Chapter 99 Seeing Pengci Again (Part 3)

Against those two perverts... the odds? Hua Xiezi's face turned pale when he thought of the horror of that night.

But when it came to this topic, she was really a little unconvinced, "What are your chances of winning?"

Qu Jianlei replied without hesitation, "Facing that driver, we are sure that we will lose both."

"As for the one in the back seat, there's a high probability that you won't be able to beat him, but if you know his weakness... you may not have a chance."

Having said that, he spread his hands, "If two go together, I will fight for one at most."

There is nothing he can't say about being inferior to others. Only by admitting the gap can there be progress. He thinks very clearly.

If the level is not enough and you have to hide it, it is a bit of a lack of structure-only by admitting your shortcomings can you better face the reality.

Hua Xiezi was completely speechless, she acted cautiously, and she was also a pig who could objectively estimate combat power.

She probably wouldn't be able to fight one of those two, let alone lose one in a one-on-two fight.

So she could only change the topic, "Then let's go tonight?"

"Wait for two days," Qu Jianlei replied without thinking, "let Cindy and her daughter take root in the city."

Hua Xiezi looked at him suspiciously, "Is Lie Feng's death affecting you so much?"

"The cracks are fine," Qu Jianlei replied bluntly, "but Xiao Jing...what did he do wrong?"

"Is that child?" Hua Xiezi was in a daze for a moment, she always thought that Heitian valued Lie Feng more.

"I picked him up," Qu Jianlei didn't hide that experience, "Lie Feng was picked up by Xiaojing..."

Hua Xiezi didn't realize it until she heard what had happened, so she asked, "What if...just Lie Feng died?"

"Who is an adventurer who is not buried in the ditch?" Qu Jianlei replied calmly, "But if you attack a child, is it considered human?"

What he didn't know was that in an unknown place, Xiao Jing was soaking in an airtight container.

His eyes are closed tightly, his limbs have disappeared, if it is placed on Blue Star, this is a state called "human pig".

Outside the container, several people were observing carefully, a young man frowned, "Are you still awake?"

"I will definitely wake up," said a white-haired old man. "The vitality is recovering, but... it will take time."

"In three days, I want to see him wake up," a young woman said.

She looks cold and beautiful, and there is an uncontrollable anxiety between her brows, "Why don't you buy insurance for the whole family."

"This..." The white-haired old man gave a wry smile, gritted his teeth inwardly—buy insurance for the whole family?

He calmed down, "It's not impossible, but there may be sequelae, and the cost is relatively high."

"You don't need to think about the cost," the woman said coldly, "You don't need to think about the sequelae... how long will it take to wake up?"

"This..." The old man thought for a while and said, "One month, at the fastest, half a month."

"Then I'll give you ten days," the glamorous woman said bluntly, "as long as you dare to exceed one second, consider the consequences yourself."

"Miss Fei Na, there's no need to do this, right?" The white-haired old man was a little helpless, "Don't worry about the sequelae?"

He knew how strong the opponent was, so he could only beg for mercy at this time.

"There will be no sequelae," the glamorous woman sneered, "My boss said, we must find the murderer as soon as possible."

"Surely there won't be any sequelae?" The old man frowned first, then he was stunned, "Your...boss?"

"Don't blame me for forcing you," the glamorous woman looked at him indifferently, "If you don't wake up when the time comes, you will all die before I die."

The old man trembled in fright, "Are you going to die too?"

Does he know how much energy Miss Fina has.

"You think I'm powerful?" The glamorous woman gave him a cold look, "You don't know anything about real power..."

The old man suppressed the fear in his heart and asked, "The one in the nutrition cabin..."

"I deserved to die," the glamorous woman said flatly, "Fortunately, I found it... I found this one."

"I see," the white-haired old man finally understood, " really don't need to think about the sequelae?"

Miss Fina glanced at him indifferently, and repeated, "You don't know anything about real power..."

At the same moment, on the outskirts of the Zhouliu settlement, a convoy was watching the settlement in the dark.

The convoy was not small, at least four trucks and one armored vehicle, but the people in the vehicles all looked solemn.

"It's very likely that guy," a middle-aged woman said grimly. "The marksmanship is very accurate...over the endless mountains."

"But, he should be alone?" A rich old man sneered, "How could he have a companion?"

"It's always right to find out," the woman said again, "Can't he find another companion?"

"Stop arguing," a young man lazily said, "Send someone to investigate, and be quick, and don't make any noise."

Two motorcycles were removed from the truck, and four people got on the motorcycles and rushed out of the city.

The prosperity of Zhou Liu is not blown out, the outside of the city in summer is still brightly lit even at night.

It was not the first time for the four of them to do this kind of thing. Two motorcycles drove into the market outside the city with ease.

