Chapter 117 Fame and Fortune

Hearing this, Bentley's face changed slightly, "Why didn't I know that his reputation is so big?"

The other person replied, "The main reason is that someone recognizes him... I can't say who it is, but it's only five hundred silver dollars for a trip anyway."

Bentley thought about it, and said in a deep voice, "You said that you have checked in many ways, how many certificates can you come up with? I want to see it with my own eyes."

"Three copies," this man, who was also a wonderful person, actually took out three copies of the certificate.

Bentley was a little surprised. In his mind, this was most likely a conspiracy against Qu Jianlei.

I never thought that they really took out the testimonial, not to mention the autograph of the tester, and the fingerprint!

He watched it carefully for a while, and determined that the appraisal certificate was not a forgery, but only a statement.

"I'll tell Jian Lei. As for whether he wants to go or not, it's not up to me to decide."

After Qu Jianlei heard about it, he also felt a little weird, "Actually, it's just right for you to go."

The boss is half a maintenance engineer, and with electromagnetic properties, it is quite suitable to inspect the foundation.

"I also volunteered." Bentley was a little uninterested, "Unfortunately, there is no way, people only recognize you."

"Then you will go first, I will go there later, just show my head and leave," Qu Jianlei made a decision.

"Is it suitable?" Bentley said seriously, "I always wonder if there will be any traps."

"Let's have it," Qu Jianlei said expressionlessly, "There are really people plotting, and hiding is not the way."

To be honest, he was really annoyed. After a few days of this normal life, someone turned into a monster?

Only after living too many ups and downs can we realize how precious the peace at this moment is.

Hua Xiezi also snorted coldly, "Let's sit and eat, and someone will come to your door without opening your eyes, and that will just make up for the shortfall!"

Qu Jianlei has been taking on outside jobs recently, but he can barely cover the expenses.

This is really not an exaggeration. Bentley alone has to consume B-grade crystals to try to cultivate, and buy expensive wound medicine to heal his injuries.

Seeing that neither of them took it seriously, Bentley burst into a rage, "Alright then, it's settled, I'll explore the way first."

He went to buy medicine the next day, but was waited there again, and agreed to go for a test the next day.

On the day of the inspection, Bentley actually found a maintenance engineer on the construction site, who had signed the certificate of appraisal.

He stepped forward and asked, and it really happened.

And the repairman said it very frankly, this house invited so many people to appraise it, it was just a vanity!

Naturally, Bentley would not be so foolish as to believe his words, but used his own ability to test it quietly.

He couldn't detect all abnormalities, but the detection within his ability did not show any abnormalities.

that's enough! He took out the hand table and issued the designated code word.

Bentley arrived early in the morning, while Qu Jianlei arrived just before noon.

When the master saw this masked figure, he knew it was the "Master Jian Lei" who had arrived, and immediately stepped forward to greet him politely.

However, Qu Jianlei showed his arrogance—or in other words, he didn't understand the world, and he was indifferent to the enthusiasm of his master.

He doesn't even need to deliberately pretend, just act in his true colors.

His attitude even sparked dissatisfaction among some onlookers.

Someone spoke in a half-pitched voice, "Wear a mask on this you have no face to face people?"

Qu Jianlei pretended he didn't hear it. What he cared about was: Is there any potential danger?

Behind the host's enthusiasm, is there any trap?

The emotions of those passers-by A, B, and C really didn't interest him, and each of them had their own voices, so he couldn't pay attention to them.

And his ignoring attitude made the onlookers more and more dissatisfied-this is the greatest contempt.

Qu Jianlei walked around the construction site for less than ten minutes, and said hello to the owner, saying that there is no problem with you, and I am leaving

It's time for dinner, the master is really a little confused, I have to take care of your meal, right?

Qu Jianlei pretended not to hear, and left on his own.

"What the hell is this?" Someone couldn't help shouting, "Does he know who he's talking to?"

Bentley didn't speak—he didn't care about the words and deeds of the ants, he just wanted to see how the master would answer this question.

The master hurriedly waved his hands, "No, this is someone who dares to scold Frank..."

The one who cursed was stunned, "Is that... the one who refunded the fare?"

The refund of the fare was not spread from Qu Jianlei, but by Franko.

If you spread it out by yourself, it's called fun; if you let others spread it out, it's called scandal.

No matter what, Qu Jianlei and the three of them were ready to fight a battle, only to find out later... just made five hundred!

Three days later, someone found Bentley again, also wanting to test his fresh air system.

This system is really expensive to sell, and it is also expensive to use, but it can't stand it... There are really people buying it.

This boss runs a casino, and he runs a high-end casino. The house must not be filled with smog, and it must be like spring all year round.

