Recruit black physique to start practice in the wasteland

Chapter 100 Chapter 125 Ultimate Warrior - 126 You Can't Kill Me!

Chapter 125 The Ultimate Warrior

Tiangong's methods really emerged one after another. At noon the next day, a team of city guards came directly.

The city guards were fighting under the guise of hunting down fugitives, and no one could refuse at all.

Finally, Bentley has the identity certificate of a reformed soldier, and the attitude of the other party is not particularly bad.

He even asked to see the ID of the other party, and two of them did not bring ID, so they were not allowed into the small courtyard at all.

But Qu Jianlei couldn't hide it even if he wanted to. The other party brought military dogs and a thermal imaging camera.

The key is to cooperate. If the two of them don't want to become fugitives again, they have to be checked by others.

Some layouts in the yard were also noticed by the city guards. Fortunately, many things were better.

But even so, the various weapons still shocked the city guards.

The leader of the city guards said in surprise, "With so many weapons, are you two planning to start a war?"

"You're investigating fugitives, why are you talking so much?" Bentley replied impatiently, "It's none of your business, don't ask!"

The leader was at a loss for words, the other party was a reformed soldier.

When he was performing official duties, he was not afraid of being blocked by the other party, but if he asked something that shouldn't be asked, he deserved to be insulted.

And whether this "official business" can be tenable, he knows very well in his heart, there is no way to attack it.

"There are so many cables in the yard," another member of the city guard said, "What is this plan for?"

"Are you looking for fugitives?" Bentley's words became more and more sharp, "Or are you talking about being a dog for Tiangong?"

The conversation came to an end. Although the city guards were annoyed by the other party's attitude, it was not that they did not cooperate.

After the group left, people from Tiangong greeted them from a distance, greeted and chatted with a smile.

They made it clear: We found the person, didn't you hide it well? no good!

Their purpose is also very clear, to anger Bentley and Qu Jianlei - at least to mess up their mentality.

"Hehe," Bentley smiled nonchalantly, "The layout is still a little bit off, and it's only worthy of such a small trick."

In fact, the Tiangong people are not as happy as they appear.

It is certainly a great achievement to be sure that Jian Lei is also in the small courtyard, but... it is far from enough!

The loss of three drones last night was not only a property loss, but also a reminder to them: Jian Lei's mechanical manufacturing level is extremely high.

Of course, they would take into account that there may be various defensive equipment installed in the small courtyard.

However, it is very regrettable that the two maintenance engineers who pretended to be city guards did not prepare their documents and were directly rejected by the other party.

As for the real city guards, the level of mechanical maintenance is far from entry-level, and they can't see the layout of the yard.

They observed on-board machine guns and even cannons, but that was all they could see.

I really don't understand the other arrangements in the yard.

After chatting for a while, the city guards were about to leave, but when someone inadvertently turned around, his expression changed suddenly.

The boss also turned his head when he saw this, and saw "Terry" standing on the wall, pointing at his party with a cold face.

"I'm rough, you guys... are really harmful," this man pulled his face down and gave Tiangong a dissatisfied look.

Although he is a leader, Tiangong's power in the military is complicated, and he dare not turn against him.

It's just that the heart of resentment is unavoidable-I was directly remembered by others!

The people from Tiangong didn't find out the layout of the small courtyard, so they were a little disappointed. Seeing him like this, they became even more impatient.

Finally, it was okay, someone came forward to smooth things over, "A mere reformed won't be able to see him in two days."

Do you really want to do it? The leader glanced at them, turned around and led the team away without asking any further questions.

The city guards were originally responsible for maintaining order, so there were some things that I really couldn't ask.

Bentley frightened the other party, then jumped off the courtyard wall, and smiled at Qu Jianlei, "It seems that no one can be disgusting."

Qu Jianlei looked up at the sky, "I guess... the action will be tonight."

The sky was cloudy, and it was obvious that a rain was brewing.

