Recruit black physique to start practice in the wasteland

Chapter 88 What about the 101st mecha-102 counterattack (two-in-one He Heitian brother)

Chapter 101 So What About Mechs

The reason why Qu Jianlei tried to get as close as possible to the convoy until he was warned by the other party was to shoot accurately.

In the last night attack, he didn't have the ability to accurately kill the opponent's personnel, but this time he did.

Of course, this is also because he obtained a laser sniper rifle. Ordinary rifles often cannot break defenses.

Because he was well prepared, his gun actually suppressed all the opponent's personnel.

"Flares, launch flares," someone yelled frantically—so what if you can destroy the searchlights? We have flares!

The next moment, more than a dozen flares were launched into the sky, and Qu Jianlei really couldn't care less.

But he didn't care, and threw another incendiary bomb. Two incendiary bombs increased the interference range of the night vision device.

If someone can kill him with the naked eye or a scope, he will admit it, otherwise the flares are not very meaningful.

In the rapid lateral movement, he raised his hand and wanted to destroy the fuel tank of another car, but unfortunately he failed.

Under the illumination of the flares, his figure was spotted, and two more machine guns roared.

The accuracy of this shooting has improved, but the purpose is still to suppress firepower.

Qu Jianlei couldn't help feeling that the survivors of the wasteland are really not afraid of death!

He raised his hand twice and knocked out two more machine gun shooters. The person on the other side who wanted to take the lead had to hide again.

"This idiot's marksmanship is even more accurate!" Someone cursed loudly, "Or the analysis is wrong!"

"Mecha... where is the mecha? Hurry up, the other side is crazy!"

Qu Jianlei's guess was right, this time the hunting team did bring a mecha, and the control of the mecha was not strict in the Zhouzi District.

Although the team only brought one, it was an impact-type combat mech, not to mention fierce firepower, thick armor, and fast speed.

In terms of combat, it can completely destroy Qu Jianlei's transport mech, and it will be rich if it hits three.

If Qu Jianlei hides in some fortress again, this guy can also charge forward directly, not even afraid of electromagnetic guns, just use his strength recklessly.

With such superior performance, one mecha is enough.

Where there are advantages, there are disadvantages. The speed, defense and output of the mecha are not bad. The only disadvantage is that it consumes too much energy.

However, no matter how bad the battery life is, two to three hundred kilometers can be guaranteed.

However, it is precisely for this reason that the mecha will not move with the convoy, but will only be placed on the truck.

In fact, even if the control of mechas is not strict in the Zhouzi District, under normal circumstances, no one would ostentatiously use mechas to travel.

The problem now is that the truck is on fire. Although the fire is not very big, it is a bit difficult to get into the cockpit.

However, the armored vehicle was still activated, turning the barrel to look for Qu Jianlei, "Do you want to fire?"

"Fire!" An exasperated voice came from the console, "If he wants to die, let him do it!"

Originally they wanted to capture Qu Jianlei alive, but at this level of fighting, everyone's anger could not be suppressed.

However, the muzzle hadn't been rotated in place yet, the flame flashed, and the third incendiary bomb was also thrown out.

This time, the aiming of the gunner was affected again, "High-explosive bombs, change to high-explosive bombs!"

The high-explosive bomb was finally launched, and the coverage area was not small.

Fortunately, it didn't aim very accurately, and Qu Jianlei fell down in time, so he just got a disgraced face.

After the first shot, the truck was almost out of fire, and a mecha stood up on the truck.

The heavy mech jumped lightly and landed on the ground. The whole ground trembled slightly, "I'm here, dead or alive?"

"Try to catch the one alive," the voice in the mobile station relaxed a little, "It's okay to die if you can't, anyway, you can't let him escape!"

The mecha took a big step and rushed towards Qu Jianlei.

Qu Jianlei turned around and ran away without saying a word, and couldn't help muttering in his heart, the speed of this mecha is really amazing.