However, in the next moment, a figure flashed, and an old lady was directly hit by a motorcycle and flew out.

The old man rolled twice on the ground, vomiting blood profusely.

"¥\u0026...*#@" The motorcycle rider was dumbfounded, he felt that he might not have bumped into each other.

The person in the back seat also felt it very clearly, and cursed angrily, "This is blackmail!"

"Speak well!" The two lean men next to him folded their arms and said coldly, "Zhou Liu is a place where rules are spoken."

"What the hell are you telling me to follow the rules?" The man in the back seat was so angry that he directly pulled out the laser pistol.

"What's the matter, don't you want to follow the rules?" Two drunk men approached not far away, completely ignoring the guns in each other's hands.

Then another little girl rushed out and threw herself at the old man on the ground, "Grandma, what's the matter with you, grandma?"

The four who just came in were a little confused. They were not afraid of shooting, but they also knew how powerful Zhou Liu was.

Now it is obvious that he was blackmailed by the other party, but seeing more and more people watching, they are all accusing themselves.

The few standing in the front also had knives and guns on their bodies, but they didn't bother to take them out.

"Oh, what the hell..." There was an exclamation from the motorcycle behind, "Little thief, how dare you steal my things!"

The one who exclaimed didn't have time to get out of the car, and was about to raise his pistol to aim at the thief, when several figures blocked his sight again.

For Zhou Liu's people, playing a friendly cover is really normal, the risk is very low, and they can share some benefits.

"What's the matter, you want to kill someone after bumping into someone?"

Seeing more and more people getting closer, the person in the front and back seat gritted his teeth and took off the shotgun hanging from his leg.

He loaded the gun skillfully, and aimed a shot at the sky, "One step closer, kill without mercy!"

His reaction was so timely that if he really wanted to let the crowd gather, he couldn't even keep the motorcycle tires.

Seeing this, the other three also opened the safety of their guns.

Seeing someone shooting, the onlookers finally became less restless-this is the advantage of this place, there are really rules.

The gunshots attracted two stalwart men, "Give way, what happened?"

These two are non-staff guards, both of whom have the status of settlements. Stationing outside the city is considered a living, and there is some money to be made.

But precisely because of this, they didn't dare to bully people outside the city too much, otherwise where would they go to get money?

But for foreigners, it doesn't matter.

The guard found out the reason, and said skillfully, "If you bump into someone, you will lose money. What is there to argue about?"

The one who shot took a deep breath, and said slowly, "It didn't hit at all, they are blackmailers."

The guard glanced at him indifferently, "Do you have evidence for what you said? Remember, fellow travelers cannot testify, we have rules!"

The one who was stolen shouted, "What about my things being stolen?"

You deserve it for being stolen! The guard glanced at him casually, "That's because you were careless, who else do you expect to pay?"

Then he turned to look at the shooter, "You shot in the market? Pay the fine!"

This guy was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, "It's really enlightening, do you know who I am?"

"Do I need to know who you are?" The guard also laughed, "I'm just a part-time job, at worst I'll lose my job."

This is the difference between this place and other settlements. The guards will not play tricks directly. It is really a place where rules are followed.

The person who shot took a deep breath and spoke slowly, "I'm from the general settlement."

"If you come from the general settlement, you should obey the rules," the guard replied unhurriedly, but he didn't take it seriously in his heart.

Even if the other party is from the general settlement, he is not enlightened, otherwise, would he know what is going on here?

This guy's face became more and more ugly, "We are here to arrest the wanted criminal, do you want to see the certificate?"

"I don't want to read it," the guard shook his head casually, "I don't care about what you said, and now I want you to lose money!"

"Otherwise, I can't control so many people besieging you."

The face of the shooter turned dark, and he took out a mobile phone, "Believe it or not, I recruited kill them all?"

"Then you recruit people." The guard spread his hands and laughed unexpectedly, "I can kill them all, and I just don't need to be on night duty."

This was heard by the old lady on the ground, and she winked at the little girl lying on her body.

The little girl was also clever, winking at a little boy through a gap in the crowd.

The little boy understood, turned around and ran away.

This kind of scene is too common outside the city, and no one will pay much attention to it except the people in this area.

But at this moment, Qu Jianlei was inexplicably upset and couldn't concentrate on meditating.

He walked out of the room to punch. Hua Xiezi also put on his clothes and came out when he heard the movement, "What's wrong?"

At this moment, someone knocked on the door, and a child's voice sounded, "Is sister Xueying there?"


Chapter 100 I'm Chasing You (Fourth Change)

Blood Shadow is the nickname Claire gave herself, and she is quite famous among the children outside the city.

Hearing this sound, Qu Jianlei immediately stopped punching and winking at Hua Xiezi.

