Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1012: Black Warrior


Rubble flew across, dust was flying, and a big hole appeared directly on the flat road.

This sudden scene made everyone look stunned, looking into the pit, a black blood-stripe big sword was inserted diagonally in the pit, and the huge body of the sword was almost submerged in half, and the strength can be imagined.

When everyone was a little confused, a figure sprang out from a tree tens of meters high, fell from the sky, and landed beside the big sword with a "boom".

For a while, the ground cracked, dusty, and the pit became bigger.

this is?

Looking at the figure descending from the sky next to the big sword, everyone was stunned.

He wears a black blood-stripe armor, like an ancient warrior, and his tall physique gives people a feeling of "power".

The heavy armor covered his whole body, making it impossible to know any information about him.


Cookie Beasts won't stop the feast of killing because of anyone's arrival, they roared and rushed to the prey again.

However, this time, it is hard to tell who is the hunter and who is the prey.

Facing the aggressive Cookie Beast, the black armored warrior picked up the big sword in the pit.

I saw the dark shadow flash, and in the strong wind, the black armor warrior rushed towards the cookie beast.

The big sword was swung, the black light flickered, and the two cookie beasts rushing towards the black armored warrior were directly torn in half by a horizontal cut.

The black armored warriors who rushed into the herd gave people a feeling of "power" in every move.

Open and close, kneading the herd like a **** of war.


Under the siege, a cookie attacked the black armored warrior from behind. It succeeded, and its large, sharp mouth bit the black armored warrior's head with one bite, and almost the entire upper body was swallowed.

"call out!"

The black light flickered, the black armored warrior held the sword backhand, and the big sword pierced the body of Cookie Beast directly from bottom to top.


The body was pierced, and the Cookie Beast struggled violently due to pain, and the force in its mouth became even greater.

Facing the restraint on his body, the black armored warrior held the sword in one hand, grabbed Cookie Beast's chin with his left hand, and tugged, only to hear a clear sound, Cookie Beast's big mouth opened in an exaggerated range.

At that moment, the struggling Cookie Beast had lost its life.

With his left hand grabbing Cookie Beast's neck, the giant Cookie Beast Black Armored Warrior lifted it up so easily.

With a strong throw, the giant cookie beast's corpse flew into the sky and smashed into the herd dozens of meters away.

This violent scene saw everyone stunned.

"So strong! What kind of power is this?"

The cookie beast with such a big body was like throwing a chicken, and it was thrown tens of meters away.

After doing all this, the black armored soldier rushed out.

A jump, the figure flashed, when it fell, the big sword had already split a polluting beast.

Because of the appearance of the black armored warrior, the **** slaughter it brought has attracted the attention of almost all Cookie Beasts.

Even the cookie beast that attacked the bus also shifted the target, and joined the battle against the black armored soldier in the roar of his companion.

In the gloomy forest, among the swarming beasts, the shadow is invincible, and wherever it passes, it will leave a **** path.

Of course, when slaughtering the Cookie Beast, the Black Armored Warrior will also be attacked by the Cookie Beast.

There are too many cookie beasts. In the endless pounce, a few will break through the line of defense, using sharp mouths and claws to tear the armor.

But it seemed useless. The armor protected the black armored warrior very well, and none of the Cookie Beast's attacks made any traces of the armor appear.

The appearance of the black armored warrior undoubtedly gave them breathing time for the four.

Kaiwei and Qiwei, who were still able to move, quickly checked the situation of the two women.

The situation of Yuli and Ai Li is very bad, Ai Li has lost consciousness and passed out in a coma, and Yu Li, with blood stains all over her body, is constantly flowing from the wound.

"Quick! Let's get back to the bus, Yuli's wound needs to be bandaged."

Kaiwei hugged Ai Li, Qi Wei hugged Yuli, and hurried into the bus.

The scarred four people undoubtedly frightened the children in the car. They looked at the blood-stained four with horrified eyes, timidly, and did not dare to speak.

The old man seemed a lot more indifferent. He quickly took out the medical kit he carried and said to the four who got in the car: "Quick! Put these two girls down and let me see. I have some medical foundation."

The words of the old man made Qiwei and Kaiwei happy.

Among the four of them, the only thing missing is someone who knows medicine.

In the two rows of wide seats in the back seat, Qiwei and Kaiwei put down the two women.

The old man quickly began to check the injuries of the two women.

After an examination, the old man’s expression was very solemn, and he said solemnly: “The two girls are suffering from serious injuries. I can only slow down their injuries and prevent them from getting worse, or send them to the city for treatment as soon as possible. Otherwise, it's easy to get the root cause of the disease. For them, this martial artist's path may be over."

Liu Lao's words caused Qiwei and Kaiwei to fall into silence.

Neither of them looked pretty.

For Kaiwei, Eri is her sister, how could he not care, and since Yuli entered the guild, she has been performing tasks with them, and she is also a good sister with Eri, and he is also worried about Yuli.

As for Qi Wei on the side, his mood was the same.

After years of friendship, he didn't want anyone to have trouble.

Looking back at Kaiwei, Qiwei said: "Kaiwei! Your injury also needs to be bandaged, so you don't need to trouble Lao Liu, I'll bandage it for you."

Kaiwei nodded.

The bite of Cookie Beast hurt his left shoulder and chest seriously, and now he feels unbearable pain.

In the driving position, after some treatment, Kaiwei bandaged the wound.

The fall of the protective plate made the car slightly dim. In the driving position and vice seat, Qiwei and Kaiwei sat slightly tired.

"Chivi! Who do you think he is? Why save us?"

Kaiwei thought of the black armored warrior just now, and at this time, the fighting outside was already going on.

In response to Kaiwei's question, Qiwei shook his head.

Kaiwei doesn't know, how can he know?

With a tiny probe, Qiwei looked out from the gap between the protective plates.

At this look, Qiwei was taken aback.

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