He has read a lot of mechanical books recently, and he recognizes that this is an impact mecha, which can reach a speed of 120 kilometers per hour in a short period of time.

However, in the wilderness and at night, it would be great to be able to reach 80 kilometers.

If he was driving the transport mecha now, he would be overtaken by the other party within a few minutes.

With the improvement of physical fitness, Qu Jianlei's current running speed can basically reach 80 kilometers.

But it still won't last long, at most half an hour.

However, if he ran desperately for a short period of time, his speed could even approach a hundred kilometers per hour.

Anyway, with this mecha hanging behind him, he couldn't run too fast, otherwise the other party would probably shoot.

In addition, he had to run in zigzag to avoid possible cold shots, so the distance between the opponent and him was getting closer little by little.

In the blink of an eye, the mechs and people ran out of the convoy's sight. Seeing this, the convoy knew they couldn't catch up.

So the voice came out again from the mobile station, "How about it, can you catch up?"

"No problem," the mecha replied confidently, "It's within your reach...but this guy runs really fast."

A soft hum came from the console, "Tch, how long can he last?"

After seven or eight minutes, Qu Jianlei's speed slowed down significantly, and he looked back from time to time.

The mech was less than 800 meters away from him, and a loudspeaker yelled, "Boy, stop and surrender honestly, I will protect you from death."

"Hehe," Qu Jianlei smiled disdainfully, pressed a small box in his hand, and leaned forward suddenly.

"This is..." The mecha subconsciously felt something was wrong, "Have you stepped into a pit?"

The next moment, he felt a sudden shock in his body, as if the mech hit a huge iron block head-on.

Immediately afterwards, he felt his whole body vacated, "Is this... a fiery fire?"

This time the fire was violent and the movement was too great.

Even the convoy ten kilometers away felt the violent vibration, and the people in the car couldn't stand still.

"I'll go," everyone was really stunned by this scene, "There is an ambush... how much gunpowder will it take?"

Looking at the flames in the distance, someone could see the details, "The energy block Huochayao...wrong, there are energy blocks in the Huochayao!"

The energy block is actually relatively stable, and it is not easy to detonate, but once it explodes, its power is much stronger than that of explosives.

"What a ruthless heart, what a great handwriting," a voice of gnashing teeth came from the stage, "Reinforce quickly!"

"Reinforcement..." Someone blatantly asked in the mobile platform, "What should I do if the other party has companions or ambushes?"

"Are you going to let him snatch the mech?" The voice gnashed his teeth and continued, "I said chase, and those who disobey the order will die!"

The engines of several cars began to roar and gradually increased their speed.

Qu Jianlei was only more than 700 meters away from the Huobahuochu point. Although he fell down in time, he was dizzy from the shock.

This is because his physical fitness has greatly improved. A year ago, he might have been stunned alive.

Even so, he recovered for half a minute before shaking his head, turning around and running towards the mecha.

The other party was not wrong at all. The reason why he took the risk to launch an attack was to take a chance and completely destroy the mecha.

Otherwise, as long as there is this mecha, it will be very difficult for him and Huaxie to escape.

According to calculations, in addition to using a large amount of fire powder this time, he also used a full four energy blocks.

But he wasn't sure how much damage it would cause to the mecha.

I ran over to take a look, and sure enough, just from the outside, there was hardly any obvious damage.

The mecha didn't react at the moment, it should just be that the combatants were stunned.

Probably due to information shielding, there is not much information about mechas in mechanical books, but Qu Jianlei once piloted mechas.

Through the introduction, he could figure out that the impact mecha is heavy and has high defense, so the driving experience will never be very good.

Therefore, it was a high probability event that the other party was stunned, and Qu Jianlei also planned it in this way.

After running over, he didn't delay at all, took out a tube of plaster, first applied it on the hanging buckle of the machine gun, and then ignited it.

This is an industrial plaster used for maintenance. The high temperature generated when burning is 4000 degrees, and it can be used for emergency cutting in the field.

