Recruit black physique to start practice in the wasteland

Chapter 99 Chapter 123 Drone-124 Marksmanship stinks

Chapter 123 Drones (3rd update)

"It's me," Bentley replied sullenly, "I'm from Tiangong, right?"

"If you don't bring an industrial robot, don't get close, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

It was obvious that the sword was on the verge of breaking out, but both sides were still calm.

Someone among the four murmured in a low voice, "It's fine to charge directly, there are only two reformed fighters."

No one paid attention to him—it was not yet confirmed whether that Jian Lei was in the small courtyard, so he directly there something wrong?

It was the person with the loudspeaker who spoke again, "We still have some details to finalize regarding the maintenance inspection."

Among other things, they at least surrounded this guy named Terry, and further temptations were inevitable.

"It's been agreed a long time ago, I won't accept any changes," Bentley's voice came, "If you can't afford it, get out!"

"Mr. Terry, we are very sincere," the man took a step forward intentionally or unintentionally, "mainly..."

There was a "bang" gunshot, and a bullet hit him seven or eight meters in front of him, splashing mud everywhere.

"Last warning, one more step forward...Kill Unforgiven!"

Those four exchanged glances, and finally turned and left—forcibly breaking into a private place, and there was no place to complain for being killed.

Qu Jianlei was paying attention the whole time, and snorted softly when he saw this, "There are advances and retreats, it seems that the opponent is holding back his strength and going to fight."

"Keep one punch away, so as not to avoid a hundred punches," Bentley said flexibly, "they will have other methods."

What he said was right. In the afternoon, Tiangong actually found the landlord who rented out the yard.

Then I don't know what method they used, the landlord wanted to bring people into the courtyard.

Bentley flatly refused, "You have already collected the rent, and the right to use it belongs to me now, don't make trouble for nothing!"

Wasteland has clear regulations on the ownership of houses, but the right to use is very vague.

This is not a place with a perfect legal system, and most of the time what people talk about is not the law.

The landlord was furious when he heard the words, "This is my house, so will it be okay if I don't rent it now?"

"It's up to you?" Bentley sneered.

He didn't talk about breaking the contract with the other party - this kind of trick doesn't work well in the wasteland, "Think about it with your stupid brain..."

"How many people are there on the opposite side, can't you see? They don't dare to enter by force, who gave you the courage to break the contract with me, eh?"

The landlord's face turned pale when he heard the words. Since both parties are not easy to provoke, why did he let himself get into it?

Thinking of the instructions he received just now, he coughed lightly, "My lord, I have no intention of being your enemy."

"But since you admit that the house is mine, it is always all right for me to see what has changed in it?"

Bentley pondered for a moment and asked, "Are you going to see it alone?"

The landlord was shocked when he heard the words, and nodded bluntly, "Yes, I'm the only one."

As long as you go in and observe carefully, and describe the whole process after you come out, you can get a lot of money.

Who is Bentley? The eyes are not usually vicious, "In our agreement, there is no such thing as a half-way inspection."

"But it's not impossible to check, right?" The landlord bit the bullet and asked, "I promise to only check..."

"Yes," Bentley replied lazily, and then chuckled again.

"However, I have no obligation to guarantee your safety. You can come in... Whether you can go out depends on your luck."

After finishing speaking, he turned off the tweeter and spread his hands towards Qu Jianlei beside him.

"To be honest, I'm really not used to talking like this... How about doing it directly?"

Qu Jianlei laughed, "Amassing anger can hold back big moves...give them the illusion of 'reasonable', isn't it good?"

Bentley shook his head disapprovingly, and then smiled suddenly, "You bastard, there are so many bad things."

Qu Jianlei pouted silently... In fact, I just wanted to take the moral high ground.

In the wasteland, morality is basically useless, but he doesn't want to give up life in Houjing for the time being.

So it's not a bad thing to be more particular about things.

The landlord was frightened again. After thinking about it, he finally decided not to make the money.

The people from Tiangong wanted to force him, but the landlord insisted very firmly.

"The house has been rented out. I don't want to get involved in anything. You have no right to order me."

The Tiangong people are a bit disappointed, but they are businessmen after all, not bandits who kill without batting an eyelid.

"So, can you sell your house to us?"

"Sell the land and sell it together," the landlord did not refuse the other party.

On the contrary, he felt that this was a good opportunity, "Buy it now, five thousand silver dollars."

"You might as well go grab it," the person in charge of communication was angry, "This small courtyard can't even reach this piece of land, and it can't reach two thousand."

The landlord said without hesitation, "But now you need it, so it's worth the money."