The fresh air system of the casino is even more advanced than that of the gold industry center.

Hearing that the gold industry's system has detected a lot of problems, it is very accurate, and the key is cheap, this guy couldn't help but be moved.

"No problem," Bentley replied very simply, "The transportation fee is three hundred, and one breakdown is thirty."

This one was a little stunned, "Didn't you say... two hundred and twenty?"

"That's the time to gain fame," Bentley replied naturally, "It's not expensive now, and it will increase in the future."

This guy got a little angry when he heard it, "It's still going up? Then we might as well find someone from the manufacturer."

"Then go find it," Bentley replied nonchalantly, "it's a coincidence that Jian Lei came to Houjing..."

"Otherwise, if you want to ask him to test, you can't even find the door. You can't touch his level."

Not to mention, Bentley has a deep-rooted pride, and he really speaks with his own aura.

The casino guy was also well-informed, and he was instantly overwhelmed—he could tell whether the other party really had confidence.

So he said bluntly, "This matter involves money and is more sensitive. I can't make a decision, so I can only ask the boss for instructions."

"Then go," Bentley said without any intention of backing down.

Instead, he warned the other party, "The turn of winter and summer is a good time to test the system, and the requirements for heat exchange are the lowest."

"Houjing is not the only one that has a system. If you hesitate and won't be able to get in the queue, don't blame me for not reminding you."

That night, the news came from this person, saying that if the price is increased, the price will be increased. Can we do it tomorrow?

The one who runs the casino is acquainted with the owner of the gold industry center and has been friends for many years. It is very easy to inquire about the news.

The next day, when Qu Jianlei went to the casino for testing, he was seen by many gamblers again.

The gamblers are also very curious, how can a masked man be allowed to walk around in a casino of this level?

The casino's waiters, croupiers and the like have also been instructed - if someone asks, they will answer according to the standard answer.

The standard answer is: In order to provide better service to everyone, we spent a lot of money to hire someone to check the ventilation system.

This time, Qu Jianlei detected four faults and six hidden dangers.

Because the attitude of the other party was very enthusiastic, he made more detailed calculations after understanding the operation rules of the equipment.

In the end, he gave an approximate estimate of how long it would last for the six hidden parts.

The estimated time is not very accurate, and he can't guarantee it.

He just said that if he left it to himself, three hidden parts would be replaced immediately, and two parts would be tested again after half a year.

The remaining hidden danger should last another year without any problems.

Anyway, he just pointed out the problem and gave some suggestions by the way. As for whether the other party listens or not, it's none of his business.

During this test, he received 600 silver dollars, but he did not accept the other party's banquet as usual.

Business is business, if it is a human relationship, next time there is a small problem to help solve, do you want to charge?

Houjing is destined to be just a stop in his long life, so there is no need to spend too much time and energy on running it.

For his refusal, the people in the casino were really a little unhappy, thinking that this guy didn't know how to behave.

Then the news reached the casino boss.

The boss doesn't know much about "Master Jian Lei", but he knows that the old man named "Terry" has some energy.

Six hundred silver dollars is not a big deal, but the equipment used by the family is not guaranteed for a lifetime after a test.

So he just ordered, "Keep an eye on the Dianjin Industry Center and see how it works."

The Gold Industry Center has notified the maintenance personnel of the manufacturer in Taidu, saying that we will replace some parts.

The response of Taidu is very slow, and there is no concept of "customer first" at all-in this kind of weather, people can't die if they stop using it for a few days.

They just asked in disapproval: Why do you think... those parts are broken?

After more than ten days of delay, someone arrived with the spare parts, and the attitude was quite bad.

But seeing the faulty parts removed by Thomas, the visitor was speechless and had to replace them with new ones.

During the replacement process, the visitor was still a little unconvinced, so he inquired: How did you detect the fault?

Of course, experts are invited! Thomas didn't want to cover up for Master Jian Lei, but he didn't name anyone.

However, the maintenance personnel of the manufacturer immediately got serious: who was invited?

Can our equipment be touched by anyone?

Don't think that people from Taidu don't care about the gold industry center, it's because this is an exclusive sale, and they don't worry that someone will pry it away.

If there is someone robbing the deal, the nature will be different.

It is the thinking of "the big customers bully the store, and the big shop bullies the customers": we can not serve well, and you must never find outsiders again!

Thomas didn't think he was in trouble, but he didn't answer the other party's question, only that it was arranged by the superior.

The people from the manufacturer refused to agree, and after inquiring about it, they went straight to Shana: How can you let outsiders touch our things?

After all, Shana is a manager, and she is not used to each other's faults: You are too busy, so I hired someone else.

Don't show off that you are from the top. With such a big stall in Jinye, do you think there is no one on top?

