantee that it is all faults?"

Several maintenance engineers gave him a strange look: This question is a bit too low-level, isn't it?

Qu Jianlei was also speechless, "If you have any more questions, just keep checking... I just listed some main components."

As a maintenance engineer, who dares to say that he can find out all the problems? It is enough to point out most of the problems in the main links.

The B-level maintenance engineer also heard it, and the other party's answer was vaguely thorny, which made him even more annoyed.

"The projects you mentioned may not necessarily have problems."

"Is there any problem, just check it and it's over?" The man said to him as usual, "The failure of this output terminal is easy to check."

The failure of the output terminal is unexpected to everyone, so it is representative.

This has to be stopped to check, but because it is an external device, it does not need to stop for a long time.

Even with the replacement of parts, it took only half an hour, and the impact on residents was minimal.

"Check it out," the B-level maintenance engineer was annoyed, but he did not forget to emphasize one point, "Even if there is a problem, it doesn't mean that he is right."


Chapter 96 Immediate Results (Fourth Change)

Qu Jianlei didn't bother to pay attention to those noises at all, he turned his head to look at Geng Shougong, "The work is done, where is the remaining money?"

"The balance..." Geng Shougong was also a little nervous, and couldn't help swallowing, "Are you sure you've found all the faults?"

"Why do you ask this kind of layman's language?" Qu Jianlei gave him a strange look, "It will be fine if the main fault is found?"

Geng Shougong blushed, "Okay then, let's talk about another question... In such a short time, six hundred silver dollars is not enough?"

Qu Jianlei stared blankly at him for a while, then sighed, "I've read all the testing plans..."

"Not to mention adopting all of them, just adopting any of them... how much silver will it cost?"

Geng Shougong thought for a while, but still answered bravely, "But you only spent less than half a day in total, and this fee..."

It's not that he wants to embarrass Qu Jianlei, it's just that wasteland has this kind of cognition, and there is no respect for knowledge from the heart.

They also want to respect knowledge, but in half a day, they use a stick to knock here and it worth six hundred silver dollars?

Qu Jianlei looked at him speechlessly, "What is the most valuable thing in the wasteland?"

"What is it..." Geng Shougong was a little confused, "A powerful adventurer?"

This is really true, what the wasteland talks about is that the strong are respected.

Qu Jianlei slapped his forehead and said helplessly, "The most valuable thing is talent!"

"That's true," Geng Shougong nodded, "but you're... too valuable, right?"

"You don't understand what talent is at all," Qu Jianlei was too lazy to say, "If you are worried, you should check and repair it first!"

Then he turned around and walked out, "Send me the final payment... If you think it's worthless, that's up to you."

He didn't want to be high-profile, but Asperger's syndrome has this characteristic. He thinks that what he recognizes, others should recognize.

Of course, if the other party does not approve, then there will be no future cooperation.

Geng Shougong at least thought of "there may be no future".

Just like when he gave the other party six hundred silver dollars first, he didn't even think about whether it was worth it this time, but thought about opening his mouth next time.

So after being stunned for a moment, he quickly chased after him, "Wait, don't you still need to read some books?"

Seeing him chasing after him, a maintenance engineer was dumbfounded, "Mr. Geng, this is... the other side is really arrogant."

"If we can prove the falsification, won't he be crazy?" Finally, an honest maintenance engineer couldn't stand it, "False it."

There is competition in any industry, but in industries with high technical requirements, some people are relatively simple.

It is not difficult to prove the falsification. Within an hour, everyone tested the two hidden dangers.

Both of these hazards were in easily detectable locations, and one didn't even require downtime.

After the two tests, at least no one dared to openly question Qu Jianlei anymore—they were right.

Later, the application for temporarily stopping the operation of the equipment was also passed, so everyone detected the failure of the output terminal.

It is the fault that Qu Jianlei pointed out that no one was aware of before. If you want to detect and repair this fault, you must stop the machine.

Half an hour later, the repaired equipment restarted, and someone couldn't help but sigh, "This...isn't too good?"

Not to mention anything else, it is admirable to say that people have indeed discovered problems that no one has discovered.

The B-level maintenance engineer was unhappy when he heard the words, he raised his voice and spoke.

"Only three places have been tested, and there are sixteen more to be tested. Let me tell you...don't act like you haven't seen the world?"

The one who had been hating him all the time smiled when he heard the words, "You pointed out a problem that none of us have discovered, are you still not convinced?"

The B-level maintenance engineer was stunned speechless, "At least the fee is a bit high... 600 silver dollars, it's just an upfront fee."

"Everyone, are you willing to be crushed by this foreigner of unknown origin?"

All the people present were experienced maintenance engineers, and it was impossible for them to be short of money, but the six hundred silver dollars... It was really easy to earn.

However, after all, this is an industry that relies on technology to speak, and finally someone expressed it.

"If the remaining sixteen places are all he expected, six hundred silver dollars is really not much."

More than not much? They did all give testing suggestions. Generally speaking, the minimum testing plan is less than two thousand silver dollars.

This cost is actually very economical, after all, this is the heating of the entire city... the entire settlement.

Moreover, two thousand silver dollars is just a simple inspection fee. After the heating stops, it will affect the operation of the entire city.

That loss is really incalculable.