Hua Xiezi understood, and coughed lightly, "The blood shadow has already fallen asleep, what's the matter?"

"Qingqing's grandma was bumped by a stranger," replied the child outside, "the bumper is said to be from the general settlement."

Hua Xiezi breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that, and couldn't help but smile silently.

She also thought that this knock on the door might represent the coming of some danger.

She was very clear about what the children said outside, Claire was misled by that old liar Spencer a lot.

But she doesn't know how to touch porcelain herself, she just supports a group of children.

The child outside the door also knew that he couldn't hide his words from this person, so he took the initiative to confess.

"They said they were here to arrest people, and they said they could attract a lot of people and kill everyone... What should we do?"

Hearing this, Hua Xiezi couldn't help exchanging glances with Qu Jianlei, the eyes were full of vigilance.

Qu Jianlei said slowly, "It's okay, they are scaring people, how many people are there outside the city, Zhou Liu's rules will not be broken."

"Oh, thank you, Boss Panda." Footsteps sounded outside the door, and the child ran away.

Qu Jianlei picked up a binoculars, jumped up to the roof, and looked around.

The place where the conflict happened is more than one kilometer away from this courtyard.

Hua Xiezi also climbed up, "Boss, could it be that he came to look for you?"

"I was a little restless just now," Qu Jianlei said with a sullen face, "I was just saying that I would go and have a look around when it gets dark."

Hua Xiezi admired his intuition, so she rolled her eyes, "Shall I check?"

Although she joined the team searching for Hei Tian, ​​no one should know that she is still alive.

Qu Jianlei nodded slightly, "Hurry up and come back, it looks like I'm leaving."

Huascorpion opened the door and walked out, only carrying a long knife and a laser pistol with him.

She didn't get too close either, and stopped to watch three hundred meters away.

The four outsiders were so annoyingly entangled that they forgot for a moment that they originally wanted to inquire quietly.

But this negligence is also understandable, after all, they have already issued a wanted arrest for "stupid song" in the space area.

If Shaqu was really hiding here, he would have felt the killing intent from Hongzi District long ago.

Hua Xiezi specializes in marksmanship and has very good eyes. After looking for a while, she found a familiar face among the crowd of people.

Then she turned and left as if nothing had happened, and after walking several hundred meters, she quickened her pace.

Back in the small courtyard, she said with a solemn expression, "There is a hunter from the Hongzi District who hunted you down."

Qu Jianlei nodded slightly. He was not surprised to see a familiar face. After all, those who participated in the hunt knew him better.

Hua Xiezi asked, "Leave now in the chaos, or wait until late at night?"

Leaving now, few people can pay attention to it, but after checking it, it is easy for others to find the weirdness.

If you leave in the middle of the night, there will be fewer people paying attention, but from now to late at night... Will there be any changes?

Qu Jianlei thought for a while and said, "I'll create some chaos, and then you drive away, and I will chase after you."

Hua Xiezi glanced at the still chaotic distance, "Are you going to kill someone?"

"Don't go there," Qu Jianlei shook his head, "Although I really want to kill people, it's too easy for people to associate and imagine."

Hua Xiezi stretched out a thumb, "Boss, sometimes I really admire your state of mind."

Qu Jianlei shook his head with a wry smile, "Because I want revenge so much, I must live first."

After agreeing, he left quietly, taking only a short knife and a shotgun with him.

He came to a tavern about one kilometer away, raised his hand and shot, blowing up a motorcycle parked nearby.

When there were many customers in the tavern, when they heard this noise, several men rushed out.

Qu Jianlei shook his hand and shot again, hitting the door of the tavern, then disappeared into the alley in a flash.

The men who were attacked immediately fought back, and the gunshots rang out for a while.

Shooting is usually prohibited in the camps where survivors live, but there are not many accidents, and returning fire is justifiable self-defense.

When the tavern was in chaos, Qu Jianlei had disappeared into the night.

The four people who were entangled finally paid some fees and were able to get away-no way, the rules here are too big.

But because of their toughness, those who touched porcelain did not dare to ask for more, which is irrelevant.

Then there are people investigating the shooting at the tavern, wondering what happened.

The motorcycle that was destroyed belonged to the tavern. The owner of the tavern usually offended some people, and there was competition among his peers, so it was difficult to analyze the opponent.

Everyone just knew it was a guy who lost his left hand and fired two shots with a shotgun in one hand.

This is Qu Jianlei using his cartilage technique to hide his left hand in the sleeve, others thought it was a disability.

Anyway, no one thought of him, and no one would investigate him for a while.

Qu Jianlei slipped two kilometers away and found the truck driven by Hua Xiezi, "Did anyone find you?"

Hua Xiezi shook her head. The night was too dark, and she couldn't make an accurate judgment, so she could only say, "Probably not."

