Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1013: Rescue force

Outside, the black-armored warriors fighting the Cookie Beast changed from one to many.

In the roar of Cookie Beasts, the five black armored warriors entangled with the beasts.

The battle is fierce.

The five black armored warriors were like no one in the herd, and the cookie beast was cut by the knife wherever they passed.

This scene made Qiwei thoughtful. He guessed: "They are probably not only saving us, but the entire refugees from Voda City."


Qiwei's words made Kaiwei reluctantly look outside.

From this look, Kaiwei finally knew what Qiwei meant.

The so-called black armored fighters actually refer to the "ghouls" of the First Legion.

The command from above made all the "ghouls" in the fleet set off and rushed to the destination.

At this moment, in front of and behind the refugee team, ghouls rushed out of the forest, effectively preventing Cookie Beast from killing the refugees.

The black big sword was swung, and the strong body jumped. In the herd, the black armored warriors were like no man's land, harvesting one cookie after another.

With the big sword in his hand, with his hands, with his feet, at this moment, every part of the ghoul's body is a weapon to kill the enemy.


It was struggling and roaring, trying to use its sharp claws and vicious mouth to attack the enemies that bound it.

But it was useless, the huge cookie beast was carried by the black armored warrior like a chicken, and smashed to the ground.

The huge force cracked the ground, and the cruel and terrifying head of Cookie Beast was directly distorted by the huge force.

Ahead, refugees are fleeing.

The appearance of the black armored fighters made them escape.

They couldn't help but look backwards as they ran away.

On the gloomy forest road, the only thing they could see was the scene of the black armored fighters fighting.

They are extremely powerful, and the cookie beast that slaughtered refugees was slaughtered by black armored soldiers.

The appearance of the black armored fighters made the refugees seem to have grasped the straw, rejoicing in their hearts but also wondering.

Who are they?

"Run! They are here."

The two cookie beasts passed the black armored warrior and chased in the direction where the refugees fled.

Their vigorous postures are like a gust of wind running on the forest road, extremely fast, turning into dark shadows and rushing towards the refugees.

Seeing the cookie beast attacked, the refugees fled in panic.

"call out!"

At this moment, in the forest, a harsh scream suddenly sounded.

Two black lights flashed through the gloomy forest and hit the two polluting beasts chasing the refugees with lightning speed.

After a stature, the terrifying cookie beast rolled to the ground.

In the rear, the two ghouls threw out the big swords in their hands and used the big swords as throwing weapons to eliminate the cookie beast that was a little farther away.

The actions of the black armored fighters let the refugees understand that those black armored fighters are protecting them.

Who are they?

Military government?

This is impossible. If it were the military government, how could the army commander expel them from the city?

Although I don't know the details, the appearance of the black armored fighters gave the refugees a sigh of relief.

One after another spread the news to the front team.

Let all the refugees know that the black armored fighters are protecting them.

Time is passing, although the ghoul has dragged the Cookie Beast, there are still countless casualties among the entire refugee team.

Whether in the rear or in the front, there are always some cookie beasts rushing out of the forest and attacking refugees on the highway.

The number of ghouls is still too small, they can only contain the large army of cookie beasts, and they can do nothing about the small number of cookie beasts that have escaped from the battlefield and attacked refugees.

Fortunately, this **** mission is not the only force.

One hour after the ghouls joined the battlefield, the rescue force that had left Bawei City finally arrived.

This is a rescue force composed of sickle mechas and various types of armored vehicles. The lightly equipped unit makes this force fast enough to span a distance of tens of kilometers in less than an hour.

An army from the front appeared, and the refugees who were fleeing on the highway stopped abruptly and stopped.

The roar of the "rumbling" engine and the peculiar armored machinery made the expressions of the refugees unpredictable, fearful and hopeful.

Upon encountering the rescue target, the convoy of 500 mobilized soldiers came to a halt in the face of the crowded crowd on the highway.

Amidst the sound of metal running, the armored personnel carrier with a rectangular iron lump slowly opened the side walls, revealing an upright mobilizer inside.

"T1" type armored personnel carrier, this is the newly installed troop carrier of the First Army. It is jointly developed by many countries and is a new generation of new vehicles.

It is huge, 15 meters long and five meters high. It is a large vehicle with five axles and eighteen wheels. It can carry 45 soldiers in power armor and fully armed.

After the First Army took control of the small cities in Bentley, in order to facilitate the transportation of troops, a batch of T1 armored personnel carriers was installed, totaling 500.

After the wall was opened, one mobilizer jumped out of the car.

Ten armored personnel carriers, a total of more than 400 mobilizers.

"Prepare to fight! The primary goal is to protect refugees."

With an order, the atmosphere of the entire team suddenly became tense.

The mobilizers guarded both sides of the convoy, and in front of the convoy was a "mouse" armored assault vehicle as the first vehicle.

After the battle order was issued, the fire control devices of all armored units were opened for insurance, and they were ready for battle.

"set off!"

With an order, the convoy set off again.

The roar of the "rumble" engine suddenly became stronger.

In the first "Mouse" armored assault vehicle, the lead sergeant also turned on the loudspeaker.

"We belong to the First Army. Our side is responsible for your safety. Please keep order under our escort. Don't panic. Please stay calm. You are safe."

The sound spread through the loudspeaker to far, far away, reverberating on the forest road.

It also floated into the ears of refugees.

The first legion?

At this moment, the faces of the refugees are very complicated.

The First Army is clearly the enemy, but at this moment their safety can only rely on the First Army.

Thinking of their former patron saint "junta", the refugees were silent again.

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