Chapter 119 Still have to do it (third update)

This company, which is mainly engaged in commerce, is engaged in bulk business, with amazing profits, but not many people.

To put it bluntly, they have the ability to coordinate and allocate resources, but the hard work is not their responsibility.

Such a company does not show its mountains and waters, but the means it can really use are definitely beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

The company is not big, the decoration is very luxurious, and it is normal to have a fresh air system - after all, this can show its strength in a low-key manner.

In fact, Qu Jianlei didn't really want to take this order, it was too small, and he was too embarrassed to ask for extra money.

But Bentley suggested that he continue, because the company has a strong potential and has a good relationship with him.

Qu Jianlei followed the advice, he was not that stubborn on most things, unless it was within the scope of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

He even thought about it: Am I a little bit drifting, and I don't even care about small money?

But the result of reflection is... I didn't drift away, the money is indeed a bit short!

In any case, he believed in Bentley as a partner, and he could take a trip without making money.

However, he really didn't expect that someone would rush in.

The man who was in charge of connecting with him was a man named "Little One", who was only about 1.5 meters tall and looked very smart.

Seeing someone rushing in, Xiao Budian raised his chin slightly, and two well-dressed men greeted him.

It looks good, but both of them have laser pistols on their waists.

One of them said in a deep voice, "Everyone, if you have something to say, let's talk about it and keep quiet, okay?"

The big business is different, the guards all look polite.

But the next moment, this person showed a certificate, "I have unlimited fire rights, everyone, please respect each other."

Unlimited fire rights... The dozen or so people who came in finally calmed down and looked at a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was taken aback for a moment, and also took out a certificate.

"Hello, I'm Xue Mantian, a B-level maintenance engineer from Tiangong Maintenance Factory. I'm here to investigate something."

"Tiangong Repair Factory?" The guard was stunned for a moment, then looked at Xiao Budian, and pursed his lips—my responsibility was completed.

Tiangong Maintenance Factory is quite well-known in Houjing, and there are A-level maintenance engineers in charge.

The little one frowned, "Your certificate...what do you want to investigate?"

"Investigate a...a maintenance engineer named Jian Lei," Xue Mantian hesitated, but in the end he was not too tough.

He didn't know the details of this company, but a guard with a certificate of unlimited fire rights was absolutely extraordinary.

All the guards watching the scene can shoot, but even if they are justified to fight back, they still have to accept relevant investigations.

Unlimited fire rights are different. After showing the certificate, you can fire on your own initiative. If you fight back, you don't have to accept the investigation.

So he restrained himself for a while, then looked at Qu Jianlei who was wearing a mask, "You may have a problem with your maintenance qualifications."

Qu Jianlei drooped his eyelids and didn't answer... Originally, he came a little bit reluctantly.

Bentley didn't speak, but stared at the little one.

Xiao Budian originally thought that Jian Lei should be allowed to defend himself, but the other party actually counted on him?

But he is not afraid of getting into trouble, and said with a smile, "Your it qualified to check the qualifications of maintenance engineers?"

Xue Mantian replied seriously, "Master Celta of Tiangong is the vice president of the Repairers Guild..."

"He has the qualifications of a repairer, and he is also obliged to maintain the reputation of the industry. I am entrusted by Master Celta."

Celta is the only A-level maintenance engineer in Tiangong maintenance factory.

"Entrust..." Xiao Budian glanced at Bentley, thought about it, and asked, "Do you have any authorization documents?"

I have to admit that the Tianzi District is really more regulated than other gathering areas, and it even pays attention to authorization documents.

But Xue Mantian's answer is very characteristic of the wasteland, "No one dares to pretend to be Master Celta."

This is a bit unreasonable. Seeing that Bentley didn't respond, the little boy asked again, "What's the matter with these people you follow?"

Xue Mantian replied sternly, "They are all certified maintenance engineers, and they cannot tolerate people being cheated and abducted to harm the interests of the industry."

The little one glanced at Bentley again, and took half a step back——I have already done what I should do.

He is not a person who is afraid of trouble, and the company is even less afraid of trouble, but he will only do what he should do.

Seeing this, Bentley shook his head helplessly, and then said in a deep voice, "Because of the defense team?"

"It has nothing to do with that," Xue Mantian replied without hesitation, "I just don't want people to pretend to be a repairman to cheat."

"Sure enough, it's still related," Bentley sighed, then raised his leg and kicked him, sending him flying.

There were a lot of people standing behind Xue Mantian, and suddenly they were turned on their backs, and several people turned into gourds.

The two well-dressed guards quickly put their hands on the handles of the guns, and did not make any other movements, just watching with cold eyes.

The two of them knew very well that this person was invited by their own family, and there was no need to stop him if he went a little too far--after all, there are differences between inside and outside.

