Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1014: Dispersal of the Cookie Beast

Moving, the black refugees gave way to a road for the convoy.

The sound in the loudspeaker was repeated over and over again, and the convoy was also advancing steadily in the crowded crowd.

While advancing, some mobilized soldiers left the team and stayed behind. Their task is to protect the safety of refugees.

The support force has only 500 troops, and the guard force is destined to be very sparse among the refugees tens of miles long.

Support forces from other cities are still on the way. Before they arrive, they must control the situation of the refugees and prepare for subsequent evacuation.

With the arrival of the First Army, the refugees finally no longer fend for themselves.

The arrival of the First Legion also triggered a battle with Cookie Beast.

In the front, when the convoy broke away from the refugees, it finally encountered Cookie Beast.

With the "fierce" gunfire in the forest, the battle between humans and polluting beasts finally started.

In the rain of bullets, countless cookie beasts were wiped out.

In the face of endless cookie beasts, the First Army also suffered casualties.

Only with advanced equipment, casualties have been greatly reduced.

With the passage of time, within an hour, three support troops from other cities arrived one after another. So far, the first legion has reached two thousand troops in the task of escorting refugees.

"go ahead!"

Facing the flood of cookie beasts, in the gloomy forest, the sickle mecha spit out the tongue of fire frantically.

Three rotary machine guns formed three fire dragons.

Wherever the fire dragon passed, broken rocks danced wildly, dust was flying, craters were everywhere, cookie beasts were all beaten into meat sauce.

In the intensive rain of bullets, countless cookie beasts fell and fell on the way to charge.

On the highway, the bodies of cookie beasts were all over, and the dazzling green formed rivers after another.

In the corpse of Cookie Beast, human corpses are also mixed, and the green blood is also mixed with red.

Under the impact of the tide of beasts, the army of the First Legion moved forward bravely, and the huge war machine crushed the corpse of the cookie beast and moved forward slowly.

The battle is going on fiercely.

I don't know how long it took, as the army advanced, in the forest, just as the fighting between the two sides was fierce, the cookie beasts on the road suddenly roared.

In the roar, they scattered, and their sturdy figure rushed into the forest.

The departure of the Cookie Beast made the obstacles in front of the convoy disappear, and the rescue troops accelerated and rushed to the rear of the refugee team.

This phenomenon is not only present in the battle of this small group of cookie beasts with the army of the First Legion, but also on the front line of dozens of miles, whether it is the cookie beast chasing refugees or the battle with ghouls. All the cookie beasts scattered in a rush and disappeared in the depths of the forest.

With the departure of Cookie Beast, the safety of the refugees is finally guaranteed.

However, the departure of the Cookie Beast does not mean that the refugees are safe. In the vast forest, the Cookie Beast is just one of the thousands of polluting beasts.

Not to mention ethnic polluting beasts, in the eyes of individual polluting beasts, refugees on the road are also a kind of prey.


The quietness outside made everyone in the car a little uneasy.

The outside sound disappeared, and the sound of guns that had appeared not long ago also subsided.

The black armored soldier outside had already left the battlefield half an hour ago, not knowing where he went.

The heavy armor of the bus protects their safety. Not long ago, a few cookie beasts were still attacking the bus, but just now, the movement outside suddenly disappeared.

Looking out through the cracks of the protective board, the silent and shaking figure on the dark road under the forest is no longer visible. The only thing that can be seen is the corpse on the ground.

There are human corpses, as well as the corpses of contaminated beasts, with green and red blood mixed together, and the scene is quite hideous.

Withdrawing his gaze from the outside, looking at Kaiwei in the driver's seat, Qiwei said in a deep voice, "What to do? It's no way to stay here. Although the bus has some protection, if you encounter too many cookie beasts... …There is not much food in the car, especially water, which can’t last long."

Qiwei's words made Kaiwei's look very ugly.

Right now the four of them are injured, and the younger sister Ai Li has fallen into a coma.

If the elderly and children are not there and the food in the car is enough for them to last for a few days, they can leave even if the mountains and rivers are exhausted. Although they are injured, there is no problem in arriving at Bawei City.

But the situation right now is that besides them, there is still a car of young and old in the car.

Now that they got on the car, they couldn't give up halfway and abandon them.

"Wait! Listen..."

The sudden movement outside caused Qiwei's expression to move slightly.

He signaled to the people in the car to be quiet, leaned forward slightly, and looked outside through the gap between the protective plate outside the windshield.

"What did you find?"

At this time, Kaiwei could no longer move, at least his upper body could not move, because once he moved, the wound on his body would open. He could only ask Qiwei about the situation outside.

Kaiwei also heard the movement outside.

It seemed to be the roar of the "engine".

From the outside, Qiwei withdrew his gaze, he took a deep breath, and the tight expression on his face relaxed slightly.

Facing Kaiwei's puzzled gaze, he smiled lightly and said, "It's the army, the army of the First Legion."

Yes, Chivi found an army outside, the army of the First Legion.

The army was moving in the rear along the highway, and Qiwei was no stranger to that huge war machine.

After all, the small town where their guild is located has long been occupied by the First Army, and they are no strangers to the war machinery owned by the First Army.

"It's them?"

It was an accident at first, but Kaiwei was stunned again in the next second.

In Bentley, the only one who can help these refugees is the First Army.

At this time, the movement outside was getting louder and louder, and the roar of "rumbling" was already close at hand, as if it was outside the car.

The vibration of the ground made the car tremble slightly.

In addition to the huge roar, the footsteps of "Zhengzheng" were also heard.

"Boom! Boom!"

At this time, the heavy car door was knocked suddenly.

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