Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1036: Evacuation

"grown ups?"

When it was discovered that the person who came was Kenof, Nu Liang was obviously surprised.

The appearance of Kenofer who was seriously injured made Nu Liang even more surprised.

Commander Genover was actually injured?

Who hurt him?

Could it be that the First Army has already attacked the city?

"Are you still there?"

Holding his chest, Kenofer staggered to the front of the metal platform, and sat weakly against the edge of the platform.

He weakly said: "I'm not good anymore. I will do this last step."

Seeing the pale and feeble Kenof under him, Nu Liang opened his mouth slightly, and finally did not say what he wanted to say.

He just squatted down and handed a mechanical control panel to Genov.

"It's all set up. Just press the button on the control panel and the pulse device will start to operate. At that time, you can see what you want to see."

Laughing at himself, Genov took over the mechanical control panel from Nuliang.

Looking at the mechanical board that determines life and death in his hand, Genov sighed and said: "I have been running for power in my life. In the end, although I got everything I wanted, it ended up with nothing. This may be fate. Right."

"My lord! You still have the right to choose."

"I know what you want to say, but I won't give up. I have enough sins in this body, and I don't care more. The hatred in my heart, the resentment in my heart, if I can't vent it, I will die."

With a weak wave of his hand, Kenofer said: "Let's go! While I still have time, go as far as possible, I will delay it to the end, it is my reward for those loyal soldiers."

That's the end of the matter, it's useless to say more.

This is Genov's decision, and Nu Liang can only respect it.

Taking a light step, Nu Liang left the dock, and his figure quickly disappeared in the airport.

With Nuliang's departure, Kenofer was the only one left on the huge pier.

The wind was whistling, and the sound of "whooping" was the only sound that could be heard on the dock.

The weather tonight is fairly good. Although the sky is densely covered with clouds, a ray of moonlight also shines on the earth.

At this time, Voda City was brightly lit and chaotic, but Kenof in the airport couldn't feel it. Except for the sound of the wind, the huge pier had become very quiet.

Genov is waiting, waiting for the arrival of the last moment.

From time to early morning, the sudden chaos in Voda City also affected the Dark Iron Warriors who entered the city to perform tasks.

For some reason, the streets in the city were full of soldiers running. They dragged their homes, and trucks roared past the streets.

For the Dark Iron Warriors, their covert operations were disrupted.

At this time, the Dark Iron Warriors entering the city were divided into three, and they were in charge of searching for three possible places to install Pulse.

"The enemy's purpose has been very clear. The soldiers who are fleeing in Voda City are the biggest proof. Quickly, immediately urge the Dark Iron Warriors in the city. In any case, the enemy's crazy behavior must be prevented, and the impulse device must be destroyed."

In the forest outside the north gate of Voda City, following the riots in Voda City, the military use of the First Army outside the north gate also entered a wartime state.

The originally dark forest has become brightly lit. On the highway, the roar of the engine has sounded, accompanied by the shaking metal figures.

In the camps of the temporary command room, sergeants at all levels are also intensively deploying operations.

"What should the soldiers who fled the city of Voda do? The white flag has been raised on the wall."

"It's okay. The North Gate is the only exit on the land. Immediately send an army to the bridgehead outside the North Gate to maintain order. Remember, since they have raised the white flag, they are the captives of the First Legion and are treated as prisoners. "

"Also, immediately order the fleet outside the port to send a small number of warships into the port to maintain order in the port."


In Voda City, on land, except for the North Gate, it is the South Gate.

But the South Gate leads to the coast to the south, and soldiers and civilians evacuated from Voda City would never choose this route.

Only by leaving the north gate can you reach the nearest city of Bawei.

Except for the evacuation route of the north gate on the land, only the evacuation by sea is available.

Therefore, the First Army must also be in control of the port of Voda City.

The sergeants in the command post understood that the change in Voda City tonight was a large-scale evacuation operation.

Although the cause and process of this commotion were unknown, the masters knew what would happen as a result and the enemy's purpose.

They must be prepared for the worst.

"Quick, evacuate immediately, we must leave here."

In the dark, at the north gate of Voda City, more and more soldiers arrived at the north gate with their families and their mouths.

The streets inside the north gate are full of crowds and vehicles.

They come from different troops and belong to different captains, so the order is slightly chaotic.

In the chaos, the soldiers garrisoned at the city gate finally got the order of their boss.

Amidst the sound of "creaking, creaking" metal, the huge gate slowly opened.

Among the "noisy" voices, the horn on the city wall also sounded someone's words.

"For your personal safety, please leave the city in an orderly manner. Note that this is an unconditional surrender. No one is allowed to conflict with the First Army. After leaving the city, all follow the arrangements of the First Army."

Whether the crowd cares about the sound in the horn is not something outsiders can know.

For the soldiers and civilians in the city, the most they want to do is to leave Voda City.

Although many people in the crowd did not know why they had to leave Voda City, the atmosphere of Voda City made them feel a little unusual.

The instinctive sense of crisis urges them to leave the dangerous place as soon as possible.

Amid the roar of the "rumbling" engine, a huge flow of people gushed out of Voda City again.

The only difference is that compared to the last time. The people who left the city this time are safe.

They will not be threatened by the polluting beasts in the forest, because there is an army of the First Legion in the forest.

When the north gate of Voda City opened, at the other end of the bridge outside the city, a unit of the First Army had arrived.

On both sides of the road, on the banks of the river, there were hammer tanks and sickle mechas.

Countless lights shone from the armored machinery, almost illuminating the entire bridge deck.

Under the illumination of the light, a huge flow of people flooded the bridge.

Amid the roar of the "rumbling" engine, the flow of people and vehicles shuttled past the bridgehead controlled by the First Army and poured into the forest behind.

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