Bentley also nodded when he heard the words, "It's rainy, it's a good weather for killing people and stealing goods."

"The other party shouldn't have any more troubles, right?" Qu Jianlei really admired Tian Gong's effort.

"It's hard to say..." Bentley shook his head, "There are some means, let's arrange them before dark."

As the evening approached, there were finally bean-sized raindrops falling, and soon, they became densely packed into one piece.

The rainwater in the Tianzi area was basically not polluted too much, and the two of them immediately began to get busy, perfecting various arrangements.

After being busy for almost two hours, all the arrangements were finally completed.

Bentley began to monitor the outside, while Qu Jianlei cooked a big pot of rice.

His cooking skills can't be considered good, but he is considered outstanding in the wasteland, at least he can satisfy Bentley without any problem.

After the meal was ready, the two of them started to gobble it up. In just 20 minutes, they ate almost a hundred catties of food.

Qu Jianlei patted his stomach contentedly, "Old Ben, do you know? My dream three years ago was to have a full meal."

"Who isn't down yet?" Bentley wasn't thinking about this.

Looking at the continuous rain outside, he was a little out of his mind, "What I'm most worried about is that the opponent directly covered it with mecha fire."

Don't set up FLAG, okay? Qu Jianlei rolled his eyes helplessly.

However, he felt that this guess was unreliable, "I always feel...they should want to capture me first, right?"

"That's right." Bentley nodded suddenly, "You have secrets on you, and they are professional in maintenance."

Then he frowned slightly, "Then...the one who came is more likely to be a reformed soldier?"

There are many things that cannot stand scrutiny, and the two of them can guess a general idea in a few words.

On a rainy night, a group of people were staring at the courtyard more than a kilometer away from the courtyard, and there were two mechas beside them.

One of them turned out to be the shock mecha that Qu Jianlei used to fight.

"I still have to ask Mr. Popov to act first," the person in charge of Tiangong said respectfully to a blond man.

"We Tiangong dispatched three reformed fighters to cooperate...the mechs are responsible for suppressing them at any time."

"There's no need for the mecha," the blond man waved his hand and said with a blank expression, "I don't like the cooperation of the mecha."

The person in charge of Tiangong didn't dare to say anything more. There are indeed some small problems between the mechs and the reformed fighters.

These are two different battle directions. The upper limit of the mecha is limited, but it can be mass-produced.

Transforming fighters... especially ultimate fighters, they are very talented, and in the process of training, they consume a lot of resources.

So there is a little bit of discord between the two, which is really normal.

The impact mecha was a little dissatisfied, "Master Popov, there are two reformed fighters on the opposite side."

Seeing this, the person in charge of Tiangong hurriedly waved his hands, "Steel fists must not be rude, Mr. Popov is the ultimate fighter."

Popov squinted at the other party, "I am not only the ultimate warrior, but also of water attribute, do you have any objection?"

"No, he's a bit stupid," the person in charge of Tiangong smiled and waved his hands.

"It's rare that it's raining today. Mr. Popov, if you can capture that young man alive, you'd better hold your breath."

Because the city guards were searching for fugitives during the day, Qu Jianlei's face was seen by others.

However, this also strengthened Tiangong's determination to capture him alive - there was obviously a reason for his high maintenance attainments at a young age.

Popov snorted coldly when he heard the words, "That old man, just kill him it okay?"

"Then...kill it," the person in charge of Tiangong hesitated, but nodded.

In fact, he also wanted to capture the old man. First, the old man seemed to have a lot of connections, and second, they didn't know Jian Lei's bottom line.

If it is a powerful force from "above" who beats someone to death, it may cause trouble.

But where is the ultimate warrior so easy to assign?

Popov is willing to ask a question, it is to save face for Tiangong, he can't feel that he really has the right to refute.

Popov also saw his reluctance, and just snorted coldly, "You three...follow me to catch people."

Of the three remodeling fighters, two are external experts from Tiangong Repair Factory.