"What the hell are you, you dare to investigate us?" Bentley sneered, and then looked at the little one.

"Are you really going to let them run wild here?"

Xiao Budian was taken aback for a moment, before answering aloud, "This is a matter of the maintenance industry, and I have no right to intervene."

"Alright then," Bentley nodded expressionlessly, and then looked at the maintenance technicians on the opposite side.

Xue Mantian and the others had already got up, their faces flushed red, and they were really angry.

But two guards stood aside, their hands still pressed on the handles of their guns, watching them eagerly.

Xue Mantian rubbed his belly with one hand, pointed at Bentley with the other, and spoke through gritted teeth.

"How dare you do anything to me? If you have the ability, you should never walk out of here!"

"It's disgusting!" Bentley's body flashed surprisingly quickly, "How dare you point at me?"

The next moment, Xue Mantian's painful cry sounded, the kind that pierced the heart.

Everyone took a closer look, only to find that his hands had become like chicken feet, out of shape.

"I'll fight with you!" Two maintenance engineers rushed over, and they should also be from Tiangong.

Bentley put his hands behind his back, completely ignoring these two.

But Qu Jianlei knew what he meant, and with a flash of his body, his feet flew up, kicking the two of them out of the gate.

The eyes of the two guards narrowed slightly, and then exchanged glances: something bad happened!

Bentley turned to look at the little one, and said with a blank expression, "This is your family's territory, we haven't seen blood..."

"We are willing to respect your family, but since your family is unwilling to come forward, let's forget about this business."

Then he looked at Xue Mantian who couldn't help howling, smiled coldly, and took out a certificate and shook it.

"Unlimited firepower...I have it too, why don't I wait here for you to call for someone?"

Xue Mantian's face was pale with pain, and he couldn't help sucking in air-conditioning, " wait if you have the ability."

"The two gentlemen," a guard said aloud, "you two have already started, you should leave as soon as possible."

Bentley shook his head, glanced at Qu Jianlei, "Let's go."

The two walked away like that, and the little boy looked at the guard, "What do you mean?"

The guard gave a thumbs up and pointed to the sky. The meaning of the gesture is not difficult to understand.

The little boy's expression changed immediately, "Which one is?"

"Both of them," another guard said, and his face was not very good-looking. "Didn't you notice that they both moved very quickly?"

Hearing this, Xiao Budian gasped, "Both of them?"

What the other party said meant that "all came from above", but what he asked was—are they all reformed fighters?

The guard sighed softly, nodded first, then shook his head, but did not speak again.

What else can I say? Saying "Your decision today was wrong"?

The little one's face turned paler and paler, "You two clear them out, and I'll report."

The three of them were playing charades, but with so many maintenance technicians present, how many of them didn't have enough brains?

"It's broken, I met a reformed soldier," an older maintenance engineer said, "Let's go quickly."

"Is this sick?" Another person couldn't help complaining, "Reform soldiers to become maintenance engineers... are you so secretive?"

"So what about the reformed fighters?" A maintenance engineer said, "It seems like someone doesn't know a few reformed fighters."

Who is this, with such a hard head? Everyone couldn't help looking sideways.

Then they discovered that this person was supporting Xue Mantian... It turned out that he was from Tiangong, so it would be fine.

The one who recognized the reformed warrior sighed, "The key is... both are reformed warriors, that old man is so old!"

To be honest, he really regretted coming here today, originally he just wanted to wave the flag and shout for favors.

Never thought that the other party was such a vigorous existence!

After saying this, everyone fell silent. There were only two people on the other side, but they were all reformed fighters. What if there was a third person?

Seeing this, a guard couldn't help but sneered, "I hope it's just to reform soldiers."

He deeply hated the other party for coming in to make trouble, and it was perfectly normal to say a few sarcastic remarks.

Even in Houjing, the ultimate fighter is a taboo topic, but other repairers have already thought of it.

"I have something to do, let's go first," the one who recognized the reformed soldier turned and left, "Don't bother me with this matter, I can't afford it."

The other maintenance engineer cupped his hands, turned around and left without even saying a word—he had already restrained himself by not swearing.

"I'm rough..." Someone really cursed, "You Tiangong family has a big career, why drag us little people into the water?"

Qu Jianlei and Bentley came out and drove away in a three-wheeler.

Bentley's face was ugly, and he cursed after riding for a while, "This guy Stahl...can you do it?"

"What's none of his business?" Qu Jianlei's expression was hidden behind the mask, but his voice was very calm.

"Relying on mountains and mountains will fall, relying on everyone will run away, there is no point in relying on others, people, you have to rely on yourself."

Bentley felt his face flustered, "Leave this matter to me."

