Recruit black physique to start practice in the wasteland

Chapter 95 Chapter 115 is a bit weird-116 is famous (fourth update completed)

Chapter 115 is a bit weird (third)

It can be seen that although Shana is a little unhappy in charge, she is a little bit outrageous.

Bentley replied very naturally, "This is one of my juniors... Now it's considered stealing someone else's job."

"Understood," Shana nodded. It was a conflict of interests, and the other party was unwilling to hurt her own juniors. This fear was understandable.

With the management ability of the gold industry center, in fact... this fear is not necessary.

But having a reason is better than having no reason, let alone a barely justifiable reason?

As soon as Shana turned around, she walked towards the door of the building, without even looking at the guard, she just said lightly, "Follow me."

The two guards with guns looked at each other, nothing more.

In a building of this grade, a person wearing a mask actually walked in. People who saw this scene couldn't help but take a second look.

Qu Jianlei drooped his eyelids and ignored these people.

Shana took them to find a maintenance worker and asked him to briefly introduce the situation.

Qu Jianlei originally heard from Bentley that he thought it was a ventilation system, and wondered why the cost of transportation was so high.

After the maintenance worker finished the introduction, he realized that the co-author is a fresh air system with heat exchange?

He has come into contact with this thing a little bit on Blue Star, so he is not very familiar with it, but the general principle is clear.

What surprised him was: Tianzi District actually has such advanced equipment?

Strictly speaking, this system is not very advanced, much worse than laser guns or Gauss guns - at least in Blue Star.

However, this is wasteland, and there is a real shortage of high-end equipment to improve the quality of life.

In the flooded area where he lives, it is very difficult to get some clean water.

The equipment for enjoyment is the most luxurious in the wasteland.

Seeing him in a daze, the maintenance worker took the initiative to ask, "What, can it be repaired?"

Qu Jianlei withdrew his thoughts, nodded slightly, "You can try it, and show me the relevant manual."

The maintenance worker looked at him in surprise, turned and left, "You wait."

After he left, Bentley snorted softly, "Shana, this guy is not very obedient."

Manager Shana smiled wryly, "He is the longest-serving maintenance worker in the gold industry. He knows a lot and requires few requirements."

Bentley nodded slightly. As a half-baked maintenance engineer, he knew what she meant very well.

For a building like this that has been built for many years, the maintenance workers really do it as long as possible, and the level is second.

A master was parachuted over, but he didn't understand the layout of the whole building, and he didn't know where it was easy to damage, but the efficiency was not good.

Shana added, "This person is more straightforward, but his mind is not bad. There is no need to be serious with him."

Not long after, the maintenance worker came over with a stack of documents, which was three to four centimeters thick.

Seeing this, Shana nodded to greet Bentley, then turned and left.

She is responsible for a lot of things, it is impossible to stay here all the time.

The maintenance worker looked at Bentley with great interest, "This elder, how did you know the manager?"

Bentley glanced at him indifferently, but didn't answer at all——what are you?

This one was bored, and shut up angrily, watching Qu Jianlei flipping through the materials.

Qu Jianlei read things very quickly, and finished reading the materials in a little over an hour.

The maintenance worker was not surprised, he only thought that the other party had been exposed to these before.

Qu Jianlei narrowed his eyes, thought for five or six minutes, and then opened his eyes, "I can help you check, but I can't fix it."

The maintenance worker looked at him curiously, "Why can't it be repaired?"

"They're all special accessories," Qu Jianlei replied in a deep voice, "I'll find out the problematic parts, and you can go find the manufacturer yourself."

In fact, before he came here, he knew that he was only responsible for testing, but the maintenance worker was too self-righteous.

"That's true," the maintenance worker nodded, agreeing with his rhetoric, "I thought you were doing private work."

It took almost half a day to test the whole building room by room.

This is because Qu Jianlei didn't just hit with a stick - it's easy to think of a repairman in Zhou Liu.

The detection instrument placed in the motorcycle bucket came in handy at this time—even if it was just for pretend.

Some tenants' rooms are in working condition, and he is not welcome to test, so they can only wait for lunch to test again.

This kind of situation is not uncommon, so Qu Jianlei simplified some testing steps when testing at noon.

He found a total of 31 problems and pointed them to the maintenance workers.

That person's work attitude is indeed fine, he made a careful record and didn't ask any more questions.

After the test was over, Shana's steward rushed over again, asking the maintenance worker to find a typical example for verification.

The gold industry center is luxuriously decorated, but there are always parts that are easier to verify for the 31st issue.

The maintenance worker started to work, Shana looked at Bentley apologetically, "This is the rule, it's not that I don't believe you."

"I understand that," Bentley replied blankly. Is a maintenance technician who dare not be checked by others worthy of being a maintenance technician?

