Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1061: comfort

Behind the black car window, there are a large, two and three figures. They are wearing exquisite and gorgeous long skirts. The large ones look quite noble, while the small ones are lovely and gratifying.

With her small legs swayed lightly, Dinessa on the seat looked very restless.

Her little head looked around, looked at this, touched that, and seemed surprised at everything in the car.

"Sister Gunia! This car is really comfortable to sit in, much more comfortable than the Wang's courtesy car."

Whether it's the decoration in the car, or the smoothness of the car when driving, it is surprising to Dinessa.

Because even in Kyoto, a vehicle with amazing comfort like this does not exist.

Gu Niya was rather helpless about Dinessa's anxiety.

She could only knock on Dinessa’s small head, and in the face of Dinessa holding her head, pouting, and aggrieved, she said helplessly: "Okay, you can settle down, we will be there soon. Learn more from Teresa and see how my sister does."

Teresa on the side saw Sister Gunia talking about herself, and facing Dinessa's unconvincing gaze, she smiled sweetly and said nothing.

No matter how long the road is, there is an end. After half an hour, the convoy arrived at the military government.

Leaving the car, looking at the military government in front of her, Dinessa's eyes were very strange.

Although in terms of scale, the building in front of you is far inferior to the royal palace of the Kingdom of Austria, but its unique style makes people shine.

"What a pretty lady!"

The two slender figures oncoming made Dinessa couldn't help but cast her eyes.

Even if she was always lively, she couldn't help muttering in her heart when she saw their delicate faces.

"Please come with me, the master is waiting for you!"

Qin Qian and Pasha knew about these three people.

Although there is only one side, the faces of the three are also remembered in their hearts.

With a slight smile, Gu Niya nodded and said: "I'm tired of it!"

Subsequently, under the leadership of Qin Qian and Pasha, the group entered the military government.

Walking in the long corridor, the three of them carefully observed the layout of the mansion.

Especially Dinessa, who was looking around while walking, hadn't been for Gunia to hold her hand, I'm afraid she would have been running around long ago.

The so-called welcoming hall is just a relatively large room.

Not far from the gate of the military government, within a hundred meters, Qin Qian and Pasha led the guests into the welcome hall.

At this time, Li Meng had been waiting for a while in the welcome hall.

When several slender figures stepped into the door, Li Meng's eyes suddenly lit up while sitting on the main seat.

"Master! The guest is here!"

In the hall, Qin Qian and Pasha stopped and whispered to Li Meng who was on the main seat.

Nodding lightly, Li Meng said, "Go!"

In Li Meng's gesture, Qin Qian and Pasha retreated, turned and left the hall.

After the two women left, Li Meng focused his eyes on the large and two small figures.

With a slight smile, Li Mengyang pointed his hand to the seat next to him, and said, "Sit down!"

Gunia was not polite, and took her two younger sisters to sit down on the soft sofa next to her.

Facing this moment, even the lively Dinessa calmed down and sat honestly beside Gunya.

Those little eyes kept peeking at Li Meng on the main seat, and they looked very cute.

But Teresa, who thinks about being quiet, seemed very bold, she just looked at Li Meng on the main seat so quietly.

Even when Li Meng looked at her, she did not avoid it.

Glancing at the three of them, Li Meng's gaze can be said to be unavoidable.

Facing Li Meng's gaze, the seemingly substantial gaze flicked over her body, which made Gu Niya quite awkward, her face slightly rosy.

Fortunately, Li Meng's eyes didn't last long, and he took it back in a moment.

With an appreciative gaze, Li Meng smiled and said: "It's true that people rely on clothes. Compared with the feeling I gave me last time, Princess Gunia is beautiful and moving this time."

This is not a lie. With the gorgeous and exquisite princess dress set off, this time Gunia is not only beautiful, but also has a noble temperament.

For Li Meng’s compliment, Gu Niya smiled slightly and said very elegantly: "Your excellency praised it, please don't blame it for being rude last time."

Shaking his head lightly, Li Meng said, "Although beautiful clothes can set off a person's temperament, simple dress also has another kind of beauty. It is far from being rude."

In the ensuing time, the conversation between the two can be said to be very happy.

I didn't talk about business, just like a friend I haven't seen for a long time, just chatting.

Your sentence, my unnutritious conversation, made Dinessa, who was sitting quietly by the side, quite boring.

Those little eyes looked at Gu Niya for a while, and then at Li Meng again, without knowing what was thinking.

"Calculating the time, half a year has passed since the last meeting. The trip to Kyoto must have been smooth, right?"

After talking, the topic finally returned to normal.

Kuniya shook her head slightly, the smile on her face disappeared, and she said very disappointed: "Some things can be done, some things can't be done, for the things that can't be done, we can only return to the Kingdom of Austria. , Think of another way."

It seems that this trip to "Kyoto" is not going well. If it goes well, Gunia will not have that look on her face.

Regarding Kuniya’s loss, Li Meng comforted: “No matter how difficult things are, as long as you work hard to solve them, you will always get what you want. Although I don’t know the situation of the Kingdom of Austria, the survival of a country is a major matter. It's hard for you to leave it to you completely."

For Li Meng's comfort, Gu Niya was silent.

Yes, for many years, she has been running around in order for the Kingdom of Austria to survive.

As a woman, she has no idea how many difficult things to choose.

It has been nearly ten years since I was young.

These ten years are the most precious ten years for women.

But in these precious ten years, what has she done?

She has "for the country" loyalty, but she has achieved nothing.

With her efforts, the kingdom's fate has not been changed, it is still declining bit by bit, just waiting for the day of fall.

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