Then she asked again, "Should I leave now, or hide?"

It's not difficult to hide. Based on Qu Jianlei's fragile sense of security, just in case, he dug two large secret camps after the beginning of spring.

Big enough to drive a truck through.

Qu Jianlei thought about it and said, "This group of people has a strong ability to mobilize, and they will be very passive in hiding... After all, I have precedents."

In Hong Yi's residential area, he just hid for a long time, and then killed a wave, this kind of thing can never happen again.

Hua Xiezi also nodded, "Leave immediately. This will ensure the safety of Cindy's mother and daughter in the short term. They will chase us."

In this point, she is very similar to Qu Jianlei, she is generally unwilling to hurt innocent people because of her own affairs.

Although leading the opponent to pursue him will bring great risks to herself, she is willing to support it.

Qu Jianlei gave a thumbs up silently.

Then he said aloud, "Look around and see where their convoy is parked."

If you dare to chase him, you don't need to ask. There is definitely a convoy, but you are not sure if it is in the wild.

Hua Xiezi nodded slightly when he heard the words, "Then shall we fight back?"

"It's not us," Qu Jianlei shook his head, "It's me who fought back, just wait and meet me."

Hua Xiezi twitched the corner of her mouth helplessly, but finally said nothing.

The convoy is easy to find. The two motorcycles entered the city nearby, just search along the road.

It took less than ten minutes for Hua Scorpion to lock the position of the convoy.

The key is that the other party pays too much attention to arranging faces, setting up tents in the wild, and looking around with searchlights.

From a long distance, Hua Xiezi noticed the conspicuous armored vehicle, "There is another armored vehicle."

Qu Jianlei looked at a heavy-duty truck thoughtfully, "There won't be armor on it, right?"

Hua Xiezi's heart sank when he heard that, "If there is an armor, I suggest that we just leave."

Qu Jianlei's face was uncertain, but finally he snorted coldly, "So what about the mecha?"

Hua Xiezi looked at him in surprise, "Can it work?"

Qu Jianlei replied calmly, "How can a man say no? You have to try."

Hua Xiezi wanted to continue persuading her, but after thinking about it, although the boss sometimes goes crazy, he never dies for no reason.

So she asked aloud, "What shall we do now?"

"Go to the secret camp," Qu Jianlei said lightly, "I need to prepare some things."

This preparation took half the night.

When Qu Jianlei appeared next to the convoy again, it was already late at night.

When they were about two kilometers away from the convoy, searchlights shone over and a "no approach" signal was issued.

There are occasional vehicles driving at night in the wasteland, but solo travelers are quite rare.

Qu Jianlei stopped and turned to leave, the searchlight was still shining on him, obviously not at ease.

But since he showed his willingness to cooperate, the sentinel's vigilance was somewhat relaxed.

However, he turned around and took four or five steps. When he turned his head suddenly, the sniper rifle on his shoulder had already been thrown into his hand.

He raised his gun and knocked out the searchlight.

Just when the sentinel yelled the word "not good", he shot two more times, destroying the other two searchlights.

With the fourth shot, he hit the fuel tank of the armored vehicle. Because of the protection, the fuel tank exploded without fire, but it should have been pierced.

The fifth shot was the fuel tank of the truck, this time causing a fire.

In fact, when he fired the fourth shot, someone had already reacted, and the armored vehicle even started to start.

However, after all, it was half a beat too late, so that two fuel tanks were destroyed.

With the sixth shot, he aimed at the fuel tank of another off-road vehicle, and it should have hit, but it didn't catch fire.

"It's well prepared," Qu Jianlei sighed.

At this time, a vehicle-mounted machine gun roared.

Because the three searchlights suddenly went out and the light changed suddenly, the shooter's eyesight couldn't adapt quickly.

The purpose of the machine gun shooting was just to suppress him, and the accuracy was much worse.

"Is it finally here?" Qu Jianlei snorted, raised his hand and threw out a Molotov cocktail.

Last time he found that in the night battle, the incendiary bombs caused strong interference to the night vision device, so he stocked up some more.

The machine gun shooter was blinded immediately, and couldn't help yelling, "Bastard, it's like this again, it must be a silly song!"

They did a complete replay of Qu Jianlei's sneak attack last time.

The result of the replay, apart from lamenting that this guy is brave, is his super fighting quality.

They understand the use of incendiary bombs very well, but it is useless to just understand, they have no suitable countermeasures.

The next moment, the angry machine gunner was shocked and fell into the truck.

"This guy is using a sniper rifle. He's so ruthless... Everyone, be careful and protect yourself!"

"Where's the mecha, come on the mecha!"

(Fourth update, ask for a monthly pass and follow-up subscription.)

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