"Let the bullets fly for a while," Qu Jianlei said flatly, "Are you's not Starr who is using you?"


Chapter 120 Then Come (Fourth)

Hearing Qu Jianlei's question, Bentley was stunned for seven or eight seconds before speaking.

"I'm just wondering, you're not very old, where did you get so many twists and turns?"

Qu Jianlei didn't answer his question, "So this time, there's no need to follow the rules."

Bentley hesitated to speak, "But this peaceful life is really rare, don't you think so?"

He is not afraid of making wind and rain, but now that his cultivation methods have gradually taken shape, he is a little worried about gains and losses.

"Peace is of course rare," Qu Jianlei said lightly, "but you can't indulge in the comfort zone, it will make people useless."

"That's true," Bentley nodded, and then asked aloud, "What do you think we should do?"

"I'll listen to you," Qu Jianlei replied without hesitation, "I'm just offering know the Tianzi District best."

Bentley's eyes flashed fiercely, "Then get rid of that old Celta, and see what they are proud of."

Qu Jianlei was a little speechless, you half-assed repairman, you are really not competent at all.

He coughed lightly, "Old Ben, do you know what an A-level maintenance engineer means?"

"It's not the A-level of Central City," Bentley said hesitantly, "it's not the A-level ultimate fighter."

But after driving the motorcycle for a while, he still said seriously, "I will plan carefully..."

At the same time, Xiao BuDian was standing in a room, shaking all over.

Sitting opposite him was an obese man, weighing 260 to 70 catties, with a cigarette dangling from his mouth.

His demeanor was rather dignified, and his manner somewhat genial, though his voice was a little shrill.

"Little boy, I'll tell you the matter, is that how you do things?"

The little one didn't dare to speak at all, just stood there trembling.

"Speak," the fat man said leisurely, "otherwise, I will think you are silently protesting."

"Report to the second young master," the little one was about to cry, "I received him in a respectful manner, and I didn't dare to be negligent."

The obese man took a deep breath of the cigarette and let it out slowly.

"Oh, let the people of Tiangong run wild on our land... Do you call this negligence?"

"Second son, Tiangong is very close to the military," Xiao Budian carefully explained, "And, I have asked all the necessary questions."

The Second Young Master snorted softly, "According to this, you did nothing wrong... I shouldn't blame you?"

The little boy trembled even more, "Second Young Master, you have always taught me that I am cautious, and I can't show it off at will, right?"

The second son snorted again, but did not answer.

Xiao BuDianXian said, "I'm worried, if the other party wants to use us to resist's not good."

"We are not afraid of Tiangong, but if it is calculated by others and spread in the future, it will inevitably be ridiculed by others."

The second young master was silent when he heard the words, and only sighed softly after a long time.

"Well, it makes sense to answer the old man with this argument... He taught me to be cautious."

The little boy was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately knelt down, "Thank you, Second Young Master, for listening to the villain's explanation, and thank you for your mercy."

"Get up, I'm not easy to kill," the second young master said leisurely.

No wonder! Xiao BuDian knew very well that the other party really killed people without blinking an eye, and he liked to kill people with his own hands.

As a wastelander, he was taught by the big boss to obey the rules since he was a child, so it's strange that he doesn't have any rebellious mentality.

But how? Second Young Master is usually very reasonable, the premise is not to offend him.

Moreover, he is quite generous to the people below, so many people follow him.

Xiao BuDian stood up, and still said, "Thank you, Second Young Master, for saving my life."

"The problem is that it's useless if I kill you," the second young master sighed, finally showing distress.

"The old man said casually, don't neglect this person... How could I have imagined that they were actually two reformed soldiers?"

"If I knew they were reformed fighters, I would have personally received them, don't you think?"

Xiao BuDian trembled again when he heard it, "Second Young Master, how about I go kneel and beg them to come back?"

The second son snorted again, "Oh, do you think it's okay to do this? Are you afraid of hurting your face?"

"The villain's face doesn't matter," Xiao BuDian replied bluntly, "but... what about the company's face?"

"It's still true," the second young master sighed again, "so... let's talk about this matter after I see the old man."

Xiao BuDianXian said again, "Second Young Master, why don't you fire me first, and then I'll kneel down and beg, so as not to hurt the company's face."

"Huh?" The Second Young Master snorted again, "Did I show you face... I'll let you wait!"

"Obey!" Xiao BuDian replied respectfully, and let out a sigh of relief: I finally got through this test!

In fact, this incident reached the ears of the relevant people in a very short period of time.

The person in charge of Tiangong said, "So what about transforming fighters? If you steal our business of maintaining mechas, you will never die!"

Starr was a little relieved, "No wonder you're so arrogant... But this Tiangong is too domineering, right?"