(The first update, Congratulations to Mengzhu "Purple Flame and Blue Sky") —————

Chapter 118 Angry from Embarrassment

After all, the maintenance personnel from Taidu did not bother.

The people in the central city overlook the seven settlements below, but it doesn't mean that any ordinary person can act recklessly in the settlements.

It took five days for maintenance personnel to deal with all faults and most hidden dangers.

After dealing with it, what he felt was not only doubts, but also some fear.

Isn't this foreign expert really awesome? Not only can so many faults be found, but also so many hidden dangers can be found?

He was a little unconvinced, and discussed with Thomas: I will help you test it.

Thomas asked the above for instructions and gave the answer: the test is OK, and we don't care about all the costs.

And from the beginning to the end, I want to accompany you - this is because the people in Jinye are afraid that the other party will secretly play tricks.

The maintenance personnel didn't bother to talk about the cost at all. It took three days to check it from beginning to end.

He didn't find a new point of failure. As for hidden dangers? He really doesn't have the ability to detect.

After the people from the casino heard the news, they also came over and said that we also need to replace parts...

Qu Jianlei didn't know about this, but Shanna contacted Bentley again, saying that the people from the manufacturer were asking about you.

Bentley also had a bad temper, saying that the test was approved by your gold industry, and he also paid for the test.

As for the manufacturer... what does that have to do with us? We are not interested in contacting them either!

Your gold industry center has already saved money and gained benefits, but now you want to launch it to us to fight against Taiwan, what else do you want?

During this time, Qu Jianlei received another order to test the mecha.

The two inspections on the mechs turned out to be very good, and the news reached the Houjing garrison team.

The captain of the defense team was newly promoted, and he felt that he should have the final say on some things.

But he is not reckless in his actions. First, he arranged for someone to find out how the results of the first two mecha tests were.

Then he found Franko and wanted to know what he thought of the guy named Jane Lei.

Franco's evaluation was quite satisfactory, saying that he must have seen the world, but he did not have an advantage in cable detection.

As for the ability of mech detection, I'm sorry, that's beyond my cognition.

But I can say responsibly, as long as that guy dares to do the next job, it shouldn't be too bad.

So the garrison captain sent someone to look for Bentley, wanting to discuss this big business.

Bentley also has a fixed point of contact in the city. After receiving the news, he went back to discuss with Qu Jianlei.

The defense team has a lot of mechas, 30 of them are in use, and there are spare ones in the warehouse.

If this order can be accepted, the whole situation in Houjing will be opened.

But Qu Jianlei was a little embarrassed, "Boss, it's fine to come to the door, but we need to test two to see their strength?"

"That's the rule." Bentley was also a little embarrassed, "Test first, pay later...someone has to watch."

"Besides, this guy has just recovered, and it's the first time he's robbing his predecessor's business. It's normal to be careful."

Qu Jianlei thought for a while and replied, "I really don't want to accept orders involving the military...can I not accept them?"

In any country of Blue Star, those who can do military business are all hands and eyes.

In the wasteland, it can only go too far, here it pays more attention to force than Blue Star.

Hearing this, Bentley was somewhat hesitant. This order is completed, and the future is really smooth.

But in the end he still nodded, "It's true to be careful, but my work has become heavier."

Qu Jianlei rolled his eyes, "Then you accept the order as a reformed soldier, the business must be full."

Bentley gave him a white look, "You're earning a lot of money just by going out, which is faster than robbery, so why should I take on any missions?"

Qu Jianlei smiled, "You'd better ask, whoever has accumulated more crystals, we can grab one..."

"You can have this," Hua Scorpion became energetic when he heard it.

"Otherwise the boss not only has to make money, but also calculates and cultivates, which is really too hard."

"Didn't I think about it?" Bentley couldn't help retorting, "I'm more concerned than you two..."

"It's just that... when I was the craziest back then, I only did it twice, and I was seriously injured the second time."

After talking about the robbery, Bentley turned him down the next day.

"Master Jian Lei has a distinguished status, and he transfers difficult business, not to mention the high price, and it is impossible to accept payment after doing the work first."

This was originally a statement of self-esteem, but when the captain of the defense heard about it, he was so angry that he cursed.

"Fart's status is noble! That guy's charges at the gold industry center...does he have the face to say that the price is high?"

That night, Bentley was trying a new cultivation method when someone called from his mobile station.

Not the mobile station of the three-person small team channel, but another mobile station-he developed informants in the city.

Qu Jianlei and Hua Xiezi heard each other's call, and Qu Jianlei responded with a different voice.

"My brother is busy with important matters. If there is nothing important, please contact me later."

The other person asked when Bentley would be able to finish his work, and when he learned that the time was uncertain, he simply said.