Shana was still worried that he would be angry, so she took the initiative to show her kindness, "You guys test fast and charge less, which is much easier to deal with than manufacturers."

Bentley didn't bother to respond to this, but Qu Jianlei was a little curious, "Is the after-sales service attitude very bad?"

Such a luxury equipment, how dare the manufacturer not provide good service?

"After-sales service?" Manager Shanna chewed on this fresh phrase, and Bentley's eyes sparkled.

Shana nodded slightly, "That's right, this is a 'top' product, and there are maintenance personnel everywhere, so it's too difficult to take care of..."

In her words, such luxurious equipment was originally only available to some big forces in Taidu.

As a result, the gold industry center wanted to create a "luxury" image, and only managed to install a set after entrusting favors.

Because it was bought on the pole, the attitude of after-sales service can be imagined.

I want to invite the maintenance personnel from Taidu to come, and the transportation fee is only five hundred.

Then Jinye takes care of food and housing, and pays a labor fee of 200 per day.

Too expensive? I'm sorry, you can find whoever you want to repair, anyway, they are not bad.

Or say that this is a top-notch luxury, ordinary rich people dare not think about it.

As for the 31 problems that Qu Jianlei found, it would take at least five days for the people from the manufacturer to find out all of them.

That is to say, the transportation fee plus labor service fee is at least one thousand and five, and five days of board and lodging have to be taken care of.

This is just the cost of testing, as for the repair cost? That's another question.

It is precisely because inspection and repair are calculated separately that Jinye will consider hiring another repairman to inspect.

Qu Jianlei's traveling fee was only 200, and if he detected a problem, he only gave 20 silver dollars, which was cheap and went to his grandma's house.

His entire inspection fee this time was 820 silver dollars.

Even though it is more than half of the charge of the manufacturer's maintenance personnel, the key is that there are many problems detected, right?

Moreover, the maintenance worker wanted to invite him to lunch, but Qu Jianlei refused without hesitation - some rooms can only be inspected at this moment.

The work attitude is different, and the speed is faster. Who doesn't like this kind of service?

The maintenance worker took more than an hour to remove the problematic part, and it took another half an hour to test it.

Sure enough, there are indeed problems, and it is impossible to refuse.

Manager Shana thanked Bentley and Qu Jianlei and said that payment would be arranged as soon as possible.

After the two of them left, she looked at the maintenance worker again, "Thomas, how is this person's level?"

"The level is definitely high, but it's a bit weird," Thomas thought of the style of the masked man during his noon inspection.

Can you tell if there is a problem by knocking casually with a stick?

If he had heard of such a thing before, he would definitely not believe it, but this's really hard to say.

People who have no ability have no guts to take on this kind of work!

Immediately afterwards, he thought of another question, "Some parts are just hidden dangers, and they can still be used for the time being..."

"Can it still work?" Shana's steward was stunned, and then asked thoughtfully, "How long will it last?"

"It's hard to say," Thomas replied carefully. He acted carelessly, but he would not talk nonsense about professional matters.

Thinking of the two sentences he vaguely heard just now, he tentatively said, "Could it be because...the charges are based on the problems found?"

A trace of displeasure flashed across Shana's eyes, knowing that I found someone, why are you still talking like that?

But in the end, she still asked aloud, "The people in that family...can you find the hidden danger?"

"If you can find it, you won't find it," Thomas really dared to say anything, "If you come one more time, how much more money will you make?"

"You know what!" Shana snorted coldly, "Isn't it uncomfortable for you to stay in the palace?"

This is not her guess, but that the maintenance personnel are used to earning a lot of money, and the disgust they feel every time they come here comes from the heart.

After all, Houjing cannot catch up with the prosperity of Taidu after all, and people from the central city say Taidu is just a backcountry.

So the people above are not trying to make more money, but it is difficult to find hidden dangers.

Wanting to understand this, she laughed, "Find a hidden danger and check it, the bill will be paid soon."

Thomas opened his mouth in astonishment, "Is this going to pay the bill?"

At the same time, Qu Jianlei sat on the back seat of the motorcycle and asked loudly, "Did they not pay in advance?"

He didn't like credit himself, and he was pretty sure Bentley preferred to charge up front.

"The first order, you can settle for it," Bentley replied sullenly.

"It always takes a process to open the situation, and this order is not small... Don't worry, they dare not owe money!"

It's not "will not owe", but "dare not to owe", Qu Jianlei instantly thought of his previous guess.

He couldn't help gossiping, "Old Ben, you and that Shanna..."

"We have nothing to do with each other," replied Bentley calmly.

Then he couldn't help but spit out, "I didn't expect that a person like you can also chew the root of the tongue."

Qu Jianlei didn't mind what he said, because he felt that he was a little curious.