The communicator wanted to slap her across the face, but finally gritted her teeth, "I can only give you three thousand."

"Dream!" The landlord shook his head, and replied bluntly, "If you kill me, forget it."

How long has he not encountered such a good thing, how could he miss it?

The people from Tiangong thought about it, and reminded him with a dark face, "Think clearly... your small courtyard may be destroyed in battle."

This landlord is really weird, "Then it's right for me to find you... My tenant can't do this."

But there is no problem with the logic of this statement—if someone wants to destroy my yard, why rent it out?

The point is that the landlord already knows the identities of these least they are members of a certain team.

The people of Tiangong are completely out of control. There is really no good way to deal with this kind of shameless little person.

In the business field, they don't mind destroying the bodies of their competitors, but's really not worth it.

In the end, they could only ignore this guy.

The landlord didn't ask to sell it to the other party either. In his mind, the tenant rented for half a month, and now it's only been six days.

He has a lot of time to wait for the other party to come to buy a house. At worst, he will consider reducing the price in the last few days.

What's interesting is that the people from Tiangong didn't tell him that they only had three days to respond.

Watching the landlord leave proudly, a group of people look at me and I look at you.

At the end, a middle-level employee of Tiangong sighed, "It seems... that's the only way to go."

When it was getting dark, a buzzing sound came from a distance.

"Hehe," Bentley couldn't help laughing, "It's been so many years, and it's not rare at all to still use this trick."

Qu Jianlei thought for a while, and then asked out loud, "Is this... a drone?"

"That's right," Bentley nodded with a strange expression, "Do you think their brains are flooded?"

Qu Jianlei also had a strange expression on his face, "How much does this look down on me as a repairman?"

"Okay, I guess it's time to scout the number of people," Bentley smiled and shook his head, "I'll hide it first."

Thermal imagers are indeed more effective at night, but only if...the opponent is not well prepared.

Bentley walked into an upright box, held the door with his backhand, and observed the situation through a hole the size of a bowl.

The holes are double glazed, so you don't have to worry about how much heat escapes.

Qu Jianlei was not in a hurry, he turned on the searchlight and scanned left and right.

"Searchlight..." Among the people ambushing outside, someone was a little ready to move, "Do you want to destroy it?"

"No," a voice resolutely objected, "Once we take the initiative to make a move, the other party will just take the opportunity to terminate the agreement."

Co-authoring them is not because of their high moral standards, it is purely because they don't want to give others a handle.

Another voice said, "Anyway, from what happened during the day, it can be seen that the other party's just that."

In Tianzi District, drones are very expensive, and the drones they use are not very big - only the size of a human head.

It is currently dark night, and the drone is still flying in the sky. Who can have such superb marksmanship?

The drone flew about 200 meters away from the small courtyard, and instead of going any further, it flew around the courtyard.

If it is any closer, it is really possible to be shot down, and it will be a big loss.

The searchlight kept chasing the drone, but it didn't shoot, which seemed a bit futile.

"Hehe," someone chuckled, "So he also knows how stinky his marksmanship is."

However, the drone scanned for a long time, but only found a white shadow, nothing else.

The people from Tiangong couldn't hold back any longer, "The other two drones...we also put them up and approached secretly for reconnaissance."

The searchlight was chasing the UAV, which seriously affected the observation ability of the UAV.

Then release two more, and use the noise of the former to effectively hide yourself.

Even if it is discovered, it doesn't matter, at least to see how many searchlights the other party has available.

It is impossible for a person to be distracted, so that he can judge how many people are in the other party.

Two drones soared into the sky and flew towards the small courtyard.

However, they really didn't expect that Qu Jianlei not only has good eyesight with naked eyes, but also has far better hearing than others.

Soon, he found two drones, but he pretended not to know.

When the two drones arrived about 100 meters away from the small courtyard, he responded "like waking up from a dream".

He turned on the switches of several heaters, causing several dazzling white shadows to appear on the thermal imager.

"It was discovered," the people from Tiangong also reacted, "the other party started to interfere."

"Can you get closer?" Someone asked aloud, "It's a bit difficult to observe."

"No, it's really dangerous to get any closer. Of these three drones, one was sent by a customer for maintenance..."

"We can only let them fly around the small courtyard as much as possible, collect as much data as possible, and then analyze the thermal imaging pictures."

The two drones could not hover a hundred meters away, and because they were afraid of being shot down, they were still flying very high.

Qu Jianlei waited for ten minutes, but found that the fourth drone did not appear, "It seems that there are only so many."

Then he raised his hand and flipped a switch.


Chapter 124 Shooting Stinks (Fourth)

At the same moment when Qu Jianlei turned on the switch.