It is relatively difficult for this plaster to destroy the mecha, and it will take a long time.

But it is very easy to cut the hanging fasteners for mounting weapons.

Immediately afterwards, he also applied plaster on the hanging buckles of machine guns, sniper rifles, long knives and heavy axes and set them on fire.

Finally, he squeezed all the remaining plaster to the hatch of the emergency exit of the cockpit and lit it again.

The hatch of the emergency exit is not big, with a diameter of less than half a meter. This is a temporary exit for combatants when the mecha encounters an accident.

This hatch is also very thick, but since there is a switch requirement, there is a sealing strip between the various parts.

The plaster couldn't burn through the hatch for a while, but directly burned through the sealing strip. In just a few seconds, the flames penetrated into the cockpit.

Indistinctly, Qu Jianlei seemed to hear a mournful howl.

But he didn't bother to pay attention, and directly took off the other five weapons.

According to his plan, if the plaster didn't help, he planned to use the dismantled cannon to hit the weak spots of the mech.

But now that the plaster had burned into the cockpit, he couldn't be bothered.

Looking at the main cannon and the auger that hadn't been dismantled, he sighed depressingly—it's too late to dismantle it.

The impact mech itself is a comprehensive firepower platform, but it's a pity that there is too little time left for him.

However, at this moment, a car light behind him turned on, signaling through light and darkness—"I'm here"!

Qu Jianlei shook his head dumbfounded, "This guy... is really not afraid of death, but it's just right."

He originally asked Hua Xiezi to wait for him five kilometers away.

If he can kill the mech, he can run far faster than the off-road vehicle, and he can sneak away without knowing it.

But the place where the flower scorpion turned on the light just now was less than three kilometers away from him.

It should be that when he was fighting just now, she quietly moved the vehicle forward by two kilometers to make it easier to cooperate.

He took out his mobile phone and called, "Hurry up and drive over here, there will be rewards!"


Chapter 102 Counterattack

To be honest, in Qu Jianlei's battle plan, he didn't think about taking the cannon away.

As long as the mecha can be destroyed and the mecha combatants killed by the way, the goal of the battle has been achieved.

Now the mecha should be damaged, and it doesn't look too heavy on the outside, but it is no longer suitable for long-distance pursuit.

The two combat objectives have been achieved, so many weapons can be dismantled, and it is a bit reluctant not to take them away.

Since Huaxie came out to respond, let's change the battle plan by the way.

When Hua Xiezi heard the words, he ran all the way without hesitation.

And Qu Jianlei took out another tube of industrial plaster, squeezed it into the crack of the cockpit door, and ignited it.

He wasn't worried that the combatants were not completely dead, nor was he so frantic that he wanted to destroy the corpse, he wanted to completely destroy the mecha.

It is too difficult to destroy from the outside, but it is relatively easier to destroy the control core of the cockpit.

Time is tight, how to save time how to come.

As for taking this mech away? Sorry, he's not crazy, this is a big eater of energy blocks!

Moreover, there must be hidden dangers in the mecha, and it must be overhauled in order to use it normally.

It doesn't work to put it on a truck to take it away, it can't be carried at all, and a heavy truck must be used.

Just when Hua Xiezi arrived, the headlights of the car could be vaguely seen ahead, obviously the other party's convoy was chasing him.

Qu Jianlei quickly installed the cannon on the truck, and the fasteners had ready-made interfaces.

Hua Xiezi also had a very winking look. Seeing him installing the cannon, she took the initiative to go to hold the cannonball.

The shells of the machine gun are very heavy, and she can only carry one clip each time, which is seven.

She had only carried three magazines, and the headlights were already relatively bright, and the position could be clearly judged.

At this time, Qu Jianlei had already installed the cannon, and raised his hand to shoot it with one shot, which was regarded as a test shot.

Sure enough, there is a little deviation.