But if he can learn the tricks, it will be convenient for him to take over jobs by himself in the future, right?

"Then how do you judge that the other party dare not owe money?"


Chapter 116 Fame (Fourth)

The reason why Bentley was able to accept this job is also very simple, someone introduced it!

It's not a middleman or something, that kind of person is not qualified to be a matchmaker for the gold industry center.

The introducer is very face-saving. When he was down and down, Bentley passed by and helped him.

In the end, the person said that I must repay my favor if I become rich, just leave me a code word.

Bentley rescued people, but he just did it casually, and didn't point out that the other party could repay the favor.

But since he said something, he was also in a good mood, so he casually agreed on a code word.

Having said that, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"At first, I thought about finding a few people with strong means to talk about it. If I didn't expect this guy to admit it, it would be considered luck."

Qu Jianlei couldn't help but asked again, "Aren't you afraid of revealing your identity?"

"When I rescued him back then, I was wearing a mask," Bentley replied casually, "and it was agreed that I only recognize code words."

Qu Jianlei nodded upon hearing this, "It's really rare."

"It's so rare," Bentley said cursingly, "When I saved people, it was to improve the strength of soldiers."

That is, after being developed, I don't want to arouse the anger of a reformed soldier.

Jinye's first order went smoothly, and two days later, Bentley got another order.

This order is only inspected and not repaired, and the cost is not too high, only a mere three hundred silver dollars, but fortunately there is no need to come to the door.

The third list came a bit late, but it was a big one—a comprehensive test of the performance of the four mechs.

What is more depressing is that this time I have to come to the house for inspection.

However, Bentley explained, "No one will watch the inspection process. The key is that the four mechas are sent over. Do you want to be famous?"

After all, the outskirts of the city are not prosperous enough. It doesn't matter if there are one or two mechas occasionally, but four are really eye-catching.

It's not difficult to transport it secretly, but... what if someone sees it?

This test took Qu Jianlei two days.

In fact, at his speed, the test can be completed in one day, but that would be a bit shocking.

Secondly, the other party gave too much, the inspection fee of 400 silver dollars for each mecha... Is it appropriate to earn 1600 silver dollars a day?

For the sake of money, Qu Jianlei could only reluctantly run twice,

This job has just been completed, and two days later there is another job... It is the monitoring system!

After Qu Jianlei heard about it, he asked in astonishment, "Is there still surveillance here?"

"This is Houjing!" Bentley rolled his eyelids, "There are six major intersections entering the city, each intersection has a surveillance camera, are there many?"

This is really not much, Qu Jianlei is sure of this, "But all six monitors are broken?"

"Some people don't like it," Bentley spread his hands, "You know, there are many lawless people."

Wastelanders don't like being restrained, and that's normal.

In fact, Qu Jianlei didn't want to fix it either, and he himself couldn't see the light, "How long has it been broken?"

"I don't know," Bentley smiled awkwardly, "Anyway, let's just make money."

Qu Jianlei shook his head apprehensively, "Sorry, I'm not very interested in this."

"Two hundred carriage fare," Bentley spread his hands, he knew what the other party's weakness was, "it's nothing more than a trip."

Qu Jianlei was silent, and it took a while before he spoke.

"Well, I don't care about the transportation expenses. The main reason is that if we don't go, it's easy to make people suspect that our origins are unknown."

Bentley nodded expressionlessly, "Well, this concern is very reasonable."

Qu Jianlei looked at the old man suspiciously, and thought to himself, why do I listen to it, it feels like irony?

The next day, the two of them followed a middle floor of the settlement to check the six cameras.

All six cameras were broken, Qu Jianlei couldn't help complaining, "Can't you change the camera?"

"The number of cameras is limited," the middle-level manager named Franko replied helplessly, "I can't even buy one if I want to."

"Limited quantity?" Qu Jianlei was stunned, even in Blue Star, this thing is the price of cabbage.

But the next moment, he told himself that this is a wasteland, and everything that happens is normal.

"The main reason is that Taidu's interception is too strong," Franko complained helplessly, looking full of complaints.

"There are not many cameras that can be provided by 'above', and the cameras in Taidu are broken all day long..."

"They don't have enough of their own, so they misappropriate our Beijing' can there be any reason for this?"

"The camera was turned off all day?" Qu Jianlei was stunned again, "Then check the video to see who did it."

Franco's face became more and more woebegone, "The video system is more expensive, and it's useless...Some marksmen are very good."

Then he thought of something, and looked at Qu Jianlei in astonishment, "You have seen a video system, who is so rich?"

Qu Jianlei touched his forehead helplessly, and simply did not answer.

Seeing this, Bentley changed the topic in time, "Did you set up this surveillance system at your own expense?"

"The Taidu side will not be kind enough to help with the construction," Franko continued to complain.