The personnel who controlled the drone in the distance found that snowflakes appeared on the screen instantly, accompanied by the sound of "Zi la la".

"It's broken!" Someone reacted immediately, "We found strong electromagnetic interference!"

Immediately afterwards, there was a muffled "poof", and white smoke came out of a controller.

"Bastard, how dare he!" Tiangong cursed in anger, "This is a drone."

However, some people expressed calmness, "The war has already begun, and the opponent is a maintenance engineer... Naturally, they will fight back with professional means."

The drone may be damaged, which is within his expectation. Since it is a war, how can he not pay the price?

He said very calmly, "It's nothing but a drone, what about the other two?"

He was answered with another soft bang... "Pfft", another controller was damaged.

Before he could react, the third controller was also damaged.

"It's broken!" Someone couldn't help yelling, "Three drones, that's three drones!"

"I'm rough..." This person couldn't help but swear, "Is this shit... electromagnetic interference in the whole frequency band?"

The technology of electromagnetic interference is difficult to say, but for professional maintenance engineers, it is not very difficult.

But if you want to achieve full-band electromagnetic interference, the difficulty is not limited to technology.

First of all, the hardware requirements are particularly high.

Secondly, the demand for energy is also very large - there are more hardware, and the consumption is naturally large.

The people from Tiangong actually calculated that based on the level of mechanical maintenance of this person, it is very likely that he has the ability to implement electromagnetic interference.

So at the beginning, they didn't even think about using drones—the cost was too high.

However, using other methods to test did not achieve the goal, and drones are the last choice.

However, Tiangong is originally doing maintenance, and it is quite professional, so it is not difficult to adjust the frequency band of the drone.

So these three drones are actually three different frequency bands, with different encryption methods and even different control mechanisms.

Now that the group of three drones has been destroyed, it means that the other party is using full-band electromagnetic interference.

However, this is really incredible.

Even if you have this strength, do you have such hardware? And... you have such a huge amount of energy?

For a while, everyone stopped talking, and everyone silently looked at the furious person in charge.

The person in charge is only a C-level maintenance engineer, but he is good at all kinds of emergencies, so he presided over this operation.

But now, the situation is obviously out of control. Among other things, the loss of three drones will cost too much.

This man was stunned for a long time before he gritted his teeth and said, "Go and arrest Lawuping immediately, there is a problem in this yard!"

Rawuping is the landlord. Obviously, this yard is not as harmless as everyone thinks.

"I have a question," someone said, "That fellow Jane Lei... Will there be other means of full-channel interference?"

The person who spoke was also a C-level maintenance engineer, one of the only C-level maintenance engineers who had the most serious task this time.

The person in charge snorted coldly, "You think too much, in Houjing now, no one can control..."

At this moment, someone exclaimed, "The mobile station is broken!"

"Mine is broken too...I'm rough, is anyone else not broken?"

"Okay, everyone, stop arguing," the leader of the team took a deep breath, "Full channel interference... this is normal!"

"The handset can be broken, you call this normal?" Someone was dissatisfied.

What happened was the leader of an elite team. The relationship between the team and Tiangong was indeed good, but it was basically based on interests.

"Old Jiu, what do you mean?" The face of the team leader sank, "Do you not want to cooperate in the future?"

The owner of the store bullies the customers and the customers of the store. He knows that the other party is an elite team, but so what?

Tiangong really didn't want to form his own team, otherwise... if he could take orders from the military, might his strength be too weak?

I just hope that I can specialize in the art industry, and I don't want to spend so much effort.

When Laojiu heard the words, when his rosacea nose turned red, he wanted to have an attack—threatened me with cooperation, I'm afraid you haven't seen what is called a desperado, have you?

But at this moment, someone exclaimed, "Drones... drones!"

All three drones have fallen to the ground. In theory, it is basically difficult to repair.

Now the searchlight in the small courtyard has shone on a damaged drone.

The next moment, a white light flashed, and it was the people from the small courtyard who pulled the laser gun.

"How dare they take the initiative to shoot!" The leader of the team tightened his scalp, "If I can't send you in..."

"That's their own land!" Lao Jiu couldn't help it anymore, "Drones are the illegal intrusion!"

Hearing this, he immediately fell silent, but his heart was full of anger: Who are you with?

But at the next moment, he chuckled again, "I'm going... Is this kind of accurate?"

The drone is not big, only the size of a human head, and the location where it fell is only about 100 meters away from the small courtyard.

The opponent is using a laser gun, which is very convenient to aim at. At such a distance, even if there is an error, it will not be too big.