The vehicle driving on the opposite side felt it immediately, and suddenly braked suddenly, "I'm super... have a gun?"

Some veterans have already identified it, "It's broken, this is the cannon on the mecha!"

They knew that the mechs had been ambushed, but they didn't know the situation of the fighters.

The one who was in a coma encountered the fire and was immediately burned to the ground, without even having time to issue a warning.

Now it was suddenly discovered that the other party had actually mastered the cannon, and everyone immediately thought of the next question: How did the cannon fire?

It is definitely impossible to hold it in hand, and it is impossible to put it on the ground. It must be fixed on the launch platform.

It is possible that the opponent installed the cannon on the truck, but can this step be completed in such a short time?

Not everyone can instantly think of industrial burning and cutting plaster, unless it is a repairman on the car.

Almost instantly, someone thought of another question, "This guy controls the mecha?"

This possibility made everyone panic.

The people in this hunting team knew very well that Shaqu had manipulated mechas before, and he was quite skilled.

"Turn off the lights!" Someone yelled from the mobile station.

However, it was too late, and the machine gun on the opposite side fired three bursts, directly hitting the first car into the air.

The irritable voice originally wanted to scold others, but then it fell silent.

The lights of the second car turned off in time, but Qu Jianlei had already calculated the lead time, and it was another three-shot.

Another car went into a rage, and the other cars turned off their lights and ran away in fright. No one mentioned the chase anymore.

Instead, someone yelled in the mobile station, "Where's the armored vehicle?"

Armored vehicles can't withstand machine guns, but as long as they don't get hit critically, they can still fight for a while.

"The armored vehicle is leaking oil!" Someone replied loudly, "Damn it, who said that the modified fuel tank can hold it?"

"Then at least we can go back to the camp and defend!" Someone shouted again, "Running now is the only serious thing."

From here to the camp, it was only four or five kilometers in total, and there was still a chance to run faster—even without the driving lights.

At this time, no one talked about hunting and killing any more.

"Run away?" Panting, Hua Xiezi carried another magazine back, hearing the sound of a motor moving away.

"Your body is really weak." Qu Jianlei jumped off the car, "Be careful, I'll carry something."

He not only brought back shells, but also machine guns, sniper rifles, long knives and heavy axes.

This machine gun is not an ordinary machine gun, but a nine-barreled rotary machine gun. Its caliber is twice that of the vehicle-mounted machine gun, and its rate of fire is astonishing...

Of course, he must also be a big eater of ammunition, so there is no need to say more about this.

Qu Jianlei went to disassemble the main cannon after carrying it back. This thing is not a fastener, but riveted to death.

It will take more work to dismantle this, but he thinks it must be dismantled. This is a heavy firepower he has never had.

When Qu Jianlei walked out of the Endless Mountains, he hid the electromagnetic gun and the transport mecha in the same cave.

There's no way, that thing is too heavy, and he and Hua Xiezi have too many things to carry, they really can't carry it.

Since then, he has not had too much firepower in his hand, the strongest is the laser sniper rifle he snatched.

This time, a machine gun was seized, but in fact, the power of the machine gun was slightly worse than his electromagnetic gun.

It's just that the machine gun can fire continuously, which is incomparable to the electromagnetic gun.

This main cannon inlaid on the mecha is definitely much more powerful than the electromagnetic cannon.

It is impossible for his light truck to be the carrying platform of this main gun is modified.

In any case, since he has time, he must remove the main gun. People with a bad sense of security have firepower phobia.

It took him twenty minutes to disassemble the main gun, and it was a very rough disassembly method, otherwise it would have taken him more than two hours.

When he removed the main gun, Hua Scorpion removed the auger bit and moved it to the car.

She still did not forget to say happily, "This is a serious mecha, look at how many weapons and tools are mounted..."

"Compared with this one, our transport mecha is really shabby."

"At that time, the armor was already good," Qu Jianlei replied casually, "I bought the electromagnetic guns separately."