But what is certain is... It is definitely more expensive than the inspection fee, more expensive than the inspection fee plus maintenance fee!

It is precisely because of this that Zhou Liu has not stopped the heating system, and there are too many balance considerations in it.

"It's really not many," someone echoed, and there really is more than one conscientious maintenance engineer.

The B-level maintenance engineer became impatient, "Let's test the other sixteen items first...why didn't he participate?"

The one who hated him looked at him as if he was mentally handicapped, "Let him don't want to do the big projects in the settlements in the future?"

The B-level maintenance engineer was shocked when he heard the words, but in the end he stiffened his mouth, "Do you think he is really good at that?"

That one didn't show any weakness, "The key point is yourself... Do you think you are so good that you can handle others?"

After one night, three faults have been fixed, and seven hidden dangers have been identified.

Although the heating was intermittent throughout the night, the residents of the settlement were pleasantly surprised to find that the temperature in their homes seemed to be three or four degrees higher in the early morning of the next day.

Don't underestimate these three or four degrees, the difference is really big. The room temperature in winter, 8 degrees and 11 degrees, is the gap between heaven and hell.

Not to mention the room temperature, the average temperature in the Little Ice Age, which led to the complete collapse of the Ming Dynasty, was about four degrees lower.

The hidden dangers of investigation are also very valuable, at least in the years to come, it can reduce a lot of financial expenses.

The key is that the three faults and seven hidden dangers have all been proven true.

Then the remaining three faults and nine hidden dangers are basically impossible to fake.

So the next day when everyone was investigating and repairing, Geng Shougong called two confidants to discuss the matter.

"This panda... how should we settle with him?"

No one can estimate Qu Jianlei's repair costs this time, and count all the reduced losses on him? This is unrealistic!

In the end, someone made a suggestion, "It's just six hundred silver dollars. There's no need to add more. At worst, let's let him read books for free."

This suggestion is actually quite good.

Geng Shougong thought about it, and finally nodded, "Yes, books are rare, and we are sincere."

Qu Jianlei had already put this matter behind him, he did what he could do, so he didn't have to worry about the rest.

The heating of the residents in the settlement is really important, but...he lives outside the city!

There is a wall between the city and the outside, but the difference is really too much.

At least for heating outside the city, you basically have to find firewood yourself, and those with poorer can only rely on shaking.

Qu Jianlei's small team is considered to be in first-class conditions, with fuel and energy block mixed engines, but most of the time they rely on firewood.

Claire chopped so much firewood before the winter came.

So he really didn't care much about the situation in the city, and he just wanted to realize the gains as soon as possible.

It took him and Hua Scorpion two days to sell a large part of the loot obtained from Heifeng.

Although Zhou Liu's people talked about the rules, they were not lenient in collecting stolen goods, even the trucks of the Black Wind team dared to collect them.

Then the two returned with a large amount of water, fuel and ammunition.

After returning, the two of them were surprised to find that Geng Shougong had sent the books, and they didn't even ask for a deposit, so they sent another 300 books.

Qu Jianlei can vaguely guess that this is the follow-up testing fee, and he can express his satisfaction with this payment method.

What's more, Spencer got new news: the Black Wind team was attacked, and a reward of 2,000 silver dollars was offered for clues.

This was Qu Jianlei being offered a reward again, and his reaction was very calm.

"What's that called Fugui? The reward is only 1,000 silver dollars... Heifeng's losses are serious this time?"

"I heard that he was beaten and disabled, and the second leader died in battle," the old liar was a little gloating, and he believed that Heifeng was the one who attacked his side.

Qu Jianlei's attitude was like that of an outsider, he asked puzzledly, "It's all like this, can they still afford to pay the reward?"

"Who doesn't have a family background?" The old liar said indifferently, "Besides, Hongxue has also stepped forward, so let's count."

Then he took a careful look at Qu Jianlei, " I earn fifty silver dollars?"

The old liar was not simply collecting debts. Obviously, he was a little suspicious that the loss of Heifeng might be related to the panda boss.

It is impossible to live to such a long age in the wasteland without some survival wisdom.

"Bringing good news, I'll give you twenty silver dollars first," Qu Jianlei said expressionlessly.

"It just so happens that Heifeng is also disabled. It's convenient to turn around. I'll investigate and I'll give you thirty silver dollars after confirmation."

It is impossible for him to admit that he shot it himself, but it is not appropriate not to give it at all.

"That's great," said the old liar with a happy smile, but he was a little puzzled... Boss was really in retreat a few days ago?

But in any case, it is true to have money. For many years, he has never experienced such a rich winter.

"Then I'll go to the tavern to inquire about the news."

Watching him leave, Hua Xiezi came over and asked in a low voice, "This guy... doesn't feel very reassuring."

Qu Jianlei shook his head and sighed softly, "There are some bottom lines... I still hope to stick to it."

Hua Xiezi is actually testing, to see if the boss is a ruthless person.

The answer was a bit pedantic, but it also gave her a reassurance. No one wants his partner to be cruel and cruel.

"Can you continue to teach me Tai Chi Thirteen Knives?"

"Practice the first seven knives first," Qu Jianlei replied casually, "I'm about to break through..."

(Fourth update, ask for a monthly pass and follow-up subscription.)

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