Shana was stunned, "Oh my God, no wonder that person has to fawn on you. If I knew this, I should be more enthusiastic."

Qu Jianlei and the others acted indifferent, not caring about the lost order at all.

But this is loose on the outside and tight on the inside, and Bentley has already begun to inquire about Tiangong's news.

And it is impossible for Tiangong Repair Factory not to notice that no matter how strong Bentley is, he is an outsider after all, and Tiangong is a real local snake.

But Tiangong did not make a targeted counterattack, but only expressed disdain on individual occasions:

Tiangong is not afraid of any competition, whether it is positive or negative!

According to normal analysis, such a statement proves that Tiangong will not take the initiative to attack again, and they will wait for the opponent to attack first.

Everyone understands the principle of striking first, but when it comes to this matter, it is not appropriate to use this logic.

Tiangong Repair Factory is very large, not just one factory, there are at least four branch factories in Houjing.

It's not that they have chain awareness, mainly because maintenance belongs to the service industry, and geographical advantage is very important.

No matter how famous you are, if the distance is too far, customers may not come to you specifically. It is necessary to bloom more.

In fact, Tiangong has a branch factory in Taidu, but it is mainly used to purchase materials, a bit like a liaison office.

This is going too far, Xue Mantian and Celta are both from the main factory, and the main factory has more than two hundred people.

It is really difficult for the two transformation fighters to attack the main factory, and it is difficult to defeat them in the short term.

Even if it can be defeated, Houjing has rules, and even has the idea of ​​​​replacing Taidu. More than 200 casualties will definitely break the sky.

If the branch factory is attacked first, the main factory will get the news, and there will be a thunderous counterattack.

In addition, there is another fact that must be recognized, that is: no one knows where Jane Lei lives.

Those who are interested can squat down to Terry, but if they want to find Jian Lei, they can only go to the testing site to block people.

After all, Bentley's anti-stalking ability is too strong, he will always appear in front of people suddenly, and then disappear without a trace.

In this case, Tiangong wanted to strike first, but couldn't find the target.

Moreover, they have already offended the other party, and they don't know how many reformed fighters the other party has, so how could they take the initiative to provoke again?

But Qu Jianlei's performance was even more unexpected: they acted as if this had never happened.

Bentley still appeared in the city from time to time, looking for some maintenance and testing jobs.

Some people thought that after that incident, Master Jian Lei's reputation would be tarnished—after all, he couldn't even get his qualification certificate.

But things are really so weird, many people in the industry think: This just shows Jian Lei's strength!

Needless to say, why did Tiangong target this little-known repairman?

In the end, it was Jian Lei who was about to accept the order from the military, and it was Tiangong's cheese that was touched!

As for the fact that Jian Lei doesn't have a repairman qualification certificate, what a joke, he is a reformed soldier!

There may be repairers pretending to be modified fighters, but there will never be modified fighters pretending to be repairers-it's really impossible.

Jian Lei didn't show his maintenance engineer qualification certificate, so this reaction was normal.

A mere B-level maintenance engineer does not have formal inspection qualifications, so why should he show you?

Even if Jian Lei really doesn't have a maintenance certificate, everyone won't care much... It's enough for someone to have maintenance skills!

Do you have to care about the qualification certificate for a dignified transformation fighter?

So, another company immediately invited Jian Lei to test the fresh air system—now is really the most suitable season.

Qu Jianlei really came to the door, took more than half a day to complete the inspection, and then took the money and left.

On the way back, the two found more than one stalker, and they couldn't get rid of them by running around in the streets and alleys.

The two of them simply gave up and drove directly to a landfill on the outskirts of the city.

It is true that rents are very expensive in many places on the outskirts of the city, but there are also such desolate places where human bodies are often found.

When they arrived at the junkyard, the two stopped the car directly, and Bentley picked up a Gauss gun.

Qu Jianlei was staring at the garbage dump in a daze - he really felt as if he had passed away.

Seeing this scene, how could the follower dare to chase after him? It is obvious that people are going to do it!

With a quick mind, he turned around and left.

There are also those who are persistent, stop the car and come to the side of the road, and do whatever they want to cover up.

There are also people who want to pretend to pass by-this is a particularly fat person.

However, such behavior is nothing more than a provocation to the reformed fighters.

There is such a guy, he really does not believe in evil, and pretends to pass by on a motorcycle.

Bentley raised his hand and shot, directly knocking off the rear wheel of the opponent, and then carried it over like a chicken,

He didn't care what the other party was yelling at all, he took out a tube of injection and spoke expressionlessly.

"Have you heard of 'True Memory'? Are you going to be honest, or wait until after I get the injection?"

(It's the fourth update, the eleventh day of the 4D update, please ask for a monthly pass and subscription.)

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