But both of them are older, and one of them is nearly ninety years old.

For Central City, reforming fighters is also a very valuable resource, and most of them will not be hired outside until they retire.

The other transformation fighter was temporarily hired from outside.

For some reason, this person was exiled in the society, wandered to Tianzi District to find a job, and stayed in Houjing for a long time.

Anyway, facing the ultimate warrior who has awakened attributes, these three are respectful.

At least on a rainy day, these three would never dare to offend an ultimate water-attribute fighter.

Popov raised his hand and pointed forward, "Waterspout..."

The raindrops all over the sky swirled and twisted together, turning into a raging water dragon, rolling and rushing towards the small courtyard.

"I'll go," Bentley looked a little stunned, "You actually invited the ultimate warrior, or the water attribute?"

The ultimate fighter is really a bit overkill to deal with the reformed fighter, which shows the must-win heart of Tiangong.

But apart from surprise, Bentley's face was a little weird.

Popov didn't know the reaction on the other side, and he didn't care about it. In this rainy day, he was invincible.

The waterspout doesn't mean to kill the opponent, but the waterspout clears the way, and he can quickly follow up to the small courtyard.

In this process, it is useless for the opponent to shoot. The raging water dragon will take off the trajectory, even the laser gun is no exception.

He rushed over immediately, and the three reformed soldiers behind him followed him without thinking.

The speed is not much slower than Popov.

"It really deserves to be the ultimate warrior!" The person in charge of Tiangong sighed, "The king of the rainy night is well-deserved."

The hatch of the impact mecha popped open, revealing a bald head with a fleshy face, "I can also rush forward."

"Steel Fist, just watch with peace of mind," another mecha said in a muffled voice.

This is a reconnaissance mech with extremely high agility, but its corresponding disadvantage is that its defense is relatively weak.

He said uninterestedly, "With Mr. Popov here, the two of us are here purely for the occasion!"

(The first congratulations to the cute master "Yuanming".) —————

Chapter 126 You Can't Kill Me! (Ergeng congratulates the cute main whale)

Popov stepped on the water and floated out of the small courtyard in the air, like a ghost.

The moment he rushed to the top of the wall, he made a mysterious gesture, "Water imprisonment!~"

For a moment, the entire world was filled with an unspeakable chill, and the air became stagnant.

Qu Jianlei was within the range of the opponent's spell, his body became extremely heavy in an instant, and his movements became extremely slow.

Popov glanced at the courtyard wall, and saw Bentley with a stunned expression. He raised his hand and said, "Kill that old man."

He is too lazy to kill people. In this weather, he is a well-deserved king. How could he specifically kill a small person?

The reformed soldier hired from outside was faster—after all, he was young!

When he stood on the courtyard wall, Popov pointed at Qu Jianlei again, "Whirlpool binding!"

The next moment, Qu Jianlei's body turned involuntarily, as if he had fallen into the vortex of the torrent.

"This is... who do you look down on?" Bentley sighed softly, and his body flashed with white light, "Thunderbolt!~"

Popov rushed forward and was about to get close to Qu Jianlei when he froze suddenly.

The next moment, he slammed into the yard heavily, causing a large splash of water.

But he didn't cry out, but looked at Bentley in horror, "Electromagnetic? You are also..."

The ultimate fighters of the water attribute can indeed be called invincible in the rain, but they also have natural enemies!

The electromagnetic attribute is inherently restraining the water attribute. From the perspective of mutual restraint, it is more restrictive than the earth attribute.

Tu restrains depends on the quantity, and talking about the five elements' restraint is nonsense regardless of the quantity.

If the water potential is too high, the earth attribute is useless.

But electromagnetism is different, and the size of the water potential does not affect it at all. This is a matter of quality.

Only very pure water can prevent conduction.

Popov accidentally got hit, and Qu Jianlei suddenly felt lighter.

