Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1035: Choice

"My lord! This is crazy. Once Voda City has an energy shock, we will be the first to bear the brunt. Do you want us to bury Voda City?"

A ten thousand captain stood up and looked at Kenof with his eyes full of disbelief.

This is crazy, crazy and unacceptable.

Once the energy shock erupts in Voda City, let alone Voda City, the entire Bentley nation will be affected.

"My lord! Please consider it carefully."

"Yes, my lord, although Voda City is facing a desperate situation now, we still have another way to go, this way we can't go."

For the crazy behavior of Genov, the princes expressed their opposition for the first time.

Although they will carry out the orders to Kenof.

Even though they were extremely opposed to the order to expel civilians from the city, they eventually obeyed it.

But in this matter, they cannot accept it anyway.

The generals' opposition was expected by Genov, but such a fierce response still surprised Genov.

With a slight wave of his hand, Genov suppressed the words of the princes.

Facing that pair of complex eyes, Kenof said calmly: "The reason why I called you tonight is to leave you a way out. Before dawn, you can leave, as far as possible."

go away?

Leave Voda City?

The captains looked at each other, although they were a little surprised, their expressions were much more relaxed.

"What about the soldiers? What should they do?"

This question speaks of all the things that the captain cares about.

In today's Voda City, in addition to one hundred thousand sergeants, there are more than one hundred thousand soldiers' family members. Are they all abandoned?

Kenofer's expression was slightly dark, with a warning tone: "This matter, I know, you know, no one is allowed to spread the word, if anyone dares to violate the order, don't blame me for being inhuman."

Genov's warning silenced the ten thousand chiefs.

They understand that the current Commander Genover is fully prepared, and even if they object, it will have no effect, but will bring danger to themselves.

At this moment, the abnormal change emerged.

One of the guards on duty at the door became very excited.

He looked terrified, rather disturbed.

His hands were shaking, and he pointed the gun at Genov.

He looked grimly and said: "No! You can't do this, for the sake of my family, I will never allow you to do this."

"What are you doing? Put down your gun!"

This scene changed the expressions of the other guards, and they pointed their guns at the rebels.

But it was too late, when Kenof's expression changed drastically, he pulled the trigger.

"Bang! Bang!"

Two crisp gunshots suddenly sounded in the conference room. Accompanied by the flames, two blood holes appeared in Kenofer.

"Bang! Bang!"

The loyal guard fired, and countless bullets hit the rebel under the spit of flames.

The rebel with several shots in his body fell helplessly in a pool of blood.


The door of the conference room was kicked open, and guards who heard gunshots rushed in.

The sudden change in the situation caused chaos in the meeting room for a day.

Commander Genover was wounded by his own guards.

"Quick, summon the doctor immediately, sir, are you okay?"

With a weak wave of his hand, Kenofer held his chest and raised his head.

He shook his head in response to the concerns of the loyal guards around him, and looked at the ten thousand chiefs who looked responsible.

The red blood had stained his chest, and the difficulty of breathing made Genoff know that he was no longer good.

"Go! Go all, the farther you go, the better."

For the captains, this sentence is undoubtedly a pardon.

A pardon that allows them to ensure their safety.

Without saying much, the captains stood up, and neatly bowed their **** to Genov.

Then the silence left.

Many captains cast grateful eyes on the corpse on the ground.

Although he died, his actions undoubtedly saved more people.

"grown ups……"

Looking at Kenof on the main seat, his expression was very complicated.

As the highest officer of the Guards, Feder understood that his road in Voda City was almost at an end.

Holding his chest, Kenofer stood up with difficulty.

He rejected Feder’s support and said weakly: "Prepare a car and send me to the airport, and then you can go. For many years, except for Nuliang, only you have been the most loyal. This last part of the road is up to you. Walk with me."


The late-night parliament caused an unexpected change.

In this event, the tranquility of Voda City disappeared and became chaotic.

The soldiers who had guarded the city wall ran away in a panic in the same direction in the city, where their family members lived in that direction.

On the guard wall of the north gate and the port, a white flag was even raised.

Under the illumination of multiple beams of light, the white flag in the dark night is so conspicuous, floating in the night sky.

The abnormality from Voda City was discovered by the First Army in the first time.

The First Army did not know what happened in Voda City. In the middle of the night, the actions of Voda City made the First Army very puzzled.

However, due to the anomaly in the city of Voda, whether it was the fleet on the sea or the army outside the north gate, the First Army quickly took action and was ready for battle.

When Voda City was in chaos, Genov also arrived at the airport.

"Let's go! This is your last chance."

As he entered the elevator, Genov waved his hand to Feid outside.

The weakness on his face was even more dangerous, and the blood in his chest almost stained the entire upper body.

Although he was seriously injured, Kenof's eyes were still full of determination and madness.

Feder stopped, and when the elevator doors closed, he finally bowed his chest to Genov in the elevator.

As the elevator doors closed, the madness on Kenof's face increased.

When Kenof left the elevator, the airport was empty.

No, it should be said that there was only one person. Although it was empty at a glance, Kenofer saw a figure in front of the metal platform on the dock.

That is Nu Liang.

When Kenof looked at him, Nu Liang also looked back at the person who came because of the footsteps.

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