As a result, the opponent's shot missed by about 30 centimeters. Even ordinary people with a little training can't be worse than this, right?

Lao Jiu didn't care about getting angry anymore, his attention was also drawn, seeing this, his brows frowned.

"This kind of marksmanship is what you call a reformed warrior? Hehe, have you been deceived?"

The leader of the team was furious when he heard the words, "Is it sure to be good if you change the marksmanship of the soldiers?"

Laojiu was stunned, his mouth trembled twice, and finally sighed, "Okay, anyway, you lead the team, we will listen to you.".

A few more shots of white light were shot from the small courtyard, and finally at the seventh shot, the white light hit the drone squarely.

The drone suddenly fell apart, the kind that couldn't get back together no matter what.

Immediately afterwards, the searchlight swept to another drone, and the other party began to aim and shoot clumsily again.

"This shit..." The leader was so angry that his teeth itch, "Who can destroy the searchlight?"

"He's hitting the target in his own field," Lao Jiu snorted coldly, "hitting the other party's searchlight, our people won't do it!"

"Then let him use our drone as a target to practice?" The team leader finally quit.

"You can stop it!" Lao Jiu said lightly, "We will not accompany you."

"Who remembers the crash point of the third drone?" the leader asked through gritted teeth.

Someone was stunned, "Are you going to grab that drone?"

"Otherwise?" The leader was so angry that his teeth itch, "Let him continue to destroy?"

Before the others could answer, there was a "da da da" sound.

It turned out that the opponent even fired a few shots but failed to hit the drone. Annoyed, he directly replaced the Gauss automatic rifle.

An automatic rifle is not a machine gun, but in fact, it can fire continuously - as long as the ammunition is available.

After about 20 consecutive shots, the drone was finally hit, and went crazy!

Next, the searchlights began to sweep around, apparently looking for a third drone.

"Forget it," the leader sighed softly, his face becoming more and more ugly, "That's it for tonight."

"Why stop here?" Some people are really not convinced, no matter which world, there is no shortage of people who dare to risk their lives.

"Just this rubbish marksmanship, I'll go get the drone back."

"You fucking fart!" The team leader was furious, "Can you change to a Gauss automatic gun, but not a Gauss machine gun?"

"Is it difficult to change the vehicle-mounted machine gun after changing the Gauss machine gun?"

He finally realized what kind of opponent he was facing - so the people who can make money have fewer weapons in their hands?

Next, it was inevitable that the third drone would be blown up.

They were depressed all night, while Qu Jianlei was worried all night.

After burying the cover all night, I waited for the other party to take the bait, but the other party did not respond.

Is it that the marksmanship performance is too poor, a bit too far?

In any case, he did his best to stay up all night.

Early the next morning, when he opened the box, he was shocked to find that Bentley had fallen asleep in the box.

"Old Ben, you are so dishonest...I stayed up all night, and you are actually sleeping?"

"What are you fussing about?" Bentley squinted his eyes and answered with a yawn, "Didn't I believe you?"

"My trust is rare... the last time I trusted someone so much was sixty years ago."

Qu Jianlei suddenly felt curious, "Who is that person?"

"Dead, you don't care who he is," Bentley slowly opened his eyes, "You are more cunning than him, so you should live a little longer."

Qu Jianlei blinked, "That is to say, you beat your teammates?"

Bentley has never heard of "Teammate Ke", but he can guess a thing or two after hearing it.

He suddenly flew into a rage, "You don't have good things to say... That teammate of mine lived too carelessly."

"In order to avenge him, I killed one hundred and twenty-one people. A reformed soldier is worth so much, right?"

"That is also a reformed soldier?" Qu Jianlei was stunned. Is the crime rate of reformed soldiers really so high?

"Otherwise?" Bentley finally came to his senses, "Do you think anyone can partner with me?"

"Stop being hypocritical," Qu Jianlei kicked him, "I've made it through the night, it's your turn during the day."

"Little brat, don't move your hands," Bentley muttered dissatisfied, "What a big deal."

After he was fully awake, he asked, "Do you still want to guard? If not, let's attack."

"Okay, I've persisted for so long, I'm about to shudder for the last time," Qu Jianlei shook his head, then yawned.

"There are only two days left before the final result."

Bentley snorted coldly, and said in a sinister manner, "If they stop bluffing, I'll tear down Tiangong later."

"They will come," Qu Jianlei lazily replied, "If they don't come, they will show their cowardice..."

"Once we show our cowardice, we will be underestimated if we don't deal with Tiangong. They can't bear the consequences."

(Fourth update arrives, more than 10,000 words are updated for 12 consecutive days, ask for monthly tickets and follow-up assistance.)

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