Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1060: Someone comes from afar

Speaking slightly, Li Meng said to Sakuya beside him: "In the future, the death sect is the state religion of the First Army. Although the country has not been established, the sect will develop first. Tell Natasha and let her send personnel to Bentley. The monastery, the monastery does not spread the doctrine, adopting female orphans and nurturing them is the main responsibility. In addition, establishing a loyalty academy, adopting male orphans, and teaching them. In the future, these children will be an indispensable force in the First Army."

Light and darkness represent different polarizations.

Although the human heart yearns for light, darkness is essential.

In the future, the empire will implement a policy of iron and blood, and only darkness can set off the empire's determination.

Only the law of darkness can make humans go further in the endless universe.

Some things are already destined, and what Li Meng has to do is to realize it step by step.

After thinking about it, Li Meng said again: "The monastery puts the nuns in charge. As for the Loyalty Heir College... leave it to the ghouls. They can speak good ways, and it is most appropriate to leave them to them."

Sakiya was unexpected for this sudden decision of His Highness.

However, whether it is a monastery or a Faithful Academy, it is a matter of time for the current First Legion to be established. Since it is the request of His Highness, Sakiya will certainly not deny it.

Nodding lightly, Sakuya said: "Understood! I will inform General Natasha later, those orphans, the First Army will also make some arrangements."

Sakiya knows your highness's mind.

With this intention, the death sect has taken a step forward.

All along, the development of the sect, the First Army has been slowly proceeding internally.

The doctrine was not spread to the people of the territory.

As the first legion's territory grows larger, this situation will be changed, and the development of the death sect can also be put on the agenda.

At this time, Zheng Zheng's footsteps suddenly sounded.

The chief sergeant, who was waiting by the car, came and hurried to Sakiya for some reason, reporting something.

When he heard the news reported by the Chief Sergeant, Sakiya looked surprised.

"When did this happen?"

The Chief Sergeant whispered: "About an hour ago, the post was sent by soldiers patrolling the port. Because they were not sure of the truth of this matter, the soldiers did not make any claims, so they reported to General Natasha. The reply is for us to ask you, General Sakiya."

It turned out to be like this...

Sakuya understood.

About them, Natasha did not know.

After all, General Natasha has been away from His Highness for more than half a year, and there are some things that Natasha does not know.

Nodding lightly, Sakuya said: "I understand! Wait."


The sergeant responded softly, took a step back, and waited quietly.

Sakiya looked at His Royal Highness.

"What happened?"

How could Li Meng not hear the conversation between Sakuya and the sergeant.

However, because the voice was too low, Li Meng didn't know what they were talking about.

When Sakuya looked at him again, Li Meng turned around and asked.

Regarding His Highness's gaze, Sakuya's expression was very calm, and she whispered softly: "It is Princess Gunia from the Kingdom of Austria. They want to visit His Highness, and they have already given a greeting card."

"It's them..."

Li Meng's expression was a little surprised. He didn't expect to meet them at this time and place.

Calculating the time, most of the time has passed, and I don't know whether their journey went smoothly.

As for why they knew they were in Marani City, Li Meng didn't think much about this.

There are many people in the port, maybe they happened to see it when they landed yesterday.

Li Meng thought of Teresa. After so long, that girl should be another year older.

There is also the quirky girl of Dinessa. I wonder if this trip to "Kyoto" made her more honest.

"Since it's a visit, of course you can't be rude, send someone to the military government!"

It just so happened that these few days have been quite leisurely, they came, but they can let Li Meng pass some time.

After receiving clear instructions, Sakuya said to the waiting sergeant: "Go! Let them be taken to the commander's mansion."


The sergeant who had been ordered to retreat quickly, he will announce this order.

When a guest came from afar, Li Meng didn't have the mood to continue wandering.

Withdrawing his gaze from a distance, Li Meng said to the women beside him: "Let's go! Let's go back too."

After speaking, Li Meng left the battlements and walked to the convoy.

A few women followed behind him silently.

Compared to the hardship when I came, the way back is much easier.

The sparsely populated suburbs also increased the speed of the team a bit.

In less than an hour, the convoy returned to the courtyard of the commander's mansion.

When Li Meng got out of the car, he saw Qin Qian and Pasha waiting on the side of the road.

They did not follow this trip, but stayed in the military government.

There are always some people in the huge military government, and they can't all leave.

When the group walked towards the commander’s mansion, Sakuya said to Kynqian and Pasha: “Wait a moment here, the guests are coming soon. After they arrive, take them to the welcome hall.


The two women responded in unison.

After entering the military government, walking in the long corridor, Sakuya said to Shayue and Saya: "The preparations for the banquet are left to you, go!"


After softly responding, the two women's footsteps turned slightly, and at a fork, they left in the other direction.

At this time, Wendy and Sakuya were the only ones who stayed with Li Meng.

While following His Highness, Sakuya said: "Your Highness! Go back to your room and clean up!"

At this moment, Sakuya is like an experienced old housekeeper, organizing a night banquet in an orderly manner.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said, "Listen to you, let's go back to the room."

Just as Li Meng was preparing for the Commander’s Mansion, in the city, the convoy of Gunia and the three had left the city and entered the outskirts, and was advancing towards the hill where the Commander’s Mansion was located.

The convoy consisted of three vehicles, a black car, and two military armed assault vehicles.

In the black car, the passengers who were visiting Li Meng this time took the ride.

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