"Starr got angry and said that Jian Lei didn't know how to compliment him, and he has already arranged for someone to check his qualifications as a maintenance technician."

Starr is the new captain of the defense, Qu Jianlei asked in surprise, "What do you mean by ignorance?"

"Anyway, I must be looking for something," the other person replied quickly, "Remember to pay for the information."

Qu Jianlei called the other party again, wanting to understand more clearly, but the call failed.

This is not surprising, the captain of the garrison is a real powerful figure, especially a great deterrent to the underground forces.

It is very rare for the other party to spread the news.

Bentley ended his practice two hours later, looking very excited.

"I feel more and more. The ability of both hands to resist electric shocks is increasing, but the conduction is still a bit stagnant."

"I think the next step of improvement should be... Hey, what expression do you two have?"

"It's okay, you go first," Qu Jianlei raised his chin with a smile, "I have encountered a small problem, but it's not in a hurry."

"Then I'll say it first, while I have inspiration," Bentley really didn't take small things to heart.

He talked on and on for about five minutes, "...Anyway, the injury was very light this time, and it's also a result of training."

Now that he has mastered the speed of cultivation, he is not as reckless as he was at the beginning. Although injuries are still inevitable, they are basically controllable.

However, the expense of buying medicines is still uncontrollable. After all, he has to strive to try every practice in the best condition.

After he finished speaking, it was Qu Jianlei's turn to tell him what happened just now.

After listening, he nodded lightly, "It's really a trivial matter, well, I get it."

"Can you handle it well?" Hua Xiezi cautiously expressed doubts, "That's the captain of the defense, there are dozens of mechas."

"What is he..." Bentley snorted disapprovingly.

But seeing the suspicious eyes of the two, the corner of his mouth twitched, "I've said it all, I know a lot of big people here."

Although he was wanted at the beginning, he is a native of Central City after all, and he is very familiar with it.

When he found out that his whole family was dead, he acted very recklessly, and once made trouble in the underworld.

So he never thinks he is a good person, he just wants to have a "clear conscience".

Most of those important people met at this time. He has a lot of business, the main business of which is smuggling.

Bentley is looking for suitable sources for some big names. Although the asking price is high, the work is reliable and the evaluation is not bad.

Later he left, and when he came back, he found that some of his smuggling partners had gone ashore in vain and became big shots.

Anyway, those people know that he is difficult to mess with, so it's no big deal, if they say they can help, they will help.

Qu Jianlei and Hua Xiezi looked at each other, "But the captain of the he someone with real power?"

"What the hell is he?" Bentley snorted disapprovingly, "I told you, it's a trivial matter."

After he finished speaking, he went to wash and go to sleep, Hua Xiezi couldn't help but sigh.

"This old man really has a bit of confidence... This time, his teammates are pretty reliable."

"You don't have to envy him." Qu Jianlei knew her heart knot, smiled slightly, "You will not be worse than him in the future."

This is considered a promise, and Hua Xiezi also knew his temper, and replied with a smile, "Then I will wait for your good news."

Bentley was really not bragging. The next morning, Starr withdrew the order to investigate the qualifications of Jian Lei's maintenance technician.

The reason is also very simple, "Forget it, I only care about order and security. Whether he is a maintenance engineer or not is none of my business?"

The person in charge below didn't dare to say anything more, "Then do you want to ask him to test the mecha?"

Starr murmured.

According to his temper, he didn't want to contact this person anymore, but the person who greeted him was a big shot in another field.

With different fields, there is no fundamental conflict of interest, and the captain of the defense is not omnipotent, so there are still places to ask for help.

Starr has just become the captain of the defense, and he needs to establish his own contacts and relationships, and that person is exactly what he couldn't get in touch with in the past.

So after pondering for a while, he still said, "Keep in touch for a while, and see what the other party wants..."

To maintain contact means to advance, attack, retreat, or defend. The detection time can be pushed back. In principle, it will not be given to the original company.

If you really can't agree with Jian Lei, then stop the contact, and that big man can't say that he is not sincere.

The person in charge of the matter understood, and continued to contact Bentley...

Jinye's fresh air system was repaired, and the maintenance personnel went to the casino for repairs.

At this time, other fresh air system users also heard that Houjing has a strong man with low fees and good services.

Some people learned from others, and someone found Bentley through relevant people: My family's system, please help me to test it?

After all, this is the most suitable season of the year for maintenance.

On this day, Qu Jianlei went to a company mainly engaged in commerce to help test the fresh air system.

Before the inspection started, more than a dozen people barged in from outside the door, "Who is Jian Lei? Do you have a maintenance certificate?"

(Second watch, He Meng is in charge of Haihe.)

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