"It's a pity that the ammunition is still too short," Hua Xiezi said regretfully, "the main gun shells only have eight rounds, which is not enough for a base."

A basic number of main guns is at least ten rounds, and there are twenty and thirty rounds, which are divided according to the model of the main gun.

"Ammunition is a rare thing," Qu Jianlei replied casually, "Eight rounds are better than none, isn't it?"

He really didn't think that eight rounds were so few, one must be content, the Sai family only collected eight rounds, imagine how difficult it is.

"The machine gun doesn't have many shells, only about 60 rounds."

"A few rounds are used, that's a base number, not a lot... All they have to deal with is a transport mech."

"The nine-barreled machine gun also has few bullets, only 300 rounds."

"That's enough," Qu Jianlei smiled disapprovingly, "These are big killers, why do you need so many?"

Hua Xiezi just chewed the grain casually, and then changed the subject, "The two cars that were blown up, do you know if there are any intact weapons?"

If the battle is won, isn't it time to distribute some war money?

Qu Jianlei smiled, "Look at it casually, pick up whatever you can... I want to seize the time to fight back."

Hua Xiezi was stunned when he heard the words, "Hit back... counterattack that camp?"

"That's right," Qu Jianlei nodded expressionlessly, "Why should they chase me?"

But Hua Xiezi always felt that there was something wrong with doing so, and then she reacted.

"The light truck went with the cannon. Doesn't that mean we don't have control over the mecha?"

"Do you control the mecha?" Qu Jianlei pouted at the wreckage of the mecha not far away, "How long do you think you can keep it a secret?"

"Let's keep it a while longer," Hua Scorpion said in a very pragmatic way, "at least it's enough for us to go a little farther."

Qu Jianlei shook his head, "No, I want them to understand that no one is a natural hunter, and hunters and prey are interchangeable!"

After seizing so many weapons on the mecha, if he didn't dare to fight back, he would be very sad.

"That's fine," Hua Xiezi sighed helplessly, "I'm supporting you again?"

"Let's go together," Qu Jianlei could feel her loss, "but you are responsible for driving."

"Okay," Hua Xiezi cheered up, and then went to clean the battlefield of the two cars.

All she picked up were some silver dollars, ammo, and three guns, two Gauss rifles, and a laser rifle.

The frequency of laser guns in the universe area is actually higher than that of Gauss rifles, but the laser guns are too easy to damage.

It was too dark and the line of sight was not good. There must be something undiscovered at the scene.

But the two of them didn't want to wait any longer, and drove directly to Saijia's wild camp until they saw faint lights.

In fact, when the chasing convoy just fled back, they were still extremely frightened, lest the mechs would chase them over.

Everyone waited in fear for nearly an hour, and found that the mechs hadn't chased them, so they relaxed a little bit.

Then everyone started to discuss whether the other party moved the cannon to the car.

Some people think that the efficiency cannot be so fast. After the fire broke out, we chased it, and it took only four or five minutes.

But in this fleet, there are really maintenance workers who are responsible for the maintenance of vehicles on the road.

Although they are not repairers, they can also confirm that there are ways to quickly cut metal parts in the wild.

Industrial burning cutting plasters are too expensive and they haven't used them, but that doesn't prevent them from knowing.

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief: If it was installed on a truck, they... wouldn't dare to come, would they?

Although two of my own cars were destroyed, there are still six here, which are the six firepower points.

Especially with an armored vehicle in it.

Plus seven or eight motorcycles, this is another seven or eight fire support points.

A small truck, dare to come over?

However, no one expected that the small truck, driving at a constant speed with the lights off, quietly arrived four kilometers away.

It can only be so far away, and it can't be any closer, otherwise the accuracy of the opponent's firepower will also increase.

Qu Jianlei first aimed at a modified truck and pulled the trigger of the cannon.

(The two chapters plus more are all about He Baiyinmeng's "Hei_tian". I will slowly pay off the debts and never be an idiot.)

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