"I have everything, and if the other four capitals want to do it, they will stop it... Don't focus on building yourself, you will only stumble!"

"So it's at my own expense," Qu Jianlei didn't know what to say.

After listening for a while, he already understood that the cultural environment and productivity level of Tianzi District are not suitable for installing surveillance.

It can only be said that face engineering kills people!

Bentley didn't want to chatter anymore, "Is there a backup camera now? If not, there is no way to detect it."

"There are only three left, and I took one out," Franko replied sullenly, "Don't mess it up."

Qu Jianlei took the camera and installed it within a few minutes, "Ask the monitoring room if you can see it."

Not long after, a message came from the monitoring room, "I can't see it, the line at the northwest intersection you are installing now is broken."

Qu Jianlei looked at Franko speechlessly, "The wire is broken, how do you ask me to check?"

Franco replied confidently, "Then trouble you to check and find out where the wire is broken, so we can fix it."

It is impossible to change the line, the distance is too far, and there is a cable for transmitting optical signals in the middle, which is even more expensive.

"Let me test where the line is broken?" Qu Jianlei was really annoyed, "Why don't you test it?"

"We've already tested it," came an exasperated shout from Franko's mobile platform, "It can't be found out!"

Bad inside the cable? Qu Jianlei became more and more angry, "I don't know this kind of fault, do I have to use a special circuit tester?"

"Do you still know the dedicated line tester?" Franko looked at him with more and more weird eyes.

Then he spread his hands, "I'm sorry, that kind of equipment is not only expensive, but it doesn't even have a wife...It's very difficult for them to rent it once."

It is not a question of whether it is expensive or not. He first emphasized that it is difficult.

"Then I can't help it," Qu Jianlei shook his head, "If there is no equipment, there is nothing I can do."

If there is an instrument, do we need to find you? Franko smiled wryly, "But they say you are very good at testing."

"No matter how good my test is, I still have to explain the principle," Qu Jianlei shook his head, "I can't do this job!"

Then he looked at Bentley, "That...refund the fare, let's go."

"Don't," Franko became anxious when he heard the words, "refund fee...what's the matter?"

Qu Jianlei looked at him suspiciously, thinking that there are such well-behaved wastelanders?

Then he came to his senses, Houjing people might not be reasonable about other things, but they will definitely be in this matter!

The reason is very simple, this is a face-saving project, Houjing people absolutely don't want to be ridiculed by Taidu or other Sanjing.

Wanting to understand this point, Qu Jianlei said straightforwardly, "Travel fare must be refunded, this is my rule!"

"If you don't retreat, don't expect me to help you detect anything in the future."

"One more thing is, I hope that when you invite me next time, you will first figure out whether your request is reasonable!"

He is really a bit resentful, it is obviously a matter of the cable detector, you let me manually detect it?

It doesn't matter if you do things a bit wrong, but it can't be so outrageous, right? "My time is precious, don't waste it!"

Seeing that he was getting angry, Bentley took out two silver bills and handed them to Franco, and turned to drive the three-wheeler.

They left, and Franko was stunned for a long time before shaking his head with a wry smile, "This is a big deal."

This is the first time that Qu Jianlei failed to complete the inspection task.

What's interesting is that instead of his reputation being damaged, he has gained more attention from people in the industry.

Because the test was not completed, he voluntarily refunded the transportation fee, and even scolded Franko.

You know, that is the powerful person in the engineering field of Houjing officials!

And Frank himself admitted that Master Jian Lei's temper is indeed a little bit, but his insight is really amazing!

This is an endorsement for Qu Jianlei from the side. There are really few maintenance engineers who can be highly recognized by Franko.

On the third day after this incident, someone approached Bentley, hoping to invite Master Jian Lei for a test.

The test this time is whether there are hidden dangers in the foundation of a construction site.

Bentley felt that if he introduced this job back, he would probably be ridiculed by Qu Jianlei again.

So he said, "Master Jian Lei may not be able to take this job, why don't I go with you to have a look."

"Master Jian Lei just needs to go, and the transportation fee is five hundred!" The opposite party directly quoted, "Absolutely do not ask for a refund."

"Do you need to ask for it?" Bentley replied angrily, "We also took the initiative to withdraw from Franko's place!"

The opposite party explained in a low voice, "We have asked many parties to check, and the foundation must be fine..."

"Now invite Master Jian Lei to join us, also to enhance persuasiveness."

Bentley is ninety years old and has been wandering for most of his life. What has he not seen?

He realized in an instant what the other party was asking for, so he asked, "Only for one trip?"

"That's right, just go there," the other person knew that he understood, "just show up, no need for his signature to prove it!"

(The 4th update arrives, the 4D update is on the tenth day, please ask for a monthly pass and subscription.)

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