Without even thinking about it, he jumped forward, unsheathed the long knife on his back, raised his hand and chopped it down.

He has a gun in his hand, but it is a bit slow, and against the ultimate fighter, cold weapons are more effective.

"No!" Popov yelled in horror, and a look of horror finally appeared in his cold and proud eyes, "You can't kill me!"

The next moment, a human head shot up into the sky, and the rain was stained red by the sprayed blood.

Until the head fell to the ground, Popov's eyes were still wide open, full of disbelief.

The transformation fighters on the wall had already jumped down, but they were also shocked.

It is interesting to say that Popov has cultivated the secret technique of water attribute, while Bentley has no related cultivation method of electromagnetic.

Apart from operating the Gauss gun, Bentley's attributes cannot be released at all, and there is a gap in rank between him and Popov.

Strictly speaking, Bentley is a quasi-ultimate fighter, and Popov has already started.

But in this weather, with rain as a medium, Popov was killed abruptly.

The one who followed him was no exception, he was the strongest among the three reformed fighters, he ran the fastest, and was also affected by electromagnetic waves.

Qu Jianlei chopped off Popov's head with a single knife, and his body did not stay, but turned around in the air strangely.

After an extremely unbelievable turn, he beheaded this man again with a single blow.

The next moment, two reformed soldiers appeared on top of the wall, and with a flash of sword light, another head fell to the ground.

The oldest reformed soldier had rich experience, and he was already on guard when he heard the screams from inside the wall.

Seeing the three heads fall to the ground, he kicked his legs hard against the wall, and shot his whole body backwards, as fast as he wanted.

The next moment, the light of the knife flashed, brushing against the soles of his feet.

Without thinking about it, he yelled, "The opponents are two ultimate fighters... two mechas are ready to respond!"

Two ultimate fighters—this was his guess, but Popov fell down as soon as they met each other, and there must be an ultimate fighter on the opposite side.

"Two mechas?" Bentley originally wanted to give this guy a hard time.

But there are two mechas on the opposite side, this is a factor that must be taken seriously, because... the firepower of the mechas is too ruthless.

With a flash of his body, he came to the cannon and established an electromagnetic connection directly in the rain.

He locked onto a mech in an instant.

"Jungle? The level of the machine gun is just right...Jian Lei, kill that old guy, no, there is also an impact mecha."

Qu Jianlei was about to chase that fellow, when he heard that there was another shock mech, he turned around and rushed back.

He has fought against the impact mecha before, and knows how difficult this thing is.

As soon as he raised his hand, he raised the main cannon... That's right, it was the main cannon on the impact mecha.

There were eight rounds of cannonballs, and he brought six rounds, and he also brought a gun mount specially.

The mount of the main gun is not the type of machine gun, and it weighs more than five tons.

The shelf was in the yard, and the city guards didn't recognize it because it was disguised.

The main gun was hidden on the roof, and the city guards didn't find it, was really heavy.

If it wasn't for Bentley, Qu Jianlei alone might not be able to get the cannon down quietly.

Earlier, he and Bentley were in the yard, setting up all the equipment and opening the traps.

The shells were already loaded, and there were two rounds beside him, so he pulled the breech breech without hesitation.

A single shot hit the impact mecha squarely, and at this moment, the bald steel fist had just closed the hatch.

The impact mech was immediately knocked back two or three meters, drawing two long marks on the muddy ground.

Before the mecha could react, Qu Jianlei loaded another shell, and this shot directly blew up the mecha.

Almost at the same time, a series of machine guns from Bentley also exploded another mecha.

"Run," someone yelled, and in the wind and rain, everyone turned and ran.

The two ultimate fighters were already terrifying, but now not only Popov fell, but the two mechas also exploded, so what are you waiting for if you don't run away?

But how could Qu Jianlei and Bentley get along so well? The two looked at each other and immediately chased them out.

It was raining heavily, and the thermal weapons basically had no effect, and the vision and hearing were too affected.

The two each held a knife, while Bentley held a Gauss automatic gun in the other hand. His lethality was astonishing on a rainy night.

"Get rid of that reformed soldier!" Qu Jianlei yelled, and rushed towards a truck by himself, throwing a firearm over it.

"No, it can't be locked," Bentley yelled and replied, "That old thing is too cunning... Get rid of these three cars first!"

"Then I'll go chase them," Qu Jianlei suddenly accelerated, "You leave these three cars behind!"

"I'm you want to be so ruthless?" Bentley muttered softly, then laughed.

The next moment, he rushed towards a car, "But this kind of teammate, I like it!"

Qu Jianlei chased after the reformed warrior who was running wildly, and the distance between the two was about 500 meters.

This guy is old and has experience in escaping. He swayed left and right, and his toes rotated extremely fast, and his speed was also very fast.

Even with Qu Jianlei's speed, it was not easy to bite him, no wonder Bentley couldn't lock him.

Finally, his hearing is very good now, and the opponent is running extremely fast, and the sound of the rain hitting his body is very loud, so he can bite.

The old-fashioned transformation fighter ran for three or four kilometers, then slowed down, and then looked back.

This look made him startled, and two or three hundred meters behind him, there was the sound of swift footsteps approaching surprisingly fast.

As soon as he turned around, he continued to run desperately, still shouting loudly, "My lord, I don't mean to offend, I don't mean to offend..."

"It's Tiangong's gang of bastards who want to harm you. I just take money to do things, take money to do things..."

"I'm leaving right away, I'm leaving Tiangong, I'm leaving Houjing, my lord, please spare my life, spare my life!"

Wherever he passed, some places were owned by people, but he didn't dare to rush in and hide.

The person behind him can kill an ultimate warrior and two reformed warriors without blinking an eye. How big a deal is it to kill a few ordinary people?

The ultimate fighter has immunity for killing people in the Tianzi District!

As long as it is not killed on the spot, the Tianzi District cannot kill the ultimate warrior, and can only be handed over to the central city for processing.

So this old-fashioned transformation fighter didn't dare to stay at all, so he could only run wildly.

As for finding a hidden place to hide? Stop messing around, he doesn't even know the attributes of the ultimate warrior chasing after him.

After running for five or six kilometers in one breath, he couldn't run anymore, but he was shocked to find that the person behind him was still chasing him.

"What kind of enmity and resentment!" He gritted his teeth and continued to run, yelling.

"My lord, I will leave Houjing immediately, leave Tianzi District, spare my life, I will redeem my life with money!"

Qu Jianlei didn't pay any attention to what he said, and just chased after him.

After running for more than two kilometers, the person in front couldn't run anymore.

Feeling that the people behind him were chasing him all the time, his anger rose from his heart for a moment, and evil turned to his guts.

He stopped suddenly, turned around and counterattacked without hesitation, and his speed increased instead of slowing down, "Labor and capital are fighting with you!"

Since there is no way to avoid it, it is better to fight to the death. He fought back very decisively, never procrastinating.

Unfortunately, he only has a laser pistol and a short dagger on his body. After all, he planned to fight the reformed warrior just now.

The laser pistol...was useless at the moment, even if he was a decent marksman.

Fighting with the ultimate warrior, most of the time, close combat is the only way to survive.

The physical fitness of the reformed fighter is often stronger than that of the ultimate fighter, and his dagger is very good.

Unfortunately, what he encountered was Qu Jianlei, not only was he erratic, but he was also very powerful with the Thirteen Tai Chi Knives.

After a face-to-face meeting, he fell to the ground, his head that flew out was still thinking about a problem.

"This guy's stamina... is actually not depleted?"

Qu Jianlei simply cleaned the battlefield, turned his head and ran back: Bentley is old, so don't make any mistakes.

When he rushed back, he saw three burning vehicles.

(Second congratulations to the adorable host "Atlantic Whale".)

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